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Bad Effects Of Boarding House Life

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Livo togetbcr aud alone, if you havo to jro uto tho ü'esert for it, and leed n liorbs ! Abhor Sodom and Uoiuorrah - rdiug housos ! aïou sometiiüos spcak of the tjieagro and pinched fa'ïöi Mea eouietiniea speak of the iuconveDiences. These ure not worthy oí' notice; It is not these. It is that men learu sulf iudulaoiioo tlicie. Men learn there. not to Lo li3U3oholdt;is. And uil the vaiious discipline, ail ibat aiuiotration. of care, all tliut drill uf cuitrivaisse, 'oli that drill of cultivaiion, ail that social indepcudence, all thatsubtlü atmosphero, iiule-cnbablo and uuaualyzable, vfhioh belougs to the eolitary household, they miss. No raen aaJ womun can make husbacd utsd vvife, father acd mothei-, aud hougehoiders ou the puttorn of their fathers, who begiu and oontiuuc thejr married life in thid hut bed atyle ot cxistence. Aud yct, they uie now unwilliug to tuke a house that they can aflbrd ; and they cannot afford tö tuke the house ihat they faiu would live in, hecause furniture is so dear, and virtue 13 cheap ; because society requires a certain amount of appearanoe, you know ; becauso it would cot do to go iüto thu ouiskirts of the lüwu. A log cubia 3 botter fr youDg married poople thau the Füih Avonuo hotel would bc if they had tho whole for uotbingl What yoa get fot combine the least valuablo of anytliug. What you earn is all value. Under these iniluouoes, the whole of life is wiilteu in the wrong key. Men having started o the wrong principia ihaj do not gei. over it. They are perpetually tempted to over-livo by thoir very affectiocs. If tbere ia anylhiug that au hüuorublo aüd, BCDaitivo uiau'ü ualare ftiflls aud caunok btuml, it is the silout ooni parison, by the world, of tho way tho dul live, and the wav i:i whioh b'io does live, llow does this drive mou iuto dishopeiiky.? Hoy doea it drive ihem cul of bold vvüling.uess to livo nccordiug to their circumstauces?' ZIow does It teach them to live or other people'b oyes, and uot for tht-ir owu actual nceds V How does 'l leath thera to be ïuoio object to vauity than love ? Siich life is hollow ! üstgutatiou takes tho place of sincui' ily. And so. ere long, :i ina: is educ&ted to be a rogue, aud steals.-


Old News
Michigan Argus