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$tx jMvevnomemsi. lOAIiU WANTKI'. For n 1,11'íy ivitli two nnáll ChiMron. Woulil reune two rooms on Qni Boor, aml plensoiit location. . Ktnling ttrms, 1'. O. Jiox 1321. 1308 wi POR SALET -A. 3-ïouse and Lot (in I'.msI uña Átate Rtreet. tal thc City of Aun Arljor, íiinl ltous" imtli of W'nsliinirtt'n. Tnglot ig4x8TOfli m! t1'.' house of briok, one nul i hall riorlM. wiu BMllctOnfillflJ fflUK. Inquirí' OÍ JvftgB IVnkpS, Of ■■.(lwni'1 Etyan, torthiSeld, nr nddreH undorsipTied I Btghland, Uaklaod ' "., Mich. KliWAim vinyi-RS. Aun Albor, Jnn. :ü. 1871. Í3o'tf VrOTICK! Nofifc Lb hen by Wn thai after tiiis ]jitc-T símil pAy tío ÏïiIIh of mv wifcV or nny otlier peiron'n conf rnetiníj,. uuli Baid bilis wen.' inule on WTitteu orilers nifned by hivsolf. W1I, BUCKINGHAM. Ann ArlHr, Fb. 8tli, 1871. 1308w) ■pOR SALE! !! A VALUABLE FRUItf FARM, Well ütOOked wih Ptaniinnl Fruit Trees, pleftsnnlly Bitunlod. in n tloiirinliinï.' viU;Hft' in tho wcstoni puit of the Stato, and on Ote Uno of thc M. C. Tí. R, AVili be nashangod fnr propnrtv in Aun Arbor. Aplv lo 8ÚTHEBLAND - THEBON, línil Estáte Asentí, l.WSwft Over New Office. Real Bátate for Sale. STATE OF M IíIIHían', ío.mty of Washtenav, s. in the matter of the estáte of Batane] J Freeman, ili'i-i i i i. tCotíoe hereby glven, that in pursuance of mi oni-i1 granted t the nndenigned, Aamínistnitoragd Exocutor t' tho l'.HÍatf of said dooowxl, hy the Bon. JudffG of Probóte fot 1 'cunty of Waabtenaw, it tli. cifílith d:iy of Pbruary, A. 1). lsTl, Miere will k solii ai public vendne, to iho liilient bidder, ut tlití bou "i DeWiW Preeínan, la fine town of 8alem, In the ' 'ounty f Waehtenaw, in nAd state, oo Wednesday, the twenty-ninth diy of Mamh, A. D. 1S71. al itn o't-lock in tlic furi'Tioon of that day fsuV crt to all enoambranoee by mortiufe or otherwise existiiiir at tb timi' oí (líNith of nJd deoBMedfñad nln mbject to tho rijfht of dmrar of bis wirlow therein) following ivil estáte, to-wii : 'Di1 east slxty iteres of tht' east half of thc aoutheosi qunrtor of soctiou ilii:i --iv. in towniltip onfl soutli of rongt1 stívt'ii 6ttt in :iiil Btate. Datod, Febraory stli, A. I). Ifi71. WTIJ.TAM OBER, 1308 Exccutor and Administrator. ílstnte oí Lewis Lobdell. OTA Ti: OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Wathtenow.SB. At :i nssloü of the Probfttö Court for tbe County of Woshtenaw, holden it the Probato ítínp, in the City it' Aini Arbor, n BConday, the sixtb day of Februftry, In the yeai one thousand eight hundred and M'Vrnty-onc. I'i -iii , lliram J. Beakes, .Tud(?e of Probóte. i 11 Cha mattoi t the estáte f Lewii Lobdell, deVseftsed. On roading and ffUnft the petition, duly vt-riood, of AbbrJue LoMffIli pnytns that he ornomeothíT Baitable peison, may beappointed A'lniLuUrratrLx wit.h the vfú wmexed di .'ii'! oeoraAod. Theronpon it i oidcrcd that Mondar, the sixth day of .M.'if-li n. :, ;■: ten oY!w'k in Uic turenenm, be asEgned ftw Üie hearing of said petition, and that tho l it'.tv , .il -i es and bein Bt biw of insid rtronnumii iind uil otber persona bitextested In said estáte, nre required oppear .it h sesston of aofd Coort, tbon t f bolden, LrobatO Office, i the City of Aun Arbor, and hIiow oanee, if any there why tiio prayer of the petítioner Bnonld not be yraatod: And it is furthor otarested in .aii r-sintr. ui' Uu pendencyof s;l ptiion, and the hearing tfoenoi, by oaiuJng a oopy ui" this ]Kt to 1' pnblishod n the Michigan Artns a ncweMper prisfed und chvuhitinii in said I 'ounty, three luceeatnve weekj pivviour-, to -ud lay of hfirinf. (A troeeopy.] HIKAll .i. Kt.AKFS, 1308 Judict.' of l'robate. Estáte of Algers - Minors. QTATE OF MICITTOAX, County uf Waslitmaw, m. r A.t a BOMion of the Probate Oourl fr the ('ounty of Waghtenaw, holden t the l'robatp Offloe, In the i'üy of Alm Arbor, on SConday, Che ixth day f Febi-iiavy, in the jour onc Uiousand cilit lumdrwl aud Boveni y- itk . Preoent, Hiran J. Bsakefl, Judge f Probate. In the matter of tho Sstata ot 8ylTester H. Algei aii'i EhlOBM. Alu'ir, minors. On ivinlimr ïiiit flli&g the petitton, duly vratóed, of Lncretia Marsh, Guardián, praying thut du may be li-n-.l to hcII cei-tain ri-al w. =t:it: belunging to said minors. Thereopon it w ordered, that Mondar, tho sixth day of uavofa ooxt, ai ton o'clook bi rae forenoon, be aasigned Rn the heaxinff of said petition, and that nrt of kin of Miid ininori, and all other penond intflieftted ín said ostltte, are n ijuirtl tu uppear at a s"iun of Bftid ' 'mirl , ilmn to ïh hoMcn, at the Pïobatfl Offloe, in the City of Aun Altoor, and show canse, Ü any there bo, why the prayerof the petitloner ahooK nol be gran tod; Ajodil iáítirthcr orderod, i'n:it Baid petitloner give notioe to the next of kin of said minors and all other persona interetted In said estata, of the pendency t Mid petlttont and ï ïi ■ hearing thereof, b CAurizig a oopy ofthia order to be po buafaed in ttw Wichigan Armut a newipaper printed and circulatint Ín said ('fiiinty, tlii't ■-.■ ■Mwwn-i- i wt'cks piX'vious to siiii day of hearing. IA true'copy.) HIRAM -T. BEAKES, 1303 Jndge of rrobate. Estáte of Wilüam Wardle. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Coonty of Washtennw, ss At r seadoo of the Probate f'ourt for tho Countj of Washtenaw, boUanat the Probate Office, iu the ('ity of Aun Arbor, nn v1 th" h" j1- " Present, Euram -I. Beaket, Judge of Probate. In the mattex ut' the estáte of William AVardlc deoèasedi Hi?!ii] P. 'i'linriip-nii. Ëxocntor of tbe last will am beafeament of soid deooased, aomea into Court and representa be fa non prepored to rendar hia iiuul ac count na hucIi Kxf'cutor. Theivupon it. is ordered, thut Monduy, sixtl il.iy rf .Müii-li QSact, :i! ten o'rlork in ÜlO forenoon, lx is-iriit-xï for exiiininintr and BÜüWiüg Bffflii fuxxmnt, nn tliut the tevatees, deviwes, and hefn at law of saitl de oertaod, and all otharpewona Intetorted in H.-ii.l estáte aro l"Oniiltï(t tu uppeai1 at :i B6BSSOD of s:iM ( 'oili'l . thi-l t bohriden, ni uu Probate Office, in tïu City of Ann Arbor, in frii(t ('ounty, and úww carne, if :my thtT U-, why the Bttid aOOOUnt sliould not lw; allowetl : Am it i-i ïurther omU'ixhI. th&t BaJd Bxeoutorgfre notfoe t poTBons Interested In said estato, of the pendonc; of saiil aooount, and '-.r heaxing théreof, by osuring i copy of tliis order to be pnbliahed in the Michigan Ar u, ii DOTHpnpei print m and dicnlating i bw Coun ty, tlirt'j niooémve weeks previous to fiid day of hear "r. (nu copy.) HIRAM J. BEA3SB, 13U8 .liiil.T.-oi l'robate. Estáte of iienjaiuio Cole. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Wushtenaw, ê IO Al n BöMion of the Probate Court for the Count of Wahtenaw, holden at the Probate office In tii city f Ann Arhor, on '1 lmisday, the ninth du; of Kebruary. in the ycar one thousaud eiyht huu dred and wventy-ono. l'reunt, Iliinni J. B6akMJadn of Probate. In the mutterof the ofjieujamiu C6ftS6d. ïlei:ry P. Hammond, Administrator of eaid estáte comej Into Coart and representa that he. i uow pre pa red tu renüer hia fiual account as euch Admin letrator. Thereupon it ie Ordercd, that Monday, tha aixth day of Maroh nest, at ten o'clmk in ihe fbrenooiii bc ualsned for examlnlng and aHowing auch account, and that the heireat law ofsaid de ccaued.Hud all uthur p1 ctrsoiiF interested i u said estáte are required toappnaratascssionofsflidCourt, then to bfl bolden t the the City of Ann Arbor In saldOonnty.&nd Bhoweanse tf anj tbere be, vhytheaaldacconntshonld notbeallowed: And i t Is runher ordered, that suïd Adtninistratnrüivu notice to the peraont-lntereated in ald estáte, of the penjency of sald account, and the hearing thereof, by saasíng a copy of this order tobt; pnblishedin the Michigan A rguiB newapaper print cu and circula ting ín said County, three sucecssive weeks previous to ?ai'i d.'iy of iiuariug. (A truecopy.l IURAM J. BKAKES, ISUStd Jndt:e of Probate. Estáte of Charles Moore. STATK OF MI Cl 110 N, County of At a v..--i.i] of the Probate Court for the County of Walitenaw, holden at the Probate oflice. in the city of Aun ApboFi on Wednesdajr, the flrs: day of Frbruary, in tho year oue thousaud eiguthunüred liud seveuly-oiit: Present, Hlram '. Beakes. .Imlge of Probate. lu the matter or the estáte oí Charles Moore, deceaecd. ttnllivan M. CutcheOD und lïobert V. Hemphill, Admlntstratora of said state, come luto :urt and represent that thsy ara dow prepared to reuder Lhe r liiirtl account na BUCO Administratief. Theivupon it i ordcred, that Monday. the sixth day ol March next, at teu u'cloek u the forenoon, be aaslgned for examiuing and lllowlnflC sucta tCCüOnti ! that the hirs at uw (jf hïii-1 (icfi'H'cd, and all oilirr er)on8 interestod in Böld ostate are requlred lu ipyoar at a íession of aald Oourl then t( b hulden at the ProbataOfflce, lu thOHj of Ann Arbur. in eaid Connty, and BhOWoausOlf any thero.bSi why the iaid account shoold oot beallowed : Aud it is furber -i dci'ii, thut sald Admlnlstratori pive notice to the persone intoraeted iu sald estáte, of the peutencyofsald aocountt and the hearlns thereof, oy iaaslnga copy of thlé order tobe pubushed in the JUiehigan Arguê, ■ newepapei ponted and oircu afina ip sud (oiinty, three euccussive weeks prevfoofl i said day of hearlog. (A true eoófO UlRAM J. BEAKKS, 13t'bLÜ Juttteol Probate. Estáte of Jacob Maehrle. STATE OF MIOIIIGA.V, Couutyof Wa8htenav,88. Ata.sesstonof th Probate Court for the County tf Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, iu f lm City of Aun Arlxir, on Saturday, the fourth day of tTobruary, in the year one (hooaand eiijht hundred ind seventy oue. Prctteiit.íliram J. Beakcs, .Tndge of Probate. In the matter uf Lhe edtate of Jacob Maelirle, deeeased On readme and Ollng the petitiou, duly verifted of Tohu M:it:hrlii, prajtng that Jac"b BatfeV] r ome ithof soitable permn, mw be apuoloted Aminbtratur wil li the wlH iiniiixi'd oftwid decea-ed. Tbereapon it [s ordered, that Bionrday, tbc sixth lay of Mareta nexti ju ten o'eïock in the forenoon ■iifd for the hearing of said petltlon, auil bat the logatees. dsviseesand oefre al law oi aid (i'ccascd, and all otlicr persous iutereated in iaii eötatt!, are reonlred to appear dt a (tession of ald Court, then to be holden, ut tho Prdbate Offlco. u t.he City of Aun Arbor, and show cause if auy here bei why the prayer of the petiilonef eaoiild io t be granted : AndïEls fuither ordcred vhat euid totftfoner gire notice to tli persons tnterested iu fiidrstate, of tho pendencf ol' said petition aud be h'-nriiu thereof iy causfng a copj of thia order o be pnbluhed lo the MiehiüM drgtii, a newnpaper iriuted and elrcolatlng In aald County, threesuccossve weeks prevloiui to said day of hearing. (Atneeop70 HlUAM .ï. be.kbs. I3US JudL'e o: Prubate. pEOPLE'8 DRUG STOxvxúi R. W. ELLIS & CO. OFR POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE GE! DR. KELLOGG ROOT BITTERS! LIVEK INVIGOR1TOR. Q [NDIAN REMED7. :AMILY CATHARTIC PILLSÏ Wortli, Merit, nntl UeUnbllity conceded by uil to be Iiouoralsl.v won and fiilJy susitiiiu 1 by Di Kellogg's four Meriterious Coni - puunds. ROOT BITTERS AbftOlaU freetlum trom physicíal Sisease I a tteMlnfl deelred b all, bat eujuyi-ü only by the few. adlffCvdODi L:l3iltU(t0, UfUOrul Dcbiiitv, MU8CUar Weaknpss, an lat:k of Nurvuuö Kucrgy, are ominun ftUmeoti ; vut iliey nr furfrunuers oí mure ?criiit coinufuiuiH. Ivtnetsi;i. with all horror 4. M U unly chrouic indient ion, and innny a [ r CDiisutu ttiTO iurtil tuUTÍDg upon th verge of physicat dlSOiail"O., Tlrïdly remembers the [CUeral deofllljT and ucrvt us pros t rat íod which ipnitiU'il thu uttack f the iuviaioiit cueiny of hfe [be mlvict' dictuted by common sontiö " ia uot to ei tht6 minor complninta lurk in tha y-Ucra nu íoticed and nnbeedodt" yi-t maoj persons wbo fee] 'atigued nfter mtsd nodonUa exerci-iv, whOM blood 8 eïuirgiah hi drcüation, diiifstioii murbid, uppi; tite irregular, complexi' n palttd, nervei wenk aud unstrung. muprulnr fiber luone mul fiabby. aud whose py stern la in conditlou af general ddhilUy, with every avunuc open to tito euCftHtthmeilt and pottsvriuD ofcouflnned aod destruotlv dieaítMo listlösly arotiud " 1'vlDg ukulei ns," ftppareotly reardlesM of the blAUlngSOf heult h. aii'l '.n.niiiidfuï of them: natural wanitugs of tU-o appriich cf complütf phypii-ül pfostratlon. Thnt, iiiatí comen when lenpt expcted" ts r coxnmon bnt vi-ry abMini payin yr Cbesa comnv'ii OOOtplalDU ure the nkirminhiTx whlch cotumenee (he ittack imd tiemld ihe appronch of the encniy ; mul ii is lbo wl-doin of cominun ssiue, tu Í:uard ncninst their atlncks, nd if ihoj have psucssou, lo drive rhem fruin the eytt ra The untiirally leeblfl frame may bc strengthened. and the robost who havt; beeu partiully broken down bjf Indigestión, DUiripatlon, Ñerrout D-bility (íiM-fi-c. or Dnueuai hardbhip. uiay bo reatotod t henith uud huppinKF, !y delicious Tiottiiiical Tonic, periect and wholesome appetizer, geuial id to digestión, nnd gentle nervoug btlmulanl,- Dr. Kollogff-s Culebrated Root Bitton. They wilt improve the appetite, materially aid digesiion, perfect the condititm oflbe blood gftvi tone to the iiervous ijtSüsm, umt the proeress of dtaeaM ttrenghrn the eninciated, aid nnd con Arm the rcutoratiou of the boblfl couvatettcunt, tul pro ten the --vficni i'iiiiisl malaria] dlsraee They are a bieding to Minee who flud thi-mvelree weak. liiiLifiiiii, and lackin; enery a the wurm days o( ipring Thcy nre a treamre to womeo who ufi'er frm nervoxu debility, Ioïh of viial strenth, ndphysical weakueas. Tlicae " Bitters," are not a vile mixture of wretched whitkoy,t and aloí-u but i jíuuuiut Bot-aiiicaJ iunnteb Tjü eijun-to"r.1cii recoramcüdatious. LIVER INVIGORATOR And BI ooi Pnrtfler, U a cemponnd prepared to clcaneethe systeni ofimpnriiiet and cnre coujlrmet] diordern arliiiif Trom a dlsAMed ftate of the Liver. There ie goratthiiip the matter with my Livur," ia the observa! Ion of at leaBt three out of every flve peruotiM, when questioned in rrgard to thi;:r hèalth, and it U a '. iLknown truth, that disease of the Lier is the most C'iiimonailmoiit tin physlciau haa to coultiud with althtnigh he is gtueially callf d upn to meet it Ín the f jrm of Pcvere, Ajfue, Nervous ProBtialion, nd other acute mnladie of which disorder of the Liver is thr prodiKinj; cause. liBpurc Hl"'d. sik and Bitious Huadache, Coativenets, Nervoui Weakness, Loss of Energy, Kmaciatton. Pain? in the Side and honldera. Weaknets and Trembting after exercUe, Melancholy, Drowslness. and Chronic lülidi.hin'-.-, nrepomt;of the minor üymptoms of Biliary Lieruituemeut aud Jásense. The final reeult . if these syroptoms arti disregarded are different kimi oT Pcver, Uhcumatieuis, Diarrhej. General Prostration of Nervous Svnlem. endiug in Jaundice or Consumption. Tbfl Liver is the -most8tí"itivc"rganla the human structure. except thcLiiDgs, and so long a dcomposilion of ve;elable matter continué malaria arises. and the preuent habita of life are iuduled, eo long Liver Oomplalnt ivill hecommon. Aí lliure 1h no prospect of these roMiitioii being obviatea henee the DeoetsUy of employing ageHH to c un terne t their Lttuencu. In seleotiog and proportíontng the Ingredtenta of Dr. K-ílogff'a Liver Invigorntor, eicia) ntteutiou haabeen had to comiouod preventive and cure Diaorders of every type. Tl c inoat potent agences knowu to Btn1cal research, have been incorporated int thU truly popular for Liver C'omplainU and bUeane of the Blood. lts elfect upon ihe humnu syntrin i in perfect accord au cc with the lawn of health, and the ucieiice of pliysjtrnl slruclurt'. beütg AJttiitliie, Diurulic and Ton ie. By itK Alterative nd Diuretic powerd. it carries the impurUiei of the HjstflO) off through TmtureV coursee, and Ht the same time by t T'mic virlue it atiraulatQtt digestión aud gíves tone tu the nervous puwera.' Jramily Uatnartic rms. The ohjection that theae Pili werc not Bogtr Cuatcd has been obvmud tty tira proprleton nmiiu tnnt respect they are DOW equnl Ui any in OM, - Thcir wurth ah a pafe and reliable Citthartic has ncver been questloued. Kor Ohroulc Constipatiou they ure ft eer tai n remedy. By thcir actious they deanao the ■yttem of vitiated Mcrotiont. Thev Ntunnliite the I.ivcr to aetivitj, gtv tone to the StomiChi and ttrtngth to the nérvea. Thereisttothng In compositioo bat whit lv purvly vegetale. Iheyare mild, rntlc. am! cutïrely effectiml. [iistearïo'r irrittuinj; they retore. lfa are a cerain remedy for Coimtipatlon, Kheuniatiitm, Chrnc Indijjeation, ttubborn Diecnse of the Liver, ItilmiFiir-h., Virnieiit Iinpuritios üf the IÏI.umI, und all DUorders whero a Ih OlOUgh laxalive Is required. INDIAN REMEDY. A medicine advertiecd to enre all, is Renerally leid 1ü disreputo. yct it is pofiiblo tu c nipound a enifdy that may be bciirñcial In a varícty of comlninis. Dr. Kcllü'sIiuUau lloimdy taan exintng pruof uf this pussibility, inumDCh fte a can be einployvd la a varicty of compïaints. und ín eacn íruduce a happy rflMllt The Kemedy is adinitted by ,he inaiiy who have uxd it, itnd who C nfider it iuiispensable, to b the mout periect Remedy lor Couirh, Culds, Croup. hihI all Duesaofl "f the Throat and LiinK. that has yet been ofl'ered to the public, while for Wownds, 8oree, Ktirn Scakls.aud evcry vjirictv of Kxtrn'il InflAmmation il i known to he in absolute and infalliblt; cure. In fact ft 1p impoti-i to nniiiieraii' nuil npvify all the compluinU anddmordera fr which Xhi "Kemedy1 ií ao anti dote. 8ufl3oft to eay ihat wherever there ir luflamiiHtion, interna) or esternal, ou either man or buast. that it is a peedy, perfect, and rellablv cure. We warrant that the uettof one hottle byanfainly will establieh it at one of the nectuiftilies of aouscmld ccouotuy. All the above inedlcifie aro preparad at DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICAL WORKS AKN ARBOR, MICH-, AuiJ re 1 Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere, 1S0PBS ( A COMPLETÉ STOCK NEW Al 8BAMWJ GOODS NOW BEING RECEIVED UY FINLEY & LEWIS. WE ASfc THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BUYEES TO 01 URGE STOCK OF Kip & Calf Boots, MALE B F HA NL ïuy YüïïïT" Looking Glasses 07 W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOK RfCASGAS, Firt, beoue heketpfthe bft of Iroported Olaii, and u food aHfiortmciiiof dfjure and arcb t") i' r.iuifrt , and 4 lis OHEAP 1 I SconUy.beeftui-thOy belonpr to iil" bí5ioep. llf inakea thvm ft hpecinitv, üoexlii owd irurk , nJ aan alïord la itell Thirdly, Biciuii he. iirtnufacturCF tüein, nd D nd wül tll tlie CHEAPEST 1 of any on iu the city. Ilnlioulll PICTURE FRAMES! Th chapet ot anyljody in heSta1.- a fnr a heari froiu . IfICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 5O GTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FRR.VCH GLASS-bj Uieliijlit or box- ForlMctureR orfor hoüsb arjA.zz2sro i 3 KAST HUnOSi STREET, ANN ARBOE, - - - MICH. 1 1 7 .T t f 7VJEW 7-30 GOLD LOAN. safe: profitable! peemanfkt J .A.Y COOKE & CO. Offer for Sale at Pur and Accruod Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD EQND3 OF TOB Northern Pacific Bailroad Co. Thase bond are tecured, .íííí, by a First Nfortnge on the Rail rund itsclf, its rolling stock, umi all equlpmeute ; seeonil, by a Fust Mortffftgfl 00 itá eutire LandGrant, being more th;in Tsvnry-Tuo Thouand Acres of Land to ach mile of rmi The Bond b are lne f rom United State Tnx : ihc and Interest are pnyable in gold - the Priu cipal at the end of 'Ihh tv year. and the lutereut -Tiui-AimuaÜy, at the rnte of Seven and Thrce Twuthi Per Cent pr unnum. They are issued iu deiiuminations of $100, S00, Í-1 j:o '' ó.'iüii and tío M0. TheTruëïeee uuder the Mortpagc are MeRrs JJ Cooke, of PhÜadelphid, nnd J. BdgftT Thomson, lre-ident of the lVuusylvania CeLtral Raüroftd Company. These Northern Pacific 7-30 Bond will at all time before ma tur i ty, be receiv;tble =t Tes 1'f.e CbT. Pbk KTOH,(or exchau-u fur the Company's landti at their lowet cash priceIn addition to tüeir absoluto nftlety, these Bonds yield an in'ome larger , we ln-lit-vt. thn any othcr hrtt-eïas si'Citrity. Persona holding I_":.ited 8tatM 6-2011 can, by cMvrling them iut- Northern Paciflcics, Increase th#.7Teaily ipcomi tne-:hird, and till have a perfectl :eliabl( investment. ÏIOW TO ü '1 TliEM.- Your nearent Buik o Bunker will i ply theec Bondn in any detlrw amount, and f ny needt-d donoinination. PenOD wUhiuK to exchnnge stocks or other hond for thett can do so with any of onr Acfiit-. who will ]1o th hijghett curreiit pi ice for all miuketable securi tiet. Those living in locatiourt remóte frem Banks, ra pend money, ir otber bonds. rilrnctly to us by ttX press. and we will sciid back N' rtbern Pacific Bonds t onr own risk, and without c ut to thf inveei'-r Kor ftirth' r iufornifttion, pamjlilut. ïnapB. etc , cal on or nddrest f w nndersiViu'tï, "r any of the Bauk or Bunkers employed tu sell this Loan KOR .-Ai... BV TUK FIR8I NATIONAL BANK. THE SAVINGS BANK. MILLEU & WEBSTER, B ANKERS. And U ankers goncrally throuhout the State13U6 3temQISSÜLUÏION. By mutual consent we this day dissolvc the co-partniTship known as Rice & Fuller. All account aod indebtedness of s,%id iirm are to bc settled by It. P. Itico, and the busuios will bu couüuuuü at'thcold stuud by hiiu. B. F. RICE, J. T. FULLER. Ann Arbor, Jan. 23d, 1871. All tny old custoraera and friends in nccd of boot and ahoes or rubber goods, vrill alwny flnd as kwkI nn ussortment, anti as low priOM as at uny place in tbt city, juni fair doalini?. "Work made to order and ropau-iufi done prompt ly. Iw6 B. F. RICE. AOTICE. The stoekbolders of the ÏJetroit, ITowelt & Lunning Railntiwl Company are requpsted to meet at the offloe f Wffl, lï. Wevoa, iu Detroit, in the C'ounty of Wayne, on Thui-sday, thirtieth day of Mürch. iuxt, at two oVlock in the aftonuxm of said hiy, tu :uke under oonsideration and act upon, and approve or lisnpprovc, the uxseakemt to OODaolidate s;iid Compnny with the lonia and I.anMiif,' i;;ii]ro;ul Company, which lid agreemeni made brtween the Boardi of DixOfiton Of the sí uil ('ompauius. duly cxcrutfil, wÜ] thun be plaotxl before tbc irtftfklmMwi of the Detroit) Htwell & Lunsing Kailrwul Oompany fir tliïr appruval or disapproval. A full attendanco is requestea. T. T. LYON, Sec'y. Detroit, llowcll and Lantmig Railroad Co. Datwl, Januar' 21t, 1871. 13iw4 A ÜGÜ8Ï lOth, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR uperior qualtly, at the ANN ARBOK CITY MILLS. Very nico holtod Cürn Meal. conrse Meul , Gralinm Plonr - Koof! secoud qunlUy Klour at low prict-, O-ncked Wheat.and All kiiidM of Feed, at lowett priceB,and delivered in any pnrt of the city. Torins Cash. W Ordors left n my Order Box t the Poet Office promptlyattendodto. lü J.T.SWATnBL. JO, 40or60A0RESOF LAND FOR SALE. Ch"ife Spits for Oardeitinff and Fruit. One and íme half mile from the C'ourt iiotio. Inquire ai ihis oiHce Ami Arbor, Janimry 3d, 1871. 1ftOSw4 GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines .Paints , Oils, &c. OIGI1LY IMPORTANT iÜTICB ! ! I OFFER MY ENÏIRE STOCK DOMESTIC, FANCY AND MILLINERY GOODS, at cosí? Arr LESS THAN COST, TO SAVE MOVIRG THEM INTO MT, NEW STORE, No. 43 South Main 8t, BY THE 1-t OK M Alt' II NKXT. STORE TO LEASE, IXQUIRE OF CHAS. FANTLE Itftiri PILE BEMEDY, Wam! Ml iUhikIj tw narwhUad (w even In OD6 CSM) U cure Vu: very worwt csifirr Blind Ilrliiug or BloedltlJt PiW-B. Th. w(,0 ,„ iiftlictfd should immediatcly cali on thoir tirnppt iind ki it. f(ir it wlll. witn the flrst n]]ilicntioa 0. tHiitly iifford conipliite relief, au'1 a few followin appllciilion r.ri: only required to e(Tet:t a permtnfat care without au y troublo or Inconveiiienc In tu use WARVRh'sPlI.E Itr.MEM is expreiwl) iie ptl nnd it is nol rcconimended to cure iwiy other dipiaie' It has curad miuiy ciiees of over thirty years atijj iur. l'rice Ouu Dollar. Foi eale by drugguta m ryulirrr. NO ïa:OR..'E WEAKNERVÜS, Wftrncr'a Dyapepeta Ton Ie i prepnred . pmtlj for Uyrtpoptïcs -iiid thonu nfferfnp from w uk uer'8 with hnbitaal conttlpatlon, Thrrtiri wry lew wlio have nut rmployedphysiclaus forytiri ti remad; wint itiiïj preparaten wil] do in frw weefeSibyatrenfftheniug the nérvea, enrli-hiiig th circulatioii. restoring digestión . g Wit mr strengt!) mt-iiully and phytócally. enabllng tboM whomiy have been c -miiied for yearb to tbefr rooroa a tnrilid to attiu resume thelr oeenpatluns and nll ihedaties of life. One triíil if nli we ask to enablethlí remedy to recommena fudf to the most ekeptlai. It Uaslijiliily sümolatlag tonlC ml applencid appetizer . il ttrengttaeDs the btomnch &ná r-ttores th genantWfl tugan nml rtiuesíion to a normal hotlthi Htaie. Weak. nerv.-u-. and dytpcptïc peraoni ebouM uh vS'k.nkk's Dybi-kpöia 1 ij.o. tor unie by drotalíti PrlOfl One I' CO LIG 11 A O lORÈT Warner1! Conh Itnlenm LsfafnllDg, orttciiiL' mikI expedí rjitiüL'. The extrnordiiiftry powerlt poMM MeSi iiumediutely relicvmg, and eveiitnallycur. Ing the moet (iltiuaU' cases of Couhs, f'oldi, 8on Tliroat. BrouchitÍH, lfiflueoca, Catarrb, Hoareeneu, Atthma and t'onamnptlOD, is alnioöt iucrdible. 80 prompt tt the relief sodeertalu iu effect !n all the ahove cases, r any affectlon f the throat and lungi, thai thomanda of physfclani ure preacrlblüg it, tod and till Sfty thftt it U the most liealin and expee. toratlng medteio knows. Onv d"8e aiway aúirdj relief, and iu most cases ne bottle effect 1 a cur Suld by all dragaste in Iftrge btttles. PriceOtu Dollar, [tlirour owd faoitlf yon atill coughínd suffer. The liaísam w ï 1 1 cure. WINE OW LIkF The graal Blood Purificr and Deliclon" Dnnk, Wnrn.lV VlliltlU VIIH', UM Wll.t: f Llfr, i fre from :my poltoncifU drua or iinpurities-bflnu preparert f r those who requlre a stiinulant. It i 1 nlendld appetlzsrand touiCi and the AusIthinJs llu world fir purifying the bl-od. li it the a&&. ,.) aur-if l ■'■ i; -: - '" ' '"r iW1 )u lIinViTt, lar füpefi r to brandy, whfckey. wine. Bitten, of Jiny oiher arttcle It ïs more healthy andchcpr. Both muN and femalei yoonje or uhl, can taketbè Wint' of LIA. lt is. in i;iL't, n lile preserwr, Th-it huwlahtu eoloy good health and afreefluwof Hvely spirits, wil] do well to take the Wine of Ufi. It U different ft m anything ever before in dm. It 11 sold by all druggistB. Prlce One Dullar. iu qaart hutLley. EMMENAGOGÜE. Wrnr Vnmiiagogiie is tbr uit]ynrcid knoWB tu CUe the W hites, fit w.ll curu in ev -ry cie Vhurei the fitmily ín which thi important medlctm uot wantcd? Mothers, tliU in the greateit bltw iuif tver oflered you, aud youshuuld immodlately procuro it It is auo a SOTO core for Feín&Ie Irre'uUrltit-ü. and may be depcuded upon in evetv caêe wher the monthly flow uu been obstiucted ihrouchcoU or diBiaití. ö- IU by drttgglata. l'rice One liollar. JIJST EEOEIVED WM. WACNER'S, A Largc and Choice Stook ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS,1 1NXIXD1N0 OLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VESTING8, &C. LATE8T STYLES 1ND BSÖT QÜALITiES WUICH II f WIL!. Mi2TUFA0TXIHE on ter nu to uit, and in the lm of BEADY-MADE CLOTIIJNG AND Gents' FÜ1NISHJJ G Goode. SB SST St I? ST Xj 3E3 ! Alaci LADlE'i'anJGENTS MOROCOO SATCHELS South JlaU Street- Esat ild. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILHAU WAGWE. Ann Arbor, Fept. 18T0. AT O T I C E ! A.. LAFFEEY, Master iBuilder ! AND OONTRACTOR, would Inform thp citiien of Anu Arbor aucl vlclniljr that he ia uow ready tu Furnisk Plans, 8pcifienlion, and give limalei, and makt contraéis for ■ all kinds of building. Will do all kiml of Jobbing iu hia Shop rear of Miüer & Luick's Plauiuj: Miil. Ptroit Street, Ano Arbor. 13is4 I Go toE.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liqunrf for Medical Purposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus