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par jpvcttisentrnt& TSSESSQK'S NOTICE. T'nitri Status Iktkbmal tïkvkstf:, ) Aiss't. Attessors ottiro, ;M Dist., Mich. [ Ann Arbor, Fob. 15, 1871. ) Thn Sixth Ammnent Dividan of the ;td Collrotion District, Mii hiinm. couijiosed of the south half of Washtcnaw Oonnty, hoving been metgdA inthe.'ïth División of said Diatriot, the undenifgned heroby piven notioc, thftt he wil] attenrt for the parpóse of receivinji vetaros fis iiHMWHiiinnl of tuses, n&d the txansaetion of otli'.T }nsiin'ss pcrtaining to vaid ooosolidated división, asfollows: At theofflooof Enoch Tost, ín the City oí ïpailaDti, on Monday of -h veek. At the office ot f'. II. Wall.uf, in the vfllage of Patine, on the -ï Tueaday in eaeh inonth, and at the stnrv of S. TI. i'erkins. in the VJUage of Manchester, on the 2d and -lth Wedneadaya of oach month. lï. .T. BAIÏRY. 1309 w2 Ajs't AaaewOT, ölh División, 3d bis. Midi. Chanoery Kale. IK FCTISTANCE and by virtuo of a doeree of the ( Ürcnit Court for tii-' Coonty of WoshtenaVi in Chanowy , made on the littli day of May. A. D, 1870, in the ORae wheieiu Kbenezer J. !'iiniin;in isComplainant, and tMincon l!'K)t and Coxdcllia lijt an lit'iiilanta Kotice is heréby giren, thai I shnll boU at pnblir auttiiHi, to the bignest bidder, ou Batuzday, the tti-st ilay of A]nil next. at eieren oclook . u, of said doy1, al the front or fiouth door of tho Conrt House, in the City of Ann Axbor, In the Countv oi' Wasbtonaw. in the State of Michigan, the foUowmg dfiacribedieal estáte, to-vit : In the townshipof Balem. Waahtenvw Couniy, ëtateïof Michignn, being the north half of the ;ist huif t. Ujö northwost quartcr of Reotion number twenty-nine, (2C)t and ilie eaat half of the sortinresl qnartcr of nectioii twcnty-èsMit, exoopting tbc interest in tl; abore deacrïbed laaüu of the hem at kra of Amanda HirsinLton, who waa tin; dauifhter of Ashlcy Boot. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. lGth, 1871. ];. BRAILAX, Circuit f'onrt Commindonér. D. C. QolbbooXi Waahtenttw Couoty, .Mich. Holicitor for Complainont. 1309 Üommiaflionerd' Notice. OTATE OF MICHTtiAN, (nunfy of W.ishtenow, m. i The undendgDed, havuig tweu appointed by the Prohiile Court fox Mud 'ounty, ('otjitniiwioners to reeeive, examim; aml adjust all r-Iainis and demanda of all persons atfainst the estáte Of 1-Mwjn .1. Bliss, late Of s.iid ('minty, dWOBfllMMTi htTchy gÍT6 DOtlOB lh;it si. montïu from date are aUorea, by ardei of said Etohate i "ourt, for aradHon to present tl'ir olalnui against the estáte "t :ii'l dcoaasod, and that tli.y will meet at the offloo of 7a. 1'. Kin, in tho city of Ann ArUr, in said Coanty, on Satntaay, the thiriofuth day of May, and Tueadoy the flftecnth day of August nèxt, at 10 o'clock A. í., of eadh sait days, to roecive, examine, and adjust BOid otaims. Datoo. Fobruary lóth, A. I). 1871. 13t9w4 WILLI Ail Dl H AREIHAN, t OrnnmfairiniMra. Real Estnto for Solo. STATKOKMKHKiAN', Connty of WanMonair, m. In the matter of tbc ent ate of John (ïeorpe Volz, deoeaiied. Noïioe i hireby irivon, that in pursitfuice (f an order gTantod to undowifmed, Adminbrrator of theeststeof saiddeeeawdj by thelion. Jude of l'robato for the County of WasUtcnaw, on tlie twenty-wrond day of Scptcinbor, A. I). 18T0, thert? will b sóM at pablic vendue. to the higehest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in tho City of Ann Arbor. in the County4of Washtenaw, in said 8tato on Saturday, the flrstday of April, A. 1). 1871, at teno'Glock inthcl'orenoon of that day, (subject U) all encumbrnnoe by mortgaas or otberwias t-xisiin at the time of the death of sala deoeased] and siso sugjwri to the ïiht of dowcrof tlic widuw thereiu), the followinir deöoribcd ï-eal (tate, to-wit t A pareel of land di-smbod as eommenciuif at a puint in the center of the Eber AVhite road on the weal lino of section thirty, in the townahin of Ann Arlor, and thirteen chaina iiorth from the outh-wertt corner of said wetion, rnnninf? thenoB oouth two and a huif degreoö west thirteen cliains to the south west corner of tíaid section thirty, thencc north eighty-sevcn and a quarter degi'CCs Mat twonty-two ehaïn.s and elOTen links, thenoe north two and a half degree vest eighteen ohsins and Btxty-three linkn to the center of s.tid Eber White roadf thraoa loafh ierentythree and a lialf dofrrtHiï west along the enter of said road tothe place uf hffigfaningi thbty-ftmr and 9(;-ioo acres. Alao a piece of land beinniuíí at the norttiwest corner of At-clion thirty-one, in the town of Ann ArbOR ransing theuce eat alon? the seetion Une forty-four chaina ana jorty-thnv links to ; Btake, thanoe south seven ohaina and thirty-one links, thoaea west forty-four ohains and forty-three links, thenoe northaovea chama and fortyttve links to the place of baginning, eontaining thirtytwoand 78-100 BOBas. AIbo tho eaat half of theeast half of the Bouthwcnt quarter of eet ion ten, Ín townwhip three soutli of rangeflTd east, oontaining forty acres inore or letw. AIho twnty aores of land lyiny north of the higbway, and otf of the west sidc of tne eaat half of the NHitheaat quarter of aection twenty-flve, in towiinliip two Month of cangfl live ea-st ; and ulm flftM?n acres of land lying uth of tho hiyhway, and off the eost side of the SMC half of the southeaHt quarter of KJiid section twenty-tive ; nll of said land being in miii State of Michigan. Dated, Februarv 14th, 1871. 1309 JO11N A. VOIíZ, Adrainistrator. Kstate of t'atharine Berdan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw. ss. At :i seöiiion of the Probate Court for the County of 'Wnshtenaw, holdin ut tlli! Probate Office, in thé City f Ann Arlan', 00 Tuwday, the fourteenth day of Frbruary, in the ycar ODA thousand eight hundred nud H-.viity-ime. 1'ns.iü Hiram .1. IVakrs, Juilc of Probate In the matter of the ISatate üt Cutharine llerdan, deceatMïd. On readini? and filinp the pelition, duly verified, of Daniel Harstend, pniyiiur that he r some other TOitoble perwm, muy be appointed Adminwtrator of the estau of 8ail deoeasod. Thereupon it i ordcred, That Monday, the thirtenth diiy of Maxoh next, at ten "Vloek in the foronK)n, lx' BttSgBOi tor tin1 heazing Of xmd i'tition, aïid tliat the heirs at law of suid decejwed, and all otiber persons interttod in miid etat!, are rcquiivd to upiwar ut a imwion of nid Conrt, then to l)e holden, at the l'rolmte Üttira', in tiv .City of Ann Arlnr, and show eaune, if any there bc why the priiyerof the petitioner whould not begnñted : And it is furthcrordei-ed, that sai'l iotitioner fiive notiee to the persons interested in ■aid estáte, of the pendency of Baad perition, and the hearing thcroof, by QaUBblg a roiy of tlïis order to be publttEod in the Michtgan Argut, a MWspspei printed and eirculatinji in KH County, three HUccessivc woek nrevious to sald day of hearing. (A truc copy.) HUïAM J. BEAKE8, 13(ft) Judge of Prolmte. Estáte of Thomas Alexander. STATE OÍ" MICHI0AN', County of Wnhtenaw, f. At a Ression of the Probate Court for tho County of Wiwhtomiw, holden at tlie I'i-obate Olfice, in the City of Ann Altor, on Satunlay, the eleventh lay of February, in the yi-ur one thounand eight huudxed aud seventy-one. Pl-cscnt Iliram J. Mcaki' JuiIkc of Trobate. In Qm nmtter of the estáte, of Thomas Alexander, deceased. On rcadin(?anil liliui? the petition, duly verilleil, of lüihard Jt. ilosander, praylag that a oartain butraTim! ui'' n HU' in tliiJ l'mirt, pnr]xrtinir to be the int wilt and testaim-nt of aaid decaaaea nay 1 aiunit1 to probate, &D& Ihat Eenry I. lieunett iua bu aplointed Exeeutor thcreof. 1 bereupon it is orderod that Monday, the tlurtconth day of March next, at tn o'iliKk in the foreuoon, be asipned fía tlie hflézioffof waid ptiiion, aml that tho Ïatcee, doviaecB and héin at law of iaia tlcceused, and othez penoni lntewtOd in aaid estáte, are nxjuired o nminoT at a si:-on ot said ourt, then to be holden, btSe Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arlxjr, and rauw;, it any thcre be, why the prayer of the , ftitiiim-r should not ! gtapted: And it is furtbei . rdered, that suid petilioncr grvo noticv lo the penoni nterestol intarerted in .-uiicl eetato, of tlie pandtoey of saidpeli'"1". """' ""' hearing thcreof. by oanaiBg a m "f this onler t be publiihod in the Michigan mu, a nempapst pdnted atul eii'culatinjj in aaid .'ounty, three biiro4sive weéka pievioxi to oaid day of Tucopv.) H1BAMJ. BEAKB8. i!09 Judjf of Propste. E ate of Adnra Mutt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, rmny of Wuáthmam, m. 0 At fi ntrioD of Uk Probate i'ourt for the ('ounty of Wfcriktonaw, holden at the Probate OlHee. in the City { Ann Art mr, on Fridav, the third duv of Fobruary, in tho yoiir ï!iotmnn oigM hundred and Beventy0110. l'resont Hirarn -T. TU uke, Ju! of Probate. Tn tba mattot of the estáte of Adum Mutz, de i! ! ■Hiinp and fllinjp thr jetition, duiy veriftl, of i Qoets, AilniiïiifttintflT, prning that be ninr liii-ïisr-fl t Ht'l] áatatl ffftl ott(te whereof said deüOHíW-d died ppítwI, for thf pnTso of 'liütribution of proceedfl of sudo nmotif the ixtboiw intercated in Ihc if suiil lfri-iiwl. Thöreopoo it isonU-n-íl, Tlmt MondAV, th twentïeth ! day ol Mtirch next, iit len oVlocïc in the fonjtifwn, ho ossigned far tbe hr.irin of unid petition, and thnt thé hedlfl ;it luw of sniii ilp(N-iis(fl. umi (UI üther petïfons In bnested tn ald estttto. nre roquirod to ppcnr nt wsaÜniofMid i'ouri, tht-a to 1 holdon, at the Probate Oifi in the City ctf Ann Aztor, ana show omiae, if :ui !))'!■■ In-, why the prnyer of the petitionrr Rhotild 001 begnated: Andlt i- fmiber onU-rod, thnt aid Ittitionei' (five notiec to tïie pí-rsonrí introartad in naid ectato, ui' tfao iKiidciicy ol' saiil priiticju, und the h'urin(? tbereof, by oaasiiig a ropy of this order to be publuhed in ÜW M.'fhiin ArffUi, h nrwrtiMiper print ed and ciivulatitiif in MÜd ComitT, four successive weeka previous feo BíUd day of hearing. (A tnw ropy.) HIHAM J. BKAKES. I30B Judge of l'robato. Eatate of Khoda Booth. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Countj of WftuhtenüW.sff. At a aesslon of the ProbntrC-ourt for thcConuty oí Washtennw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor on Wednesday, th flftecuth dj of tVbrunry, in 'he yearonelhonsand ciyht huudred ino Fcvt'iuy mie. Prepcnt Hiram J. Beiikc?, Tndge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Rhoda Boolh, flccaned Philip Hach, KxccTitor of the Innt will nnd testament ff f. iid rtfCPíised, come into Cotirt and repreicnts that he Is now prepared tu r nder hls flnal account na ?uch Kxecutor. Tbereiipon It is Orrlered, thnt Mondny, the thlrteenth iiuy of Mareh noxt, nt ton o'clck in the fo're Dorm, ba aulgncd for ezAminln and allowing ■■■■ acconut, and that the leñatee, de visee tind heirn At law of eaid di-ceased, and All nthor irnotiB interented in said hítate, are requirvd l iippcnr uta MMton of said i'mirt, then to be holdon at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, in satdCounty. and nhowcsuse, Jf a"ny there hf.whv the satd account photild uot bcnllowed: And it is further ordered tht said Execntor ive noticp to the persons intereited in aaid estáte, of the peudencv of Raid account, mul the hearing thervof. bvcaurtlntí A copy of thie order to be pub lished in tW V ieiagam Aryut,, a newepaper printed nnd clrcilir.ting In nld Connty, thrve flucceBsire wooks prrvioii to nid day of hearinp. CA trnccopy.) H1RAM J. BKAKE8, 13j1) Judgc of Probate. Estáte of Henry Canfield. QTATK OK MICHIGAN, County of Washtentw.dt O AtasePKlotiof the Probate Cotirt fortheConnt ofWashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In th City of Anu Arbor, ou Tuesday, the serent! day of Fehrnary, In tho ycar one thousand eigh huiidrud and scventy-otie. Present, Hiram J. Beakcs, Jtldpe of Probate. In the mnltcr of the uatatc oí Iltiiry Canfleld deocatod On rtíadinffandfiline the petitlon dulyverifiedo OtUriet II. Kempr, Admiulstrator, prafiig thnt h m.iy be licensed to peil eortaín ren] catate whereo snid dficeascd died mmkcíI. Thercupouit istirdered, that WwitiendAy, the twen ty-second day of March uext, at ten o'clock in th forenoon, be asiigned for the hearing of saï potiiion, and that the heirs at law of aaid dewaned nd flll other persons intereiited in said estáte ure roqnired to appear at a sesalon ofsafdConr then tobe holden at the Probate Office, iü thecity o Ano Arbor, and show canse, if any there be.wh thi'prayorol the petitionershould not be granted Ai. 1 it Í furt lier ordered that snfdpetitloner ffive no tier torhepori-nupiutereptfcu'inBAidestateo! the pen li-iiy offtld politlón, and the hearlnp thereof, b; cnusing a copy of thi Order to bepubllshvd Inth Jf Ukigon A ryu$ , a newpperprïi)trd audcirculatln In uid county. four öiiccessive wuekf prevlon t suiti dy o r hearing. fAtrnecopy ) HXRAM J. BEAKER. 13 9 Judiitof Probate . Esta f 4 of James O'Brien. STATKOF MlCIIICÏAN.Conlii) ofWiiBlitefiBw.iB At a psioti of the Probate Ooiin for the Colílit of Wanhtenaw. holde at ihe Probate OÖice, In th City of Ann Arbor, on ThunkUy, the nluth dn of Fobrnary, in the ycar one thounand ighthm dred nnd aevent -one. Present, lllrtün J. Iteakt..TudKr of Probatfl. In the malt 61 of tbc KftoVe of James O'Brlen deceaced. On rearlinp nd fllinpthe pctitlon. dtily veri (led, o Mnry Kaal, prajing that 'ihomasO'Brito.or som other nitfthlr person, mny bcappuiuled Administra tor if thr e tuit of said deceaced. Thereupon it i orderert, that Monday, the thir teeuth day of Maren uoxt at ten o'clock In thefore noon be upil'iu'iI for the heit ring of sald pet ti-Mi. and tha the httri at law of snid de censed. and uil other ueruns i nt rest ed inaaldestatr arerequired to immN t a (cssion o( said Conrt then to be holden nt the Probate Office, In th City 1 Ann Arbor, nnd show canteif any there ba whv the prnyer of the pctitiiier should not b ra'u tod : And it taftirther ordered, that ftaidpeti tiuncr Kve noiice tt the persone ioiercpted In sui (Ktnte. of the pendency of said petition. and th hcaririL' thereof, ry caninp a copy ofthi? order t bepiiblUhed in the Michigan Argu$t% nowttpaper priutod and circulatinj; in taid County, three bhcccffivi' vreeks prcvioiu to psid da of hrarinp. (Atruecopy.j HIRAM J. BKAKK8, ISAO Jirdve o Probate. OÖ A K d"waÑT ED ! For fi Lady with two small Children. Woiild re QUire two rouniii on flrt floor, and plen.sant locfttion. Additwe, ntatuifp terma, P. O. Bot 1321. kSOBwS Jf OR ALE. -A. Honse and Xiot On Enrft side State Streot, in the City of Ann Albor third house south of Washiiiïrton. The lot U 4xS rod and the boon i? of brirk, onè anl h half storiea. Wil bc sokl cm t'iisy tcniis. Inquire of Judpe Beakes, o Bdward Hynn, Northflelrl, or udtlrvfw the undcnigne nt lii'hlund, ( iTikluiul (o., Mich. ÏLWAKD rOWEKS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 29, 1K1. 13üitf JOTICE! Notice is erivon thnt after this date I shaU p no ltillw t' mv wife s or any other pcthotTb contriictinj irniiM s;iil buis were made on written orders signed b myself. Wil. Bl'CKINGHAM. Ann Arbor, Feb.Sth, 1871. 1308w rISSOLUTION." By mutual consent we this dny ilissolve thf co-parl norship known au Iticc & Kuiler. All nrcountii am indebtednesa of sjiid tinn are to bc settled by B. F lïice, nul tl' business ivill be oontinued AttbeoU ■trnd br liim. B. F. UTCE, J. T. FULLER. Ann Altar, Jan. ISd, 1871. All my oltl ousiomcrs nd friends in noed of boots and hoes or rubler KOtvirt, will nlwnys find ns (fxxl an assortiment, and ;is low inïces as at any place in the city, and fair dwaling. Work tnnde to oroer and repiiirin done promptly. 1306w6 B. F. RICE. AJOTIOB. The stockholdera of the Detroit, Hnwell & Lanain Knilnmd C'oDipiiny an? renaested t meet ftt the office -f Wm. Jt. WeaOB, in Detroit, ín the County of Wavno, on Thondajr. the thirtieth dny of Mnrch, nt, at two o'clook in th1 aftrmoon of id dy, to tiikc under consideration and act upon, and approrc or tlisupjirnve, the areement to consolidato naid CoraI;my with tlie Ionia aud I.;ai:iiir Hailroud Company, which suid apreenicnt mado between the lloards oi lirecton of the siiid ('ompanies, dxily executed, will then be placed before the stockholdors of the Detroit, Howeïl A: Lanning Kailroad Company for theirapproval or disapproval. A full attendance is reourated. T. T. LYON', Pcc'y. Detroit, Howell and Lanninv Raürond Co. Datod, .TnMii:iry 21stf IS7I. 1306w4 UGÜST lothf 1870. NEW WHEAT FLOUR uperlor qnaltiy, at the ANN ARBOK CITY MILLS. Very ntce holtod Cor n Moni, coarse Mea], Graham Flour - good second qnallty Flonr at low priw,- Cracked Wheat,and uil kinds of Feeil, at lowost prireeTand delivered inany part oftheeltr. Tormo Cab. nr f ni -r. I.'fi In my Order Box at the Post Office urumptlyattouded to. lïbi J. T. SWATHBL Af ONEÏ CAN NOT BUY IT."" IFOIt 8IQHT ISFRIOBLESS THE OÏAMOXD GLASSES,ïlanuïetnred by J. E. Spnni'T ííi'i'-. N. V . , wlnch ■ re now offer ed t th public, ro proDoune1 bjr II tht celebrnd OpticiARMtf tbc World to be the Moat Terfpct, Nitural, Artiiicial hlp t" th6 humsD eye ever known . Tbey are grouod 'inner their nvn superTÏxion, from minuteCrystal Pehble, melteA togetbtr, aod derive theirnamc, ' ' Diamond ," tn account of their bardBMl 'tii'l brillianry. Th" Soi on tifie Principie on whicli tbcy aro cnntructed brinps tbe core oreen treofhe lntí direeMy in front of the y produc iü.: n. ciliar and diotinct visión, nn in the onUiral, bt'altliy nlght, and prerontinK all unpleaiiant (tensa. .-■-, ■'■!: au .'Üm-ncrin t and WAverinfT "f dufht, dttdaMfvfte.tpeeallar tosll othemia use. Tu-j, imnintfil in thoFIN'RJT MA.NNKR, Jn f i.mi" - of tbe bxt quality, of all material b used for chat ptirpoe. Tbeir flnvb and (ïurabllity cannot b urpaiiKed. CAUTION.- Xoue enuine unlesfl baiing their tmdr mark tnmped nu eTf ry frame. .1.0. WATTS &BRO., Jewvlem and OjticiDK, aro oleapcntR lor ANV AKBORt MIJH., from whon tboy can oiily be obtaina. TUcfe pnndn are ootaupplied to PedlerK atany príí. 127yl 'nEOPLB'S DRUG STOtiJÜl R. W. ELLIS & CO. ANN AKBOB CjMNANCIAL. NEW 7-30 GOLD LOAN ! OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Secnrcd hy Flrtt Morteage on Kailroad and Lnd O ram SAFE, PBOFITABLE. FEBMANENT We offer for ale at par nd aecrued interest the Pfant Mortgage Land Oranl. Gold Bonds of the lorthern Pacific Bailroad Company . They are free rom (fnitad! State Tax, and are issned of the foUowing denominfition : Coup-m, $100, $500, and 81000 ; Bfritterdr $100 500, 81,000, 5.000 and 10.000. Wüh the same cutiré eonfldeuce wi h whlch we cnmpnded Oovcrnment bonds t Capitalista aud Psoplc, wc now, aftcr the fulleet inveatigation, rcommcnd there Northern PacIRc Rnllrond bonda to onr 'rienda and hc genera! pnblic. Gi-okl Bo'.h principal and interest are pasible !n American gold oin, at tbe office af Jay Cnoke & Co.,Nrw York Ut) - the principal t the end of 30 year, iind the In'srest (ut the rate of aevcn and th:ee-tenths per cent. per aunnmj hfilfyerljr, flrst of January iiid Jnljr. Perfot Safety.- The bnds wc are bok scll lug, are secured by a first nd only mortage on all the property nd rlgh of the Northern Paciilc Ra'lroad Company, wblch will embrace on the eomplo tlon cf the work : 1. Over Two Thonaand Miles of Hond, wlth rolllnL stock, buildings, and sllotherequlpmen's. Í. OverTweniy-two Thoosand Acres of Land to rrery mlle of llnithed road. Tliia laud, aprlcultural, tlmbered and mineral, amounting f o all to more Fifty Million Acres, consista or altérnate nectlons, reacliing twenty t" forty mile on each side of tüe track, and extendinu in a broad rcrtlle belt from Wisconsin through the richest portions of Minnesota, Daknta, V ontana, Idaho, Orcg' n and Waahinc ton, to PagctSonnd. Whilc the Government doe not dirertly piarantee tho bonds of the Itoad, it thns amply proyides for their full and prompt priyment by an unreserred grantof land, the most valnable evercouierred upon a grtat national improvement, Tho MortgUKe -The Trnsteci nnder the Montage, are Mesrs. Jay t'ooke"f Phlladelphia. and J. Edgar Thomion, President of the PennylTania Central Railroad Company. Thoy will directly nd permanentlrreprescn' the interets of the Fir.t Mnrtgige bond holden, andaré required to sec that the procttdt of tand tala are nsed in jmrehaiing tuvi tnnrdliit) the bonds nf Ote Company if they can he bonght before matnrity at not more than 'en per Ceht. premium otherwiae the trustees are to invest tho procee d of land seles ín United States Bonds or Real Estáte Mortgagcs foi the forther secnrity of Northern Pacific bendh lders. Also that they hve at all times in their control, ai socurlty. at lrast 6"n acres of averoge land to eTery Í100 of outtan(ünR flrst mortgagc bonds. besldes ttw rallrnad iteelf and and all its cqnlpments and francliises. Frofitableneaa. - Of conrse nothting an bo safer than the bonda of the United .-"tates, bnt as the Oovernment is no loncra borrower, and as the Nation's present work fs not tfaat of resertlne its ezIstcnce, but that of ni'-iiorisi; a covtikkkt, we rc ïnmd tbone who dceiri' to inercaae their incomc aud obtaln a more perm inent inrestment, whilc atill hav ing a perfectly rellable aoenrity, that : Unlled States 6-M's at their average premium yield the present pnrehaser leis than b', per eent. gold lu' terest. Should ihey be rtdeemed in flve years, and specie payments berebumcd, tht'T would realiy pay only 4S percent., (i if in three years, on!y Si pi cent , as the present premlnm wonld roBHtwhile bc nuk, Northern Paclftc 7-SO's selling at par In cnrfcncy yield the inrestor 7 3-10 per cent. gold interest abao lutely for thirty years, ree from L'nifr.d Staltt tax il.luocurrency nvested now in United Staten 5-".0's will yield per year in gold, say $62. 'iO. $1,100 curreDCy inveated uow in Northein Pacillc T-3t''8 will yield per jear in gold, $f 0 30. Uere Is a diflerencc in unn uní incomt oí nearly onrAhirú, besides a diflerence of J to 10 per cent. in principal, when both classes of bonds are redeemed. Xlue Kond Now Building.- Work w begun in Jnly laat on the eastcro portion of the line, and tbe moner provlded, by the sale to stockholders of aome sii mllMons ol the Companj's bonds, to build and cquip the road from Lake Snperhracroe iliuncsota to the Red River of the North- ï8 rr.iles. The gradlng on this división is now well advanced, the Iron Is belng rapl'ly luid : several thonsand men are at work on the line, and abont the flrüt of Adgust next, this important section of the rond will bc i u f u 11 operation. In the meantime orders have Ves sent to the Paciflc coaat for the commenecment o' the work on the western end in early Spring, and thercafter the work will be pushed, both eastward and westwsrd, ilh ai much spied s may be consistent with solfdity and a wi?e economy. Iíeoeivable for llanda -These bonds will be at all timoa rocelvable, at 1 10, In pa) ment forthe Companya landa , at their lowcst caen price. Bond Kiclianceable ■- The rogisteird boudacau be cxchanged at any time for coupons, tbe conpons for rrglstered, tod bolh these i-jii be exchanged for othtra, payable, principal aud Intcreet' at any of the principal flnancial centen of Europr, In Ihe coin of the varloue Enropean countries. How o 9et Them.-Tnni nenre?t Back or Bankcr illsupply these bond In niiy de.-ircil amount, and of auy needfddt-nnmlnatïon. Persona winbing 10 exchnnpe ptocks or otber bonds for lbep can do so wlth any of our afcents, who will allow the hlgheel cnrreut price for all marketab't securl. ttea. Those living in localitip remóte from banks may send money, orother bonda, directly to na by ex presa, and wo will send bucle Northern Pacittc bonds at our own riak, and without coat to the investor. Kor further Information, pamphletts maps, etc. cali on or addras the undersined, or any of the Banks or Baukers employed to nell this loao. FOR SALE BY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, THE SA VINOS BANK, HILLEB& WEBSTER, BANKERS. Ann Arbor, Mich And Banker gcnrrally throuL'hnut the Stato. 1304 What Johnson has He huis a Nrge ntock of HATS & CAPS ! Por tbeFftll and Winter trade - tlio htin town He hai a ful llin of LADIES' AND GENTS' FURS1 New Stylob an.l ijcHt rpiallty MANUFACTURED TO ORDERJ Ha h a MI itock Of Gents' Furnishing Goods Gluren, Hoíicry, Collar, Típí, QwMt e He has everything in his line And ht wont b andtrtold. That's What JOHNSON Has 7 Soutii Main St., Ann Arbor. TpÖÊTsALE ! ! ! A VALUABLB FRUIT FARM, Wtsl] stooJced with Standard Fruit Treos, ploasfintly wit u.ti.'.l, in a floumlünff viltage in the western part of the State, and on thr lino of the M. C. K. U. WU1 bo oxohanKed for nroprrtv in Ann Arbor. Apply to gflHEnLANI) & WI1EDON, Real Estáte Agenta. 13OSw6 Over News Offiro. GotoR.W.ELLIS& COs for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints ,Oils, &c. DETROIT ADVERTISESEm Tt'.eardtin iMs crlmHtn nn ni! ef Itflllwtai, 'trjmitf . Itoit oj a qntstionobU t'lHfarttt acctptti'' XAicliiguii Maohlncjy Depot. WOEMÏK SO) ÖO. 1O1 anrt 1O3 JefTerson A. -y mué Dealers in all kinds of WOOD ANP IRON WORKINfi MACfirNRRV DETROIT, M1CHIUAN. m: .:!,„. ' FVy Úoud-, WIoIesale7 ALBERT D PIERCE & CO W11OLK8AI.K I)KY UOODg 35 WOODWARD AVrNTTE, ETECIT, : MI CU I GAÑÍ tÜOT-me, UIGHLY IMPORTANT KOTICB ! ! ENTIRE STOCK SOftfE8IO, rANCT AND MILLINERY GOQDS, at cíos'i' A?rr LESS THAN COST, TO SAVK MOVIXO THEM INTO MY NEW STORE, No. 43 South Main St.r BY THE Ut OP MARrn NKXT. STORE TO LEASE, INQLIRK OF CHAS. FANTLE, FILE REMEDY. r.,rr' IMIe H.nn.1) hUHnrMM fnot ov(n In one cuse) to cure Ihe wort ca!n„! Bhud Iiching or bl.dloi PÜM. Vhó .„ nfflictfd shoitld immedUtoly cnU on thelr arvwUt nd mt It. for it wlll. with flrat pplicíiüon l" stanily afford complete relief, and n few rollowioi pplkHilon ure only reiinirod to tffect n permnfiit caro without any truuhle or inconvenleuc In lu Warvií'í Pnj RiMrní ík pxpreml) fnr the Pile, nd it o not recomía, mied to Cure nny otlier dlrn It has cured mnny cuses r over thirty rear i,n nfr. l'nce One Dollar. Poi sale hy driiícists ererywhcre. 3STO MOKE weak: nehves. i'urii-r- Dyppala Tóala is prfpared xpresely lor lyspep:ic aiul thosn puffcring 'rom Wtak ïiervts witb habitual t-oiistipatioD. There iré very few who ton not eraployedphysiclans for Tnr to remedy what thix preparatiin wlll do iu afew strcuKtheuiugthe nerves. enrirhmjr the clrculation. restoring digestión, ([Itine trmrth uientally anrl phyically, enaWing thosc who mr h:ive been c nfiiled for year to thelr room a InnlIda to agnin resume tlicir i:c!ipation and all ihedotiesoflife. One trial is all we ak to euble tbli remerty to recommend l!tlf to the most skeptlcil It isa ülijjhtly BtJrnnlatlns; tonlc aud píen dld api' xtreugthens the stomach antl rcntore ih grnerative orían nnd dlRestlon to a normal heiltht Btate. Wcak. nerv. ti -and dyipeptio per ns shoulá ucWíK.ii'sDv8TO'tA lor. For sale by drr.Kttstt Hrlce One Dollar. " COUGII NO MORE, Wrll' Con(h Un Un ni is hntfag, ot!ef lni; aud ezpectoratlDf . The extraordinary power it fiosscssee, Immcdiately relievmg. and eventnallycnr. ng the most obstinate cases of C'oughs. Colds.'Sor Throat, Urouchitis, lnHueMza, Catarrh, Hoarsentin, Afthma and onpnmptlon, is almoat incredlblo. So prumpt i. the riíliofand certaiu its effects in all the alwve cases, or any afn-ction f the throat and lnne, tnal tnou"anda oí physicinn are prcscribir-g t, tod one and 11 sav that it s the most braling and rxptorating medicino knows. One il He alwayn n8..rdi roller, aml iu most casos one bottle cflcci a eur Sold by all drugtma ]n largo bUiM. Prlce On Dollar. Itisyour own fanlt if yo;i till coneh and suffer. The Bulsam will enre. WITE OF LIFÈT The great Blood rorifk-r and DeJicInn Brink. Wnnii-r' Vlimln Vlli. ixr Ulnr nr I.lft, Is freo from ftny poisonons drugs rr impurities. bi'InR prepared f r those who reqalre s iteunt, h Ui .pK'ndid appetiierand tonic, and the fiiiest thins Is the mirld for purifying the bl .ol. It is the mout plcasant aid deliciuas rticle cvur offered to the public, far nperi' r to brandy, whiskey. wlne. Bitten, ir any other articlf. It Is more healthy andctioper. Hoth niHle anö ftímale, younjf or oíd, can takp th Wineof Lire. It is, iu fact, n Hfc preserver, Th"se who wish to enjoy good hcalth and a frre flow of lively spiritu, will do well to take the Wlne of Life. It is different fri m anythint' ovor before in nse. It Is old by all draggbt. I'riCf One Dollar, In nmlrt bottles, EMMENAGOGÜE. Wnriur' Kiiim. i.:iKoKii. s tho only artld known to cure thp W'hitis. (ii w. 11 cure In vnrj tM) Wherele the farully in which this important modicln I not wanted? Mothcrs, i the graiteM bling -ver offered yon, and yon shonld immcdiatelv pro. cureit Itis alio a ure i:ure for Fi-male Irjwjjulirlties. and mny be depondod pin in evnrv case vhe re the monlhly llow h; bi'f a obstructed 'through to!4 ordUfase. 8 ld by drufglfts. Prict Ouc Eolitr. JUST RECJEIVED -A.T WM. WAGryER'S, A Large mnl Choice Stock of FALL AND WINTER G-OODS, 1KCLÜDIXG CLOTHS, 0ASSIMERE8, VESTING8, &C. LATEST STYLES iND BB8T QUALITIE8 WHIOH IIK W1LI. MANUFACTURE on Urmt lo tuit, and in the lint of READY-MADE 0LOTHIN0 AND Gents' FÜKNISHING Goods. best styi:ej Alio L ADÍES 'and GENTS MOROCCO SATÍJHEL8 Me. 91 South Ml Strf-ct-Et i[A,. OALL AND SEE THEM. WILLlAW TAGHEK. Ann Arbor. Ffpt. 1S70. I WSICIAIS' PtESCBÍPTIOKsl ACCURATELY ANP CARBFULLY PREPAHED BY j R. W. ELL 18 é VO. ,DRÜ i 0 18 ' ■'■


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