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potJK POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE AGE! LUI. KELLOGG'S ROOT BITTERS! o LI VER INVIGORATOR. INDIAN REMEDY. FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLSÍ Worlli, Merit, nnd KeliubilIty conceded by nll to be hoiiorably won and ful Jy Kewarded by Dr. Kellogg's four Mer-1 itorious Cuiu - pounds. ROOT BITTERS Absolute frecdom Irom phytfctal diease In a blesatng deslred by all, brn enjoved only by ihe few. [ndigenlon. Etaaaitttde. O mcral Debility, Muscular W'cukHtfis, aiii! ]ack of Nervoud Energy, tire common aftarentt ; yetthtíy arfe the foreruncers of more seri-ntn compiatntfl. Dyspepslft, with nll its 'Miorrors," ih only chronic Indigestión, and many a poor consumptive mortal, tuttering upon the rerga ofphTftlcal dlasolutlon, vUidly rememberathe genera) debility and ncrv-ms prostrntion which bnaldod tbe attack f tbe lovldioiu enemy of hfe. The advico dictíití'fl by commoii eonee "ia not to let tliesc minor compliiintrt lurk In the ytem unnotlced and tuïbeeded,1 yet many penooa who feel fatlgQttd aftersTAo moderate exercisc, whosa blod i BlOKKtehln ciroulation, dlffftftlOD morbïd, itppeLite Irregatar.complezioi] jjnliici, nérvea weak and I unstruug, muecular fibers loose and fiabby, aod vrhosë System i-a in condition of geueral rtcbilitv, with erery avenue open to the encroahment añd posFe?fiou of conllrmod and destructive üiseat(e,go Itetlftwly aronnd " lïVIng akéletotift,1 appareutly regardleftedf the blesslugi of hcnlth, and unmiodfnl of thesf natural WATlllogfl of tho apprucli of compld' phyvfCAJ proctration, 'J'hnt, ' OlsftSSQ comes when leaet expoctetl1' Is a common but vcry abènrd aaylDg. Tot these common coinpluintB uro the skirmishers whfch commence tho attack and heraltl the tipproach of the finr.r. ; niul i; li ihe wtadom of comitiob öensc, to gttaM aainst thfir nttacks, and if they have pjsfic-bsion, to tlrivc tliem fioni the systfin. The naturally feeblè frnme may 1p Rtr(nthoned, nnd the robust who have been p:irtially broken owb tiy Indlgestlou, Dïasipatlon, Ncrvoufi Debility, dlseaee, or uiuisuai lïardiihip, niay be recrulted.and restorcd t-t hëaiCb SBd bappüieM, by this dellcions Hotiinii'-nl Touic, perlect and wholesome appetirer, jeniiil jiílI ti cilijcstion, and EBlitta inïrvous atlmulanU- Xr.Ke11ogsa Celebraled Hoot Hittere. They will improve the appetite, mntertally aid dlrestion. periect the condition of the blood, givo tone to the nervoue syatcm, arreet the proress of Isease, ttrenghenthe emaciated, aid and eonflrtn the reHtoratlon of tho feeble convaloacent, aud pro tect thefiyytem againt malnrinl disease. They are a bleíFÍng to thosc who find theraselves Méak, lanutd, and busklsg anergT, as the warm days of spring 'l'hey are a t rea ture to vómen who Huiler frem nervous debilily, loes of vital strength, andphysiciil weabness. These t4 Bitters," are not a vilo mixture of -retcnea wni8Key.;ana moes, tuit a gennine Botnical compound, pure, pleasunt, and agreeablo, nd warranted to bc equal to their recoramendaOBS. LIVER INVIGORATOR .nd Rlood Purfficr, In a ccmpoond prepared to eanaeihc system ofïrapuritles nd cure couflrmed Isorders arlsing from h diseased state of the Livar. T.iere ie soraething the matter with ray Liver," is ie observation of at least three out of every fivo THiiiu, vrhen questioned i regard to the!r henlth, nd it is a well-known truth, that disease of the Uit is the moet commonaiiment tbe physician h&s o contend witli althoujja he is goneialty callcd upou o meet H in the torm of Fevera, Aue, NervouB rofltration, and other acute maladies f wliich disrdor of the Livor is the prodneiug cause, ïm ur Jlloud, Sick ;iud BUlou Ili'adacho, Cst.-rtm ■, Norvotis Weakness, Loss of Küerjjy, Emclation. pAlnsln the Side and Shoolders, Wtüiknes nd Trcmblins itfter exercise, Mflauchuly, Drowpless. iind Chromc BÍ1íoiitucs. aresomoof the minor symptoms of Biliury Derancoment nfl Discasc. Thf tinal rcsult . if tlicse symptoms nredlsreardd are different kiuda of Fcver, Rhoamatisnis, Diar. he., Geutiral KrontraiMU 01 ervuiib öyetem, endug in Jatindlce or ConsumpLion. The Ijver is tüe roost sensitive rgan ia iht; human structure, except he Luiigs, and so long a dcompositiott of vegeablc matter continúes malaria arises, aad the present hahfts of tfo are iudliicd, po lon Liver Comlalnt will bccomraon. As thcre is no prospect of hesecouditious belns obiatea, henee the necoeslty of employing ageius to CJunteract their icfluence. Iu selecting aud proportioning the ingrediente of )r. K-llog's Liver Invigorator. special attentiou ias beeu had to compound a preveiftiye and cure forBUious Disordera oí every type. TLe most potent agence known to Botanical researchtliave been ncorpurated ínto thís truly popular speciñe for ,iver Oomplainta jiijiI Uiseaees of theBlood. lts elfect upou the human systcm (b ín perfect accord anee with tho laws of 'hvaUb, and tho science ot )hysical struclurc, being Alteratlve, Diuretic and Pouic. By itflAHerfttive nnd Dfnretic powere, it carries he impurities of the system off throngh nature's course8,undfttthe same time byita Tnnlcvirtues tstimulates digestión and gives tone to the nervüus powere. Family Cathartic Pilis. The objection that these Pilis were tiot flngar Coated has been obviated by the proprietore and In that reppect they are uow eqaal to any In ubc- Theír worth as a aal e and reliable Cathartlc hoi never been questioned. For Chronic Constipation they are a certain remedy. By theír actlopB they cleanse the uyHtem of vitiated Hecretions. They stiranlate the Livcr to activitj, give tone to the stomach, and stre.nth to the nérvea. Thorc ia nothjng In thcircompos'tlon but what is purely vegetable. They are mild, gentle. and entirely effectaal. InsteadoCirrltutliip they ï'i-More. 'ihey are a certain remedy for Constipatin, Rhenmatism, Chmnic Indigestión, Stubborn TMsease of ihe Liver, Billonsness, Vimlcnt Impurities of the Blood, and all Disorders where a J h orough laxatlre i requlred. INDIAN REMEDY. A meílicinc advertieed to cnre ]1, Is generally held lu dtsfeputo, yet lt íb poesible to cotnpound a remedy that may be bcnt-flcial in a varié ty of complalnt. Dr. Kelloggslndlan Rt-m-dy is an exíettim proof of this possibility, inamuch ut it can be einploycd In a varirty of cumplaiuts, and in each produce a happy The Kemedy ie atlmittfd by ihi iiKiiiy who have used it, nnd who c nsideritindispeuEablu, to be the most perfect Remedy lor Cought, Colds, Cronp, nd all I'itseaees of the 7 hroat and IjIihíí! that has yet been ofl'ered to the pub'ic. while for WoimkIb, Sores, Bnrns Scaldu.and every vuriety of Externiil Inflammattou it 1 kqown to bo au absoluto and infallible cure. In fact it lt impoBeiblc lo emtmeiato and specify nll the coniplaints anddisorders for whiob this "Jiemedy1 ie an antidote. Sufltae tosay that wherever there ip inflummation, Mii.fMi'il or uxternal, on either man or bat. that it íh a Lueedy, perfect, and rellable cure. We warrant tfiHt the iisaof one bottlo by hü Jam ily will establUh it on one of the nocessitiea of house hold economy. AU the above medici ces are prepared at DB. EELLOGG'S EV3EDSCAL WORKS AKN AHBOB, MICH-, And art Sold by Bruggists and Dealers Everywhere, 18OSm3 DELIABLE INSURANCE, T THE OLD AGKNCY OF C. H. MILLEN, Who bas for nearly tweuty yetre, nd who ]iV. rcpreeeuis the Home, of !New York, CAPITAL AKD SUBPL1.B. NEARLY FIVE MILLIONS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, N"early $2.500,000 Thii Companj partlctpatee n ltsPoJldes witb the nsured. City Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CAPITAt AKD SURPLUS," ALL LOSSES FAIRLY ADJUSTED and PROMPTLY PAID. C. H. MILLEN, Agent. T UMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, TTas a large and well ntooked Lumher Yarii on iTefferaon Street, In the soutti part of the City, und will keep constsDtly on hand an excellent varlety of LUMBER, SKINGLES, LATH &C which will be iold as low as fan be affordcd in thU miirket. y ualitT and prtcea such thoi.J NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KRAPF. Ann Arbor, Jacnarj 3Gtb, 18T1. SfS Vy HAT IS IT f THÉAIMÉCTAR. Jnstcail at the CITY AUCJUK. eet a pscksgc. ftnd have acp of Tta raadefijfh :i( tlic BmpqTOrof China Bips in hlnpalacc, Cuetnm-ray 11 cnn't bo bcit for flaror and ïicijunsi. Ouly f 1.19 ]'" pinnd. CLAHK & ri0?8tY. Go toE.W.ELLIS & C0's i for choice Wines and Liquort for Medical Purposce . COMPLETE STOCK O331 IW Al SEASdlBU GOODS NOW BEING RECEIVED Ï3Y FINLEY & LEWIS. WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BUYER8 OOR LABGE STOCK ■OÏT Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND EXPffiLY FOft (Hll TBADE. pOR CASH YOVCíH BVY Lumber, ! Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF G. SUTHERLANO & CO. AnnArbtT,Janury ,1870 .'1252 _... , - - - - - - .. . ■- - - -- ■ . il f ifilCIAE' PRESCRIPÍtóNSll ACCURATELY ANI II CARBPULL Y PRBPAT ED BY J R. W. ELL1S d, CO., imVÜGISIS. I


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