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England And American

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Sjje HlittpH %ï$m The London Tines of Deoorabor 2'2i . nftor eonimeitiw; nn tlie Furillnss ot tho American a'rtny and nnvy, an 1 contr8tinrthein with (iu Hritish, observes : The Amoriciins tliough ptirsuiog :i jioliey of ewnomv ami dlairaiáinobt fnr more nhnt;itiny'y ihau ro havo done, connive, uoveitlio!e.-j, to eotninand as muc.h respect as if' thfj werj anr.oJ to the teiith ; who'ivg wa, with iimaiiients tar moro extensivi', re told tliit we liave lost our title to thn o rt&ideration oF the world. It ia wortli wliün inqtiiriog bow tuuh facts, if facts they ■ro, can bo aceiniiitcd for or oxplainc '. Tho first and m 'st i bvious refleotion i tbat n nation of frty uiulíons of peo pie, rich, industrio)), onergoliu ond ntrepid, must corapriso resources wliicli no eiH-iny couli) voníuro todi8BÍae. Tlie Americana had no army in 1R60, but in 1862 thev had hundrcls of n Ib of soídiers in tbo field. They had no íiavy, aixl vet iu n fw mnntha' timo they produced u powerful fleet of new and formida'ilo fightO(?-sbipí. In the courso of five years they raised and ípent upward of L000,000,000, una uch is the magnitude of their Datiooal roso'.irces tliat what they did in the civil war they could ecrtainly, on a similar impulse, do over ftgain. All this truc p but we, &ltío, área people ofthirty inillions; our vvealth and credit aro prnctieally inexbaustible ; auil tbe raost invetérate nlarmist would not ecruplo to admit tliat our cational spirit, once roused, would be oapable of any effortf or siicrificeH. Ofl) advautage, it must bc owned, tho AraeiicaiiK do cortuinly enjoy - tbe-y are a long way off It. is' a "far cry" to Washington, and tho Prussians ot)served ns much to nur coriespondont in explanation of their patieuce under American offendinps. But iliin consideration does not touch American cnmmerce, or the liabilitios of tlie i avy, wbich, as the President rcniarks, in tlie onlv instrument at tlie commaml of tiie TInior. oitlicr ror national del'onse or the enforoement of any foreign policy. We must look elsowhere, therefore, for tho oxplanatioü we are eeking, aud it will bo found, we believe. bd far as it is applicable at all, in the known re; di uesa as well as aliilitv of tbe fiffbt, notwiilistanding thuir pracical appreciation ot tii beuefits of penco Their exposed pointa are compnrnti 'elv few, their resource aro unbounded, and, thoush they do n't desire war, they would not be sluw to acrept n challenge. We, on the other liand, have many points exposed, we maleo no secret of our avoriion fcr war, ond it is alleged that almost any provocation might bo offered with impunity. In these cousiderations there is a ceitnin forco ; but we must Dow say that, in our opiuioD, the contrast itself from beginiiing to end is more apparent tlian reul. We do not believe that lint s sometimes said of us is actually thonght either iu America or elsewhero. The people who taunt us with reluctance to fitrtí t are mostly thosewho, j for purpo3es of their own, desire to see us fighting. As a matter of fact, we may take it for granted tbat foruign States havo not tho mean opiuion of us which we aro occasionally pleasod to tfappose. That we aro not Budden or quick in quarrel, they know very well, but they also know that we can fight if we choose, that our power is truly formidable, and that when we begin a war jvo aro not io a Iiurry to leava ofF. To a certain extent they may presume, no dbubt, on our leve of peaoe ; bi.t at tho bottoin they take a juster mensuro of onr temper and rosourcee might be inferred from tlieir occasicnal sneers aüd our owo cundid comments. Whcn it wasdeclnrcd that Pi:pland by tbe mere expreosion of her will could have preTetited a war bet ween the two most powerful natfons of Eumpe, the belief itself miglit. havo been faise ; but the Mate of opinión whicli it luiplied was fr cearcr the tri th tlian ttiat which has been sinco rejiegented for our waruing


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