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?M.M. SINCLAIR, COMMISSION MEROHANT IN GRAIN AND PLOUR, DOOM lr'. 134 LaSALLE STREKT, CHICAOO. "TiACK &SCHMID, illLERS in Dry Gooda, Orocerie, Crockery, je. M South Main Street. """morris sale, h. d. IISItKSCK nl Offlce No 18, corner Wiliiame and f,ompwn Street Regular offlce hoor 1 to 3 m Advice and Prcscriptions from 6 to 7 P. M. & dl;, free gratis to the poor. 1264 "rTw. ellis&co., D8CS8ISTS and dealer in Paints, O!1b, etc No. 2 ioatti Min Street, Ann Arbor. ï. Q. A. SESSIONS, 41T0KÍF-T n Counsellor at Law, Real Estáte and lafnrtncc Agent. Conveyanclnr and Collection of KMprotnptfy attenced to on liberal terme. OfjcsinUotneb'''1 Block, upatairs, Ilurou Street, AiiArtorMich. ""w. hTjackson, O0TIST, ncceiwor to C. B. Porter. Offlce, corne. Xiintnd Iluron streetc over the store of R. WBíiííCo., Ann Arlwr, Mich. Ameatheticsadmin f red if requircd . W. F. BREAKEY, M. D. HOICIAN AND8UROB0N. Offlce at resldcnce, tomer of Hnron and División Streets, first door ïuiol Presbyterian Ohurch. Ann Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSOÑT 0SA1.KR IN HATS and Caps Fnrs, Straw Ooods Gtnti' FarnisMng Qoods, &c , Nu. 7 South Main Smet, Aon Arbor. "SÜTHERLAND & WHEDON ÍIFE and Fire Insnrance Agenta and dealcrwtn Keal titile. Office on Hurón Street. 7ÖHN KECK & CO., fEiLEBS ia Purniture of all kinds, No.B2Sonth Kun Street, and 4 West Liberty, Street, Ann Uw. LEWIS C. RISDON, 8ULER iu Hardware. Stoves, Ilonae Purcishing Joods, Tin Ware&c.No. 31 South Main Street. BACH & ABEL, KUIERS in Dry Ooods , Grocerice, Ac, 4c. No. 26 SoulhMu Strei-t, Ann Arbor. 8LAWSON & SON, JTOCÏSS, Provisión and Commission Merchante ari4i1aIer Lime, Land Piaster, and Piaster Pirij.Xo. HKaat Enrou Street. S. SONDHEIM, IPHOLESAIE and reuil dealer in Krady Made Clothug, Cloilis, CiSBimercs, Veatings, and Gents' Fnrnilhint'Gtíod. No. 9 South Maiu Street. 5TM. WAGNBR, 9EALER Id Rcadv Made Clothiug, Cloths, Cassiereísnd Vertinfr, Unts Caps, Trunks, Oarpet Bifi.écïlS'jalh Main Street. GILMORE & FISKE, MOKSKLLERS and Statloners, Medica), Lawand College Tt Booka. School and Miacellaneoua Booki. No. 3 North Main Street, Gregor; Block, itoirbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, JiiLERS in Boott, Shoes, Gaitera, Slipper c, h. i Ent Haron Street. PROF. ÜKLOÜLME Promtbe Univeraity of Fraoce, gíven privHte and liflUjfhlenaona in the Freuch Laoguage and Litettíst, ud the Latín tongue and also iii vocal and iucntoeatal music. Fivo year's experience in teachUfUeseand olher branches of a liberal educatíon. ltiii cotiroe of the above studies given to any dii tbat may bc formed. i3nArtHr,2TthDecM 18T0. 1302tf pROC K E R T , JLAS3WARE & GB OCEItlES. J.& P. DONNELLY li'tln.totalargeatock of Crockery ,'ilasHware 'iit!Wre,Cutlery , Grocerios, &c. 4c, all tob i'UituDusaally low prici-F fo.lSEiitHuronStreet.Ann Arbor. lUílf J.t P.DONNELLY . JOHN Q. GALL, DEALEK IIT FEESH AND SALT MEATS, LARO, SAl'SAIiKS, Etc, OMentolicitedandpromptly fllled with thebeet ■"H m the market. 31 Kast'Washington etreet. Arbor, Sept. 16th, 189. 1235tf JpAKKSEY, adFJi Manatacturer of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, SDSLEIGHSof every style, made of the best "nil,andwarranted. Repairingdoncpjomptly "pnces reasonablc. Detroit Street, near R. R. "PotiAnn Arbor.Mich. 1270yl JACOB HALLER, 22 HURON STREET, fEAST OF COOK'S nOTEL.) UDIES1 FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER erican and Swiss Watches, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, n. 0-or.D pens, ■"Perfected Laianis Morris' SPECTACLE8. wetSpoons, se. 1299m8 D& C.B. PORTER, DENTIST. ■athíSAVlNGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Albor. lllVations on the Natural Teeth . fr,RFORMED WITH CARE. ufl8UBj.AgsED PACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE touw artTfïcïal teeth, j TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL; "ƒ prnpcr tw, thapcfolor, firmneêt and na ui expreition. 1244 pORSALËTÏ! Va ALtfABLB FUIT FARM, WiïI'e5iwith Standard Fruit Trees, pleasantly S'gJV , flounshinir villam in the vrartárn part of "8i lor proper, , in A nn A rlK)r . , St-ÏUKHLANl) & WniSrtN, HKM Real Estáte Agtóte, -J_!___ Over New Office. iictlyPure Drugs and cme.Paints ,Oils, &c.


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