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JPOUR POPULAR REMEÜÍES OFTïfE AGE! 11 mk DR, KKLl.OGJG'S ROOI BITTERS! o LIVER INVIGORATOR, inöiam lUËiMfiiiir. FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLSÍ o o Wortli, Merit, nnd ReliabllIty conceded by all to be honorably won and fuiJy Rewarded by Dr Kellogg'8 four Meritorlous Cotnpounds. BOOT BITTERS Absolute freedom Irom phyflcicl dlaeaae ! a ileealiig deelred by all, btli Joyt-d only by ihe few udlgeption, Laaaitade. Ontru'l Ceblllty, Muacunr vVeakneaa, and lacle of Nervona Eutrgj, are ommon alimenta ; vet they are the forerunnera ol more aerimia tompiaints. Dyapepala, wlth all ita 'horror,"! only chronlc indfeeatlon, and many a pocir conaumptire mortal, tottarlng npon the vergeofphyiiical dinsolution, vlirldly remembm the eueral deblllty and nertool pröstratfon whlch ïeralded the attack of tho Infidiona eueiiiy of life. 'hc Advicc dtctaled by coónnoQ sease la not to et theo miuor complaints lii'k In tti Í j-lern unlotlced and nnheeded," yt many ptttónH ho feel atitmd Rficr ereu moderate exerclso, Whog blood s altiRKish in clrcnlntlun, dij.ntlon morbid, appeite irregular, complexión pallid, nerven weak and un8trung, muscular flbera loose and flabby, aod whose syatem la in conditlon of general debllity, wlth evpry avenue open to the enrroitohmc nt and poaaeaion of conflrmed and destructlve (llear,jo ilstleBsly aronnd " litlng kletna," appsrently resnrdlcsüdf tilt! bléjíings df Híaíth, árlfl dHWiatimi of these natural warntuga of the Rrjproach of eomplctc phyelcul proatration. 'l'hnt, '■ Piscase comea when leaat expeettd" la a e iniiKin bt't very abfrnrd aaylng, 'or these coinmon ruinplainia are the akirmiibera wblcb commence tbc attack and hcrald the approacb df ihe eiicmy ; and it ia tho wisdom of common lonae, to L-nani againat thelr attarka, and if they have puaacaaïon, to drive them from the ayat m . The natnriilly leeble frame may be str(tngthend, and the robnat who have been partially broken down by Indigeatlon, T !lp(ition, Nervou Debllity, diEcase, or umiaual hauiebip, hiay bc recrnlted.and restored tn bealth and happiiiesn, ty tliift deliciona Botanlcal Tonic, periect and w&oleaome appetizer, genia I aid tn dlcentlon, and gentle nervdua iümnUnt,- Dr. KellogE-a Celebratrd Root Bitterg. They wlll mprove the appetite, matenally ald digeation, perfect the condltion of the blood, give tone to the nervons ayttem, arreit the proertra of dieeaxe, êtrenghen tUë elüaclated, aid Hd conflrm thé reitoratlon of ttie feeble conaleacent, nd pt ö tect the ayetem againat rualai inl diaeaae. They are a bleaalng to thoae who flnd thpmtelret tak, lanituld, and lacklng energy, aa the warm daya of apring app mach ■ They are treaanre to wómrn who inffer from nervona debility, loaa of vital atreflgth, and phyalcal woakncna. Theae "Hitten," are not a Tile irJtxtnre of wretched wbiakey.Casd aloea, bnt a tcnuine Botanlcal BtUpOtind, pure, pltaaant, and agreeabla, and warraiited to DB eqnal to tbilr rtcommtndatlona. LIVER INVIGORATOA And B] ool Purifler, ( a crmponnd preparrá to cleanse the aystem oflmpuritle and care conflrmed dlsdfder tirtaing from a riieimd tte of th LWer. TherclifiufHcthliiK the ttiatter wlth mr Lirer,' ! the observalton of at leafit three pnt of ever 7 flve persons, when qnestioned In regara tö tHeir health, and it Is a wll-known trtnh, that dlsealti Of the ljrer is the most cmmon ailment the phvsleJan has tocontend with althonh tic is geneially callednpOD to meet it in the f jrm of Fovors, Agae, Nervous Frostration, and other acute matarifes of wblch disorder of the Liver is the prodndng canse. lui pure Blood, Sick and lïHious Headache, Costiveness, Nervont Wvakness, Lont of Km-ry, Braaclatlon, Palns in the Slde and Shoulders, Wrnknt m and Trrmhliiiii after exercise, Melancholy, Drowslnevs.and Chronlr Biliounes, are ome of the minor pymptoms of Billary Ior n- ment aud Disease. The flnal reanlt . if these eymptoms aradtaregarded are different kinds of Fever, Rhenmatism. Diarrhcj, General Prostration of Nerveus Bystfiii, endIng Ín Ja.indice or Consumptinn. The Llvvr is the mostseositive organin the human struetare. except the Langs, and ao long as denmposition of vegetable matter continaes. malaria arisea, and the present habits of Ufe are indnlged, so long Liver Coniplalnt will bccomaion. As thcre is no prospect of these condltions belng obviatcO. henee the necesoity of employing agents to c mnteract their influence. In selectlng and proportionlng the ingredlents ef Dr. KUogg's Liver Inrigorator. special attention bas been had to compound a preventlre and care forBU!"US Dtsordersof every type. Tte most potent agencs known to Hotanical research, h are been incorporated Into thls truly popular sptciflr for Liver Cmplaints and Diteases of the Blood. lts eifect upon the human sjstem U in perfect accord anee with the laws of health. and the nclence of physlcal atrnctnre. being Altcratirc, Piuretic and ïonic. By its Alterativo and Diarettc powers. It carries the f mpuritiei of tbe syttem off tbrongh natnre'a courses, and at the same time bylu Tinlc virtnee it stimulates digestión and givei tos to the nrvoas powers. Family Oathartic Pilis. The oüjecttoii thftt theM Pi lis Went ttot Sagtt CnHted hu been obriatad bf tha propfis tor nd in that rerpect thej are dow eqnal to njr tn uk. - Their worth as a afe and rcliaUle Cathartlc hi never been queatloned. For Cbronle Conatipatlon tbej are a certain remedy. Bj tfictr ct'on# ttiay cleame the aynem of vltlated secfKtlUbe. Iher niiniulate the Liver to cUlty, give tone to th tomach, and atrength to the nnre; TUere nothing in thetr compositloo bat whtt it purely veertable. They re mild, gentle, and entfrely effectual. Instead 01 irritatlng they restore. They are a eertuin rerted for Constipatlon, Rhenmatiam, ChrnnIc Indieatloti, 8tibborn Dlfeaie of the I.lvrr, Blllonaneie, virr.lplii ttnpurltiea of the Blood, aad all Disordera wliuro a th ofoOgh lazatWe l reqnircd. INDIAN REMEDT. A medicine adTertiMd to !tir all, to ECneralljr held In dtsrepttte, ct it la tioastblc U cotnponnd a remcdy tbat maj be beneflcial In a varletT of comfilaints. Dr. KellogK'sIndlan Rcmrdj is an rxiatpg proof of this poaslbility, Inaamncb ai it can be eroployed in a variety of complainta, and in each produce a happy resnlt. The Kemedy ia admitted by the many who have naed It, and Wbo cnaider It Indlipensable, to be the most perfect Hemedy lor Coughf.Ooldi, Cronr. nnd all IMaeases of the Throat and LX1HR8, that baa yet been offered to the public, for Wouiitl, Sorn, Bnrnt. Scnld . and cvery vfiriety of Kxtemal Inflamraatlon it la known to be an absolute and infalllble cnre. In lact It Ir lmpoialbte to enumérate and apectfV all the complaints anddlaordert for whioh this "Kemedj" la an anti dote. Snfflce to say that wherever there is lnflammation, internat or external, on either man or beaat, tbat it Isa speedy, perfect, and rellablc care. We warrant that tria uae of one bottle by an ; tamily will eatabllah it one of the necestitlu of houoehold cconomy, All the above msdldnet ara prparac! tl DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICAL WORKS ANN ARBOE. MICH-, AndareB Sold by Druggists and Dealere Everywhere, RELIABLE INSURANCE, AT TBR OLÖ AOKNCY O1P C. H. MILLEN. Who hm for n r arlj t w nt j ;un, and wfi h ■tilt nprfiinli th Home, of New Yötk, CAPITAL AND StTRPLrS. NEARLY FIVE MILLIONS. f ontinrntal, pOta 3}örh, CAPITAL AND 8URPLÜS. Nearly $3.ÖOOOOOThla Compiny putltpttt In lUPoMclet wltb the ntnrtd. Oity Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CAUTA! ARD 8ÜBPLÜS; 96OOiOOOl ALL LOSSÜS FAIRLY ADJUSTED nd PROMPTLY PAID. 0. H. MILLEN, Agent. ltMnS TUMSBR YARD. C. KRAPF, H. 1 Urft nd wel] atodccd TarJ on Jrfferton Strel, in th nonth part of the i'ltv. and wlll kcp umtantlj on hand aa tiicellent Tarietj of LÜMBER,SHINCLES,LATH&C whleh wlll b .lid M lsw u can be afforded In thli market. tjutlltv dhd prieel tih thát] HO OIÏE NEED 00 TO DETROITO. KRAPF. Ann Arbor. Janaar.T tth, 18T1. 9BA THE A NECTAR. Jnt cal) at the CITY ARCADE, rrt a paekag. an he a cnp of Tea nade such as the Kmperor of China alp in hUpalac. Cnrtnmerf ay it enn't be hratfor fluvor and rlebn.aa. Onj tl. 10 per ponnd. CLARK CROP81Y. Fines t Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by A COMPLETE 8TOCK o!" 1W A! SEASONABIJS GOGDS NOW BEING RECEIVED FINLEY & LEWIS. WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTIOlf Oín BTJYEE8 TO OUR LARGE STOCK Kip & Calf Boots, 2TADJS Bt ti AND BXPBESSLY gou OUK TÜADE, pOR CASH YOÜOAII BÚt Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN,' AT THE YABD Ot1 C. SÜTHERLAND k CO. Ana Arbor.Junnary ,1870 Útit Go toK.W.ELLlR & CO'b í for ohoiceWiües &úA LiquorF i for Medical Pürpósèè .


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