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Mptml pontea pli. 8CBBNCK ADVISE8 "sr rPTlVl-: TO GO TO FLORIDA .v WINTER. Uaviní; forthQ l:i - tliiii -ti 0 yrnrs dffVOted my v.holo timo and attention to tho Btady 01 lungiUacaBes and con- eomptton, I foel that underbtand fuJly tho cuiust tlmt OUglitto I"1 pu itoru ;ï tolemHy bad casa i T and wo.-t Important st ís, tor the patiënt to avold takinif culd; Htui the best of all placea on tlif a continent fór ihispurÍom, In winter, ís Flarida, well down fu tho State, w nare he temperainre la regalar, wid nol sablee) towenvane) iu more nortlu rn latitudes. talatka i a Jolht I enn recomraend. A Rood hotel U ;■;■' there i y Peterman. Last winter I Bawseveral prsuna thero whows lunes liiui been badly dlsoased, int wh onder tho beding íniincncc of the linuuo ana my medióla s, were geitink' welk nundred miles fartherdoun the rlvcris a polnt which I wotild prefrr to Iial.itka, üa tlu íi'mpcraturu i moro oven finil Uio alr drv ánd bracln. JlvlUmviiIo nml EnterprlM are located Uierei i should give a dectdcil fireferenoe to Molkmvitle: it la two milc from river or aki', md it seguís nlniost iinpoasii'le to tafce cold there. 'i bc tables in t'lorUlr migbt ho bettor, and inifntacomplain at timet ; BOt thnt lk a g t i-ijín, aa it indientts a return of nppitltc : a ml, lu m ihinis tho cn.i1, tlicy ucncr.tlly incri'asoln flesh, anti tlicn tlio luns must heuT. JackBonvllle, IIilniruia, Green Covo, and many othcr places In varloaa part of Florida cm bc safely rcooinincmlcil to cr.nsumpiiveain winter. Wy rcasons for MjrInn f=n aro, thatpak-marv Kí-j linhlo to tako cold there than whero there is a lesa c en tcjnjKtratare ; and j t u not nccpcpnry to say,, wbero il consunipttre person exposes himself ío "ft'fqucnt cold.% ho Is certain to !; Bhertly : tbereibre nivndvlce ís, o wcll down intu tho biatc, out of the reacli of pixvailim; east wlnds aml fogs. Jacksonviiic, or almost my oUteroftbe localltíea r havi naincrt, wlll liciiotlL thOM who aro trnuMetl wltli a torpld liver, a dttordered itomach, deranged bowcl, in.rethnt, or coughj biit. forthoio whnsc luns are illscaaed.amor ■onthern poinl U earnestly rccomincnded. ■ For ilftcen ycm-s iirinr to löKi, I wasbrnfrsslonftHy m New ïork, Boston, lift UI more, ml Iliiladolifhia every i-Ci'k, whero ï saw and txaniintil on an avernge flvo hundrod unilrnts a wek. ApracUce o extonsive, embracinu' everypoatíblo jjhose T luii dlseaie, liaa enal]cd mo to undiTstanil tho diaeiicC fully ; andhtnceniy cautiun in regard tb t'iklnff cold. A pmnn may take vast nuantltis of " Schenck'srulmonic Brrnp, Beawecd Tonlo1 íinil SJandrake l'illa," aud yctdieif ho doe nut avyiü taking Cold. Ia FinriJa, nearly overybody Is unlnu Si:henck'sfan drako PUlsi for the cllmato I Inore lik ly t pruduco habla than more iiuithfrnliitJtmlfu. It na wcllestaMishcd ftKÍt, tbatnattva offflorMa rarely dloofconsuniption, espccwlly those of tlic Bonthern part. un tho otluT hand 'tl ew tn]:ind, onc-third at K-nst f tho Sopulatlon dio of thle terrible distase. ín tho Sliddlo tales, ttdoctnoi prevalí so largely ; tlll tiirre aremany I ids of cásea there. What n vaat percentage of li i ; ■ wouldbesaved lfconsnmpttveM ere aa eaatlj alarmad In regard tutnkinfrfrcsh coldi na th(y are aboutacarlet fcver, small-pox, Ac. I bul theyare not: thor tko wbnt they terra a littlocold. whlcn they are creaoJona enouh to bellere wiH wearon in a ftw aars They pay noattcntioii to it; and henee It lays tho fiiundatiou f"r notiu-r and nnuiher&till, uittil the luug aro disvaK-d u3'oml all hope of eare. My iiilvice to persons whoBO lunps aro níToctod, cvfii sllghtlv, i3tolayinastock of Schenck'ftl'uluionia arrius Sehenck'8SiVLudTor.ic,an{lHclienck'3 3lnuriikeVnU, and ko to Florida. 1 recommend w particular medieinea, because 1 nm tboroughly acqualnted wlth Uiolr aetlon I know, thiit, where they are Ufel in etrict accordauce with my direct ion, they vrllldo the Work tluit lareqttlrëd. Thla accompUshed. nature wJl{ do Uie ret Tho pliysicinn wlio prescribes for cold, cougb, t-rniht . íiihI thenaUvihfá the patient towaJlc orride out iv, wül bo euro to have a corpao on nis Uaiuls before inhg. JU f plan la, to ivo my threo medicines in aceordanco Tvtth the prinivd airtcttons, excet ín Bome cases where a freer use of the Slandrake ! ir". MyoijccÉ Js, to rtve ii 'iio to togct tip a goud appctiie. Itisalwayaagood Blgnwhen a patient beglna to nwhungryi Ihavelropesofeach. Witb. a rulih for 1. and tho cratifleation of ihii. reUsh, comea goort Mood, and witïi [tmoreflesh.wblchiscloselyfoUowed, by a healing ot" tho langs, - tlicn the coai h loosens and abates, thecrccpinj? chilla and .lanimy nlght sweats no , and the pata:;: g provldoo he av Ida taking i oíd. Kow, thero are niany consumptlvea "who have not tho means i go toFlorida. Thoqueationmay boaskcd.ïs there no hope forsuch? Cextainly thero Is. Aly adico to Buch is, and ever has been, to stAyln a waïm room timing th: winter, wlth atemperature of aboat aeventy degrees, whlcn Mouïd bc kent regulariy at tbat polnt hy means of a ilicniioimtir. such a patient takc bis within llie 1: i by walk ing ui and down :i mnon as hls strengtli wül pcrmlt. tn order t1 koep np íi healthy circolatlon :- I have curcd thousands hy thla syi n cío so again. Conenniption is as eaally cured as any pthcr dist ase, il' tt 'a taken in time, and the proper kind of treatment ia purueil. 'llio f act FtHiuls UlidiFput6d on record, that Bcnencks I'ulmonlc Strwp, Mmulrako 1111, and Seawe 'l Tonlo havo corea very manv of hatsecmodto ho nopclesa cases of consumpuon. uo whero you wlll be almost certain toilnd Bome pcr conauoiptivo wlio bas been rescucd from the vory jawa ui'tlcatli by thcir UBC'. So far as llio Jlandrako Pulsare concerned, everyborïy ahould koep a supply oi'themon hand. 'lln-y act on thu liver better than cafomcl, and leavo none of lts hurtiul CfTects bthimt. In fact, tbeyaro excellent In all cates where a purgativo medicino is rcqulred. Ifyou hata partaken ioofreely of fruit, and dlarrhoaa ensaes, adtiao of the Mandniki'svillcurii.vHi. Ifyoa are subject to Blek headache, tuko a dose üi tho lamirakea, rul tliy will relieve y ou in two boort. IfjOu wuulil obvíate tho a:- t ifa chauge of water, or tbc too f ree imlulgenco in fruit, takO onc ot" the ftitiiulrake evory night, and yon muy tlun drink water, and eat water mul ons, pcars, apples. plnms, pt'.iclu1, or coni, without tlie risk ofbelng m.vlo iickby them. Theywill prottct thoso wholivciiw damp eüuatxms agftüut chilla and fovera. Try tlitm. 'lluv ftreporftctlyfiarmless. They enn do yougyl only. 1 DAveabondouedmy professloiuU visítalo Boston and Kew York, but continue tu Bce pattenta atmy uötce, Ho. 15 iiorih Sixth ötrwt, Pbihuklj)lüa, erenr Satorday, i. A.M.,to3, p.m ïliosc vvlio widi a thorotigh xaintmaüuii witli the Rosplromctor wHl b; chargeo flve dollars. 'ilieK sthe exact cuiiditiou of thtï lun':j; una patlents can readily leun whetlier tht'v aro cuniblc uniut. lUit I desiry it distinctlv understood, that the valae of my medicines áúpends t íniroJyupon tlïfcli being Uikcixfetiictly nccurding tudiroctioni In conclusión. Iwlll ay, that when persona Wke my medicines, and theirsystems are brouglit hito a lu-íiUby m iherebv, tluy are QOt so Hablo U takc culd; yct no ono vttb alsefteed Ianga.can beara radden chanj ofatmoapherowltaont the llablllty of gwatarorlcsa irrltaiion of the bronchJa] tubes, Kuil fllrectiona in all iai'iir.pcfl.iccompany mymedielncs, fo explicit anti clear that any on: can ose thcm Without cousultir-b' me, nnd can bü bougbt itom aiy irufwlet. J. It. ScnENCK, M.D., Xo. ISKorth Slxtb Street, l'lüladflphla, JOHN F. HENRY, 8 COLLEGE PLACE.NEW YORK, W Uoloesalo A.goiitCyersus Bitter. j ForVic following REASONS SirofQuiniiib i-.ittvr Quinina I Í5wc"(lnlllin? I; WARRANTED luVlirinalbj iiUiXiatl ín eirut't witU Jüller Qutiie. Swect BllitlilK li:is NONK (if UlO inlr íi and 1'ifskUnt bitterness oí coiomou (ji uino. 8 iSwrvctj iiiiïo i:j iiiailc from I ruviiin Baik only, thc sourco o' Bitter Ci minu. ín Swt l!'5?'' '!io bittcniess U yrfoctly cvncoaletl, but muy bo iiutautiy do velólotl lf deskod; 1 Sweoí Auiiilua wiil uot slcken, así very btttef substances often do. Svreril (luSiizio is rcñdÜy laken, ii'íl wlthOllItbeloastllotitatlOD, y oldiuulyoung. Swcetuiuliiiiie entlrely obvlotea tlVit unooiuuerable disllke whicli cblldreahave to Bxt(.r CJuiuino. Swect rAiIninr roquiras nfi clnbovata propararaou !u tukc, is roaUy for iustaiy. uso. Swect Auinhie, mi its and proJipt effluecy, dis:il)u9.-a tho (jubilo miild or mncfi proju . Qttlnlne, aucl aicU llie elTort) of tho iiiUjlVigeiit Pbaaiclan in its ailuiinbtriuion. Svrcct Vluinine costs no moro thuil l!io BtttcvQulnlne. ' - Sweet ulnlvie erin bo had nt thn )rag Slor-Ia In two forais, viz: tfinV, fon convoxrencuof íiimiür .-i;,! ttogcnoraipujtf lIcMiml jdtcdcr, íbr lian iV l'hysids StA&ns, Farr &., I MAmgACTURING CHEMIST X For Sale by Eborbach & Co., druggUtí. 1264yt Tjfcj i] Jj 1 jJUmb .'Si'' t ■"'vá TI ■ -'■■■■ i ;.ifrof this woiirierful medicine, claims in 1:ly: discos i red and c M'yíííí'í jn Aarmony more nt' - í(n medical propmtifs than wur ever befa d In one m dfdne. Thoovldence of thifi füct is found In the great vanety vi musí o1)stlDate dlnesM which t baa heen founa to conqaet. Iu tho cure o f Bronckitü,Seoere t'iighs, and i h . :t haa aston&bed the m faciilly. and hundrede ui the bost plijsirlam prole ííí grtètett Medical Hettity ' ' :■, "r11. fl hilo it cures tho severest OonhSi it ■■iu nuil puriiu-d the blood. By :li l!oi'(l [mnfyin propertieSf it mou Blotcbi Pimple or (Sruptiou. Werciuial Diseae Mlncrnl ?oions SyphHftic m ' cnsos, nnrl íln ir effectfi areeradicatod nid vlfioroua bealth ahd a voand constltatlon ectsl pelAF, Balt Rfaeiim, cald i f '?;■:! . Peror Sores, 8calyor RouííIi Skin, in short, uil (he iiuniorug díueasea cauei'd by bnd blood, are coi: [uered by thla powerfQl pnrlrIog and lnvig i tne. Por ■■ Compltint," Billona Disorders and Habitual Constlgatton, it has profluced boodi sdi f petft i t gnd purninüí'iir enres ivhere otticr medioinee had failed, lile proprtotor Offei i&r6tbt a medicino tliat vvill eqtiftl it in the curo of all the dlieaeea for which it i rt'commendoii. llowuro Ofooiintfl nuil worthles tmltations. fiee that my prívate Oovernment Stamp, which is tipiñtire guarantM o!' 'íenuinoneí, is apon theoutsíde wrapper. Thtsmedlclne íh lold by I)rii:-L'fts at $1.00 per bottle. Prcparcd by K. V. PlERtJE, M. D., Solé Proprletor, at hU Cliemical Laborutory, l'' Scnec.i Street, líuflulo, X. Y. wor.o ï'oi' Monlli. The bct elliíjp book ever pnblished. AGENTS who sell our uew work,J I-L.AIV IIOMK TAI.K ANO HKUIWI, COMMOIÏ SKBÍSE, have no competition. Therc never was a book pulllsnsd llke it. Anybody can sell It. Brerybody irantelt. Manyagents are now makinfroi per month 'selllng thia wondorfullxiok. 24 paes Descrlptlve Circular sent freo on npplication. we want good. Uve Agente t mea wbo can fullv ap■ the im'riLs of the work, and tlic fact tlmt It Lulversal want. ApentB who deeire to do ■ wMl as make mónéy. Addrcss Wn,i. t CorFin, -iSi Broome Street, New York. I806w4 P11YS1(]IAHS' PRESCRIPTIOKS l ACCUBATEI.Y AND CAREFULLY PREPAPED BY JB. W.KLLIS & C0.,DRUGGIS78. Q.)üü NEWS I Al ARDOR WILD ïïiïl! exciteikt HIGH PEIOES EXTEKMINATED! S. SONDIIEIM 1IAS JüST RETUKNüI) FRüM T ü E E .A. S T , WITU THE IARQEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OP FALLÍ AND WINTER CLOTHIHG fiL.VT'S KlUMSHn 60ü, ÏRUNKS, VALI8ES, SATCIIKL3, &o., Sec, fee, STiiAT uas i:vki; bbhk brouoiit to this CITTJWIIICH 1IR WII.L'.SKI.L Ojea-per than the Cheapest for Cash. AL.'O A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CASSIMEIiES, CO AT ING 'S, and VJiSTINGS, WIUCII-IIE WILL MA1ÍK UP TO ORDER LV THE EEST STYLE, AND WARRANTED A FIT OKKO SALE. f ' "IiJSb _Bnl __SijiBkBe1 What Johnson has Ue lias a ltrge stock of HATS & CAPS ! i For the FttH and Wiuter trado - the ÏK-stin town í c Hehsa ful Mine of I LADIES' AND GENTS' FUES1 Nur Steles anl best quallty MANUFACTUBED TO OKDER. . I He has a ful 1 atock Of Gents' Furnishing Goods Gluvos, Hoëiery, Collars, Ties, t'ravats &c He has everything in his line And he tvont he andtrsold, That's What JOHNSON Has 7 Soutii Main 8t., Ann Arboh.? COMPLETE STOCKJ IW AND 8BAHLE GOODS NOW BEING HECEIVED BY FINLEY & LEWIS, WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION [ OF BüYEESI TO 0ÖR LARGE STOCK Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND EXPRESSLY FOR OÜR TRADE. Tl! FflïSHMS ! New Yokk, Aueust 15th, 186K Allow me tn cali your ittciition tl) iny PRKPARATI.ON OF (OMPOUNI) EXTRACT BÜCHU. Tho component parta are, Bl'Clil ', l."M, , CÜBEB8, JÜNIPER BER. RIE3. MollK 01' PllKPAliATIÖX. - l'llcho, il .vat i;o. Juniper I3erriea, bj cn-tiilnon, to form a fino gin. (Jiibcbn extructed by di- 'ei ui i ut witli spirit:) ob from Juniper Uerries; very little tugar ia tised, and a snisH proportion of spirit. It is more palutable tlian any now in ui3. Buchu aa prepared tiy Droggistu, íh of a ilsrk color, t is a plant that emitt ïts frnarance ; the act ion of a flame destroys lliis (ts !ictÍ7e pricoiple), leaviog a clark and glutinoua decoe'ion. Mine is t'ie (olorof irgrcdients. T!;o B ichn in nj prrp ir:ilii;n predorainates ; t'iu pui;: (ju.üitity of tbe otbr iigredients aio luldcd, to prevent fermenta tiorj ; upon inspeetion t will be fciiind not to be a Tiaetare, ss mudo iu Pbarmacopcea, nor is it a Sjiuf - ni.d theieforo can bo used in cases whcre fever or iiiflammnt ion exiat. In tbis, 3'cu have 'the knowlcdo of the ingrediënt?, and the mode of preparation, Hoping that you wül favor it with trial, and that upon icpcction it will meet wilii your sppnibation, Witfa a feeling of profound confidence I ai, very respect fully. II. T. HELMBOLD, Chetuist and Druggist of 19 Years' Experienoa. (Frotn tho laigcst Manufaett;ring Chcm ists in the World). November 4, 1854. " I am acjuainted witli Mr. II. T. Helmbold; he occupied tho Drug t -i o oppO8Íte my residence, and was puccessful ia conducting the businees where Qtliera bad not been equally so before him. I have been favoritbly inipresaed with hts character and enterprise." WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers nd Weightman Mimufactuting Chémisti, Ninth and Browu Sírcetí", Philudelphia. FLUID EKTRACT BUOHÜ! Fnrwfatnesa ariMng f rom indUcretion . Thöx haustetl puwtrs of Nature wliicli are acoGrnjianií'd by 8u mrvny aLirimng sjiutoni:, iiinoog wtiluh uriU bcfuun.1 , 1 adijapotitin tf excrti'm, Losa f Hemory, WaktjfulneHs, Horror of Diaease, Or Forbcclingaof Kvl! ; lni;ict,Uüi ?6rt1 l.aseitu'.e Prottiration, and Iuabiüty toenteï iato the enjoymt-nts of hOtiety. 11 CON8TITLT10N once afl'eoíed witli Oia.nic Weiine1 - ■,■ '-i tl;o ald of Medicine to t il torigora BjBtcm, which HELMHOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU iivhriiiM j doce, lf no treatment is labmlttedCojo sumption or ínjianity euutf?, HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU o affectionv peculiar to'Ftm-iles, ia UQBquntled by tnjoiher preparatíoqas iu Chlorosi. or Retantion, Paiufulnesn dvSnprOBsloitOf uuetoiuai'V E vacua; ion?, L'lctTHtad or Schir rus Hato of the Uteru". and al lompiaint.t incidental to thë sex, tr ducliiic o bange of tifo. HELMBOLD'S FLUED EXTRACT BUCHÜ AND IMPR0VE1) ROFE WASI1 Willvadieallj extermn:itefrom. túo system dUe.tse arielnKfiotii habita of ditiBlpatton, ;it little expenses little or no ohange in Uet, no (coonTentence or ex poiure ; cómale te I y mipi rsediii1 uopl ifisaut and dangeroua fewedu'.s, Cüpalva and llercury , ir, allthese diuaseB. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTEACTBUCHU Ín nltiliflcaeesof thee orjrattí, wliethei exlttiiig In malccr témale, frorn vrhatetr eauae orlglnatlu and oo inatUT o{ !.iw aftBnólvg. It lu pleasaut in taste aud odor, "lmraediate'Mp -il-iícm, a:ul mor1 Btrepgthcning than Kiij of Ihe pretal al oca of Bark or Iron. Thosejauíícring fron broken '( v i or lulicateconititutioDn , i róeme tbc ívmetiy at oïice. The reader must be aware that, howover slight muy be the attcKof the abovo diseaHes, St is cor tainíoalVect the bcdily bealth and mental powers. AM the abovediBtHsew requiie tlieatdut a Üiute tic. I1KLMÜ0I.DS LX'JKALT BUCHU is a great Diuretic. Soldi by Drugglata Everywbere. Price $1.25 per Bottlc, pi 6 Bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any addrees. Describe Symptoms in allccirin"TilcatiojiB ADDIÍESS, H. T. HELMBOLD, Dni & Chemical Warcliouse, 594 BKOADWAY, New York. JVO1YE ARE GEJNLiNE uiiless done np In steel engira ved wrapper, With fae-sinille of my Chemical Warehonse, and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. 8 i r ■a.1 Zj I JP PQ í 1 Sis II í izíííg ï1? bbjn : m8rfS 4S ? HSS i 00.5 O? 8 5 f n o 9 9 u j g a m - S a o & ■) H O Ph T)ÜY YÜUK Hiooking Grlasses o? W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOK, KEASOAS. First, bteaui he keep the best of Imported GI&sb, anJ a guod a tquaréand trchOHEAP I Soeoodlj bcMifi1 tlioy tü'lonp1 to nLs xusinéi. He i ni a ■peoi&lty, doet bis i-wiiwurk, aui oan aifor'l to n 1 Ihlrdl, Beeaus ho m:inuf.':.ctnre tliem, ar.d cnn and Wil] tll tlio CHEAPEST I f any one In thec!( ƒ . Hf aiao eli PICTURE FRAMES! Thecheapest of anybody ín the State - as far as heard f rom . NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O OTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FE.C1I GL.AS9- bj the light or box- For Picture orfor 3E3COTTS33 GrTLAJSÍT.lSrGr i 32 EAST HURÓN STIIEET, AN2ST AEBOB. - - - MICH, 117fitf -[yrONEST CAN NOT BUY IT. rOH SIGHT ISPRIOELESS TUK DIAMOND GLA-KS, Mannfnctuiert bj .'. K. Iiont;T iiC'i)., N. Y which are iiow olVereJ t tho publlf are prunpuBoa4 bv all the celebratetl OptioiaDftdf'ihè Worltl to be tho Most Perfect, Natural, Artiiii'i;,! U;[[ to the human yv over known. They i-.nd 'itnir tiioir owñ íuperyíafon. fruin niin■' ' ■■ ('i ygtnl Pebbles, melted iogétkcJr; anl derive theiruanic,'1 nimnund." sn ict-oantof thelr Iiurtioesfl aini brfllinn.-y. The Sclentitlo Prlnclpli on wlucli ihey are consi nictil bi ings (lio cnie or centro ví he ifDB direct l.v in frost of tli eye, producing n clear unj Uiniinct visión, as in tlm untura!, henlthy sight, and preventing all mpTdUni ti'jtrK, .-;ucii as fíliminflrinít aui) '"sight, diiiie.-s, &., peculiar to a! I others ia TIn-v uv moiintvl In tb e FINB8T MANNKR, in f.i.uin-K af the bost (iiality, of all ntaturialü u.sed fur (bal purpoWi Tli' tiljwh antï tjurahüity c:uinot h HQtpamftd. CAUTION'. - Nono geiuÍD6 utili-.-s bearjng their trade mark stampei! on every frame. J. C. WATTS fc BRO., Jcwek-rs anl ÓpticiatJB,' pr A.VN' AflBOR, M1JJI., ïrwin wLobi they ca.n only be obíníiieu. Tlse goods are notsupplied to PedU-rs atany pric, 12&71 A UGÜ8T lOth, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR superior qualtíyt attlio ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. Vcry nice bolled Corn MVil toarse Moal, Gríilinm Klour- good ecoiid quality Fluur at liw prico,- Orackea Wheat.and ill kinds f Fee!, at h priceB,and dolivered isany part ufttiecUy. Tcrms ('::-ïi. 9V Orders left !n my Ordor Boxat thcPostOlllce prumptlytteuc!ed to. lïïf J. T. SWATUEI. I Jfq'rtgígc S'ulc. TBFAtTI.T haring been milde In tho o ndltlon oí a ) certflin mortgage exfeattd 'y Edward i:nn, of Northñeld, CoantA of Washhtenaw :iv.d 81 11, lo Wlllfam s. Barry, t Un in thc (iftlce oí tln; I f V;i;i],l( UíiW, Olí I ■ ". !? ■ k I'. M o( of mu: iL'.-.f.", mi pape ■-".:v wl dul I VVillUm S. Barry tu I.nPonnty and !,■ fourth i . "t. A ■ e office (.!' th of ■■ ■ fotirlli 5 u'clock 1'. M pf ■ In líber : ■■; nf mortí . on ■ li' rr:'. the Mil.; twnit ít'lydol;.il further i ■ s:i,rl un,, ';:■!■. and DO ffiltt or pi eured by íni' m i ir; thereol : nuctioi ilorcli A I). is:i, ;: two o'dock in tb li'i"M of th.1t ría V House, in ii" cítyuf - j j : s rbor, i-i theÓountyof ;:i1 srnic of Mlchtpin, the prom] .ii -niil mortgape. an hII i 1-íoí land describe! aa follows towit: Tho iif of ihe northwfiíit q thrter f spctfon twen ■ ;".! r 1.. -.:, tai , f the hrth■(■■.I qfiBVtPr ni s ii, slH-tl n. heiel 1' i end part. all bln? Ín t'wnchip i six ot, in -.ii.l i wnshfp 'f N' rthdeld, in tli IV I r V:lHhl.-li:i-, SL-lli' OÍ Uichl 1, I)CC. ISth, I - . II HKi: .1AMFS, Asslute oí eiaiil ' N. Oott. Att'rjr fof AsM;-'iiea nMortgagc Sale. Din the conditlon of :i ■ h Vi, Walt, Arbor, Couiiiy or WMhtenaw iiuriSta JamtB Trcndw, 1! towiishlp of Ann -rliur, CounU n nesalil. ob Ule ii ■ .Tnly. A. . IKJ, ,jk] recorded in Ui,-' 1itenaw, on th Boventh day of Jaly, A. D. o'clock 1'. M-. in lü.cr 28 of mol : .:■ ■ - . on tiuttbcrtte tlriinii-l lo be t'r.r ni I. ni Imcdierl and ! luru and twcnly tvi pi n . i I-., tu Al Afteen dollai b eí oíd at. v i oce forccloi ■ ; :lt ].,■ In eqult] liavlng bei d had tu recoreí y or noy part then of : '■■rf notico í.s licreby tveh, i :i power of in snid i i I hall ■■cll at pnbllc anctlcn to tho h gheot bidder, on thc I 311 M. of saM day, at ti Ifonse, : b ■ pi il e i I ourt for the foUow! Id ihe Ï' v of Aun Arbor( and ('i ■iis Nu ODe. two nd öiree. In blocl Hrown .t Kul bor: :isou;'l.l rodn sqna.-e of land lying north and adjointn; said blook tix, anit frontil ■ ■i ■ ' . erly, Aml belntr illne roda rth miil foiir taá In wi:kh, ig üiu uorth linc of 1 nted, No i BEADWELL, Mortjrae. JoiinX. :■■ 1.'J7" Attonicy for Jlorlgngee. Mortigago Sale. Deen made in the conditlon of a ■ onraad : '.;■.'' 'I. Ore;orj oí tho city ..f Aua on the lirs: day ol Oetoboi , A. i . i :t hundred nd sixly three . ■ of the ol' tVaghtena State af ■ r :;1 ,,r is duly Wullani .ui t . : -on day of March. A. D.lSD5,and recorded ii tl o( thc Heelster of D o'clock A M. in i ï 1 j c 13 ol wliirh Inxthu ie -u ih.! dato of ihls f fifiy dotlara shouldany ■i i quitj bavlna beon lntituted to recovi or any part thereof: tnat by Tfrtne of tho power of k;i!c in sald Tii. ■ Febroary. ni it, al i ■ o'duck P. M. of sald day, at i door of tho Court Honse, In the I Ai:n Arlior. In IdCoanty of Waahtenaw, thi Ises deecribed in .-:iiil mortgao, n : Ail that certnin pleca or parc-1 of land sil Mteand b nn In tho 1 . tenaWf ni'l Btate :i kuown a i lou-s, to-wit: Lol Dumber one in itlock Nu. one ! Il iri ii str ■ pial nf the .; (now city) of Aun Arbor i us the Mouitor Hotel property. Kovcinbti" 2d, IIKN'RY L. JAM JtIIN X. O' ITT, Altamey for Aslgneeof tak Mortcaga Sule. Di ;t.t havlnji bei n mace in tha condltlona of a certalu i il and Il:itii; M. BodcI . -. David BroWUi Ijunrin time l!' : day of eofthe ;■ (f !v'c-il s for tho Coui btunaw I e of .Michi.uv:n, in liber I ■ pn e ''. on tha tweuty third lav . r, A. ]). i-ci. wblch said m iy h!iiri U;lvi(i B ■ In !--.;.'l Register1 i I i the fburteentta day of Pebrnary, A. D, i default t !io power of yüle coutuiimcl iu .s.í:;1 m.-rl ; uu h:lti in come ■;. ■.Y;i'.ivi!, and no snit or p luw orincnancerj haring I ■ belng mea dne on dnoteaccompanyiiiL- tho, tbc BOm orsoven twenty twodollars and tw ■ill i thu fu'; i id dullarö wtth ii tcrubt "rom Octoher l'.ilh, lS7it, securedaiidto bccums due on naiti moitgag inn uf nfty dullar aa an Attorney fee on thla forecloetire, '. Id fii-'l by .-Aú Dxortgajm aa often as ttiiy proc lu tuia m oriji Ch Nolicetberefore, ia berebi .:. sïtitl mertgtLstQ will b6 forecloaed on hfonday, tira twenty-sev ULth day of Miirch liext, at ten oVlotk i:i thc forenoon of said ilav, ;ii tho soulh door of tho Cotirt lloa-i1, i:i the City of Ann Arbor, in said Coumy, ([lid Court House beiag tliu ]. lioldiiig tho Circuit Court for tlio Cotmty of uaO, by a Bale at putllc antion to tho r. of tho premises descrlbed in suld naortgageor eo maoh thereof s sh til ju n6 ■ y the amountdue on biiid mortnage. with fi-or.a ■. together with an Attoruty ree of I i'ir in -:'.:il mol tgag, ai the paymeut of til liic iiitort-st thereti froo] I btr i'.uli, 1810, yet to boome duetboreon, wbjch -dprtiniMS are deecribed in süid mol - .- .''h cho&e ceftain !aml situated in the to,wo0hip ■ In the Cpunty cT Washteiiaw and st:ii ■■ . tiou in townahfp fouc aoufto and ■ flve cixt, iu the Statt of Michigan, eicepili áoreg off from the eatt si,! thcro : ai .- aoi i a 'iiï' ffom ■■ iiortliwcwt quarter of aectii acres off f rth ond uf the went hall' i wat half ui1 the northeftst qnarter ofaeciión !'.■■; ciht; a!l in townahip fourfooi ouvh :■. citM, luiu Cíihíiií]1i:i; in nu f me uuuurcu a i acrce "t t ind more ; r leas ; whi b two last t parci U ■ and wili uot bc BoJd by virtuu thereof ander tb] iiotice. Dated, December ?9th, 10. JAMES T MORTON, 1 Asalgnee oí Slortgage. Colman, Koot & Kinkk, AU' meya tor Assignoe. Mortgago Sale. DKFAUI.T h:ivij".r been made iu the condltlon o .1 oertaia martgage execnted by Ellen Rae] 6 the City of Aun Ar. or, County of Washtenttw aiu tlgan, to Martinua L. Shutta and tlorac K. Dicklnson, of Washtenaw f'ounty and S Michigan, on che thtrd day of May, In the year of on Lord one ihonsaud elght tacnndred and sfxtj and rccorded lothe offlipe of tl. ■ of Deedi . on the -ïth day May, -. i. 1667, a( VH ■ ■ on the fttst ib.y of June, A ''. 18 ï. :u.J record t; h 2 of ■ f mortgfljres, 011 the iTt! day o: ' . ). 1870, al k. M., 01 page G51 van ■ na L Shuttle to Oarins Dougli ■ 2tb day of September, A l). l07. and recorded In the ofB flstcr o onthoUth day of Xovembur, A. 1). OoVlotk a. M.. (n líber 2 ■ tiu'i'e is claimed t ■ at the date beroof the som of Uve hnndrcd andscv onty-seven doHar8(alto4tn Ati ■ twenty flvodollara ehoald auy proceodlngci be had to foiE close tlii1 mortgage, aud no snit or proceedlngs ut ■ len had to re ■ . orany part thereof: Nurice le hexi Uy (rlv u thal pajo in eáid m ■ l public the htehem Mdder,ron the twenty. I Hary. A.D. 1871. attwooMlocfe ha tl Boon o( that (i'iv, at the fronl dooi House, i u the City of Aan Arbor, in tiii! Cono ty of ■ii'iw and State of Michigan, the premises de. aa : A!l thnt certain plece orpBrcel of land Bitnat In the Otty of Ano Arbor, in the Conntyand State aforesaid, and b ■crlbed as fol.lows, tQ-wit; Lot nnmber tl. i blode numbertwo (9) aorth of rai ■. ■■ No, I eaet In 1 addition to tiic City ol Ann Arbor [fonncrlyvill Dated, November 18th I tiOUTSA J TÏCKNOR, t. Will iïiul ment of Darius Douglaee, DeC. John N. Gói r, Atio Executrlx. Atfnchtnent Notiro, IN THE (Mi.' wt Kllcn Mead, pliuntlft", r#. John Mcmt, de?s ui Ice i ■ Di thiit on t!. diiy tf NovpmVr, A,D. 1870, h writ of atta ol John ■ d, v, ;. Iftsacd ont o f r the tMii.nty ol in favor ol Ueadi plalntin, ttgaloAi John Uead, dêfendani, for ■' oj bIx hundred dollars, and returnable on the slxth day of December, A. D. 1870, at ten o'clock in Liic foren Dated, Ann Arbor, December 24th, 1870, N & ROOT. 1802i Al 'iH'. ï IVE ÖEESE FEATHERS Constant] y o 11 hand and for saieby . BACH & ABEL. FinostAssortmentof Toilot Goods in the City, by Mqrtgege Palé. DEF. ' uu. in ; on ihe ik! re■ : Snmm i ■ iU tlay of I A 1) i'f Movl . Deedfl ol JOC ' ■ -i June, lerol ü Cuuittv. m ■ ' Iwenty two I ("■■' of I ■ i qW :iuv p ■■ on haid morí ■ at law or In ■ therenf: Nntl ■ i thö powerofa1e in wl m ! hn] ■ Ehiy jf March. D. f871". i in the aftemoon tf that day, at i' nf the Courl House in tho I :: v of Aun Arbor, in the f Waaht. tl . lo wi1 : half of tho southwefll qnarfef of in town three outh of rai ;.;( lC :-r of the - towushlp il Bourh of rnne uu . itea Snrvey, and forty-nfne acn a bp Dated, November '--- l ÍER .tam;: I JOllN N Cor:. Atl Mortgnge Sale. Dl ion of a cei - m.p and .Ma.'.v shaioiK Co tntv of H Mlchlr, A. 1). Arbor, e of tliv ;!■■]; i. ... HU. mul that l ■ , ut )jv i ii av 1112 !)■- .'[■ ia; I pubïic . ïiuxi, at - M-íutjk i nooti of i i '.t (V.y . ;it the fronl ,.:it of naw, and í . or pareéis of land descrlbeil aa r'o : licsoutheat corner h quarter nnmber tl: re ■ the Eontheaet (uart - ■ imraber tbree Konth of ranee dtii and st;itc of ?r;' the Ün ty fonr acres of laud, moj LUTHSR JAMRS, Mor!. Jou X. Goi r. Atl Murtgage Sale. WBERl niAde iu c ; 1 1 1 ■ . by Mary [L. Kuckm e twen of Octobi r A. D. 16 i Curded of Wa&hti unan :.i-; Lilier fofty-one ' , .i nn■il and iwcuty pin dollars and fi and .wi [ftw or glven thal bj - ■ . ty Sfth ' D. 171, al tho Door . o etter door of I i ... ty of aihtenaw, 'r. aforeeaid ld mortast, . r witli theinu fee of Bfty tüC) ■ mort■ wit: tli' ■ Qorth-west .i four (■i) soa) Aleo i : ■ Lion numbi ' 'j south of r the River Rnhdn and n erty b( I . Juinas i November 2Cth, A. D. . ■ ÜOQQty of Vs";.proprl v to bc 8Qm ot '■ aiid Interest from o . uay lurihoi .. . CHAüLBS KKLLOGG, Uortgagee. Mortgago Sale. of a Jacob üccond ' ■ uud thi i mie, the siun of tw -, and ., or in ■ 'iay ui .nn Arbor, ín ■ I ! I ■ i, in a llave i ■ ■ ■ Mort gage Sale. DIÍFAl'I.T haring been made in the COndltlon of of ti - Chtin('ler and KÜza Chnndlor, his wife, of the xï ■■ 'lint 11, i:i the i'mitiiy o i. ti ■í:;íii:l C. CUandler o th th fourtftenth dsy of Notembêr, i d bund red and eixty-lbreö, apon certain anda ■ ■ i ii!; n timbe ■ d amber iowr 04) eaat, containtng one bant frixty acres of land more or Iwss,1 and " i rittiiited in the townahip of Brldeewater, ín the County of Wa i st tte ; Michigan" to ge■ ■ .-L'íii hundí ■ fonr yearft from dates with interest p }Uiiiu;i. auuum, and provldtng .ment oïtho Intor■ principal , and draw inI ■ f the Bino r twenty-five dolían . ■ shonld niy of Bal; ol the Coantv of Washtt il. on ho BtlS dfiy yf December, A. í . M , iii liber 31 oí i )fi:o ;"■ non-paym whoie mount kï' tl ' Mini , with the annnal Dlefeal thereon slnce the ür.-t d-y of S er, A .'■ cue thorcon at the ■1 un! siity-five dollars and fl . ogrethí " with ■ . ■ ■ i law ;■ r Muy part thi the S6th ay oi Pebruary, A. i). IST1, i :luthe . Ubor, witiiin and hteaaw Cthat being the ; Conrt within the ■ vliu-Jt tl. e prenj ■ ■ tu. at tabllc :. sfy th araoni ■ ut the ttoe, tvith thi Qd the teta, i' ■ ■ I morti . ed by law ■- [NDA C. C I COL-MAN ' 1ÏOOT, Aity'a lor QotoR.W.ELLlS& CO's i' for cholee Wines and Liquors , for Medical Purposes . Mor' rEVA 1 ■! n ftstlB In the coníi,, ■ MfcHbin "'S I8th day ,,: An-.'ust. í. i), ism, fii Ill...ra',0lli ly ivhi.-h acf ili thé [ mii ,'." !""' "" ■ or pqiiilv Uu,,.,, ::;'- "illlli' ■ ■ .! ■ . .,': K1',JÏS'% I "r"lu lof .o )', ,?,Onííí """meatos ledineatd morigage, oí ome nart íh " lo-wit : All ..i tli.: follow „i :in , ''(. -n thi"h' I Hurón Uiv.-r viz nci ul, ni Y ■ r 1'uMloroAÜaa Tt Ís m?'.11 i Aun Arl..,i made bf D 4 ivílfí' I iiortbviu-l ."ri,,r óf ii'vi'eí,","! I y Ix-toneing lo Dwlght Relióse „Vi'"") I ' larkloti ihi 1 il tfchtMl22? s.lld ítrcet or road on the north lino of (a,'i lm pi.t roda : thence noitherly iaralM wu ," " parallel ■ flrst Une dlx rods. u siiid clreet; tbem !■■■■ fasl Une ofeaid htr.t-t fiiur n'id,L ?' inninir. the samo iirt-miL, ' l'atrlck O'Kteflfby Pa riek Iwío"i"! wíl rt february 25th , 18W ,ï í11 Home, i" the CltT oí i ■ I rl lajd Coimty, on thu lth day of m. n'f. ;:'. DD - ■ ""nttlj Duti;d,NOï-cinbcr2l8t, 18T0 LEST ER I.ATIMEP UtV. JT .Marts;(i r.f:1 {Jgtate for 8s!e '■'■ ■ 'Vv.liten.. ■ ' ■■■ ■ ''■■'(.''■'" I 'II. Judire f i ■ ti tity-ll UH piíUip,' ■ al the ilwellinü hoiL ■ : 1, ín tlie ( 'ounijrof Wiu? 1 ' ■ ' hlik'hth rl ■ I H 7 1 , ni nn ■ . ftamoonri? ;i.jert to a!l encuinbraiia l.v mortiriRn .ïf' ■ !,; '■'ll'iwiiiK descritied ' ■ SJ Ction WVPTL' ' 11 Mlill Si'.'11 reof tuto ii iiimi theminlmi ■ : u " uil thiit iwrti . Uu Dortíiwwl „„n, h noith ofthehS&f ■ ■ n pa !.,( l.inrj ' ' ■ '■.■■■■ .i jNHiml! if the uorthwest comer of theeost lialf i ..-! 'liirty-onech aai th úde -.; hiirW1 noríh íil"t-■ and thirtj minutes m ■ h oce nf,rfh onc !t C] BÜlBil ii'l liili' letíS folir lu.nn and niiK-ty-TiBri Inni , contasiiof footcS ■ rt half qf . tíiut TKirtiuii cuiiveyed by yj L deed I in the tfficenf i ! ''utily. viz: ÜrrfcJ ' '■ ' ■ ' ' ;l' tojb W. Kt)] - . :]! JWKOfl .. WUlitun Ruokmaiii Lewifl ltiickimn añi i mi Southern lí.iiiri" ge -I-., and by d.lJ to I ■'!"" K. liuckman l.i lilicr 71 f 1 'eeds, on i.. :V, Excoutor 13IW ' Ieal Estáte for Sle. WT.V, [IOAN, Couutyóf WaiteM", C? In the matter ut the egtale of William V. Grsat" ■y 'ivcn, iht i pursuanö í tu tli underelgned, E of the ewtate ■ hu Hun Jarlwrf i for theCuaotj of Wa hti'iiaw.oii tiie ibitj ry, A, H. Ii71. tliere 11 be mld I ■ ::u blgherl bidder, at Allptrt'a . ■ of TVxte-, the Coiiuiy n In sald State, tt ■ tweDt7-flrel day if F-lirtiury, A. D. oon of th;tt dty 'fuí .■.:-■■ or oth twtt . rue of (k-uih (if suid dtceaseilj iiied reul estáte, to-vlli lot b D ot t tic village of Dcxttr,iü - a.-. Bated, Jauuiiry d. 1.11 C. rCE, Extcutcr. Estáte of Norman Mürsh. S[, Conti tj ui WathteDa,! a of the Probate Court for tlieCoanit .. holden ai th Office, intbs ff Aun Arbv.r, on Saturdj, the ioutttemh ) Bar iboniaud ei-.' t ,-uiu;. o■ .'.-■. of Probate. In tfco matter of the Estatu .ii''iRimj Manb Oa roiuUngand flllng th'e petltlont Qxüy vcriflpd ol I .1 r prayiug that he . ; aio :i ft] u tale Mbtteuf id,l l;u Mond}, tlir tirigtjni xt. ai ten i'clock intlie I mi thebcflrlugof8aiá-p6titJon ■ laed, and al) ■ I ■ i'unrr, t tien to be hi'l'li'i. ofAnnArbor, audshoi 'riftü 1 bejrranted: Auditisfarthcroti ■ b the persouf :■ ■ ocy o! rfKÍd pe- JlLr:l C'üpï (f i -.,;,, ■ :;.-_.!:- iid . ■ iious t.i said daj u (Atrneoopy.J DIRAM J.BEAKES, Jndceof Probílí. ■ . ;. !;su QTATE OF MICIl I ty ol Vhtcnaw.n O At ;. , i ..:■■- ■ ■ ft, ilUlltAnn Artior. on Monday, the sixteentb .y, u Ihe ye oue thousaud cictt j -one. it . íir.ini J. Bealtes, Jódge "f Probate, ter ui the (state oj Edwin J. KUf,. andSUugthe iietiti.ii duly veriledof I uhe or olhér nututed duiiuUtratrix of ihc. '. thnl Satnrdayi the' I í'ilüry liuxt, at ten o'cloek in the for i he ht-aiifig of fiald i.and thut íhe'heirait law of-ftftiudeortNd. and ;i!l other persons ilitcrested in míi1 i , ■ . , ■ ' i seasion ..i' saidCoarf thvn to be hu! ■■' ■!::■ thccityof AnnAjcbor, and .sIhmv canse, it anv tlu;rt' be,whj erof tuepetitlonersbould not be jríinttd: Andltlsfurtherordered thstsaidpetitiODerglntttice tothepersonfl Iñteresteoinsajucstáteoi the pen ofBald pelttíon, and the hearing thereof, by büshetj intho .-. bperprlnCeïi audcirculatííg lu sald coanty , türéeueoessÍTe woek previout la oí' .iraril.--. (Atrnefeopy J ' 1IIRAÏ1 -T. 7?EAKES. 13j1 Judut-of Probal. :ite of Tiantha Jones. STATEOI' MICHIGAN. CotiLt of Waëllillir,f At a seeaioa of the Probate Coui t for Cuum I teiiBW, kiiliu'ii :it the Probate Office, in the Aiiu Arbor, ou yturday, tht: seveotb daj ol' jann.i: y, iu thc ycar uno thouaiid eibt han Presen:. Hiiam .1. Boake,Jndge of Probatt-, matter of tbé Enlate of Diauiha Jones„ nul aiing the jictition, duly veri fied, ol Philaoder 3. -unes, prayfbg that lie may'be appointr.inistratur of the e AU of 8HÍd doceAMu. 'i íh ordéredi i-iat Honday. ene íixth dr.v of Fubruaryucxt. at ten o'rlock in ïlie !ir t he hea ring of ki iri p?U■ luw of Baid óf . ad all i;Líur iJiTíM.']if intvr.'steií insuuli-sUte, l tessioii ol soul Conrt, . 04Ue, iu the City ol Auu Arbur, nud show G&a&e il" auj thv be, why the pr.i ■ Otira not b gruuted : And :t isrartlier ordered, Hl at euiii ptit the persona Uiiereuted in taid tretate.of the Hon, and tft hir.viii..a copj ii' tti' opdc l -.■nv .ií7ií.í,a ncwe pruitod and eiren laihi.' i:i 8ald County, thré8wW spreTiotu ko kh í f J t n v oíbar]n& CA tl ! M .(. V.K.; 13M J-.tdiie of PruhateE sta te of Görtlieb Ueckerle. . CoinitjorWaahtff(íw;Mj bate Coartfu ' n at the Probate Offlte, In thr . . ii n Arbor, on jjlooday thrf ninth (:ty of Jn min-, in the year üuc thousnnd eí;ht huudredaad1 tU Ui tam 3. Bcakes, Judge tf I'robiitt-. In the matter of the esute of üottlieb TÜeckerle, .. e ;etit:on. duly verifiid dï Maria C. f eckh r1". preytuj! thal acerta!niDstrumen now on i ourt, jmipuitint; to be tln la wil! and testament ui aid ueceased muy be admitlfld ■, .au! Ü;;it she maj b :ip;n)inttil Execoreof. : ordered, that Hcraday, the stn ■A. al t'ii o vloek 11 Uieforenoon. for the lirarin: of sald pqtilpu, aii'i l'ütt !1 tü'ir; :ií ].-w of :i!l otlit'r persouu mor ilcd iü - iou of mrt, tben to be bolden, at thé Probate Oiöcc, .iy ut' Aunbow cause, ií auy ■ the prftycr of the petillonti ■ : : Ami it ií farther ordored, i pctitioner give notice to ;■ ■■ [nterésleu lo i ry ot' aald iiclitinn, anci ', by cansing a oy of tliii in the Mi tng in smid C'ouiity, thrvoi i vioua tu s;til day cf hca! (A !■ m i. i:i:i' Jmle ui ITobatc. Ilsta'.o oï ,h)hn V. Depew. QTATBOPMICHIO nre.'f. ,'.■ Courl for tlic CouotJ ■.. holden Al thp ProhntcOfllcc, in tbo ,'..-; IV.liiUjt ■ ..u thousañd uiglit tandred nu! BCronfcy. i J.B kes.Joigppf Probjité. miiti'r of the Kat.ate of John C. l'cn'rf, ., :itl ñltng the potition, duïy vi' . . raylug thnt M iicfiised to solt ceüiiiu rcul ctatc whereert , . ordered tfcat Thnrsdny. tn m, at t'n o'clock iu tW i uU t Itat lli1 Miid :i!i tl in said 6 Cowfl thentolv be. 'hv tbó be L'rmilud:- ! pi litionec (i'ï : e, ol the . . i.r I OU'? ilïehed in '1C -a elreulauoil I ■ . ■ :ViUK. :opy. Judceol Probal. td GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's forstrictly Pure Dnigs and Medicines. Faïnts.Oils.&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus