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An Appeal For Aid For The Suffering People Of France

An Appeal For Aid For The Suffering People Of France image
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To ttte pcople of the United State : In bebalf of the suflfering populatioo of Franoe,. tbe oommittee appointed by the Ohamber of Cbmnicrce of the City oí New York to organizo meagures of relief for tbe suffering pnpvilation of Fr&nee ia nuw prepared to reccive contribiitions of inoii y ind supplics, whioh will bo gratffully acknowledged. The eommittee appcals to the American peopie for this object in the sacred name of oharity, aud fur tlmt alone. It does not winh to refer to the merits of tbe confliot irhich bas arisen between the great iiationg of Gerniany aud France, for it bolievcs that disoussion on these pointe hould ceae in the preaenoe of euoh utfering and want. The Germán army with a noble magnanimity, and setting n esample whicb is wortby of our admiration, have shared their scanty rtions with their starviog foes. Let it not be gaid that we, with our abundance have done lesa thnn Ihey. The Fronch have been engaged in a war of the most destructiva cbaraoter. It bas dravrn t'earfully on tbeir resources, exhausted their uiiplies and crippled their indusIriei. In the agrioultural district last jeur's erop was a fhort one, and the preseot ona was harvested only in part and rauch of what was gatbered his inee been deatroyed or apprupriated for the ose u( the army. Tiieir land has beon tbe loene of numerouH bnttles of terrible magnituderand the horrors of war bare been brought to their very deors.. Ají immediate supply of food is needèd for the starving pnpulation. - Farmers must havo Raed to plant in their fields io the spring or the orops of nest season will not be forthcoming. UuleBs pecdy action is taken lor tho relief of the iubabitautg intense inisery and destitution must prevail. Oiber uaüons re moving iu tliis work of true litmianity. Shall it be eaid tbut Ainericaos tood idly by and extended uo helping band to the EYcncli people in their hour of dietrx-Hs. Oui' duty forbids-us to be indifferent t) Uieir appeal for relief. - Cliarity that givea quiekly is a dcuble obinity, utid, the couuiittee, therefore, cannot too strougly impress od all tho nece8ity of prompt action. Every diiy loat is for France a duy ol misery unallevitted. Cootribution in money hould be forwarded at once. SupplioB of breadütuffs and eed for sowing crops in the spring will, it is hcped, be sent by the farmers of the West, for the proper oonreyance of which future arrangemontg will be made. Tbe oommittee cali on thtir fellowcitizens everywhere to engnge iu the work of humanity and love. It urges them to orgnnize iu every city, town and rillage at once, and earncsily, and to forward ooDtributions without delay and it feels Msured that this appeal to the benerolencc of all will receivo an ernest and generous response. (Slgucd) Chas. II. JIausiiali-, cli'n. Chas. Lakikr, Treasurcr. A.vsün Pbxlfi Stokks, Sec Kcmittoiices in mi ncy, wl ich will be ttantmitted to Paris without dclny, cao be made to Chas Lanicr, Treaturer Mo 27, Pine street.


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