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Haw The Wilderness Is Conquered

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Sejpc[jtganrgii A liveiy leitor troai tuo jvuciug.v foresta appears in the Hoston Adttrlitct "ivhich shows how the wili'eruess is con■quered and settlements spring up. TI ( writef saya : Tho Flint & Pero' Warquotta Rai'"way starts f rom Holly on tho Detroit iS. Milwnokee Rnad, fifty miles nnrthwett of Detroit, and goes tbrough Flint lo Sagíuaw, nnd thencc norÜiwest and west to Fere Marquette, later named Luding ton, on Lako Michigan. Beyond Sag:iraw the country ia iiew and a wildernesiof beavy forest For twenty milea tht cleniiog has begun ; but ten uailes further oo we are fairly in tho titnber land, a heavy growth of oak and tnaple, with the dark groen of tho pino interspersed. Our engine was headud back to tlu eoutli oo a turntable tntide in two day.i, and fmiwhed as we reaehed it. A long train laclen with logs passed us, with a lnbel on one of its oars - "First log train Towu 17 N., B. 9. V,"- the pioneer of, mTiy more, as fifty iuillip foot are contracted to bo delierefl iü Saginuw, aud tho stre;ms fnust tioat millious more wfjicli tha road cannot oarry, A cotistruction traiu carne up an) stopped, that we raiglit see how railroad are built in a región where supplies und shelter must be brought in. It wns minio up of bagi;ge cars for tools and food, entinj?, sleepins; and cookina car all plaiu but comíortable, and thus a bundrod raen or moro are fed nd housed oq wheels, their teuements níoving on nt track-layitig progresse.". aud going bnek for snpplir when tieedtd. A luaiber camp as near by, giviuij a glirapso ol the rudo yet ckeery lifo in tho woi'k of thonsands of sturdy mun tbrough the %Vititer. Ten milis aro already stnrted, and by the end of a yoar moro tbaí: twenty will be at work, cutting out over a hfilf million feot of pino luuiber d;iily, to be freighted over the road, besidet kths and Bhingles in proportion. It i? CBlimated that there aro two íhousand million feet of lutnber in oioe townhip.(brougli wbicli the road passes. Farming soon follows lumbering and gets good market froiu it, as is sbown by the faet that the live hundied farras of Sni i naw counly in 1831 havi: grown to ote ihouiiud tbree bundred, ivhile tho po nlation of Bay, Midland and Isabella couuiiop, on or nesr tbia road, has increased frora 33,000 in 1SÜ4 to 70,000 in 1870, the eiuigiation being largely from tic older part of tho State soutb wcrd, and íroro Northern Qhto.


Old News
Michigan Argus