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T., A. A. & N. R. R.

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Messrs. Dololass, Turrr, auil of the Toledo, Ann Albor aud Northcru Kiiüroad board, have retunu-d from Baltifeore, to wh'.ch city W8 bricTy st&ted Ia our last Issue tliey liad gone to look after the iuterestw of the road. We are ndviecl tliat they briug home a favorable report und hopeil to bc able to spread It befort our readers in detail to-day, but it haï uot ben fuinislicd ns. We anderstand that they were well received by Mr. GUUBBTT, President of the Baltimore and Ohio Hailroad, and tliat tliat gentleman irmde Ihera - in connection with a couuuittce of gentlemen represen linjf the line from Toledo soutli- ft deflnit proposition, tomethlDg ükr thii : Tliat his coinpany would subscribe f 100,000 to the stock ol the two coinpanios - sir.le r Consolidated ; tliat ïf, with eucli $100,000, steek enough is procured a'ouc the line, or eisewhere, to huif grade, tic, and i ron the road, the U. & O. Compauy would place the bonds of the com pañíes and raise the woney to complete the work ; aud then stock and run the road at the usual rates estabüshed by railrond companies. Thls proposition vvill require additional stock to be subscribed between thls and the State line of say $:5O,OO0, will prevent the stock or road from being gobbled lip, will leave the in the control of our vjvh pcople, and wlll fuinish close running: and business coiriections with oneof tlie strongest roads iu the country, a road giving the cheapest freiglits and furnishiiig the best facilltleg foi' transportation, either to the seaboard eities or foreign markets. It 1 the best proposition yet made, aud there ought to bc no diülculty u gettiug the stock ininiediately taken, so tliat work may be actlvely commonced In the eariy spring. More next week.


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Michigan Argus