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COTICE. ALL persons indebicd to J. II. Lund are ven rcspectlullv requestcd to V"Y lhe f' "lP b the 15th ol October next. „U . Ann Arhor, Aug 20,845. 2G-3w Whcat Wanted ! ! ANY qunut.tyof WHKAT wanted by lh Subscr.bera. for whicli Crf, {joods,, Hnd bouk accounis, wlll be gkdlv "S!LUiND & McCOLLUM. Ann Arbor, Aug. L0, 1S4Ó. 2ï8-4v Quit Claim Decds 1"UST i'imted and lor sale ai this office. Travel ing Baskets, LA Dl BS' C.rpet ÍSuga. StrèW nnd C'oneBngs. for.nleby W. A. RAYMOJJD. üetrnii. May 9. Ka43. 213'6'"0 For Sale. AncwOnc Hoiso Ltmibcr Woggon, by BECKLKV, KOSTER &; CO. Aug 18, 1840. --0"CAN 'T BE BEAT ! THE sub&ctibcrs would inf nu rh'u Pubiio Ihai tlicy conti iiue to supply ilie State oí Miclitgun wiih L. B. WALKER'S PATENT 8 HUT 11AC1M1JYES. T-e hirge miinncrs ol Miichinea tiutt hnve beenaolJ, nnI the sre.'idily ncreiiMiigdeinancl for ilioni. is ihe best evidence ol iheir renl vilue, and of thcir esiimation with those who have become Inuiü: r with 'hfir nieriis. Wai.kjs'i's SrrUt Ma hiri is superior to oihers in tile íóHwií)g p.iriicnlnrs: 1. Ah it combine tiie Beaiing, S'-ourin%, nnd Blouiug Puticiple, it tve.'KiS lita frninesi { ■ruin in the best n.n:iner. retaining aü the fnc iiin of the whcnt, ;ind riischaraint? thasmütond dustns fust ns bepnraied fiom the whjMb 2. It is simple in conslrt.rfion. aml is t'.ierefore Ifes liabie to Kcorr.e dernngfcd, onii coes ess lor rep;iirö. 3 Ii runs with liltle p'iwer. 4. It runs ve.y Ught, and is perfectly secure from fire. 5. It id as durable as any olhcr Machine in uw. 6 It cosiR considernbiy th in other kind? These important points or difiernce lnvr giv en this Machine ihe preference with who have íairly iricd it. Amon? a lurce nurnbor of Gentlemen in ihe Milling Businoss who uúuht be nanied, the followjng have used ihe Mnchinw, anlcert'fied to iheir exceliency and superiuiii) : M. N. Ho.vAnn, Pontinc. Mich. K. F. Cook. Rochos:er, do E. R. Danfoktk. Moson, do M. F. Fkink, Bronch. do H. II. Comstock. Comsiock. d. Referentes may also be hnd o John Bacok, Auburn, Mich. W. Rvok. do do I). C. Rock, do Johs Phips, Monroe, do ff. Dousman, do do A. Bkach. VVnterloo. do All orders for Machines wil] be prorr.ptly nttended to. Adilress E. O. & A. CRITTONDON'. Ann Arbor, (I.ower Town) Wah. Co. Mich. Aus. 24, 18455:2G-ly C. BR1NCKEUHOFFSA remarkable anú singular attcsiation hns juet been made by an eminent nienibcr of t'..o Medical Kaculty. as to the cuiative power of C. Hrincken ofT's fleahh Ree;orative ín cases ot Conftiimplion. chromc Cqujjhö r.nd Coids. and Pain8 in theSideand Chcst. Thii gon ilema n furn íhes h3 patients wnli the Restoraiive, and rinds it abaolutdy nectssiry, os he never had nnv preecriptiun to produce the astonishing results real d by the use of the ReBturative This g=nileman stan6 atnong his medical brethren as one of llie most distinguished ol tbeir number, bis name is left with the prepritor for rel'erence Tlifcre is no doubt bul that in n few yenrs thc leadmg ;liV6cinns will prescribe this remedy. and thai afflicled patienrs will use it nnd liless the hhúr it w.19 niade known to theri! in. Beinga iruly fine herbal medicine it is cunaequent ly oí more importance. s every ono. feels safety while using it. fe n sen5e uf daner tisil he we'c iisins deleierious nunerale. Mr. N ilkes a respeciod merchant in New York, used the Re 8torativeand was cured wholly froni a dnngerous .cough nnd expectoraüon. l'he Editor ol tht Commercial Advertiser wiih an enrnest appeal commends it to the eonfidence of the eick. and nñeciingly calis on thern all to give it n fair tri.ii before relmquishins every hope. The followuií; certificate ia froni Dr. Chillón, the weit Known Ne York cliemist. "1 have nnalyzed a lotlle of medicine, cilled :C. Brinkerhoíi's fleahh Restorative.' and find that it does not contain Mercuiy, or any o'hei metallic preparation: nor opium in any of iis forms. It is composed of vegetable matter entrely " Jamxs Ft. Chiltoí, M. D. C. BRl-N'CKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Iíohacu Evkrett. General Agent. Principal Office í)fí Fludso stieet.N. Y. For sa'eby VV. S. fc J. W. Maynard. Asents. Aun Arbor. 226-4w,IN CHANCERY. SECOND CIKCCJIT: between Philip C. Johnson nnd oihers. Complainatus. and Stephen K. Jones and öihera Deiendnnte. IX pursuance and by virtue of n dncrpe of tbia Court, made in ibis cnM, I s'ki'I sell at public auction ni the Court House, in the villnseol Ann Arhor on the 28th day of Auguft next ni one chek in the iftcrnor.n ot that day ilie following descriled premises. 10 wit. nll that certain pirce or parcel of lnnd siiunte in the countyo Washtermv. nnd Stoie of Michigan, knnwn. houndcd and described as follnws. io wit: beins ihe Ensi ha! f of the South West quarter ol ppction nnmber ten in town two Soutii of Rancr six Kast. omaining Eighiy acres; be the same inore or Ies3. JAS. E. Pi. ATT. Maeter in Chancery. Mir.M & WlLsoic; Solicitorsfnr Complaiinnt. Daied? Ann Arbor. July 3d? 145. 6w220 The nbove sale is posponed until September 4th 18-15, at the same hour and plncft. .TAS. E. PLATT, Ma?'er in A112. 23. 1845Chancery.In Chanccry- 2a Circuit. Muthew N. Tillotson, Comploinant, vs Frcderick P. Townsenrf, Dcfendnnl. IN pnrsimnce of a decretal o der of ihe Court of Chancery. mnde in the above cause, wi.l (e siM imder the dircction of the suhscriber. at public nuction nt the front door of the Court Houso. in iho HágeoPAnm Arbor, in tbc conn-y of Washtenijr, on Saturdiy. the twentyihird dny of Ausrupt next nt ono n'chrk in intifternoon, of said day. i;a!l thnt oertatn tract or narctl of land sitúate in the town ot Superior, tn thecouniy óf Woshtenawand the Siate oí Michigan, vi?.: the west hnlt of ihe north wesl qunrter of sectió'n ninein town iwo souih in ranee seven cast in the Disirict of landoffercd tor sale at Det'rou, MTchigaa.;; N QQ. Mns'.er in Chancery. JnmesE. Tlatt. Solicitor fT Coml"i"nnt. Ann Arbor. June 30, 1845. 218-8 The nhnve tnle íp pwtponeá ntil Srpicinber i"?th IH45. at tho snme bmir !m jilnce. JOHN . GOTT, Mnster iñ Aug. 23, 1845. -'nceryWRÏGHT'S ANTI IXFLAMATOKY AND IIHEUMATc;:r. AN cfficiom remedy for Uheimmtism. Feyei Sotes. White Swelliups, Feloiw, Pnm reaknws in ihc Bark. Brenat, Ricfc r Urn b,, Chjlblaina. Lio . iid Looi nffoclions. Indolont Tumors. Spinal ffcctions" Inflamed Eyes, Ac. &Ü I M.nurpjj(ed in nll Im'lammntory IÍ8ea8. ciduT Cbrnoieor Acme. ns il .ipi-raies by couniernciinir nd rcludDK I.tflan.mniion. allnying Pnin. Swenring the partB affected, aml by is tircpgüwinDS and Ano Ilyiio propenies givittg &&. rcIief' Alsoinvalunble ns nu njjt mercurio I plJPricc 23 cenis po.r Box. For further porticulars, seecirculniiiii Pamphlnt . Forsnle at Moseley's Bookstore, Ann Arl.or. and J. T. Stocking. travelling agem lor Midugan. 16_]y "WOÖL! WOOL! Ofï fífíCí ' r Vo' Wattfi( by Hip jij )9JJ pubscribery for wlii'ih ihey vÜI pay the highest price in Cash orGn'ds. LUND & M'COLLUM. Ar.o Arbor, May lat, 1845. - 4Wright's Foor VfLan's PiJJs. A . Bxuetttfiu vwyetublt uiïniiy ivfculcwe, ifi Z'Y. cüit's ot Indigestión, Dvf-pfpKi, Lirer Omplatnia or J;iund;ue, Agu; nnü Fevtr, Coat(I Tongpei Sickntbs nt the Sioniach. Sick leodnclie. Remiiiant nnd Interniittent Feverfi, ogb Cohls, Cuciirli, êffi. &c Emirfcly veeiiMe, tbey oib emjihntK -nlly NATURE'S 'RIEffD, conducingir henhh and counicrnciing ibeaee by pBrKyina the ulimd, cieansins ilio yHlem of viiiated hunioro, removing obsirucons. siimulatinji tbe orgijns of georeiion?, niingii2 wiili ilie f'ind aml aciing evcrv way in harionv w'!i ibe system. For Infininriiory Ciscases eed n cinnection vith the 'Rlienmutic Juister' (hy will be found rcatly n ii-ri in the removol of üsenses for vhich the "Irsrer is nl've reconimf-nded. nnd nnicularly o ie ihey calculmed for all derangelents or the Díiípmivp nnd Bilinry Organs, the rimnry ori üin of a ni iilti ofditíeascs. Price - 95 centn n 50 cí-nts a Box. For Rale ai Moeely'e Boukstore nI by J. T. Siocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. 16-1 y Certificates. Woodstim;k. J.ciiHvee Co. Aug. 20, 1844. Frtwelve ye.irs J hnve bt-cn troublrd wuh a heumatic alfeciion in tri y back. so thot 1 hnvo ardly ever beïn freo froni pnin dur-ng the wholo i me : nd wiihin twelve hours after I had applied 3imp oi Wjighi's Rhouma'.ic Pluoter, I was perectly e.ity, nnd have had no pnin since. STEPHKNCARY. Jacksos Co .-Columbia, Aug. 20. 1844. This nuiy ceni.y that [ hnve used Wriyht's Pilis in my family in violent nttacks of chili and iiü'ius fever, and huve found them to bo tbebest Pilis that I 5ver used. and would reconimend every lainily to Leep them on hand. JAMES AWARTOUT. Thompson. Gcanga co., O.. April 28ih, IH44. Thi rriny teriily tliat I hnve u ed Wrighta' Poor Man's Pilis nnd Rheumniic Piaster in my prnctice, and would y t ) the public thal they can rely upon their recomiuendation with the utno6t confidence: in thort, they only need trying to rccumniend themeeives. Rkv. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. Loraine Co . Green. May 16, 184.Tliis rriay certiíy ibat 1 hnve u?et Wnhts Poor Man'fi Pilla in my practico, and'pnd thom tp bo one of. i Í not entiruly, llie best pill now in ,ise: and would rocommend every family to ieep theni on hand, especinlly thoj-e who live near low, marshy land. or mil] ponds, or in an uiiheahlir cümnte. _ JOSHUA BASCOMB. M. D. Without adding rnore testimony cf the efficacy 1 the obi)ve nientioned midicine. ve do not heeiiate to s.iy that we ore not nlraid to have iis yiriues lested by the side ol any other of ihe kind ever lias Leen i ff-refJ to an American public, and wewill let itewnd upon itsown meritB. Foi fiile at Moseley's Boukstore, Ann Arbor, By Kellog-' & Brothers. White Piireon, R. Williüu.s, Jr. fc Co.. Snutree Prairie, Simeón Gaget, Quincy. Bmnüi county. A. K. Hall. lo do '.. Blias, Jnmestown, Indiana, Kliaha Sitoer. Angula, do MdhS. Álfaion. Micliiunn, A. V. Mant, Ov R. Siblcy, Maishall. Mich. A. CallenJir. do do K. Pncker, Bntile Cieek, do ('. V. Vinircr, Gnloburgh, do Cnpt. Bruwn, Proirieville. do 1). H. Medwuod. Adriau, do Qunckenh(ii.s iii'l Hore, IVcaniaeh do A. Kowley. Jonesville, do ïl.Oilbnri Mum lifWtr. do W. IJ. PfiüciMin, Saline, do Hannoii .% Cook, Brooklyn. d I'ierre Teller. Wliolesale A-rcnt for Detroit. Gen. P. v rifjlu Co., ole popcieiiup Air tim ïhe United Sinscs and l(j;r and Lower Canada. All orü'erH and lni6Íncss etters lor the nreBcnt, mny be dirrctad to Geo. P. Wright, Culumbia P. O.. Jnckaon Co.. Mich. Tt is Ur alle bIso u Mnnto, Mj. flemen, Utica. Poutiac, and by Dubcip & Wnglit, Jtffur nents lor the State of Micliman.sosESSTBinro ktew. M USCO VETUS PILLs FOR THE CKRTAI.N AND PERMANKNT CORE OF FEVER AND AGÜE. ryiHE.SH pifia are prrpared by ib' distinnuished J_ F. KLIXG, M. D. of Jackson Mich. In ali af 'lie mnny c.ises in whicli lh?y livc heen uoed, liiey given the mst entire and perfect s-uis'acitm. The prop'ietor hazards nothing in -aying, ihnt ïliey nre ihe very best medicine in ihe world for the cure of the above nieniioned disense. Any qunntity of reconimiidaiions migliï bc pubüslied- as 6 the cusioni wirh m.iny - but thtit is considercd unnecessary One trinl will sniisiy the most incredulousof thcir srei: vine. The mnj irity of Medicine now in use nfford but a tempornry relief, nierely brenkini and checkiuíí the riüenst! lor a short time nnd preveniing ■ nly i esternfil appeerWioe, while inwardly it is stil 1 ra si na, thus cinsintr tnany oiher nialndya and punacquejiüy pro ving bigMy injurious, to fumre heatth. Ii ig the ilj'jrt in this instanrr, to pteent to t!ie puilic a Medicin'-entirely different iVoui tluti heretofore ofTercd. and one thnt will nol mcre'y chKCKTJH chm.i.s. but thnl vi!l eradicato ihe discase eotirely (rom ihe sysiein. IVarrantal (o effect a pc J 'et cuie i f the diredions aro strictly ' followeij. Dircciions nccompnny errry txx nn] no MupcQveUia Pilis nre genuioe withiut the rerutcn sitjnoiure of the invemer 'T. Küne." F.nch box contiiiiu 100 pilla and twclve pówdere price ií,00. For ei!: by Mnynarda and Lund &, Mc Collurii.Ann Arbór; E S.impüon nmi Norristt Felch. Tpsilanth Cnsiius Swift Dexter; Unie, Smith Du-ihnin. Gr:.?s Lakei Sinuh & Tyrol, Clinon: I) K. ünderwood. Adrián, ThomnsP. Mav, PIviikhiIi; Peter Van Evcry. S. R. I. Grand Rpnida: F Gnrdner. Jonpsville; afford Hopkirtó. riillsfl.ile: Rf!cher& Ernest. A. Templé, J. jMcConnelI & Co.. Jackson, and rhroiiL'liout the Staie. P. S. All ibVipe whrt are afHïcterl wiih a ebronie DiBênse wilhotit regard tn nnme anti nature, even if pronoimced inniralile by otliers are respeetMillv invited to cnll on niC at my residenco m Jackson, nnd ï will endeavor 10 restore tliem to perfect lieul'li. iTnot airead y beyond the powerofdlearthlyaid. p K[JNG M D Jackron. July 'sf. 1845. 3m2J9ín Chanccry - Ist Circuit. Georfre F. Poner. ndniinisnur of Olivor Kntip, d, co'rp'ainnnt, r.-?. Loren Mills. Elijnh W. Mrirgirá in! Willinm S. Mnynnrd. delondants. BY virii'e of n decretal order ïssued "t of the oiirt of ciinncery of the Suite of Michigan, Jehnll e.vpoe to si'c t- the highesi bidder, nt the Court Hm- in iht Villnce of Ann Albor, Waslitennw county", om the 23d dny of Sepwr.Awr ner. nt I n-clock, P M..o! ihni day, the follówing dcscribcd premisas situnte. to wit: "siiuaie, lvins; nnd hcin-i in tho town of Ann Arbof, in ihtí county of Washicn:iw nd Stnte of IVücbigari: Bcginnine al the centre of White Rond. so cnlled. on ihe west line of section y. in town two somh of rnnjre six east; thcnce soinh nn ibe of the s.-iid eection and on the line of srction ïhirty-two. fony rrtds south of ihe ouili wesf corner o't the nid scrtion lo a stake: thbncc enst ai iiht noglee wiih said se.ciifli line iliiriy ri.ds: thencc norih nnd parallel witta Rnid ectiön line to 'he cen""e of snid VVhites' rond. - Miutlisovcnty fiivdcgreeswcst in the cenirc uf ihe sid ro:id to the place of hea'mning, ront.iintiif! thirty-throe ncres nnd sixty-five hunrlredths of an ocre of land more or leso. GKO. DANFORTH. Ma6ter in Choncery. .?ov vK: P.inTFK. P.'l's. )..i.-'l. Auííust lliB. IS45. 2V4-HARTFORD Fii'c f nwiirance l'ompany rSCORI'.'IS '.Tin is IM" - CHAUTKR PKKPKTÜAL CATM IL $150,1 00, WI1H l'OWKR T I5CREASK ir to $250000. rfHIS woll known nnd lne estnbüshed InstiJ_ tulion witii ampie cnsh cnpiml. have estnbItahed ■ géncj n Ann Aibor. and oflTer to inurè DwclNag, Furmmro. Siore. Merchandi7.e, Mills. WliPit. Pluur, Aro. on very fnvornhlö ■cnn9 Tlic higt) linr.ictcr of ihis cimpany a w. II khówn, aii'l U exwnslv, busincïs iscjn(iucdetd on mnsi jus' nnt! ImnoraWe pr-nriplr. Ownors of propprty in Ann Arbor nnd vicimty h w sli ! in-uro il n; toss nnd damagfl l-y 'irc. are invitefí to cali ilirecily nn the enhscriber. it lus S'i.r! in A"n Arlior. who is auiborized to isduo poltcicti wiiluiu iJulny. F. J. n CRANE, Aeeu'. An Ai!-r, Jan. I, 1-1.'. KwílU.


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