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JEW QOODS AT THE FARMERS' STORE WE ARK NOW OPENING A GREAT VAltlETÏ NEW GOODS IX Wnici WILL BE FOUND FRENCII and OERMAN PLAIDS, MERINOS, EMPRJteSS CLOTH, IKISH PÜPLINS, BLACK MOHAIR, BLACK, BLUE, AND BROWN VELVETEENS. BETTER BAEOAINS IN BLACK S1LKS Thin hT Wu knowu for mny year. A rVU. ASSORTMKNT OP BLACK DRESS GOODS ON HAND. DOMESTIC -A.1STX5 Paisley Shawls, HOSIE Y and GLOVEÖ. 200 PAIRS Ladies' Kids at Oue Dollar.worthtl.SO. qOO PATRS Searaless Kids at 81.75, .w worth $'.2S. 200 PAIRS Alexander Kids at $1.90, worth $20. 200 PIECES Prints at 10 Ceöts per Yard. -. "ÏLOAK aud Öress Trimmitrgs. OONXET and Sash Ribbons. HEAVY Brown Sheetines at 10 ets., UU cu. , aud 14 ets. for the I!t lirauda. "DLACK SILK8 at the Followiog : PRICES, 1.M WORTI1 JS.SV PRICES, 1.00 WORTI1 Í.50. TRICES, 1.T5 WORTH Í.T6. PRICES, 2.00 WORTH 8.08. PRICES, 2.25 WORTn 1.50; IIRICE3, S.50 WORTH 4.00. PRICES. !.75 WORTH 4.Í3. O00 PIECES Tycoon Reps at 25 ets. W worth 35 cte. 50 PIECES Black Alpacas &t the followlng Prlceè : 40 CENTS, WOBTtl .30 35 CENTS, WÖRTH .65 40 CENTS, WORTH . B0 45 CEN'Tá WORTH .63 60 CENTS WORTH .7 45 CENTS WORTH .75 0 CENTS WORTH .80 6 CENTS WOCTH .90 70 CENTS WORTH 1 O CEXT8 W0E1H 1.1 80 CENTS . WORTU J .28 A. SPLKNDID i:-IïiïC O31 BLACK, BLUE k BROWN VËLVËTEEI, satín velours, colored SILKS. A LARQE STOCK OF CARPETING, WUICH WE WILL SELL AT 3ST. PRICES. 8roceriei3, Black and Japan Teas, Young Hyson Imperial Teas, Brown Sugar, Coffeo A Sugar, Rio Coífeo, Java Coffee, And a Full Line of other Groceries. ALSO A GREAT VARIETY Of Other Goods too nunierous to mentlon. whicb have been bougbt withi n tbr last ten dayi at the LOWEST PRICES, AND WILL BE SOI.D CHE AP FOR CASH. It will pay all tbose wbo wisli to purchaae Goods iu THE NEXT THIETY DAYS TO CALL AT TII; FARMERS' STORE BEFORE MAKINO YOUR PUUCHASE3 AS Wt AKK BOÜND TO SELL. Auu Arbor, Deo. 22d, 1870. G. W. JIAtS, Sopf. I RELIABLE INSURANCE, At the old ag-bj2ícy ob1 C. H. MILLEN, VVho has fornearly twenty years, and who still repreMBM the . Home, of New York, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. NEARJLY FIVE MILLIONS. (Üoutmctttal, p w fjarti, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, Nearly S2 5OO.OOOThi9 Companj particípate In ïtpPoücies wlth the y pu red. City Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, ALL LOSSES FAIRLY ADJUSTED and PROMPTLY PAID. C. H. MILLEN, Agent. 129m3 T UMBER YARD. C. IiRAPF, Htl n large and wcll tocked Lnrtibcr YarJ on Jefferaon Sirect, In ttie iouth j;irt f the CltT, nd will keep ciitiBtautly on haud an excellent varicty of LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C whldi will bc sold aa low as can bo Sblded In tbis market. Qnality ma prleea ■uch thát NO ONE WEED GO TO DETEOITC. KTl APF, Aun Arbor, JanuarySOtfi, 13JI. 933 YyHAT IS ÍÍ f THEA-TÜËCTAR. Jiutcall nt the CITY AKCUnj n u purkagé. and hiKc a cup of lea madi-sut-li .'ik ihe Kinporor of Chinn sip in liin (..■.lm-, GMMmen Miy it eiurt hp beat fur fiavor aud lichuus. Ouly 51. üó jkt jiüikI. CLAKK k CKOPMÍ. IpEOPLE'S DBÜG STOilKt R, W.ELUS& CO. AlVTST ABBOR PURNITURE. J. KECK $t CO. Manufacturará, wholesale and retail dealers ia FUENITUBE AND UPHOLSTERY GÜODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Wc Manufacture otar goods and will liöt le Uiwïersold by any HOUSE KAST m WEsT. UNDERTÁKING! We Keep Constant ly on Hand a fiill assortment of "WO O 13, ÍMÍSTALIC, ClOTEC COVERED cases risriD COFFI2STS wliich will be sold at prices eo LOWïsto defy all Competition. Sales Room 52 South Main St„ and 1 Weit Liberty Si ir et. IYIANUFA CTC RY ! Cosner ei WUliaia and WestFourth St. J. KECK & CO. pÖR CASH YOUCAN BCY Lumber, Lath and Shingle ÁT A BAR6AIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO. AnnArbor.Jatnrj,1870 ; 1Í5I t FIÑHÜH PSESCBIPWI ACCCKATELV AND CAREFULLY PREPAEED BY R. W.KLT.lfi i OO.,DRUOGrS78. ' '


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