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Men's Rights--a Practical View

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The women are not to hare it al tlicir üwn wii y at Lariaing. Witnes the followiog petition precented by Mr Montgombry, of Eaton, on Fridsy laat and Dumerouely signed by bis w:ouge( male constituenta : Whereat, AU government nre pure!; courenttonal, and shotiHl bc arranged tlm equal and exact justice may bc fully es tublished, to tlie end that peacefnl fruit iimy fall upou us all as the nightly dew froin lieaveu. And, wliereas, the rijílits o woinan have so far bean extended, that sli inm fnll power and authority to sell, coi vey, and otherwise dispose o( any an.l all ha real or personal catate without the comise or consent of her husbaud, and witliou hls joinder In her deeds; Now, therefore, we, the undersigned pe titloners, humbly and devoutly pray tha your honorable body wlll extend the sara rights and immunltles to the oppositc o sternor sox, except so far as relates t lionu'stcad cxeraptlons. All which, 1 granted, wlll be quite satlsfactory for thi prayer. But if your honorable body shal fu il to graut ald request, we, the under slgned, wlll YtI undcr the strongest obli gation to créate to ourselres other god who will Iicar our suppllo&llons, aud tlm we'll ever pray. Tur Detroit Tribuut i publinhing fu liet of 11 (ha rjidents of the State who re worth $25,000 or orer, accorc ing lo tliu reoeot census. We doub ▼ery muoh whether sueh entcrpriso iu t bs commonded, iu fact we ratlier ttiiu that it ii to be coudemned. It is cor tinly a violation of tbe spirit of th ceneui law, an exposing of the private affain of individuals not ooutemplated íf the law has a loop-hole authorizing suh publination or not guarding agains it, it needg amending ladly. Tiik Senate bilí inoreasing tha pay o tba judges of oar Supremo Coart wa loit in the IIouno a few days ago. We are sorry to see that Maura. Conodon and CniLDS votod against it. To insuro good judgoH thoy must hare salaries ap proximating to wbat the samo roen can make off the benoh. Half the farirer ia Wasatenaw oouotj hnva an inoome exoeedinjj the talariei of onr Cireui Judges, and many of thom oxoeedinj the aalariei of the judgei of tbe Suprem Court. Tiik Washington newe-gatherer don't harmónico vory well ooneernin Attorney-Genersl Akkrman. Some o them intist that he propotes to resign while othera are equally oonfident tha be will hold on like a dog to a bone. - Tbe latter are neare'at right on genera prinoiple.4, for who ever heard of a Radioal office-holder reíigning- un lesa be had a better offioe ieurtd. Botr branches of Congress had tba XYth amendment in haod on Wednes day, and the Ilouse, by a voto of 144 to 64 paased a supplementarj bilí to en Torce it : nominally to purify eleations in the States, but really to put them undcr under Federal control in the interest o tbe dominant or Radical party. Tbat is what free and pure elections mean at Washington. Tox President sent a message to Confren on Wodnesday, saying that he couldn't sign the bilí prescribing a no w oath to supersede the iron-clad in oertain cases, but tbat be bad permitted it to lecome a law without his signature. 'Whippiog tha d - 1 around a stump," hat. A lkttkk from Washington to the 7r Prttt, says that Postmaster KdíDNDs and Lew. Pobter have Zaük JnANm.ER in training for the Presidenai couxso. " yo.w'8 tht for bigh V Tuk homcopaths of the State ire pres.-iug tbe Legilature witb politionB for recogtiition and aid. Hut there seetns to be tvto wingg to (lie rmy of petitionerp, a división in tho camp. One set of petitioiifl aak lor two hoin.''nM.ic professors in tbe prtsent medical dfpart nifíit. to lecture to the sama viajes, we suppose, nnd for a homeopathie hospita! The other pet join in nnkin tluí appropriation of $76,000 the Kegents want, aud, further, tlmt ihe annu:il nppropriution of $ 15,000 made in 1860 be chaoged to nn appropiiation of l-10th nf a mili on the cqunüzcd valuation of t lio State, wiíh the cundí ion Ihat the present medical Iccture term shall be redueed to live mouths, when the bui Mings, laboratory, npparatus, eto., shall bc turue.d over to a horaeopalhio oorps of professors for a term of five montos : caoh school to be iulsttintially 8f[amte and (listiuct, and to gradúate its owd students. ''Where doctora disagree" it may be presumption in us to expresa an opiaion, but it sceuis to us tlmt the last proposition is tbe moro praotioable one, and might bo made to work. It will at loost bear exaraination. Thejfiret proposition - a mixed leoture course - does not Room to us feasible. TnE San Dotniugo or Domi iea towarde which ill oyes are now tiirned i a not nn ieland by itself, but the eastern and larger portion of tho islimd of Ilayti. lis territory mensures 17,826 square miles, and at its last censns it had a population of 136,500, a mixture of Spaniards, Indiana, and negroes. It is nomially a Republic, and just now Buenventura Baez claims to be President, tbougb Caihíal is trying to cject liim. The western or small portion of the island - Hayti- al?o a Republic, bus a territory of 10,205 íuare miles with a population of 572,000, with Nissaqe Saget as President. Ilayti also makes some claims upon a portion of San Domingo, and has recently buen prevented f rom euforcing tbem by a sort of naval protectorate established by President Grant without warrrant ol law. Tho iilaud lies southeast of Cubn, f rom which it ia separa ted by the Windward passage. - Somo of the newspapors confound tLis covttcd real cstute invnstment of Gkant with the island of Dominica. The islnnd of Dominica is one of the "Leeward Iclands," is looated severa bundred miles to tbe southeast of Sa Domingo, aud belongs to England. Somk wise legisintors and cq"ally wiso newspapcr correpondents aud writors are lnmenting the fact thut too iDudi viiluablc timo oí tlie Legislitture ii taken up in enactiug villagj cl;ir i. i. and tliia (uestion ie asked whj we cao not have a general Uw for chsr eriug rillagus, like Oliio and some otlier Slates. If these Solou of the LcgUluturu and Pref-s will uso thcir cye.u they will find just snch a law as is proposed in the C. L., Vol. I , commeucing on page 788. It may need "amcnding" like overy other section of the C. L., tlmt is ju.i'gint? oy the number of euch amendator; billa pending and noticed. Id the Fronch eleotions for niembers of the National Assembly tho Canaerva Uves - that is iia Nspoleouiats and ür leanisti - nearly swept the board, leaving the Ilepublicans ia n decidcd minority It ii not yot determinud, howorcr, whether war or peace is to rcsult, wheth er Napolkon will be recalled, an Orleaniet called to the throm, or a rcvolutiou fullow. The Landing Rtpublican is in the Cor grosíional district raaking bufiDcss. It oomtituted ono district of Monroe, Lenawee, Hillsdale and Branch, with a popu lation of 131,070; nnd anotlier of Washtenaw, Jackson, Culhoun, and Kalamazoo, with a population of 146,771, and then its skill or streogth "gin eout." We should thiok it would. The last Congretaional apportion ment cchenae gotteu up t Lansiogninkci bed-fellows of Lenawec, Hillsdale, Jackaon, and Wu.' hteuaw, with a population of 154,871, the ratio being lesa than 132,000. The otber districts range from 86,000 to 140,000. IIow is that for fuirness ! Nothino had been heard from the Tennessee when our daily exuhanges of yesterday were put to press. S'ue sailed Tuesday, Januaiy 17 th, and to-day is her thirty-eecond out. The authorities at Washington still claim to hare great confidcnce that she will be reported all right.


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