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The Alabama Claims And Fisheries Question

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Nkw Yokx, Peb. G. A epeciül corrcspotideut telegraphs tlut t is uuderstood at Washington and stated as explanatory of Minister Sekenck's delay in leoving for Eügland ihat a Britieh diplomatic agent is on his wav to Washington, with authority to ettle the poiuts of dispute between England and America, relativo Dot onlv to the AJabama claims, but to the fishêry qaestion. If this prcposition is accepted by our government, it is believed tbat Schenck witl remaia in Washington aud conduct the negotiations on the part of tho Unitod State?. The Cauadian autlioriïiüs are earnest in their delire tbaS liio Aliibama claim tnay be kept eotiraljr separate fiom the questions nflecting the D.iniiiiion in the Degotiatiuna, and that tlicse cluims tn&j be settled before tlie fishery question is taken up. The Herald'i Washington correspondent telegra)hs : "It is understood that Gen. Schenck, wbo wa to havo sailed from New York last Wednesday, bas been cumtnoned here at the recjuest of Mr. Thorutcn and Sir Jubn Rose, who bave asaured Fiah t!at they aro authorized by the Britigh government to gay that iu the interest of good feeüng ihe D minion aulhoriiiee Lavo been inetructed to percmptorily at ouce restore ihe licensB eystem to our fishermen, po up to give them priciioally the rights niid privileges pertaining to the ia-shoro üshcritB of tho cüast of Britisb North Ainerica. This concestion ia to beiuade without oonditiODt, and evideutlv in expectation ihat it may lead to sucb 8micahle relations as will more readily pave the way fur the patisfuctory re-opening of the Alabama question upon General Scbenck'a advent ïi Knglatid in order toget the forced aeijuichcence of Canada. A dday of Boniü three weeks in General Schenck's departure Las been asked by the British agent bere. Ah the Canadifin official oigan of Ottawa tiercely denioa tho riglit of England to interfere in the fisheries question in opJ)ofiticn to the wiehes of the Canaüions themselves, íind declares that the treedon) of the fipherit'B will nevor be assented tn unkes by fin act equivalent in htp to a reciprocity trea ty, some iionbtg are xprefsed in officibl cireles hen; s to the ability of Ttiornton and Koio to keep their proniiie. In the mcantime the Committce on Foreign Kelutious ín both Houses are tokiog no action en the fishery question, pending the proinised eettlmei)t. 1 lio WorWe correspondent telogrspbe pOMtivolj thiit the niifsiiin ot Eot-'e was to atbiol Thcniton in eettiing the fisherj queftion, a; d tlmt Sclunck's depsrture was cielayed at the rcq;;cst of tbe Britiih Goveitjmtnt tiil iiittiiutions were received téndering tbe United States tho fithcriée acd frte navigaticn of ibe Bt. Lawrcüce without couj ei.fation er fa Tor. Tuf. Li-gielataio convened sgain on TVeducíday, nud nctive work n.y now be j cteH.


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