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Ni n VoitK, Jan. 31, 1871. Gold luts been active and stront, and has odvanced iluring the last two days l-lc, oloÚDg strong at 1113%. The money market is easy at 4O5 per cent., being Ichs han last Gorenunent Moaritiea are active, and uaong thc jrominent buyers are some Germán housea. Loans are made % to 5 per cent., wMch is a littlc advanee. The stook mnrket in rnilmad shurcn i heavy and unscttlcíl. Flour opened firm nud closod dull ut an ad vanee wliich has been sleadíly gainíng for two weeks. Wheat stoady. Midiipm white li2 ; white western Hoor, 7.-10 ' 7.85 ; shipping grades , $6.S5@7.10. The grain inarket is improvod in a inarked degree. - Whilc it is ahvavs the object of thette market reporte :o give feote, leaving those intorested to draw their own conclusions, it has neverthcless been thoughl nJEe from time to time to btrongly intjmate a belief that tetter priees would rule than those prevailing during the fall. The retnilt verified this view the ca&e. Kiutly in Octuber thc Livepool market began to ndvanee, and although it has remained stntionery at time-, it has lost nothinir, whih; withiu the past two weeks it lias advanced ïiharply. "Whcat is now worth 2a to 2b 2d more per 100 lbs., in Liverpool than it was on Oct. Ist. This is nbout 20@ 22c per bushel. The market h(;re is fully that much bttter, and on some grades (onsiderably more. At the west the improvement is Icsm, tay 17@2Oc., owing to the higher ratea of freight V'tweeu thc west nnd thc Bcaboartl, as eompared with the season of wait-r navijiation. The next six weeks wiil sce the ice embargo on naviifation reiiKived, and consequent chfjjHr tuinfqxïrtation. The armiístico and proiective ])eace at VtCria ínstead of wcakeuing prices, bas strengthenel them, and a definwill uLso bc favorable to cheaper ocean rates. Thc last Üuee days the roooipt of wheat at Liverpool wa 7,500 bu., all of which was American. Detroit, Feb. 1. During the week there has been a good dogreo of inttiiv-i in thc rlour and whcat m:irkei, with an advance . . on all graden of whoat. Thua far, thia weck, there is not no much deinand, and no new featurep, although the market is firm. Rtrictly choice brandü are in good demand at f7. Wheat, yestcrday, in thc abMna of excitement in other markets, declined 1l'2v K.T buslicl, Buyen fcel thc decline is but tempornry, althongh bolden httn boen frccly dinposing of Btock. No. 1 white and TreadwU atmaá at IAH&IA2. Extra iri held at 1.6Í1.0t. Amber, L41. Cörn is ■ uu ;iilvancc of 3c. Oats&re at Üurley tstron at 1 .70. Draaiod hOgB nr duli, with few anxious to buy at the prr.-y-nt rates, whioh arq il aboro thoM "! aveekago. Chtrioe ïOÜ buttor is in wnl dein ,:,-i t lel ■'■..:■ 1 ■■; ' 1 .ulily. 1 , . 1,i„ :[■■■■- oommon ate ouoted at 8.AO(3 L0.0O. Applee plenty al 3.303-3.50 oa tnesti-eet. l'otatocó, ia luir di.inaii'.l ut 854&9Q I'uulfrj advanoed Calc. per Ib., chiclcenfl. lio., turteya, löc The oattle murk'C wum v-t y active, and the y:n-is w. ].■ ! aied at Bhoi ' 1 ftU, and an advance of 23c per hundred. A utate of atnüin quite anexpectod to arovers in view of the lianl market of the preceding '.veck. They wr-nt off fin a rush wliich will probably reduco pricea next m 8Ü&


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Michigan Argus