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The Altered Check

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J he owiiBge it Madnme Li.-.nee Speocr whirlnH into the long maplë nvenue int led lo il'o beajuiful boma rf tlist ! dame, and within its mi-t'cs "lied back upon iffl crimeon cushiotis, ;c incarnatinn of Batisfied prospprity. I Bat nt. un eponirg in tho roMii ttnt léd i the li'.tle :n (iiicin! ].-ikij, ta fran; inpetuottfily f mvurd r.nd cast an igry glai êo si ■■. con píe wl;o uere just dtPappeariny down the pharfnwy pnth. 'i'li; : wbfcfs ol be itisurious bad not '■ een i ■ Hio pair, and the laJy i lihtcd a few rods Farfber nd, saying the would wik up by the uower l'ordi'r, dismiss d the servant" to the stoble, paued an kÜBiftot till the carrisge was lost to view, th'n sí-iftly turain!., s'ic followéd íhr figure wl-y-c appearnnco in tho fhrubbiry had po startled her compoRnro. A few Btepa bfOi'gltt lier to 'ho little ako, wboi ?dge liip graud w:lk pi'cirvled like a graj pnv.ho. Bebind the walk ran . on t!(i adv BwiÉ y e tn c the ohjecú ií ber The ffirl nst nol more than eighteor, nnd ho sírf:bg rcseoibli neo pfi bore to , the ich robe v.. í hor, the tamo ds tbi ' ' 'lils ftod on her ttny BnfïeTB, tolfl pfaii s ti-.o dnughter rf the horse. And certainly tho prcsri)"c of hor eompartion wáá I bred enough - thn f.'K-c roblo and the csrri 'ge proud eiiough- to puit cvci the laste of the aüii itiona Madnme Glariee. liu't the tall, ari#tocrlió laoking man i the private tutor of ü i.eirhlor'fl 81 n, end airead y eome casual the motber'a guspieiono. Slie hd spoken t Kdith of the mtimacy wbicb raigbi cause idle tonques to Cfiinei f th'.i:pames 88 t-te would oevet I kt: to liour them, nd th doushter, vl'.h nmch of her motlier's terep-r, rad r'üí-d bitterIv. Th'pngb tlifi digi-u-pou was dropped fT.r tlifi time, ad Kdith had een lews of the lutor, s! 11 the heartof Madame v:is not quite iñfied. "Kditb whs eo heads riüipr, and Uiarfville Wuübiir wa? do hatidsome," sho reasoned, that it reslly iiraa extremely oatur! they shoald seinated. Bnt bevond a fiirtatirin the ambitimia mollar vowed it should never go. And row ns sfce crouc!i((l béliidd th ■ htdpo, nhere erery wcird wns audible to he islencr, fue eot her tet tli aou íingorg ogetlier O a r:io as Míe lieaid her Inughter, on wrtose future she built po oany proad hopeg, over nrni over again inre Ü beggnrly tutor tiaat pIip 'would nevor cense to lovo hisi, 'íüd j íhutever opposition was n strre for lier ihe would brvo everything and bccome lis wifo." Then t!io deep, lovinc; tones of tke ;utor's voiec feil on her pntraged cr, as 10 plací cd for tiie "a'ure, wilh the tüght figure of Edith clnsped closo to tbo lover's protectiug hrf.a.ut Clarice Spencer fairly held lierfelf to prevent interrupting this esasperati g interview, hut by powcrful eflorts she restrained herself, as she f lt sure interforence woud basteo tho awful cataatropho of this dMinrihijj marriage whicb was boing plaiined under htr indignaut tnatein-J nose. Jío - omo strütegy was neceí-'sary to sopra!C tlio lovers, which she wascquol to. But no open oppositioü would ever effect her purpose, and wilh this doterniinntion sbe smothercd hor wrath, gatbercd her filks about her, anrl quietly stolefrom the f?pot that held the unsuspectiiig lovers. An hour later, when Eelith jvissod to her own room, phe spuke for. fi moment vvith her moiher, who was apparently ubfiorbed in a new novel. -Kdith," oaid the latter lady, "Tbis book has filled rae with a dosire to rcvisit Europe. I really believe, if I can arracfro wy nffairs with my agent and Mr. Dunbar, you and I will gat awiiy early next mon'h.:' "fray, what can Mr. Diinbar havo to do with your intentions?" qucslioocd Edith. "I will tcll you," pursued Madamo Claricc, "I anj going topropose heshall take tbe hou-c 1 hive oipty iu the village, ind open an acadcmy of 3 5 r 20, besidis our thiee. It will mike no fur more ■ rafortablo abroad to know that Edwin nnd Joha and Bur y aro all togethsr uudcr Mr. Di)nbar's Cëachiög and caro." lidith thougbt lmg opon this p'an of her motiiur's bufore she slept, aüd governcd partly by hor désire to go to Europe beforc sbc was so ' ted, perhaps, a? te bc u.'ihli to po, and partiy bv hr dcwire thnt Granvi.le mighl have the ojportunity of benig srxnelhing raOta ilisin 6n hurablo tutor whèn sho hécu'iné MA. DunBar, aa k!i: m bp detormined one f'uy to bo, shc finally coticliided il wan just ti! tliing tor inr lover, nn3 insdo uji lier mind lo persuada bim to view it in the same ligh.t, Wliile Edith tornen Over l:er motber'i proposilioD, iiid tfaat mo'.iicr eat broorting in lier rvti room lier deeply muisliing Dttubur's pre} bumptuous hoprs, tlie young man bim s ■:! ■■ ■ i ;ni opper room of old Wintw s hoos ■, (o !:;t] ai )oved twin. Nell, wbo svns thon at :i oelebrated semionry, fcept thcro by ibe generoeity and RelLtdetJ#l af hor bvothnr. trie Urge fooleclp sfiept 't' liis wockly ■■;t--", ba describ d to Ne'l hi charming Edit'i ; iiC(iv!l jen? aod t .mdly upmi the lnvn he bopcd lp .see grow up betwpf n t lm tvro. Aii'i :lc i?for fo wip-rn this lottcr wa adilreippd was wttll wortby tlie o nfidenOu ol lier devoted brother Ellen Dunhar wip no onnimon giií, eithur in perconn! or niMitni at:rib i She nns trangely like lier brottier. Every 'ratinc jf h's hntidsorae fftee was roprof-luet'd with more delioaiy in Kltnor'e. The sime end oye, blue almost to blockne frined with j?ttyourlpd laebes; flíe same prond cur! ol' nonti i] and lip, tlmt j:íiv a huughtj look I i bo tl;o nmf ii'gh bom air, made Nelly the ;tnaie of lier brctlier, very beautüu' girl al?o. 'i;iiok fo be won ly gentleness and .ifTeotioü, slip was a pnrson who i;nder eireiimpinncps conld be an avenging fiend. the arkcd oo happier fate llian to sharo the home of her loved brother and tbougb hor beauty and prace had ftlrendy bronpht admircr?, enger to be aooepted as lovors, Nelly J)unbár ningún m no üreams ol tlio lutiire pavc thppe eonnectrd with Granvillc, hi wifr hnd his children ; and who fhall siy Ihe ■ girl's philosophy iras not the h'n' 'i vi,! aod peturd sister, rhe eherisb cd nrl fondlod "aijntie," ar cerlainly n to be prf!írrpd to th npglect3d, eoldly-treatcd wife, and the wearv airpcompcnsed motber, that nía?! for ivAnan, marriage too o' nften hrings tliem. Trii'v wor'liy ofall Nelly's love ivas the brother of ber heart, for witli wery plan that oeeupied hiin his Nííly as ncludeil, and the ai.xist y J'Mith "vincfd to meet and know her, the my n which slie epokoof thcn a!l beiig one lay together, was tb Riiraat way to ihe )cst aftections (f Granville Dunbar. CHAPTBR IT. "Oh. míu.'amp, hv; ntrnn;ely T !:avc ni-undc-tood you ; bow doeply 1 liavc rrongfd yon ! ' Rpnke Granville Duubar, n the enthusUstic gra titube ol lesrt, to ClsVine . when, aftcr a rviv, slü' prop"SP(1 I bu Al":-. rofespor ''f ' Preparatory ■ for Yoiü-g Gentlemen." lts titío - -peei'iliiox, it? politicnl ind re igious teiiètè, were c!uly discussed, ar:l he astonisbed aíd 'lnted gentleman cft his wily pitron, to seok out and haro his hnj'prDcSS wilh the lovcly 5d!th. It. v. ás ntiTT ubdctstootl betfrecn moth:r and dauj;hter tbat HÍter a ye;ir's so :urn in Kurupo, there would he no obections to Jvlith's sharing the fortunes if her tutor lover. AU the s!ia!ows that iad hn'ig ovor their parlj love secraod üyBteriously d88Íp4ed, Md lby looked orward to the pr-d ot' tle probation-sry ■car witb dligbted antioipationS. Im paritioos for the departure if iu(!ame Clarfce and daqghier were nade, and Gratmile, aiready in posses ion of the mD?ion nfpigncd for the icadetny, Rcoompanied his 1 nly love and ser níotber to the oity, to 8;-e thum off n tbe Ptemner, and to mke vari 'U urchapes lor liimsolf. It was the mornug of thoir depsrtare. ]']di'h went. out 'r a few minutes on som? trifilo rrsridn, and madame aid her pr ppeoúvp pon in luw Bat toffthor. "]5ut if this Bstrouora:cal apparato a ai'cepsary, yoú should have it, Dr. Dunbar, and ihe olaas of studios tu be pnrsned at your in(ituion will render this librnry oí rofereuoa anothor neoessary," 8id tilia l:dy. 'Very true," replied Dunbar, "but it would tfiki; lully n tl irr1 of the mony you have so gonbródsly fnrnishod. Building ihe dorinitory wiil certainly cost me fuhy 8',000, and therefore for the pre?ent I mist do as well as possibl without t':env' "lr. Dunbar," rejoioed Madame Speuoer," "I may at onoo add t bit to the origiual suin, and at once place you )eyond tho porple.xity of d. ing without hese things. I have no more check? vith me; let uie se the one you have, I )elieve I can render that avaüable." Granvillo Dunbar fairly glowed vvith )leamie ii he hauded tho papor to the ady. "Ah, maGaino," ho paid, "I ana conüdent oí' the hucocbs of tho academy it will be but a matter of a Ht'le time. I can anply repay yon, prinvipal and interest, of this money. Bat never can I ropay the noble generosity you have shown in placins; it in my power to beeomc worthy of your beautit'ul child and tho proud poBÍtiop oí' son to so magLÍficent a woman s yourself." "Fooiisli íeilow," returnod Madame, as sho toofc tbc paper ; and tbere was a Strange glilter iu her dnrk ej'CH as she bent thera on the entl'iusiustio faco of her daughtcrV snitor, For a moment ffho read thu paper irresoluto. "I belicve- " 'That sum is pufficiont, dear madame,1' interrupted Duubar; "you will neecl your ready money. Edith will see a thoueand tilines in Europo that se sbould have. Tho dailing ! Sho ought to bo a duihops." Mr. Gran v Ule Dunhar by tliese won's t'irncd tha waverin scale. If madame bád ftlt a mónient's cinipiitic'tio'n, the allusion.s to Kdith eonfirnicd her original purposo, aud finnly granjing the puper, ho smilingly 8Wépt iuto tliu adjoiuirg room. Tbere s'io hurriedly searehed amid the artpl(!8 in a satchi! for tho necessii y pen aLd ink, aud witli them she brought to the ta!:!c a ea;all vial of acid, 'i:li which slio carefully erasod tho written word "Fvp," and then writing in tiie i spnco the wörU "Fiftecn," slio added the figure 1 to the .') ín the left hand corner; and be!io!d, to the order of Oranville Djiibar, tlierc ptood the nobk SUITI ni .-]., (Vil. Wori fail to dcfCribe the r.stonishraënl'nTTTié young roanas ibis check !} pre-'entlv i bis hand. "Hüs1!." ga-fd the l'tdy, ""'- men favor- say aotfeing to Edith of Ibis addition t yonr far.d-; f desiri; it to be a eeoret betweeo hp. Wliom -hnuld J heneiit," kIiü continued, ' if not the ohnsen of my only daoghter's heart. The siim ?cems Inrufo, hut yoü will flnd 11 win1 fiir evo: y dollar oí it." Kditli'.t entrance, an! the f.if, npproaohing deportare with (iis 8ttendD hurry, prvepted nnv further outbresk "f gratiluflc on Jiintiiir'fi pnrt.. At noen he saw the last of liis lovcly JvJith nú hor generóos mother. Sííorlly he retraced íiia gtp !n hbotel, and fpent the evening dweilmg in mournfol on his depnrtinj Editbjaud in choerfulantioipation of hoireturn. Iba next day, aftor the bank was (veil uniitir way wilh the day's tiusinees, pvfsi'iitcd iiis i-hcofc to iho pair-j teller, who went and uommnoioated with the oashïer, who etepped ineride t- consult the prnsident. Af' er still more delay the first gentlemnn returned with tho seeond, and nskod bito to w:lk ntide and soe the thi'd. Granville begao fo be exeeedingly couiused nt the suRp:eious scruti'ny of t'uo trio. The preciiient g;it wiili his obeuk in his hand, Bod a mioroscope lay on the (leek beforc hi ir.. ':Young man," h" said, sternly, "I Riippose you want the iuo-icy for this Ch,-rk." "I oertainly do," returned Granville. "Well, can you aive me any information üoncirning this business ? Are yon the Mr. Duobar to whoi=B order this is payable ?." said the bankir. "I m." "Humph ! 1 Ruppofe you kuow you íavp to be ideotified r" "I hfid not thought of that. ; but I can jroduce responsiblo parties who know ne. I presume I í-ao End t.bem befnre Mtrking Imnrs are over ;" and Granville 'eaohad bis hand t recover the ebeofc "Not o tot, yonng man. Tbis cbeck ias been altert'd froui a small rnount to lic lirgo onc it now representa ' Granville waa becoming irritated by ,he K).-ansr of the mun, and rather trcngly burst ford: : "Well, wbatifithas? Mrs Spencer iltered it from ?5,000 to 815,000, the lay she sailed." 1 üh ! She d;d ? And tlut's s'rnnge," aid toe ban ter, slowly. "Fop ehe iias tot ti dollar t. her credit, ovt-r nnd abore he rom yen firft gtated - d,000." GrHtivilie Duobar fairly "V hy, Madame Spencer ninst Iiave :nowu tm iimoi.iüt s!ie was r.Lle to draw ipo!) vii'i ?" "i ghoiilcl think go, ton. W,.]], young ir. of the douf)t, asd, uotil Md ipencer can bo comuDÍated witb, wo Í hall hiva to dotain yoa." And tbasit ime about that Granville passod tbi- ligbt mn'oh mre Padly than the previoas ne. Day nfter dny pssso"! ou. The teaincr that bore Madame CLin;o and er d-iuijhtcr arrivcd S'ilely at Southmpton, and tliat Indy found a telegram waiting her at her Uankt-r? in Loudon : What wns amannt of check in favor fGrnnville Dunbar? One prisentod 5,000, claimed to havo been nltered ■y yourelf'. Nobtham, Pres't Fifth Natinofil lkiik. A ml speedily acrosi Ihe Aflantic ■ïslied the reply : Check o G. Dunbar for 15,000 ; icvcr was altered by tnyself to a largcr um. London, Eng. GfcARics Spenceh. Ard Granville Dnnbar woke to the ior!Íble plot that, saoeepsiully carried ■ut, had ruined hini, wben he thought ii fortuno wiis brijrlitrst. The offioers of ths bank, ince:sed at chut tbfy caüod the unheurd of irapuleuce of ihis (windler, proMcuted liim or the offenoe ebftrged, ifithont delay. Jlarics Spencor's dnp'isiiion was so'it 'rom London, whero Edith was overvlielnifd with sorrow and asrony nt this crrit:lo ant of her lovpr, and vv'ithin one i: ort raonth of that fatul day, when the ic'iiuized youog man had nocepted the jouDtj oi the d'.'tp soheming m -tbi-r. Jrwiville Dunbar was tiied, convicted md senteneed. Who p'i.ü ('escribe tho agcr.y of that, nne friend of the eonvict - poor Nelly ? She had !eft her school at the first untiappy advtiitiire of hor 1jred broiher, ind ai the horrors of his situation gathnred quickly about bitn, she Rtruggled witii her nwn sinking beurt, and bent overy faculty to cheer-and eupport the poor he'pless, DJureél fellow. (iranville aain nnd again detailed to her every word and act of that mornirif: until it was as if she had been in nc.tor n the fearful poene, whcre the berin ti 'ui woman, with pmiüng face, lid schein ed ard aceoranlished lxer brother's ruin. Utterly crushed in miod and body, Granville lay yet in the oity prison, too i!l to bs moved. And, a if to destroy the last gleam of light bis dajkened life was ever to kuow, one niorning Nelly failed to come. Bnt at night the warden came to bim with a note from the poor giil. Sho beggfd him to hold body aud soul together for just a little time, tor sukc - ior lidith s. She liad enüstod tho pyrapatby of a prominent oflicifil, who harl promised her ho should not be moved from his preeent quartera for two months ; under plea of bis illness heshould bo detained until ghe got back ; where sho was coinj kIic wou ld not fay. But agaiu sbo i atoly burst forth and beggod him r.ot to oonsifn her to madness, by gi'ing way to tlie trouble that bcnet him. 'i'o wait pntiently only two months. Thot was al she asked, and with this prayer Nelly was gone. ciiapter in. If Clfiriiie Pponoer bad, by her daring p'ot, faved her daugbter tVtim what hc conidered an awful fate, tho wretolied inothcr now bcgau to tliink it. was only to ooTipijin her to a grava, For after the first awful shock lídith liad failed to rally, but lni'i laiifzuully nbout her apartment, uevir smiling ond scarctly spoakiug, lier sjight figuro fílowing more slender oaoh day. .!adamo Chuice gaw with unape;kab!o tnrror tho rings on the trnuBpnrent fingnrs beooming looser, the benutiful eyes lnvge aod restiess No offert was spared to win the suffor ) ing girl (o health and oheertulnep.s. Jlut in ftntwer to lier mother's entrpaiie, plio rould sy, "Motie-, Í rannnt f-.reet him Uuvrnrthy, as [ have proved him, 1 live liim yst, :md I oan no more fotgpt him ia higetn atid sharne, thsn it' he (ad heen lost to me wie I bnlieVwl lii;n all tlmt whs goei oud noble." ïlie doctor gaid '.itns lono oonU] denden llie sniTiiring he endurod, and tlie guility raother, with a sinking hert, ftsked hcin-li if tlio (rail pirl could Lili time b-otigüt oomfort with its c!':nisr(s. Thfin tliere eime a dy w!irn Edith i !;ad n s'rantre visitor, who after a brie) j ; ifilerview, left only to return and p halftl'o night with the s;c'c jrrj, nnd on i the morrow there whs ;i now and siringe i lo'ik on Kdüh's face as he met h(-r mot Ii er 's gnzo, tliaf. made tlie strong vvuman tremhle and tuvn away. ! was more silfnr, and preocoupiod thin Clarioe propoped their Retting away to Konie immediatoly. But ber daugbter paid "Nevcr. I "phall ncrer leave thig hotel but for my pravo.'' Ánd ompletfliy UDitruog by the girl'a manner aud löolrs. the iinhappy motbor b'irst into a toTont of tears baffeaohing hpr o'iild to l'ivo neb sloomy theughtp, n oome wltb hor tb elinnge of Fcene, (nrfjotting one po ntterly unvrortliy of her love is this mm had stiown himelr'. to hv? f(r ths rnother who lored tior bftler tban all tlie world bcsides. At tbe instnnce of Dr. Crary, tho French rosid Hortensn was snperieded by a verj quiet-looking Jú'iglish nurse, whoM smooth g-ay hair nd oloso nip gnve manners nmi dres, seeinod to jMniiaine Spencer'? jcslous ecr, luit (o increnso the sombre eurrouodings of the sick girl. J3C1H1), however, inr.k a tnnc.y to Uiis ntiife wlio certniüly glinwcd great rympathy f ;r lier eb rage - s-noe. on eeveral oceKÍOD8, Clarice found Edith weeping on the uurso's hresft - rbtie !hn third attndant evined almost as much emotion as hor patiënt. .But now Mxdiine Spnoer bcgnn fn show svinptoms of iHncrn herself. ïhfre was a haggurd look thnt spoke of bdily fuffering, as well ns mental unefisinoís. Fiuully fho consiilted the pliyHcinn - sho .believed her rnind wsh jïivinr wy - night ofrer night sho had beeu avakeood, to sce standing beside hor bod a young man sho knavv to be in Aiuuiiua. She knew ph; was awake- sho knew it was nn oljj.'ot created by lier imagioatlon. Therefore she was bcooming untipor.kably alarraed at the conditioD her bitherto strong mind must ho in - and the doctor prosr:ríbod soptb ing cfranghtg. JJut all in vaiti. Horenfe was start tod by her screaming mistress in the dpad liour of nighf, ana ndded to [1)A terror nCMyfomn o.v..... roll from the door leading to Madamoiselle Kdith's apartments. It was hite tho next ury before the vietim of isitatioDü was snfficientlv e ;iip-" to appear before lier bter, and when she did, sbe found Edith gliastly, as shrotidetl in white, sho ï-pcliued npoa the snowy bed, which was draped with heavy lnco rurtains. Her email Rrm thrown over hor golden bcad and the beautiful faoe aa whito as the lace B!id ratisün tbat suri'ounded hc. pjdith was vory weak, tho nurse piid. ad passed n Irouble'i nigbt, and madame slmddered as nhe thought upon lier owo experience. Thi-re was' li'.tle paid bot'on mother and daughter, bnt lar nt.o tha night Clarioe stele nto her daughtor's lO'im, nnd dismictiiiir Mrs Elliott, the nurse, proposd to sit with iior sulTering child. Edith had filien in'o a reMess slcp. Sbe wealdy raied her thin hand as if beckoning to wvvc uoteen ppron. ihe mur'iiurcil fainUv, and (Jltirice, kneeliog beside the bed, bent over her child till she caüght t!ie hrrily u'tered sentences. "I wíl!, Granville," said the girl, "I will. She iins parted us on earth, but l (hall join you soon. Oh, mother, to lose my faith in your love; to lose all ; I have nn other charin to hold mo. You need not pres my heart so, Granvüle, I will como. ïaka your hand off my beart, takc " Edith raised hercelf upon her elbow, The distracted mother t-tretched forth her hnnd to wken her daughter, and prfiveut her rising. But as ahe loanod forward, tho cur taina on the opposito sido ot the bed partod. Within the lace, frnmed by a mist y vapor, stood Granville Dunbar, the pallor of mar'ile upon his face, thu big, t-ad eyes lixed upon Ecüth - in a garment thnt looked to her etartün visión Hko the habit of a grave. S'owly ho pased his hand over her sleeping daughter's head aod laid it on her heart. The girl feil from hor half risen posture back npon her pillow; And Clarice Spencer fainted with horror beside hor. Anhour after the faithful JIrs. Elliott hnd restorod the poor woman to her Eocscs, ad had won from lier, in her excited and half frautic condition, a ful] confesaion of her guilty dovice to Pep;irto her daughter from Granville Dunbar "Oh ! be suro, Madame," snid tbat worthy person, "Miss l'Jdith will dio and you will never know pcaoe unless this wrong is righted. Mica Edith has sccn in her drcams the hole tbing, for sbe goes on pitoous to hear about her mothiir nnl the uwful guilt which is to lio avongeil by her death on!j-. I ttiink this Mr. Dunbar uin't dead, but he's the eaino w:iy as Edith. I do believo they are both dying." "And 11 t.his in conficqncnco of my sin," Bolbod tbe miserable mother. "3Ir?. iClli'tf, eb!? Dr. Crary to see me imtnediately." And tottering to her room, Mudamo Spencer, nttorly broken down by the eveats of the last ten days eovared Ler aohing oyes with her trerabling hands, aud waiteil tho dootor's coming. The resu't of thia interview was spcedily known, far tho first returning stoauier boro witli it Madiime Spencer, Edith, and the nursr?. It was ntrange I to watch this woinan's iinpatienco when ! the jonrney was near its end. Slie paced ■ tho deok oontinuously. The faded gruy 1 hair, the groouibh hucd spectacles, the reatloss fig'ire, carne to be types of aoxiety and unrest to the passeugors. But Madame Spencer was too much pre-oecupied with her inva!i'" daughter and her own tfíotlghíd to notiae much tliut passer! around lier. And ni'tc.r they raached Now York no timo was logt in feeking hor lawycr. Long and serimls rónsaltatinnsensUed behveon the Gifteers of Hie bant nnd thoe of justicn. The day of Granviilo's release he was convcycd directly to the bedside of luw f.iithful J'Mi'h, n bo?e j')y ein be snarcoly imnirinrd. and the nurre, Mm. Elüott - hnw sha oluncr abont Granviile's neck, and vept tenra nf suMi hcirtfelt happines a ps'.dnm wet tho eyes of mortala. "A,::d Klif.h s not half is sick ss we mixie out, d'ear boy," piid tliat worthy woman. "And you willgo now to Paria nwfiy frow 11 that CRti r-mind you of the last sal two nioüths. Oh, I ara hardly able to reaüza that this is not a dremn," and the pood voinnu stnlo n tearfnl smile from Editb's pule f;ic, as sh" (luhberHtely niarcbed to a i!ass, puüed ber oap und gry front ofï het head, wrnppeá np lir Npeotarles in therfi and throwint; them out of the wndow, stood oonfest in all beauty, the lovingj f.iithfnl Nelly, vlio by ber wondeifiil reaetnblauoe, had persiDtd her brotbcr'fl tpmirtr, tili the guilty heïrï of Olaiö8 Bpcnceroould hold iis ño longer.' Anrl oquld the nirfy lavo poon (o look of consten ation 'bat ortpt over the face oí a poreon oiiróenled in tho next room, as Bho 8üw tho whilotn Mis Ellbtt's metamorphosij, they aald have feit tint, cunnitii? as her wicked ingeiuity had provsd her to be, n a simple ffirl pIic hnd mot Uc match, wlio opposing plot to plot, had beaten h'-r. And nöw oncn more upon nn OOtward bour.d vessel, beiiold K'.iitli and her ; bond, !io, in the !)ap-i:iess of the present, is fa'st forjs;et(ihg the trials through wliinh he Intely psissed; nnd h-nutiful Nelly definí her cvn rf oarHiIy blis full ; thut tb Fün briglitor tor the s'orm JMst over, and that ministering to Granville and the new sweot tiafir; Éhe will ba forever happy. So they fail awiy to the'r home in b"auiiful Paris, vrheré GrahVinè hu very fine hpsiness prospsotp, vvhioh, however thfv itiky fail, cannot brin pnverty to tho loWinjj trio, for Madame Clarico hns a d I e d maoy th u4ands to tho gum pf that tV.tüi check, striving to buy of those she lias so dceply injnred the forgiveners eUo. ■ '.o h8 no riylit tn eri)"if. In j tifter ye-irsfhc irids hor sons ci-e more ] to l;o in iorrtin landa with thi'ir B end iier noble hui-band, tiran with the poor brokcn womnn who nnce jpüoüed , ind cchctnsi], and sinned to suoh fruitlos?, bitter cnds.


Old News
Michigan Argus