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Legislative Visit

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The SeniiteCommittee on Public Instruction aud the House Conimilteu on Educm tlon, or twoof the former Messrs. Stokks oi the 30th district anti Gat of the 22d, and the whole of tlie latter, Messrs. Juant of this city, Adahb of Geuesee, Crofoot of Livingston, Hughes, of Eaton, and Hart of Ingham, visited our city on Wednesday amV made a (lay of it, exainiiiinjr into llie condition, capc!ty, needs and afluirá gen eraily of the Uuiversity. The commlttees ere also accompanted by Ifeasn. Holt and Fentox of the W'ayg and Means Commlttee of the House, aud Supt. Hosfokd, and several of the gentlemen Accoinpanitid by thelr wives. At 11 o'clock ail the students of the severa! departineutu - or tliat email portion of them which could get "In the pack' - were eouvened la tlie law lecture room - the largcsl room on the grouuds - wliere they were briefly addressed by Messrs. Gua.nt, Stuurs, ADAMs.and Supt. Hosfokd, toucliing tlie subject matter of the visit. The afternoon was given to an examina tlon of tlie several buildings, and in the vening Prof. Watsox's lecture was attend ed, the Observatory visited, aud a reception enjoyed at the residence of Dr. DougLA8S. - We should have said that t!ic after noon train froni the est bronght sevoral other ïejjlslators, memben of the Committee on State Prison and olher public institutions, among wliom we noticed Senators Ball, Cravatii, Dkxter, Xeasmitii, and Rakdall, and Rcpreseutatirus Adam, R J. GnAXT, FeURIS, CtlAMUERLAIX, HoYT, Williams, Gkeex, and Wkbstkr, who participated in the iiivestigatious of the eveulng. - Presuniing tliat these members mnst recognize the difiicully of ïnaking brick wilhout strnw, we shall hope for a favorable report followed by liberal actiou on the part of the Lcglslaturu. T!ie Qermons of this city oelebrated the fall o.' Paris Monduy evcning, by a torchlight procession, flre-works, illumiuations. and a meeting at the Court House, with speeches, vocal and Instrumental oíosle, etc. The meeting was preslded over by Fhed. Scumid, Jr., and addressed by Rev. E. Baueii, D. Cuambr, Esq., Aua Widbnmann, Esq., and Hon. E. HÁmr. Great euthusiasm pre valled. If the fall of Paris indicates the end of the war our Gtrinan citizens have great reason to rejoice. - Iu this connectlan we give place to the following, and conunend it tothose wbo have stored upau abuudance of the desircd artielcs: In consequence of n cali receivcd from Europe for dried fruit for the use of the wounded soldiers, the ladies of the Germán Lutlicran Bewlog Society have at once resolved to commencc active work lor the coüectlon of dried applcs and othcr fruit. Tlicy liuve dlatrlboted the work luto distrlcts, anJ will cali on persous of all nationalltles as follows : Mrs. Rettich and Bclileichcr In the city ; Mrs. Wldenmann in Pittsfleld; Mrs. liohr on the Dexter and Territorial Roads ; Mrs. Keek on the Eber Wli i te road and west thcreof towards Lodi ; Mrs.Osiander on the Dixboro road ; Miss Wideiimann on the North Dexter road ; Miss Scliuniaclier OD the Whitmore Lake and Geo. Sutton roada. Tlie M. E. Church was crowded lo its utmost 'capacity on Wedue.sday eveuing, and mauy were unable to flnd a itandlng place or even get in. The occasion was a lecture by Prof. Watson, iu the University course, in which the public WCT promised the resul t of bis observations in Europe. - Prof. Watson opeued with a reference to soine of the most noted eclipses of the sun, spokc of what had been determined by observations of them, and what it was yet hoped to determine, and then gsve a running account of what he saw during his recent trip through Europe, en route to Sicily, where he observed the total[eclipse, and espccially what Ue observed at Oxford, Leipsic, Berliu, aud the seats of the great Universities. It was full of interest, and must have opencd the eyes of the legislators present to the fact that Michigaü Uni versity s doiug a larger work with a very little money, and that it is expected to "bore a big hole with too small an augur." Prof. W. promises another lecture - especially upon the eclipse - to be illustrated by apparatus. ii - i The followiug itetn ia elipped from the Detroit l'ribune of Tucsday : The New York papers contain despatches announcing that President Angelí, of the Vermont Uni vorsity, lias receWed tlit.' Hppoiiitnient of President of our Btate University and has accepted the same. This so accords with all the glvlngs-out from autliorltative sonrees iu this State, that we have ho doubt it Is tiie fact. As BClCh, it gives occasion lor hearty congratulatlons And this fl'ora the Free Piest of Wednesday : It Is no'.v anderstood that President Angelí, of Vermont Universitv, has accept cl Uie appoinlnient of President of the Michigan University. Our Detroit cotemporaries are, without doubt, premature iu this aunouucement. But "where there is so mucli smoke there must be someflre," and President Asokli. inay be the coming man. We shall probably be ableto report dcönitcly next week, as the. Regenta aru to meet on Tucsday vcnlujf. Tbe Advance bas entered on tiie lourth year of its existence ondel most favorable ancplcea. lts popularitj lias lucreased with" eacli year, and It now stands in tlio front rank of American rellglous journals. ït is ablo, camild, and Independent in its editorial, fnll and fireshin itsChnrch News of all denominations, vcry attractlve in lts Cblldreu'l Department : in fact it embraces In lts columns - Agricultura!, Scientlflc, Commercial, and Llterary- a complete suinmary of curmit news oí the day, which wilh correspondonce irora all parts of the globe, make it one of the most complete and attractlve family papers ever publlshcrs. Among its premiums It 3 now offciing the Advance Chromo of Henry Wnrd Beecber for every three new üubscrlptions. The Advance Company of Chicago are pubüshers. If you wish to hear the woraira qiicition discussed íroin a truc womanly stand point, go and hetr Miss Edoauto, at the M. E. Chureh, to rr.orrow cvening, in the 8. L. A. course. Bhe in reponed a beautlful vroman, not yet unaexcd cither in action or notions, aud a fine lectnrer. Intkbnal Revsnue Commissioner PlIA8ARTOl is said to have involved himself in-pUatanl-y in urging the repoal of the inoome tax Bgoinst tbe wishes of BucxwELL. II ia removal ia rumored. Gbaxt bas "gigged back on him" aa he did on President Johnson. Sidney Ci.ark was the Grant candidale for Senator from Kansas, but eharod the fatc of Senator Tiiaïer of N'ebraka - was beaten. Tbe endorse ment of Grant in ods's pocket seemg to indícate being etruck with the dry rot ir sonse other calamily. A few years since onc ol the clerks iu a prominent banking lioue of Albany, hiiving had an intiuia'i' n ihat it was proposed to dispense with his services, boldly entered llie private office of the President aud said : " Mr. President, I havo made up my roind tbat the iütereuts of r his bank require that eitheryou ur myself shonld leave i's service. Ai you are the leading owner of the bank, nml liíivo a lnrge family tl) suppart, I liave concluded to leave jou in your posilion, tind retire myeelf !'' Tbe young man " retired." A bilí is to be introduoed into tbe New York Legislature at an early day providing for the compulsory educaiion of all children between the age of sis and sisteen years. It prescribes a punishtnent for suob children as aro between the ages named who fail to attend day schoolt) - public, private, or duuomiutttional.


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