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Local And Other Brevities

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„Over fie rivcr " -the lower tawn. ' .. ( omm.n-inl Lrtttt " is nwwrarBy omitted. Tl uloJ ' luh now ""'"' : ' ..VV11 "luft on AngrU'e winpi." .tfoiv,.t the Kaüïuad Jlceting toflnorrow ne fireuit l'ourt commenoee h 'wgaha tm on "aLi1Eii"TOli iM'1 nt enoueïl to 8uit 1lan5 Ltaü?ting the Toxmáa-J. H. Matnaud is ' t0 {alifurniii. (joro'0111 llis " ir-"nl"tnf" at the rth livst t'VeuiKie MfchiK" Air-l.iue horten the aistance be_ jackwn nnd Xilee 12 milee. on üu-' P01"1 '"' Si'"mU"'colil nJ rtonny, wiUi old Ixn-cas out in full force. " etlr port lor this wk. JlUA WKD Howk, poet and lftturer, via' ;md the Uuivtrsily on Monday. v wik Smith, üop of the oldest and imnt iiromi,itiKOof Clinton, dwd on U M in-t. 5(i Axn DifKiNsoN U1 over the lust ' ainourdty-the guest of Chaplain Daï and lie Hth it., Tnaadaj ovening next- is now iown the lccture of Golpwin Smith, of CorjjVnireníity. Th, WiwhtnMw Mutual Firo Imuniire Compnny ' smeetiii!f to-day, to cotwidov proposed ameudBtoch'rter und by-laws. l tim lot of rull note and letter papers on hand . he Abol's olliee. Lawyers, merchante, and ïnanu'Lan lw"'d lclwe thl'ir ordi;rsDie " Manchester and Homer Ruilroad Company" 'beenorganiicd, and half Üia stock is reported sub"w. It i M'd to be " six mile cut-off." - Jodgt Beikks has di-ciiled the $10,000 Albion Col" .,.:„ .niiiHt the estáte of the late Pollt Gouu), izteioa, tainst tne college. The opinión is full and Vext Tuotdny St. Valentïne's day. And Oupid Jjy, with bis quivor full of aïtows, to nxake fear bloody vork monfe' young and susceptible benfU4o oow comoh Dame Rumor and saya that Hl ïWudBeecher has been secured by the CongTetiGMl Society of thia city, for a lecture in aid of the ÏiuTwain has come to the same conclusión as HoUiK'ti "H in a dreadful thing to be a futmy xa " aai b to throw it up as a regular business, aud ,Bly write hcn tlie spirit movts. _Tbe unruly wind aeüeed the bat of one of our mniaent phycijiiis, u few daya aincc, landed it .in tkrivfr-sa? DOthing about " a buil "-and sent bim iail(-nd-R-hlf home, barv-heuded. - Rfport ha it tht a city oÜlcial i cliargutl with- itttiv 'l oonvorÜng city 'ppopprty to his own iií, ittd that the Conimon Council nfOMfl to invewtip--tor fear of ltwing votes. Im thi so Í -Mcsuw. John Wmt, Htkihhn Mill, and R. A. Pul worc elected Trustees of the M. B. Church on Sday evcDinff, also J. 0. 1-Ei.ANn, to fill a vacaney. Ibemeetinir i" reported an interesting ono. - Forewamed is forearmed.- Some "ardent spirits -pnehued not more tlian a hundred milos from thi (jtj-were reoently analyzed at the Laboratory, and fcual to conUín a pound of drugs to cvery quart of - The Webster Society held a " Public n on Friday rfflin? last, anil thrreafter noiiie of tho members went ireid, forgetting the claims of the law or the proprtiwof life. They wcre initiated into the mysteries (bvnextday. - " The raort; you exireise your momory, the better mi Kort rcliable it will become," is the proverb on a lílately taken frorn out office calendar : whfch we fwiiiwtbeing reraembercil by some who have forIrintopuy for the Aiuifs. -U0o a foot aud ouxy your batfaffe," was the nplypTCttto Anna DlOKOnOlT, at the Krazer House, ByCity, Iwt Suturdaf at 6 o'clock a. m., when she ieiwdto vw how she should get to the depot. A pnefadi. w? oï " Woman's Rights." - Cnrrent report has it that the Comnion founcil hM bflcked dom from all of it proposed amendments to th cityrtor - ave an increiiae of tho Kecorder's ttlaiy. 60 we are to continue in the enjoyinent of Jr CoUector. three AMennauic Stret't Coinicission, snd other absurd luxuriea. - Tbe KnightH Templar Ball on Wednesday evetiox i rejjorted a micccsh. The Knight paraded the [ftodpal street in tho afternoon, preceded by the Detroit Opera Houkc Band, which also furnishcl the inuof theevcning. About sixty-üve couple took supruid joiaed in the dance, which continucd until the duU houn of the morning.


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Michigan Argus