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Local And Other Brevities

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_ Coming - sugar-maklng. - Quiot - in rallroad circles. - See Mtt. xviii. 98 : lust clause. _About plsyed oot - the winter months. _ Spring- Harch-iug on (In the alnian0 - Cbangeable- the wcather for the last Keet - Scarce - love'icr morniugs than that of slTacsday. - Chaoges wlth the wind- tlic flsh 011 tbc Court House. _To bethankful for- that tlie 41st Congress has hut a short lease of Ufe -Dr. Cockeu has had a seiious att.ick of dysentery thUweek, bjt was better yesterd.r. - Tlie usual Lonten services are Delng held at the Episcopal and Catholic churcht's. - Washtenaw is to lose onc niemler of ibe House In the ncw eijislative apporUenmcDt. - The enlargcd central school bnllcllog is to have a Mansuid roof aud be heated by stenm. Good. - Yestonlay belDg the riay set apart for IMlnc nd prayer tor collctrcs, exerclses t the University were suspended. - Güüoh lecturedat iTpellaiitl lastweok, for the beneOt of the Ladles1 Library Assoclitlon, wlilch netted $150 by the venture. -" Who was Jesnsof Naiareth ?" is the imoum'i'U subject for tho noxt Sabbath p alrgtl's.' at tlie Uuitarian Cinireh . _'v,cbla!e geological report says that lHeMgao has 0,173 lakes within lts terrliory. Tlie number of Ponda is not inentioool. - David IIe.nxino Is to build thlsseason -on the fiat below the railroad - an applepacking and ware house, cider-milL, etc, with sidc track. - In the artcsian well sandatone was truck at 324 feet, and the next paraplng brought up brine. Yesterday noon the bore tueasuird 354 feet. - The Unlversity and public schools inspendeJ exercises on Wednesday - vainly fincying that the racmory of Washington wil honored thereby. - An odicer of the S. L. A. beingrecentIj' interviewed" as to " what man was down for tlie next lectu re?" promptly an iwtrcd, Anna DICKIsot. - The Portcr Zouave3 observed the 22d lint, by a parade throtis'i the principal treets, making a fine ap[je&t'aucc aud displiying efficiency in drill. - In the Circuit Court, on Tuesday evenin, the jury was discharged anti) Mon d.y next, and on Wciineeday morning the coart adjourned to eume day. - HosES Uogeiis has bought Hicnnino's building on the point betvreen Detroit and Fifth Street, and will soon open therein a tockoi' agricultura! Inipleincnts. - " Tlie meeting of ' the G reeks ' at Ann Arbor"- that's the way the Jackson Patriot heads tlie World" f paragraph descriptIve of the Edqaktox-Dickinson conjunctlOD. - The rcar yards at the central school building are fllled with material for the addltion to be put up the coming season Workmen are already cniraged upon win low frames, door.-s, moukliuge, etc. - Bkosson Alcott, father of the " Lit tle Women " - or of their author, ratlier - g&Tc two " Conversutious," afternoou aud vening of Monday last, at the reslduce oflsKAEi, ü.r.r., on Washtenaw Ave. - Gold Vr' in Smitii made no charge for hls recent lecture before the Studeuts' Lecturc Association, on condition thacthc proceeds bc expended in the purclnisc of hls twlcal worksjfor the Dtüverslty library. - A gas vein was struck by the artcsian ■íl-borers a few days sluce, which bnrnei ön the sligbtest provocation- a lighted msteh. Some illtempered and envious in lividual has suggesteü that it was one ol Ypillanti's under-currents. - A li(e nsurance company has been or ginized at Dester on the Tontiue or co ope wtlve plan. It is called the Washtcuau Mutual Benefit Association. Dr. Ewixo 1 President ; Jas. T. Hoket, Secretary nd Chas. S. Qbboobt, Treasurer. - At about the hour of 9,!L r. m., Fridaj l8t, n a heavy raln-stonn, two young ineu "ere seeu suow-balling vlgorously by the "ht gf lamp on Ötutc Street, continuing echeerful exercise hali an hour or more leu one proposcd to " quit." Iiow's tha tot exercise ? - Meetings are being held at the II. E Church ciicli afternoon and cvening ; also Mthe Presbyterian eacli evcning. by the rresbyteriau, Oongregatlpnal, and Baptis conjregations, afternoon jneetiugs beln held at the separate cbaróhes. Considera e Interest is maolíeted. An ontlmsiastic sceker aftcr literarj fme givcs us Uie followiiij; dMQrlptlda o a " erenadinii " l'ürty whlcü dlstnrbbd tb Bombera of sevefal of our tltirens Toea fly evenlng last : " Tlie midnight air re 'erberated wlth tlic beautifu!, melodfeoas PlaintiTP. and soul Inspiring tonos of th tin hom, Jolned wlth the merry tlnklin Dd ricli tiijtiuabulHtious of the bells- cow belle.''


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