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The Democratic State Convention

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i be Democratie State Oonvcntion was held at LaDSÍog on Tuesday, the 21st. Tho offieorg wefe : President - John J. Adam, ofLenuwee. Yice President - A. ChiUts, of Wushti'iiiiw ; Bi -li.iu min Picrson, of WayiM ; U H'íis, of Lixfiifjsioii ; A. McKlnney, of Oiikland-i L. . Mason, of Mugkegon; T. Sinclair, of Kent. Secretarie - C. 15 Fentoii, ofMackinaw; J. A. Handall, of Wayue. Lommütce on Itesolutions - llessrs. I'ratt. HriKïs, liracktt, Klms, Gay and ÖwiiieCprd. ïhe following resolutious were reported oud adopti'd : Reiolctd, That wliilo wc diaappnrore and deaouuoc all partisanshlp in judicial olüci s wo hoiil Hint tiie Demócrata should nse all proper meana to select candldatea tor judicial posltions wlio, trhatever thcir party relatloii may be, are well kaowo to be iu sympathy witli the Dciuocrutlc Idea of the sirict observance of the liiuitatlona of power adopted l)y the people lo guarcl their nterests and prolect tlieir ï'ights. llcuolced, That the present exIgeDdes of the country and of tlie State reqatre rigid adherence to those principies of strlcl constructioii of the powers ol tlie governinent undvr :i wrilten Constitatioo whicli have ahvays oonstituted the political lailh of the Democratie party. Itesolced, That iu the class legislation of the Kepublicau party, by whicli hniuouse private fortunes are beiug consolUlatcd In the hands of the few to the detriment of the many, the public domaln wastcd, monopolies created, and sections of the country fostered at tlie expense and to the injury of the greater portion of the natiou, deöervea the reprehensión of all advocates of equal riglits for all men. Resolved, That the time has come when the disabilities lmposcd npon the by reason of their conduct during the late civil war should be removed ; that the goverument whlch does uot punish ouglit to lorgive, and that an ostraclsed class iu a nation is an evll fraught with jcopardy to the general liberty. Resolved, That the Democracy of Michigan will, üilder all circumstan ces, maintaiu an effectlve party organizatlon and do all whlch is right uucler the Constltution of the State and United States to attain cou trol Of the governmeiit, and to reform the abuacs and corruption whlch liavc been introduccd luto the public service by the Republican party. Jtetolr-ed, That the employment of troops of the United States to luftuence or control clections is inimical to free governiiient and ouglit to be denounccd by all freemeu. After wbich the following nominations were made : lor Justice of the Supreme Cottrt - D. Dakwin Hughes, of Marshall. Mr. IlriiiiKH wub Dominated on the Sdoond ballot, tbs vote being: D. 1) Hugiiks, 105; Jared Patchin, 30, Sanfokd M. Grekn, 8. lor RegenU of the Vnivertity - 3. M B. Sill, oí Wayne; aod Charles 13 Fenton, of Mackiuao, The only otber candidate presentec for Regeni was the Rev. A. J. Eldred of Kunt, the vote standing ou fiuul bal lot, Feston, 83 ; Eldred, 74. - i J. Stuart MiLLsays: 'Iholdevery form of what is called protection to be an emplojmeut of the powers of governuiont to tax the many with the iutcntioi of promoting the pecuniary gains of the few." ïhis threw the cbarnpion pro tcctionUt of the New York Tribune inlo a spasm. To cliaracterize protection as sucli an "iuteution" was to grosaly sliin der the fathers. II it does not no tnteno where ia the promised protsction to oomo from ? If the protected artic!e sella a cent higher on the pound or bj tbe yard than when unprotected, the consumer has puid a tax for the benefi of the producer, and we rtre bound lo believe that tbe friends of protection intend just what protection acootnplishe and nothing eUe The government get3 the duty on tho imported fubric, tb protected home tnanufacturer gets the ame amount on Lis fabrio. That is the intention and the contummation, despite Okeelev's iodigoation. For uearly two yearg Gen. Shields of Missouri, has been knouking at tbe door of Cocgress, claiming tho seat in the House of K. T. Van Horn, of t e sixth district. On Tucsday last the House "cama to the soratcb," quieted Van Horn in bis seat, and gave Shields 85,000 for his expenses. Who wouldn't be a contestant ? But, then, has not thia sort of petty robbery gone about far enough ? Contested seats ought to be decided the first mouth of thesessioo, and generally are when the Republican claims from the ouUide. Robert M. Walsh, who went on a mission to Ilayti nnd San Domingo in 1851, tbuB describes Grant's treaty-part ner, J3aez, then as now claiming to be President of that "Republie," and (beu at war with Faustin I. oí Hayti, as he ia now - or would be, Grant willing - with Faustin's sacceseor : "No hulo was reflectad upon his brow from bis luminous withiD, any more than from his yellowness without, for he is a bright mulatto, a sort of guinea iiigger, whose skin might havo been the result of the gold beater's skill." At the Soldiere' convention of the Fourth CoDgresaional District, held at Grand ltiipids on the 2lst. inst., Gen. BïRON M. CüïUUKON W8 l) HlliliuU'il. Ile ncccpted the nomination contingent upon the action of the liepublican oonviii.tion to be held ooxt day, and declared that hti should support the Republioan nominoe. - At the lïepublioan conven tion, Wilder D. Fosier, of Grand Rapids, was unanimously notninotcd. Boldii-rs' conventions are good side-shows to uid ,he Republicana, hut not of mach account on tlicir own hook. "A ccstom better honored in tbe bruach than in its observanoo :" that of luoibering up tbo duily legislative journals with lengihy memorial and loog lists of ñames - the same frequently appearing twice orer - both in the Senate and House journals. Nobody is the gainer luit the State piinter It i a "fat take" to liim, ospeoially with two or three charges for "oonsiruotive" oomposition. At the Kepublican State Convention, held at Lansiüg yesterday, Judgo Campbell, of the Supremo Court, w s nominated fur re-e!eotion; and Col. C. B. Grant, of thifr city, an-1 Dr. CnAB. Kynd, of Adrián, oominated for Regent. LitteL's Living Age, Nos. 1398 and 1394, for the weeks eudinj; respectively ratonar; llth and 18th, contaiu The ÍSucial Amditiuu of Englaod nnder Henry VIII.; On Progresa, by James Anthony Froude; Seelng Lapland : The Lessons of the ïïcllspe ; .Mr.Carlyle on Verse ; The Molmenniry Paper; ishearinf; u Rtverina, New kuth Wales; Quarrelllus, by the author )f"Friemi In Conaetl" ; The .soca kil La'.in !{!icij, l)y Fiaiicl Lteber; The Dres-iii;ikers ; Everybud's Huby ; Tbe contlnaatlOD of 'öeed-Tlme aud Harvest, or Durtag My A.i)prjiH.ceshli)," translnted specially for tlic pages of tliis inagazhif fruin the Platt Vtutsch of the fuvoiite Geruian niith r, fritz Reuter ; besides shorter anieles auU joetry. 'lhe JUiving Age is also publisUing ft story by üeorgc MncUoualct, ml promiscs to uew subscriliers for 1H71, the last two uumbersof 1870, cootalniug the be{lnnlug of the storj, graüi. $8 & year. Litïkll & Gat, Publishers, Boston. The ifiiru iVew Yrrkir sends baek the Auuus of the lOth lust., witli a "salo note" to the artiele on fourth page: "Prepare Yonr Hot Heds." The note is: "Fiora Rural XeiD Yrrker." Perhapa it is, but how on earth wéét we to know it before? We never saw It in the Rural, but scissored it irom the agiicultnral columu of anexChange, wherc it appeured wllhout credit. The ll'tral ia so l'trge tliat V3 can't read It all weekly, and if wc (lid inigtit not reniember the paternity of iis artielcs wlien aflerwardsfound striyingclfewhei'e. The Rund will llave to send a contenta slip of every nnmber, to be posted ou the side of our olUce, or devise soine otlier method by whlch we may know its articles long and short wlien iouiul "lying arouud loose." We regret the sliort-comings of which our cotemporary couplaius, but never yet copled au article directiy trom its columns without the proper credit. That is our defense. Is it satisfactory, Bro. SIoore? Wiiilb tlie wholo country was in a statu of auxions suspense or intense exoitomoDt over the supposed loss of the Tanuessee, tbat vessel was at anchor in harbors safe, aud the cominissioners and passeugors on active duty or flirting with the dusky but brilliant belles at Sama, na and San Domingo city. The Tennessee made a quick and p!easant trip, anchoring in Samana Bay on her eighth day out. - Dut Baxb have referonce to any " party " gocrs in this city when hc wrote : 11 In going to partios just inind whnt you're at- Beware to jour head and takc care of yovir hat, T-est you flnd thiit a favorito son of your inother Has an aohfi ín the onfl and a brick in the othur."


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