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Ñames, like itreát érenla, often have their origin rrom trüling Incidente, as the readei wlll find nfter peroalng the lbllowlng, whlob our reporter lias carefully compilcd from okl legenda and stories, handed áown-ptrhaps from tliu " oklost luhabítants." Scvoral storles are extaut as lo the origiu Of tiie iiíiine of our city, Aun Arbor, but the trueone undoubtcrlly runs tlius Man; vears ago thtre dwelt iu tile tlien BSttleinont oL Tpsllantl, a man wlio was unfortunute enongh to have serioiis domestlc trouhlcs, and aflcr one of these titile " onpieasantnesses'' liis wlíe - whose name ivas Aun - left lihn, and souglit refnge here. The Ypsilautinns then jcerinjrly callee! the place " Ann's llarhor," which soon carne Oio gcueral use, bcing Amencanized, or hortened, of late years, by dropping the s and II, though somc ol our English pcole stlll insist upon using the . This may account in a measurc for the COMneSS wliicb ïas always exlsted betwoen these two places ; also for Anna DlCXINSOH'a reniaik ihat " Ann Arbor is tlic best place in the ectnre Beid," or lometlilng to thut effect. The story that Ypsilanti was nsmed nfter a pugllistically ncllned Greek Chieílaln is n error of the most egrecloas kind. On lie site of Ypsilanü stood au Indian vlltge, wbere the pule face and red man were vont to gather and amuse tbemselves by laylng the hlghly moral and Inatructlve game of " penny-ante." Now it happened 'ïat a ccrtain brave, bcaring the cuphonlous title of "Patt-Tecs-Sun," sat clown o play one day, and was vcry unfortunate, oslng every tliius veutured, even to his ast penny. Whili bevralllog liis ill luck lis lady love- au ludían malden of rare eauly - by name " ülpsey," stcpped upon he scène, and oreceivinr the sltuatlon of lier oufortumte Intended, Immedlttely carne to his rescue, sayiiig, " Qipsey '111 ante." These words have becu corrupted i uto Ypsilar.ti. Strange the true story is so iittle kuown. It is hariliy necessary to s:iy tliat Dexter is oamed after a fust horse of some uotorlety, or that Lodl is sogüesUve of the last momonls of " Lo, tlio poor Indian." The townslilp of Frocdom was namod at Ihe special request of King Willlam, iu honor of his glorious defense of the GoddcSb of Liberty. Pittsfleld was nained after au Individual somewhat known to faine as Williain Pitt, by liis rela'tives, wlio thoagbt bj lliis mean.s to flatter the old gentlM&an and receive therefor a favorable ínentioii in hls wlll. We are happy to state that they found heinselves victiras of au hallucination. The oiigin of Lyndou is very remoto, yet jre hnve traced it back to an old bard who va so eiirapturcil wltb it that he wrote: " ( In TAnAtm w'.icit t ï i' ■ BOU WU lOW .11 UoodlOH lay tht' initrti'ld-'U mhu."'


Old News
Michigan Argus