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Prof. Winchell's Geological Report

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Iu H recent letter to thu 'Qileral Chris: lian, Rev. 0. II. BftlGHAU rites as follows of tho proliminary report of Prof. Wincebll, Superintendent of the State Geologieal Survey : An interesting preliuiinary report on tho State Guological Survey, bhowiug the work iht hús buen done iu the hint two years, nd the work laid out, has ben preseuted to the letiisfature by tho Director of the Survey, Prof. Alexanqer Wincholi. Id the broad pluu of Professor Wjochell such u survey includes more thau au account of roeks and strata, aud what is uüder tho soil. It tak es iu tho rivei-H i[d the 1h!:u.,, biU phints uid the uiiiriiil?, ttiè air aud the ruin aud thu climate - a complete descriptiou of the phjsical charaoteristios of these' remurku blo peninsulas, which havo more coastline, more rniucral weiil.h, and moro wealth o tho foresta than uoy State lo the Aiiicnoxii Uubn. It goes down to tho deep alt spring , aud it goos up to the clouils, wTifcii (Dean so muoh and are eo iiiiportnut n tliis región uf inland seas. W&VB thu couiplüte report of the hurvey shall be published it will tnake half a dozcu outavo volumes, wilh an ampio supply of ïnaps aud r,o end of ötatistical tables. And it is to be hoped tliLt no fuloa ecouomy will hinder the work friyfl biin pérföfclly done. Tlie zeal at d enery of' Prof. Winoiiell i woll known ; and he lias been very fortúnate in bis assi.stant.s in the Hurvey. Tho uvusiigaiions of Major T. ïi. lirooks in the irou regions, and of Prof. Puir.peUy, pi' Cambridge, in the c-pper rogion will ehow Low wliort oí ene reality tüe g!owmg accounts ot the iuin.3s oa the uhores ofLake Superior really are. iftbe plaag of Prof. VI,:chell and bis assoeiittes are carried ut, Michigan, whioh torty years ugo was almost a wilderness, will be botter known, in uil its resources, and a!l its aUractioní, tLau any State ín the Union, nnd vyilj bp showp as a land more blessed by Uie Lord, and richer in iis abuiidance, thiin any Canaan or El Doradu. This .rc!:ininary rsport, conoiso and coudneed, aa it i=,ïs full cf curious facs. öue of the mo.-t remarkablo is the uumber of interior lakus. Nut only has Michigan a watur front of coosidorably moro than a tbousand miles ou four great iulaud seas, but it lm wilhiu Is lerritory uot letti than.5,173 smaller lakes, oo Verin g nu afea ot l.ll-i ni;uaj-o luiie.s. No State in the Unioü bas auythiug lito that number of interior lakes Maine, vvbijii ctnues next, bas ouly 1.5GS laken, Icss thau one-thirc' as many. Most of these lakes abound iu lish, and even without the great lakes, tho iiehinj; queGtioü in : Michigan would ba important. Prof. Winchell bas added to the value of his Roport by arpendiiiff the ïible paper on the "Isotliermals of the Lake Ilegipn," which hu réad at tho lasl i.ueting of the Scientifio Aeaociation ; and other roports will follow. TIius (ut the work dono by the (ieological Stirvey has bceu very thorough aud croditable.


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Michigan Argus