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Sfftttol paitos. pn. acBRNCK AnnsEs coksümptitt: % TO OO TO FLORIDA IS WISTER. n.vvrKO for the lAstthlrty-flve years devotedmy wholo time and rutenlton to the ntudy of Inng diñasen and consuinptlon, 1 fcel that 1 understand ï'ullylhn course that ouln to bc puntual tr restore .1 tolerablr lad case or fllwunrfl hinK to healthy eoundni'Bs. The llrnt and mopt Important etvp Is. for the patiënt 10 avoid takin'cold; and the best of all placea on thls continent for tlim purPobo, in winter, í Florida, well down in the State, w fiero tho temperaturc is repular, and not ruibioct lo eueh vuriatlons as in more northem latltudCR. l'alatka la a point I can reconunend. A (rood hotel is kopt therc by Peterman, f-ast winter I iw Bevcral pernona there whoao lunes had been badly dief aaed, but who, under tbo heallng lnfluencc of tlie cllmato and roy medicines, were gettiiiK well. One hundred miles fartherdown tho rivcrlB ft polnt which I would prefer to 1'alaU, a tho temperaturo is more even and the air dry and bracinst. Mcllonvllle and Enterprise are located therc. I sbould ivo a decidcd {rcferenco to Mellonvillo: it Ib two miles from river or ako and it seems almost ImposBlblo to takc cold thera. Tlio taille in Florida mlglit 60 botter, nnd patlents complain at times ; Imt that 1 a Rood siim, as it Indícate a return of appetite: and, whan tliin is tho caae, they aent-rally lncrease in fle&li, and then the lunf must heal. Jacksonvllle, Illbernia, Green Cove, and mtnj otber places In Tarious parts of Florida can bo safely recominon.icd to connumptlves In winter. My reaon for 17Ink' su are, that patknts aro Uit liablo to takc cold Iheri) than whero thcre la a lepa even temper3ture ; and it is not neceseary to aay, that, wbere a consumptlTe peron posea hlmsolf to frequent colds, ho 1b ccrtaln to dia ahortly : thereforo mr advico is. go well down lnto tho Rtate, out of the roacn of prevïillins; east winds and foifp. JackBonville, or almoi-t any othcr of the localltl I havo named, win benefit those who are troubled with a torpld liver, a dlBonlered stomach, deranped bowelB, sore tbrnat, or cough; but, for those whose luntis areiuBunscd.amor sonthern pulnt ia carncstly reconimendcd. For üaoen ycar prior to 1869, 1 wa profeBslonally In New York, Boston, J'.altlniore, and llul.idclphia ovcry week, whero I saw and examlnt-d on an average flvo hundrcil pntients a weck. A practico so cxtenslve, rmbraclns cvitv posslblo phnoe of lunn dlscase, has cnablcd mo to linde. rstami tl dlacascfully ; and hencomy caution In rcKfird to taking cold. A persun may tako rast qunntitles of " Schenck's l'ulmonic Syrup, Scawecd l'onlc, and Mandrake 1'lUs," and yct Jlc lf hc doeu not avold taking In' Florida, ncarly overybody Is nslhf fichenck's Manimko l'ills; for tho cllmato Is more Iikely to producá blllous habita than more northern latitudes. It Ib a wcllcptabllahedfact, thatnutlTf of Florida rarely die ofconumption, cspecially tbose of the southera part. On tho other hand, in Ntw En:lnnd, one-third at Uat of tho population die of thls terrlblo disease. In the liiddlo Btatcs, It docj not preval 1 bo largely stlll therc are niany thousands of cases thero. What a i-ast percentage of Ufo would bo eaved lf conmrmpttvcs were as euaily alarmcd in repard to taking frenh colda as they are about scarIct fever, smoU-pox, Ac. 1 but tliey are not : they toko wbat they term llttlo cold, whicn they are crtdulons enoush to bcliovc will wear oif In a few days. They pay nuattrntiontoit; and henco It lays tho foundation for r.niiu.:r nnd another Uil, uutil the lungs aro dlscascd boyond all hope of euro. My dvicc to persons whoso lutiKB are affected, oven rilBhtlv, Istolaylnastock of Schem-k'sl'ulmonlc Syrup, Schcnck'n Seawccd Tonio, and Schenck's Slimdrukcrills, nd goto Florida. I rccoinmend theso particular mcdlclnes becauao I am tbornugbly aciualnttd wlth thclr octloñ. I know, that, whero they are used In strict accordance with my dircctlons, they wlll do tho Work tliat Is requircd. This accomplishcU, nature will do the rest. The pbyslcifln who prescribes for cold, cou'h, or night ■WWtS nnd Uien advlses the patiënt to walk orride out evcry day, will be sure to havo a corpso on hls handi ily plan Ib, to giro my threo medicines In accordanc-i ■with tho printid airectionf, except in nomo cases whero a freer ubc of tho llandr.iko I'llls Is necessary. My object Is, to givo tone to tho Btomnch, - topet up a good appotito. It Ia always a good pijínwhen a patiënt begfns to crowhunKry: I have hopen of such. With a rellsb for rood and the gratlncation of that relian, comes good blood and with t more fleeh, which Is cloaelyfollowed bya hcalingof tho lunt-'B,- then thccooKliIcosensaud abates, tho creeping chllls and clammy ninlit awcatB no lonser prostratoand annoy, and the patiënt gctswell, providcd ho uvoid taking cold. Uütt tliere oro mnny connumptives who have not tho mcans to go to Florida. The questiun may bo askcd, Is there no hope for such ? Ccrtainly therc 1b. My advico tosuch is, and ever has been, to may In a warm room during tho winter, with atcmperalure of about soventy deerces ■vvlücli should be kopt regularly at that point by means of a Uicrmomcter. Let such a patiënt uke hui oicrciBC within tho limita of the room by walk ing np and down as much as hls ttrcnglh wlll permlt, in order to keep up ahealthy circulatlüii of tho bldKi. I havocured thouwndB by this eystcm, and can do so again. Consumption is as easily curcd as any other dlsease, if it Is taken in time, and tho proper kind of treatment is purBued. The fact stands undi&puted on record, that Schenck's Fulmorjic Bnup, Mandrake l'ills, and Seawced Tonic have cureü very many of what acemcd to bo bopcleBS cases of consumpuon. üo whero yon will, you wlll be almost certain to flnd Boino poor consumptivo who has been rcacucd from the vcry jaws of death by thclr DSC 80 far as the Mandrako mis aro concemed, evcrybody Bhould keep a snpply of them on hand. They act on tbo liver bettertliíin cr.Iomel, and leave nono ot iuhurtful effecta behinii. In fact, they are excellent in all cases whero a purgativo medicine Is roquired. If you hav rartaken too ïrecly of fruit, and diarrhoca ensues, adote of the Mnndrukes wlll cure you. If you aro subject to Bick hcadache, tako a dose of tho Maudrakcs, and they wlll relieve you ín two hours. lf you wouhl obvíate tho cffoctofachange of water, or tho too freo indulgcncc in fruit take ono of the Maudrakea everynight, and you may then drink water, and cat water mclous, pears, apples plump, peachea, or com, without tho risk of bclnfr iuado aick by them. They will protect those who II vo in dump Bltuatlons against chills and fevcra. Try them. They aro porfectly hannlcss. They can do you good only. I nave abandoned my professional visita to Mostou ana Kcw York but continue to sec patiënte at my ottice, 'o. 15 North Sixth 8trcct, rhiladelphia, every Uaturdny, from 9 A.M., to3, r.M. Thoso who wisha thoroughexmlmatlon with tho lïcsplromcter wlll bo charged flve dollars. The Kespirometer declares tho exact condttion of tho lungs; and patlonts can readlly learn whether they aro curable or not Bat I desire It distinctly understood, that the value of my mcdiciiwij depeBds-entlrety upon thclr being taken Btrictly secording to dlrections. In conclusión, I will say, that when persona take my medicines, and thclr eystcms are brought lnto a healtliy conditlon theroby, they are not ao Hablo to takc cold; yct no ono with diseased lungs can beara suddenchanm of atmosphere without the liabillty of greater or lesa lmtatlon of the brunchial tnbes. Full directlons in all languages flecompany mymeoieines, so cxpllcit and clcar that any onc can uso them without coasulting me, and can be bougbt bom uny rU88l8t J. H. 8CHKSCK.M.D., Ko. 19 Korth Slxth Street, l'hlladelphi, JOHN F. HENRY, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NSW Y02S, "WTiolosalo Afifent. JÍwéet Quíl f Si A RBCEST IMPnOVEMEiV X Eepauc the uo of tbe Bitteh Snr.pnATB ti'.'Nisi:, wi:b wbiuh all ure fiuullni'. A l)oao for doöo, it is FULLï:QUL !N EVERY WAY TO BITTErjUIKIHE. I AND LIKE IT 18 TttB OSE GRiAt, POSITIVE and ÏTSTFlIXniG CURE FOïku DIÍEASE3 of HALABIOÏÏB ohlOIH. Fovar and Agno, Vliïtvrzxiittcut Fcver, ChUl Fever, Kcmlttent FevcirJ Bülou-i PeJr, Iiunhf Agno, and tri lon(? train of dlsordors faiowlng these when neglectort. 4 8TTEET QriWIIVE 1 18 mfrlo olely frora Periiylan B'k (90 Is n-her (juinine.) therefore Is of Vefcewible oriKpii ftnd not a Minonil poison, butf on the conirury is jirovod to be ot:o ottho fivMients foune in tho blood oí all hcaltliy petous. fiets k an antidoto to, (rw T.'ftll iw a onre for,) liaiürf-il or miannatic polion, the absorilior. of whieh by tho luns; cauaes Intenilttunt revers, etc. Tlie oiilylmlvantagc eïiiineU for I SWEET QTT3fI3TE I over tf.ic ose of old Bitter Quininejis the entlvij aböenue of that latense, pertaiteut blttint-Ku, which in tin Lifter is anlinsurmoi .tr.ble bbetucle to its nse with uioit pereons accl always wlUi ahlhliyn. f stveet ifiariaiE (U iv two fonïii- in I'o-.v.lor for the cse of Kiy icians and DniKffwts, and yiull, for uc 1 Ae fr.inily and for tho goncralAlsbljaj. è earns, Farr &Á& liaUFÍCTURIHG CHEKim A ForSaleby Eherbach & Co., druggists. 12B4yl The origíualor of thie wonclerful medicine, claimt to have discovercd aud c-onbiutd in harmony more of of Nature's most tovcrexgn medical properlict than was over before comblnod in one m diclne. The evidence of thie fact is found in the great variety of moBt obetinatediöease wliicli it haabeen found to cuquer. In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs aud the early stages of Vmsumpiion, it hae astouishod tbc medical fiicnlty, and hundreda of the beet phjsicians proDouuce it the grtatest medical dtscovery of the age. While it cures the eevereet Coughs, it streiifithenB the syetem andpuriflee the blood. By its great and thorough blod purifying proporties, it cures all Uumors from the worst Scrufula to a com rtfou Blotch, Pimple or Kruption. Mercurial Diseae Mineral Poisons Syphititïc and Venerial Diseasrs, and their cflecte are eradicatcd and vigorous health and a'souad constitation establi-hed. Eryeipela?, Salt Uheum, Scald Ilead, Fevcr Sores, Scaly or Rough Skin, in Hhort, all the numoroua diseasee cansed by bad blood, areconquorod by this powerfal I)nrifjiiiíí and iuvigorating medicine. For lLiver Complaint," Bilious Disorders and Habitual Conetipation, it has produccd hnndieds of perfect and permanent curee where other medicinen had failed. The propriotor offcre Sl,000 reward for a medicine that will equallt in thecure of all the dieeasce for which it is recommended. 'lieware of connterfeite and worthlesB imitations. See that my private Government Stamp, which Is a pusUive guarantee of 'cnutcenee. íb upon the ontsïde w rapper. ïhie medicino Ís eold by DrapprisU at $1.00 per bottle. Prepared by R. V. PIERCE, M. D., Solf Proprletor, at hts Chemical Luboratory, 133 Sneca Btrcet, buffalo, N. Y. UGÜBT lOth, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR anporlor qualtiy, at the ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. Vcry nlce bolted Corn Meal, coarse Meal, Orabam Plonr- good second qiiality Plonr at low prlce,- Orackecl Wheat, and all kinds of Fced, at loweet prlces, and t!oliverd iuiiuy part of the city. Terme Canb. Ordera left in my Order Box at the Post Offlce uromptlyattended to. 1ÍS8 J.T. SWATHEL IpEOPLE'ö DRUG STOüEi R, W. ELLIS & CO. A.3srasr aebob riOOD NEWS! Al ARBOB WILD fflTB EXGITBMBNT ! HIGH PEICES EXTERMIN1TED! S. SONDHEIM II A3 JU3T HKTUKKKD FROM THE E.A. S T, WITH TUK LARQEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING CE.IT'8 FIBNISHIire GOOÜS, TRUNKS, VALI8ES, SATCHELS, &c, &c, &c, TIIAT HAS KVER BEEN BROVGHT TO THIS CITY, WI1ICH HE WILL'SELL Oheaper than the Cheapest fb] Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GASSIMEJ2FS, COATINGS, and VESTINQS WHICH HE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER itf THE BEST STYLE, AND WARRANTED A FIT 0RNO SALE. s s f t h a .o S 5 3 S Sil ap W 68 "S bS E H 1 a i wá i QoI'J s Mg . B ls 2 M CO ly ft, Cj n o 0 S 8 j r, hri 2 h i 5 h Nü ft " ATONEÏ CAN NOT BUY IT. JFOIt SIQSÏT IRPRIOELEBS THE DIAMONDflliAftSEÖ.MMmfMturedbj .1. E. apeneer & Go, N. Y. , vhleh ure nnw offerw t t li luiblic.iire pruoounoód bï all the celobrnte'l Opti ■■ the World to be the Must lVríPct, Natural, Artilicial help t" the huniAn "je errr known . Ttiy are gr ou ii fï 'in'ii'r Ui oír rnvn a upe ft 11 n . f rom i:iiniiti- r t _ ptiil l'ct Mes, meltcfl tortln r. in; flerlM tbcirnarne, " Pinmond,1 om iiecmmi ftlielr htmlncAH tml brlitiaoof. Th Sctcntiflc principie n wlnch tliev are r.intructol btinyH (ho core or eentreof 'he lens direotlj in Front oftha sySi pfOilu Ing a cluftr anl Hutinct Tiiion, a in the natural, hoaltlij ftight, a ml pf pTputinií ll anpleHnt ■- qtiona, anch m plim-ntrinc and #ttTflBg -: ■ -;h', diriiDCBR, fcc, peculiar to all othtnll om. They aremoiiuied In the FtNfcíT MANWKR, lo fiamas f thflbeit unlíty.of all innteritlg uterifor that parpo?. Their flih and flurabllily eannnt ha surpnsd. CAUTION.- Koiio gpmrine nlen bftnring IhalT trade mark utampert on e?ry frame. J. C. WATTS A KO., Jwelorml Optiri&na.ftrc soleapeotH for ANV AKBOK, M13H., froai wliom they can only b obtalnvü. Thete goods are aotmpplied to Pedlr atany prft. lMTyl rjtSSOLUTION. By mutual consent we thia day disnolve the 00-pn.rtnorship known a Hice Fuller. AU accounts and iiil.-lttodno8Rof Bfiid flrm ave to be ettled by B. V. Mu--, nnd thc business will be continúen at the oíd stand by bim. B. F. RICE, J. T. FULLER. Ann Arbor, Jan. 23d, 1A71. All my oíd customern and friends in nood of boots and Ahoes or rubber jfoods, will alwaye flnl áa good an urfrtortment, and as low prices as at any place in the city, and fair dcaling. Work made to oruer and repuiriiiK rioue promptly. 1300wG B. F. RICE. A SSESSÜBS NOTICË7 Tl Ttnitkd Stater Internat, Revenfe, AsB't. AasoaBor's Office, 3d Dfet, Mich. Ann Arbor, Feb. U, 3871. ) The Sixth Assessment División of thc 3d Collectfon Dirtrfet, Michigan, composed of the nouth half of Waahte&ftW Ommty, having been mewed in the Öth División of fioid District., the undereignea hereby ffiyes notioe, that hu will attend for the purpwe of reedvint? returns fqr uuaesHinent of laxen, and the tTanarietion of other bueincös portaüiing to said conRolidated división, as follows : At the office of Enoch Yout, ( il ai Ypsilanti, on Monday of eacb week. At the office of C. H. Wfúlaoc, in the villiiKe of Saline, on the 2d Tue&day in eacn month, and at the Htow of S. H. Perkins, in the vülogc of Manchestor, on the 2d and 4th Wedneödayu of each month. R. J. BARKY, 1309w3 Aue't, Asseeaor, 5th División, 3d Dis. Mich. Chancery 8ale. ÏN PURWT'AXCE and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Conrt for the County of Waahtouw, in CliHiicery, made on the flfth dayof May, A. 1), 1870, in the oase wherein Ebenezer J. Penniman is Compl;i.iuant-, and Sinïiwn lïoot and Cordclia Root are tl'ffiiilonta : Notioe i.- horeby giren, that I ehall aell at pulÜc auction, t( the highest bidder, on Baturday, the ñrat day of April next, at eleven o'clock a. m., of eaid i1.:;;.-. .it'the front orsouth door of the Court Euioao, in tbc City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Wa&htenaw, in the State of fichigan, the followin floMribed re.-il estáte, ii-vii : ín Hm tovraahipof Balt m. WaBhteaaan County, Rtatelof üilichian, beiiijt the north half of the east li-'ill" of tiw uorthweat quartfr of uection numbei twenty-nine, (29), and the rast half of the northwesi qunrU'r of seotíon fcwontyiffht, exoepting the intcresi in the above dewsibed lande of the lieiru at law tji Ain;iui1a EUcttegtOIL who Was the dauyhter of Afthlp] Root. Datcd, Aun Arbor, Feb. lCtb, 1871. R. BEAHAN, Circuit Court (?ynirais.sioner, D. C. IIoLBnooK, WasthtönKW County. Micli Solicitor for Complainant. 13UÜ Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIr hiiving been mado in the oonditionsof t cortain indenture Qf raortg-age, executd by -Tacol F. Haiig to Tïster Silsbury, bearin date Ütetwenty second day of December, A. D. lrtC5, and recorded ii the office of the Register of Deeds for the ('uuuly o "WiuOitenaw, and State of Miohigan, in liber 34 o mortgatfo, on page 372, on thc 2'id day of December A. D. 1 865, by whicli defuult the power of sale con t;iinil in ?;iid mortgage has bocome oix'rative, and ik suit or proccoding at law or in chancery haring beei instituted to recover the amount due on aaid mortgage nul thora beiog now olaimed due on wiid mortgage an note nccompiuiying the aiime, thc um of two hun dred and sevonty-six dollars aud sixty-one cents, ant alw) the furthrr sum,of forty dollars iis an Attorney'i fee on thiB foreclosure exprcadv agreed to be paid ii and by said niorti?age as often au OUT proeeudiiiK i; taken to foreclosc said mortgage, moet at law or ii chancery ; Notinc is thereforc hereby giren, that aitl mortgog wiïl lw foiecloHcd on Tucsday, the eighteentli day oi April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, atthesouth door of the Court House, in the City ol Ann Arbor, in sniil County, [said Court Home boinc the place of holding thu Circuit Conrt. for the County of wiwhtennv,) by a sale at public auction, to thc hlgheBt bidder, of "tlie premises aencribcd in Baid mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to sfitiafy the amount due on suitl mortgnge, with reasouabk cortts and expenses, and the interest on said mortgagc, togethcr with an Attoraey's fee of forty dollars providel for in aid mortgage, wbich mortagetl pretuises are deseribtvl in wiid mortgafft as foUowe : All those panèlfl of land sitúate in thc County of "Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known and described as follows, viz : The eatst half of the southe.ifit quaríer of section seventeen, toro four eouth, range tivu eaat Als an acre of land on the BOuth side of thc Chicleo road, off from the northeast corner of the west half of the southeaut quarter of saiid section seventeen, in a three corner lot on which a log house fonnerly etood. Also a piece of land commeucing at thc southfvisi oorner of the wet half of the west hiilf of tlie northwest quarter of section flfteen, in said towu four, and running thence west on quartor section line five chains, thence north twenty chaina, thence east five chains, thaaoB sonth twenty chains to thc place of begiuning, containing ten acres of land. Datcd, éalinc, January 16th, 1871. LE8TER SILSBURY, Mortgagce. P. M. Eaton, Att'y. for Mortgagec. 1305 Mortgago Sale. DEFAULT havhiK been made in the conditlons of a certain lndntnro of mortgage, executed by Augustus lïond and Hattie M.Bond. his wife, to David Browo, beariug date the nineteeuth diiy of Oetober, A. D. 1S64 aud recorded iu the ofttce of the Register ofDeeds for the County of Washtenaw iinu State of Michigan, in llber 33 oí mortgages, on pa?e fitï, on the twunty third day of November, A. D. 864, which eaid mortgage was atusined by taid David Hrownto JamcsT. Morton, by written assinment, hearing date February 6tb, 1SC5, and recorded in liber 83 of mortgages, on page 293, in said Register office, on the fourtcenth day of Febrnary, A. D. IS5S, by which defuult the power of enle containcd in said mortgagc hae ecomc operative, and no eutt or proceedTog Vt law or In chnncery having been instituted to recover the amount dne on eaid mortage, nnd there being now claimed (me on said mortgage and note accompanying the eame, the suin ofecven hun dred and t%venty two dollars and twenty-six cents, ae wftll as ttie further eiim of fiftecn hundred dollars with intereet from Oetober lOth, 1ST0, Hücurcü and to bccome due on said mortgage, and also the further sum of llfty dollars as an Attorncy fee on this foreclosure, expressly agreed to be paid in natl by gaid mortgage as often as aiiyprocoeding ie taken to foredec this mortgage, either at luw orin Chancery ; Noticetherofore, is hereby given, tlmt said mortgace will be forecloscd ou Jlonday, thc twenty-sev enth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaid day, at thc ftouth door of the Conrt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in Baid County, (nrtid Court House being the place oT holding tbe Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw), by a sale at public aution, to thc hlghest bidder, of the premlees deficríbed i in eaid mortgage, or somuch thereof as shall be ncceösary to eatisfy the amount due on said mortgnge. with reuonaole costs and expenses, and the iuterest on said mortgagc, together with an Attornc}' fee of flfty dollars provided for in saïd mort;iigc, and Btibject to the payment of the further fium of flfteen ïundred dollar with the interest tberc'1!! from Oetober 19th, 1870, yut to bccome due thereon, which mortgaged premieee are dcecribed in said inortgage aa folio wi : AH those certain pieces or parcele of land situntcd iu thc townehip of Saline, in thc Couuty of Wagbteuaw and State of Michigan, describeaas follows, vis: the sonthwest quarter of section twenty-one. in township fonr sou tn and rauge five east, ín the State of Michignu, excepting ten acres off from thu ea?t BÏde thereof; also twenty acres off from the north end of the east half of the northwest quarter of ecction twenty-eight, and ter acres off from the north end of the west half of the west half of the uorthenst qriarter of section tweneight ; all in tmvnship four four S'mili acd rajlgfl live caet, and containin' in ;iil one humlrcd asdetffhty acres oí land non r 1l-sh ; which two laat tïescribed pareéis have been dipcharged from eaid mortgage, and will not be sold by virtue thereof nnder this noticc. Dated, December 28th, 1870. JAMES T MORTON, Astiigucc of Mortgagc Colman, Koot & Kinnb, Attorneya for Aesïgncc. 1302 Mortgago Sale. TvEFAULT hnvïng been made in tho condltlon of a . certalr. mortgago executed by Edward Ryan, of Northfield, Connty of Waahhtenaw and State of Michigan, tt William S. lïarry, of thc same place, on the flret day of August, A. T). lS6fi, and recorded In the office of the Registtr of Deed for eafd County of Wsehtenaw, on tbe fonrth day of December A. D. 186C, at flvc o'clook P. M. of naid day. In liber 37 of mortgages, on page 328, which eaid mortgage waB duly assigned Dv said Willinm S. Barry to Luther Jamee, of the City of Ann Arbor, County and State aforesaid, on the fonrth doy of December, A. D. 1866, and recorded ïu the office of the Register of Deedn for eaid Conntv of Washteuaw, on the founh day of December, A.D, 18G0, at 5 o'clock P.M. of said day, ín liber 30 of mortnages, on page 234, and that thcre i claimed to be mie at tbc date hereof, thc aum of oni' thouand nnd cighty ninedolHre and twenty-one cents, also au attorney fee of tlifrty dollars Bhouldanv proceediiige be had to foreclone the same, and further Installmeuts to become dne on said mortgagc. and no suit or proceedinge at law or Ín eqnlty having been had to recover thc debt eecured by said mortgage , or any part thereol : Notice Is hereby given. that liy ol tl iowpf of sale in said mortgafe contained, 1 BhaJJ sellat pnbHc auction, to the mghest bi rider, on the ele ven th day of March A. D. 1871, at two o'clock In the aftcrnoou of that day, at thc front door of thu Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, iu the County of Waehtenaw nnd State of Michigan, thu premUeBdcierfbsd iu said mortgage, af all thonc certain picces or pareéis f land deecribcd as followü to-wit : The west half of the northwest quarior if section twen ty-cight, and four aeres of the tmwt half of the northwest quarter of eafd sectin, heictofure deedcd by aaidparty of the flret part to said party ofthe'eecond part. all being in township one eonth of range aix i-Jii, in said township of Xorthfletd, in the County t.r Washtenaw, State of Michigan. Datod.Dec.16th.18T0. LUTHER JAMES, Asslgnee of eaid Mortage. Jon? N. Gott, Attorney for Aulgnee. 1800 Mortgage Sale. DTCFATïLT havingbeen made in Ihe contlition of a certain mortgiige.exccuted by Andrew Service, and Miiry Service, Ma wife, of the town o( , on, in the Oouuty of Washtenaw. and State of ( Igtn, to Marcea íí. Rowo of the ímme place, nu ttac , twenty-flftli day of September, A. 1MS6R, and recordcfi in the office of thu Bogioteroi1 Deed' for sald County of Waahtenaw, nc Ihe 2ftih day of Heptombsr, A,B..186fi,at8&ololock a. m. of p?aó day,tn Líber 34 of MortgaffSfl on papfe ''1 , wtnoh 5Bh1 morti.fii by aatd Marcaa ri. Efo Samuel Cushman on the 6th day of Fobrnarv, AD. I WW, and recorded on th Ilth day of Fchruary, AD. isrts, at io o'clock A.M. , in Liberl of Aaeigntnenb of Mortgagea, on page 669, and again aongned by Snmiie.l Cufchman toUïruni High of Sharon, County and State aforeaatd, on the 26th day of December, A. I) I1-1 ', and recorded :n the ofHce of tlie Registerof Deeda 'f said Oonnty ,un the íiíuh day of ttocember, lHfix, n Liber No. 2 of Assignments of Mort airee on paire fí whir.h aid mortgage waa an&ta rwígned hy said Iliriim High to Luthcr Jamcp, of theclty of Ann Arbor, County aforeMlri, on the LKfa day of .Tune, A. I). 1S60, and recorded Ín the oiïleo of the RegiHtT of Deeda for eaid Coiinty, on the tweoty-eignth dar of Norember.A. T). 1ft70fatlfl& o'clorW A. M., In Liber - of Aisignmenf.ii of MortgHges, on pnce GTtl . and that there is clMmed tobe dtie aMhe date horeof the nnm of one thoiumnd and twenty two dollars and twetity-three centi, lo an Attirneya fee of twenty-flre dollars ihnaM any procecrfings he had to Mrccíofle the came. and fnrther inatalmrnts tn berrne dne on eaid mortgagc and no unit or proceedian at Itw or in eqnitT haring been had to recover the debt secured by said mort gage or any part thrrcof: Notlce Is hereoy giren that. by rlrtae of thfl j'owfrof ale in said mnrtgsir contairied, 1 hall aell :it public aurtion to the tiighlmt bidder on the fonrth clay of MnrcTt, D. 1871, at 'J o'ciock In aftefnoon of that day, at the door of the Court Honee in the Cfly of Ann Arbor, in the County f Wanhtena-. and Ptnte of Michigan, the premipep described in said mortgage au, all those, certain piceos or parcela of land descrihed ai follows, to wit : The west half of the MmtheapL qmirterof sectien twenty-nve. and the fshH thlrd of the east half of the aouthvrent quarter of aection twenty-five in town three sotith of range three ea?t; alao the eoötheaat quarter of the aouthweat quarter of eection nmnb th!rty-one In townahlp nnniher three Bbatïl of rang number four eaat fexcepiinfr. one inrr heretofofe aoid to Jacob Schobïej in the Connty of Wasbtenaw, and State of Michigan, according to the United State Snrvey, containinp one hundred and forty-Blne aerea b.-th: snme more or lees. DatedNovember 28.1970. LUTÜER JAMES, Aeslgnce, John N. Gott. Attorrey for Assiiriiee. 1299 Mortgage Sale. DRFAUliT hr.vinp been made in the condltton of acertaln mortpae. xvcuted by Wil Mam MolInkamp nnd Mary Mollenkamp.of the township of Sharon, Couiity of Wflühtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the twenty-fiftt day of September, A. D. 1869. to Luther Jiimee, of the City ol Ann Arbor, Count aforesaid, and recorded in the office of the Reíílstor of Dr.edR for said Connty of Waahtenaw, on the 8th day of Fcbrnary, A. D. 18Ï0, at 6 o'clock P. M. of eald day, iu Liber 42 of IVlortgagei, on piijje 311. and that there is claimcd to be duc at thfl date hereol tbe sum of eleven hundred and twenty-onc dollar and eighty-eiht centí, aleo a-i Attorney'a fee of flfty dollars ehould any proceedinB be had to foreclote this mortgage ; and no SUK crprocecdinps st law or in eqnity having been had to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any partthereof: Noticeis heroby given that, by virtuc of the power of salein said mort gage coñtained, I shfill ncll at public auction to the hlghest bidder, on the fourth day of March next at ' o'clock in the aftcrnoon of that day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor. iu the Conntj of Waihtenaw, and State of Michigan, the preraises described iu unid mort g"e aB, ali those certain piece or parcela of laúd dewcribcd au follows, to-wït: Bein tho west half of the Nonthonnt quarterof peetion onraber twenty flv, fexcepting flve aeren in the southeaft rorner heretoO-re eold to C. M. FcIIowbJ, ;md the east third oí the cast half of tht? sonthwest qunrter of eect.ion No. twenty five (2(5) in townnihip mimbcr three of rauge mimber three eaHt; also tlie BOntbeaai quarter ofthc Southwest qnartcr of eclion iHiinbertiiirty-om1 f31 i intuwDshipnnmber threc eouth of rauire number four east. fexcepting one acre hcrotofon) oíd to Jacob Srhelilej Is the fNiüuiy of Waahtenaw and State of llicMgAD,aocordlDL to the United Statce eurvev, containintr one hundred andforty fonracreftof land, more or lees. Df.ted, Nov. S8, 1S70. LUTIIER JAMES, Mortgagee. ; Joun N. Gott. Attorncy for Mortgagee. 1299 Mortgñge Sale. YVHKKKASl d'-fn' "il8 t)ein niadein thocondit T tiona of a certnin taortgaffe made anduxecuted by Mïu 'y E. Ruckman and BQaa C. Ruckmau her husbaiid, to Charles Kellogg .hearing díte the twen tieth C'Oj day of October,A". D. 1860, and recorred in the office of tbe Refeter of Deeda for the Countv ■ of Wasbtenaw. and Btate of Michigan, In Liber forty-one (4) of Mortgages.on pese fou:1 hiKidred and nïnety-three f49B), on thf eecor.d day oTFebrtiary-A. D. 1S70 : Aï;d whercaw tliere rcniiiing duc ïimt'unpaid on sald mnrtgao the sum oí three liiindrcd and i twenty nlnedollara and forty nine cent CÍA29.49). j and whereas DO Ruit or proceeding.either at law or - in equity, hne been institnted to recover the sjunc or i any uart Uiüreof: NOW, tlicrclore. uotice is herebv f giventhrttby virtue of the power of sale in said f moftgage contained . and byvfrtne of the statute iu , aucb cases made and provlaed, I hnll sell at public - auction to the highest bidder, on Satnrday, the twen t3Ü day of February, A. D. 1871 , at the hour i of two O'clock tn tbe iifternoon of sai d day it the , outerdoor of the Circuit Court Room of the Connl ty of Waehteii!nv,in the City of Ann Arbor. Connty aforesaid. the premisets depcribed in said morfgagc l or go much thereof as may bo neccesary to atisfy ' the amotuits qow due or to become dut; on said ' mortgage at the date of thïs notice, together with 1 the interest wbich shall have accrued thereon. an L Attoruey'ö fee of fifty fc-Oj dollars, as iu said mort gage provided, ui case proceediiigÉ! be taken to fore í Cióte the name, and coste, charges and expensea : allowed by law, and provided for in eaid mortgage. i The dcscrlptlon'of aald prendeea ia a? follows: AH the following desenbed premiaes, idtnated in the ■ Connty of VAihtenaw, aud Stute of Michigan, to wit: the west one-half (w %) of the north-weat 1 ouc-quarter (u w M) of section sevcn CT)twn four f4) sonth of range l'our eaet.contaiuing thirtyncres. Aleo all that ïmrt of the weet half of the aouth-east quarter of eection number one (1). in township number four (4) south of range three (3) cast lying southweft ofthc Rivcr Raiain and north of tho Saline road, contaluing about eight acres, said property being conveyed to Silas C. Hackman by James Penniman, by deed dated November 2Gth, A. D. 18f3, and recorded in Liber uumber thirty-flix of Deedfj, page B94, in the Register'K office for the Countv of Washtenaw and Statu of Michigan. ?aid property to be sold, subject to the payme'nt of the som of three huudredand five 71-100 dollars fSO5.7i) auilintereet fromOct. 30, IS6Í, being further ïnstallments dne saïd mortgage. Dated. Deel, 18T0. 12Í3 CHARLES KELLOGG Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT hfiving-been made. in tho condition of actrtaiu mortgage,containinff tbereju a power of BíUefor condHion brokeii, made by Charlep Chmidlor aud Eliza Chandlcr, his wife. of the village of Clinton, In the Oonnty of Lena wee, and State uf Michigan, to Philinda" C. Chandler of the eaine place, hearing date the fourteenth day of November. eightcen hundred and sixty-three," upon cortaiii laada rteecrlbed In ald mortgage, " as being tho eoutheapt quarter of section number rhirty-thrcif:3 j , i n towuahip number four (4) eouth of range number lour (4) eaat, contaiuing one hnndredand sixty acroB of land, more orlesp,1' and tkaabslng pituated In the township of Itricigewatcr. iu the Coanty of Washtenaw and Stite of ftlebjgan" to secure tlie paymuut of the eum of eight huudreddollare in four yéar from date, with interest payable annually on the same at sevcn per cent. per acuum, and providing in case of non-payment of tho interest it ehoukl become principal , and draw interest t the rate aforcaid, and providing alijo for the payment of the snra of twenty-five ooHarp as an Attorney fon ehoald any proceedings be taken to forocloec the same, vrnich mortgAffe, with snch power of Raio, was dnly recorded in the oflice of the Register of Dee-ds ot the County of Washlcnaw and State of Michigan, on the, Oth day of December, A. D. 1863. atlíáoclock P. M, in liber 31 of mortgages. on page k$59, by the uon-payment of the whole amount of the principal eum, with tho annnal intcreet thereon since tho first day of September, A. D 18öö, and the nraonnt claimed to bcduo thereou flt the dateof this notlce being one thousand and gixty-Ave dollars acd fiftecn cents, ($l,OGó.!&} for principal and interest, together with the dïiid 6itm of tvrcnty-flve dollars as such Attorney fee, and no suit or proceeding haring been instïtuted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or anr part thereof ; Notice i hereby givou, that on Saturday, the 25th day of Ftíbruary, A. D. 1S71, at ten o'clocb In the forenooD of that day, at the south door of the Court House, In the City Df Aun Albor, wíthin aud for the said County of Washtenaw ftlmt being the place of holdlnc the Circuit Court within the Connty in which the premises to be soldare sitúate, eaid mortgage wíll be foreclosed by a eale of the mortgagod premies above deacribed, or pomc part of them. at public auction, to tho highest bidder, lbr oaab, to eatïsfy the amouutdue on eaid note and mortgage at the date of this notice, with tho interest thereon, and the costs, feeH, and expense provided for insaidmortgftfíe, and those alfowod DJ law Dated, Ann Arbor, November, 21st,lS7O. PHILINDA C. CHANDLER, Colman & Rooi, Mortgagee. Atty'H for Mortgagee. 1296 Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT haviL-g been made in the condition of a certain mortgage executed by Ellen Ruel of the City of Ann Arbor, Couuty of Wftahtenaw and State of Michigan. toMartinnsL. Shutta and Hornee Dickiusou, of Wanlitenaw founty and State of Michigan, ou the third day of May, In the year of onr Lord one thou&md eight lnindrud and sfxty-seven, and recorded iu the oflice of the Register of Deed e for said Oonnty of Waelitenaw, on the 4th day of May, A.D. 1867 , at iU o'cock A. Mo lultberSCof mortgagea, page 4S0, which said mortgaee was asegncd hy Horacc K. Dickinaon to Martinas L. Shuttg ou the flrst di.y of June. A. E. 1867, and recorded in liber 2 of aastguments of mortgaget, ou thn ITth day of November, A. ü. 1870, at 0 o'clock A. M., on page (351 ,and again assïgued by Martinua L.Slmttsto iiariiis Doulttirf. (n the 12th day of September. A. D. 1SÖ7, and recorded iu the office of the Register of DmdsonthelTtfa dny of November, A. D. 1670', at Öo'clock a.M. .in líber 2 of asaEgnmcnt ofmortffftgü, on page 032, and that there ie claimcd to be. due at the date hnreof thn sum (.f five hundrud andsever.ty-pi'ven dollars, airo an Attorney'H fee of twentyflvc dollars shuuhl any procucdiuga be had to fort'close thfs mortgage, and no suit or procoedings at law or in equity haviug been had to recover the debt secured by said raortgage, orany partthereof: Notice ie hereby given. that by virtne of Ihe power of sale in eaid mortgage contaiued, I shall scll at public auction, to the bfffhest bidder oo the twonty-fifth day of February, A.Ï.lS71.attwo o'clock in the afterDOOn of that dav at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. in the County of Watíhtfiuaw and State of Michigan, the premisos descrlhcd in said mortgage, as: All that certain piece or parecí of land sitnaU in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County and Sttueaforcsaïd, and known anddefleribed ns followö, to-wit : Lot number tbirteenin block numbur two (2) north of range No. fourtecn a&ai in the astern addition to thcCity oí Ann Arbor [formerlyvilliige ) Dated, November 18th. l70. LOUT8A J. TICKNOR, Bxecntrix of the Last Will and Testament of Darina Douglasa, Dtc. Joun N. Oott, Attorney for the Kxccutrix. T IVE ÖEESE FEATHiiRS PIBST OTTA-LIT-ïr, Conetactlj n h.ini! av.á Tor ealc by R ACH Sr ABEL GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's! for choiceWinesandLiquorf for Medioal Furposes . Real Estáte for Sale. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, w 0 ín the mutter of tho catate of Jobn fíeorge olz, leoeased. Notieo is bereby Riven, that in puntúanos if au oxder granted to the undorsigried, Adminiatrator sf thp ratnto of snid deoewed, by thfl Tíon. Judpe of l'ro'Hte for tbí Oonnty of WaáhtonitW. on tho fw'en.ty-sco má d ty of Bept( moer, a. D. L870, thora will to ■ rabile rendne, to the ugeheet bidder, attheaoathdoor af the Court House, in the í'itv of Ann Arbor, in thc 'ntinty of WaabtSXUnr, ín sala Bt;te, on Snturday, tho iiwt day of Aprü, A. D. 1871, ;it ten oVlm-k in theforenoon oí that, day, (subject to all encumbrance by mortjmk'1 or otherwise existinp at the time of the d;ith of ñu deoeasad, and alao subject to tho riffht of dower of :he widow thereín}, the followinfr díwribcd real nstjite, to-Ttit : A lnroel of land dewrilv-l u cominoncing at 1 point in the center f the BberWhtte i'oad on the wetA lino nf section thirty, in the township of Ann Arxir, und thirteen cfmins north from the went sorner of aaid section, running thencc south two and a mlf decrece west thirteen chaina to the southwest corner of said section thirty, tbence north eighty-neven and a quarter degreta eaat twentv-two chaius and eleven mik.-. thenct; north two and a half degTWH west eighteen ehninB and links to the center of Mud Ebei White road, th!nce eouth &eventy-three and a half l'ïfrH west itlonjf the conter uf naid road to the place of btijíinninjí, thirty-four and 96-100 acres. Al- i piecc of land bt-pinninp at the northwest rorncr of wction thirty-one, in the town of Ann Avbor, running thence eaut along the ection line forty-four chairw and jnrty-thrw links to n .tnke, thenoe uouth mn chains nd thirty-one links, thenee west forty-four chaina and [VirtT-threo links, ttience north íevenchaiiwfindfortyfiTe links to the place of bepinning, containing thirtytwo and 78-100 aerea. Aleo the aait half of the eest half of the southwest qunrter of aefïtion ten, in townühip three flouth of ranpe ti?e eftst, containinf? forty acres nutre or loa. Also twenty aerea of bind ïyinif north of the highway, and off of the west eide of the eaut half of the aoutheast qunrter of wction twenty-flve, in township two south of rane flveeaat; and alflo flfteen acres of land lyiiif? aouth of the hihway, and off the east side of the east huif of the southeast qpunter of aaid twotion twenty -live ; ftU of eoid lands being in aaid State of Michigan. Dated, February 14th, 1871. 1900 JOHN A. VOLZ, Administrntor. Keal Estáte for Salo. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ps. i fn the matter of the entate of Samuel J. Frecman, deoeased. Notice is hereby givrn, that in puren ancc of :in order granted to the undernined, Administr;itor and Kxecutor of the EHtat of snid deceiitted, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waahtenaw, on tho eighth day of Fobruary, A. i). 1871, there will bf; aold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at 'tbc house of DeWitt Fríioman, in the town of Balfinii in the County of Wiwhtenaw, in tiid State, on Wodnt'.-iday, the twenty-ninth day of Maroh, A. D. 1871, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Ihat day (aubject to all eneumbrances by lüortgage or othcrwise exitiiiL- at the time of the death of said deecwed, and aleo subject to the right of dower of his widow tlicnini the followinp real eatate, to-wit : The cast sixty acres of the east half of the üoutlicaHt qunrter of section thirty-six, in township one soutlk of range seven east, in said State. Dated, February 8th, A. D. 1871. WILLIAM GEER, 1308 Executor and Administrator. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. M In the matter of the catate of J. Philip Schenk, deceased. Notice is hcreby given, that in pursuance of an order grantcd to the undersigncrl, Adminiiitrator of the catate of aaid dfloaaagcL by uu Son. Judgc of Probate for the County of W:uhtenaw, on tht' thirtieth day of January, A. D. 1871, Chore will be aold at public vendue, to the UflhMf biMi-r, at the dweiling house on the premises hercinnfter described, in the County ol Washtenaw, Ín said State, on Wednesday, the twtntysecond day of Marh, A. D. 1871, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrance by mortan or otherwide existing at the time of the death of said deccased, and alao subject to the riprht of dower of bi& widow thercin) the following described rea] estáte, to-wit : The west half of the noi-theast quarter of leotfOB thii-ty-two, excepting about five acres ofl frora tho south -nd of aaid lot, formerly oonvcyed by -I;tsi)n Oiilett to James W. Ilill ; :ind also the east hafi of the nosthweet qnarter of aaid aeotion thirty-two, being in township tliree Kouth of range foiir BWL in saic Btate, and oontaining one huudivd and tifty-tíve acw.more or leas. Dated, 2d, A. D. 187 L JOHN SCHENK, 1307 Adminiiitrator dr. boni non. Real Estáte for Sale STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wiwhtenaw, as. In the matter of the catate of Lcwis A. Ruckmnt deceased. KTotiofl is hereby giren, that is paauancfi o an order gzanted to the HDabtsjgned, Exeontor of th entntc of aaid decean d, by the Tfon. Jndgé oí Proba t for the County OÍ WaflütróaW, OD the tven ty-third da of March, A. !). 1H70, there will beaold at pul due. to. the highest bidder, at tho rl welling houso o the pn de aribed, in tïu; Connty of Waal tenaw, in snid State, on Wednesday, the fihlh day o Moich, 1871, at one o'clock in tneaftornwn of thi day, (subject to all encumbran ces by mortaage or oth erwiae existing at the time of the denth of said dt eeaaed, and alao subject to the lü" estáte of )A widty therein) the following decrilMxl real estáte, viz : 'Ui west half of the northeasi qunrter c;f Bootíon aeren, i townBhip tour south of range fonroftat ín uid stak excepting tho pnrt tlr-roof taken from the northeas corner by the Clinton road : also all that part of th casi half of the east half of the Dorthwest quarter o mud sectlon aeren, which lies north :t the h%hwa] and coiitiinimr fbrty aores; alao ajmroelof landde - i ï ■ aa commencinfr in the sectiou One at apoint ten chaina eaat ot' the northweat corner of the eiist halt' o the northwesl fractional quarter of said BBOÜon Beven ronning tbence south one dögree eaat thirty-one chain and forty link-, thencealong the north side "t highwa; noi"th fifty-six degvees and thirty minntee west si: ehaina and flre links to a staJce, thenoe north one de gxee west twtsnty-aeven chaina and ninety-five links i a stakc in north line of aaid aection sovcn, thenee alongsaid Une eaaterly fonr chaina and ninety-sevci links to the place of begianiug, contamina fourtcei and tlmro-fourths aom; aLso the west hall' of th norüiweet firactionaj quarter f aaid sectiuu aoven, ea oeptíng und reaerving that portion oonveyed bv th fouowine rauntionenl aeeds, all reoentted in the offece o the Begiitei of Deeda for aaid Cotmtr, iiz: By lee trom Lcwis A . líuokman and I'hebe Kuckinan to John W. N"orri, recordod in liber 61 of Deeda, on page 328 by deed from "Willinm Ruckman. Lewia Ruckman nn( James IVniman to the Michigan Bonthoni lïiiib'Oad recordod in liber 3fi of Deeds. page 406i and by deed o TjCwih A. Ruckman and wife to Mury EL lïucknuin recordcd in liber 71 of Deeds, on page 330. WILLIAM M. GKEÖORY, Executor. Dated, January 18th, 1871. 1305 Egtato of Adam Mutz. OTATE OF MICinOAN, County of Wnshtenaw, m O At .i sossion of the Probate Court for the County o: Washtenaw, holden at. the Probate Office, in the Citj of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the third day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and aeventyooe. Present Hiram J. Eeakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Adam Mutz, doce ased. On rcading and flling the petition, duly verifiod, of .Tnhn d'ootz, Adminihtrator, prayïng th:it be may be lificnsed to sell oartBtn real estáte whereof said deecased died aeized. for the purporie of diHtiïbution of the proceeds of such sale among the persons interceted in the etate of said deeoaacd. Thereopon it is ordeorad, That Monday, the twenticth diiy of Marcli next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be (asignad for the hearing of said petition, and that the nirs ut law of said decuised, and all other persons in:crested in aaid estáte, are mjuired to appear at a 8es=iion of said Court, tnen to lx; holden, at the Probate UtHco, in the City of Ann Arbor, and nhow cause, if tny there be, why the prayerof the petitioner should lot bo granted : And it Í3 further ordcred, that taid R'titioner give notice to the persons interosted in sjiid ■state, of the pendency of said petition, and tho ho.-trng thcreof, by eauaing a copy of this order to be pubisned iu tho ilUiktgcm AffftUt a newspaper priuted and irculatiuK in said County, tour uuccassive weeks preious to Beid day ot' he:iruig. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. lïEAKES, 1309 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Henry Cauficld. JTATE OF ; MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw.s J Ata seasion of the Probate Court for the Connty fWashtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in thi' 'ity of Auu Arbor, on Tnesday, tho ecvcnth ay of February, iu the year one thoasand eight mndred and seventy-one. Present, Hiram J. Bcakes, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the catute oí Henry Canfleld, eceasfid. OureadiiiRiiiidflUngthe petition duly verifiedof harleia II. Kempf, Aominïstrator, prayiug that ho ïay be licensed t eeïl certain real estutu whereof aid deceaecd rtted seized. Thereupon it is ordered,tbat Wednestlay, the tweny-eeconu day of Mtirch ncxt, at ten oclock In the reuooD, be agBignud for the hearing of eaid etitiou, and that the heirs at law of eaid deccased, nd all other persons interested íd eaid estáte, rereqntred to appear ata session ofsaldConrt hen tobe holden attlie Probate Ofllcc, in thecity of Liin Arbor, and show cause, if any there be,whj he praycr of the petitioner should iiot be granted: tnd it p furtherordored that saidpetitfoner givc nocotothepertfOUBÍnterestcdiusaiaestateoí the penency of aaid petitiou, and the hcariup tliereof, by aueiuK a copy of this Order to bepubHshed Inthe tichigan Arffk% a ufWBjiaporprinted andcircolating a said connty, four successivc wceksprevions to aid day of hearing. fAtruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKE8, 1309 Judfieof Probate Estáte of Rhoda Booth. TATKOF MICHIGAN, County ofWashtenaw, se. J At a Bcssion of the Probate Court for the County f Watihtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice in the fty of Ann Arbor, on Wcduesday, the flfleenth dny f i-V-liitiary, iu the year onetuousand eight hundred nd seventy-one. Present lïiram J . Beakes, Tndge of Probato In the matter of the estáte of Rhoda Booth, eceaaed Philip Bacb, Execntor of the last will and testanent of yaid deceased, comes into Court and repreeuts that he is now prepared torender hi8 flnal ao ouutassuch Executor. Thercupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the thireenth day of March uext, at ten o'clock iu tho fore oou, be aasigned for examininf; and allowing neb account, und that the légateos, deviscus nd hoi re at law of said deceased, and all ther portons Intereated In said cetate, are reuin-d lo appear ata ncssíon of eaitl Court, then to e holden at the Probate Ofllcc, in the City of Ann a'bor, in said Connty, and show cnusc, if any there e.why the said account shonld not bonllownd: nd it is further ordered that said Executor ive notice to the persons iuterested in eaid estáte, f the pundency of said account, and the hearing ïereof. by cauölnfi; acopy of thie order to be pub shedlntne UicMgan ArgUt a newapaper printed ud ctrculating in said County, three saccessive eekaprevious to said day of hearing. f. true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1309 Judge of Probate. Estáte of James O'Brien. J At 8 seeuion of the Probate Court for the Count} f Washtenaw, holden at the I'robatc Office, in tbc ity of Aun Arbor, on Thuraday, the uinth daj f February, ín the year oue thousaad eight hunred and eeventy-one. Preseut, Uiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. Iu the matter of the Estáte of James O'Iïrlen, cc enne tl. On reading and flling tho petitiou, riulyveriflt'iUof [ary Keiil. prayiug that Thomas O'Brieu, or eome ther saltaofe pewon, muy beappointed Admlnistraoi1 of the (tnte of eaid deceased. Thnri'iipon it is ordered, that Monday, the ttairaenUl iay of March ten o'clock iu thefore-' ood bu aastgtted fr the hearing of said petiion, and that the heirs at law of aald deMsód, Bad all otheroereoneintcrestedinsaidestate, rcrctiulrcd to appear at u session of said Conrt, Uen to be holdeu at the Probate Office, in the Mty ol Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there bc, vhy the prayor of the petitioner should not be rantcd : Audit isfurther ordered, that sHttíprtiioueriiivouotice to the persons iuterested ín said tt&tOOftfie pendency of said petition. and the tearlui: thereof, hy cansing a copy of this order to lepobUsbed in the Mickigajt Armu%t newspaper, irintfl ;'tnl oircuHiiliiK in said County, three suceSBlveWíM'kBpreviouB to saiddnj of heariiiL'. fAtruecopy.) HlfíAM J. BKAKÏ3S, I8o trdL? of Protmre. Estáte of Thomas Alcxander. CTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, rs. O At a Hessíon of thL Pronat; Court fnr the County of Washtenaw, holden at the 1'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on fiatut dar, tho oleventh day of Fobruary, in the year one thousaud ciglit hundred and iseventy-one. Present Hiram J. BeiOces Jutlpe of Probate. In the matter öf thfl eetute of Thouuu Alexander, leOBfiied. On rauling and Hliny the petition, duly verified, of tichard II. Alcxunder, nraylng that a oertain iurttninentnowon ba sh Court panórting to b# the ast will and testament of sa may be admit ed to mobate, and fchat Hmury I). Bennatt m;iy be fijn oint!i Bssoutur Ümot Theraapon It is oxdflföd th'ít Mondar, the thirteenth lay of Mnich m-xi, nt Un o'cV-k in the frm-noon, lw assigned for tbe beífl if of ikï ptötibn. and thrït the egatees, devinees and befan al lw of Bfrfd faoKWÖd, and ilïother persons intcrested in wiid wtatep lire requüed o sopear al a Marión of snid Conrt, Uien to be holdeu, at the Frohato Otficv, in the City of Aan Arbor, and riiow OBOMh if any tWB t'. why the praycr of the Mjtitioner should not be granted : And it ia further oden il, fchat aaSd petitioner gi ve notie) to the perdona atttrastod intereated in said etiitti, of the pendency of taid petition, and the heiirinff thtrreof, by eausíug a copy of this order to be published in the MtichiffOM ir,' . :i newspnjier printt-d and circulating in Bftid lounty, three aucotawive weck previou to said day of Mttrfng. (A true copy.) IIIKAM J. BEAKES, 1300 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Catharine Berdau STATE OF MICHIGAN", County of "W'-whtenaw, bh At n Mwsion of the Probate Court for the County il Woahtenaw, hulden ut the Prohntc Office, in the [Jity of Ann Arbor, on Tuewlay, the fourteenth day o: February, in the year one thoueand yibt hnndnd au! -■vi nty-one. Present Hiram J. Beaken, Judge of Probate. ]n the n.:iitr of the Entute of Oatharine Berdan deccased. On ronding and flling the petition, duly verified, o D.üiit-l KiiTHUf.'ul, prayingr that he or sorae other uitable "pereon, may be nppointed Administra tor of the estate of said deceasetl. Thercupon it is ordered, That Monday, the tliir teenth day of March next, at ten o'cloek in the fore noon, be asaignod for the hearing of said petition, an that t)i' heisa si Hw of said fleoonapfl, and all othe peraont likterested in vid estáte, are rcijiiired to appea at a seasion of aid Court, then to be holden, at th Probate Office, in thf'ity of Aun Arbor, and ahow c.iuiw, it' uiiv thci'i.1 h:, why the prayer of the petitioiii" Bhoold not le grunted : And it u i'urtln-r ordercd, tha unid petitioner givc notice to tho persons intercatcd in ■aid estáte, if the pendency of said petition, and th hearing thereof, by osoaing a oopy of thi order to b pablianod in the Michigan Artiis, u newspaper printf?; and circu lutin in said Ccmntj, three successive woeks preious to said day of hearing. (A tras eopy.] HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1309 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Lewis Lobdell. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw, bs O At a session of the Probate Conrt for the ('onnt of Wiishteniiw, holden at the Probate Offieo, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the sixth day of Febrnary, in the year one thousand eight hundred an( (icvfnty-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Lewis Lobdell deeea,sed. On readinp and filine the petition, duly veriOed, o Abbv Jane Lolxlell, prnyinp that she or some other stíltaole person, may bó appointed Administratrix wit the will nnnexed of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered. that Monday, the sixth da; of March next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be ai signed for the hearing of said petition, and that th let? íitees, (leviseea and heirs at law of Baid decensed, ant all other persona interested in said estáte, ore reqnirec to appear at a sesíion of said Court, then to be holden at the 1'robate Offiw, in the CMty of Ann Arbor, ant show cause, if any there be, whv the prayer of the petitioner ahould not l)e Rranten : And it is furthe ordered, that said petitionor kívc notice to the persoi intereatéíl in eaid estáte, of the pendency of saíd pet tion, and the hearing thereof, by eausinj? a copy of th order to be pnbUahea in tfac Mtcïugan iryus, a newspapST printed and circulntinp in said County, three sueccftiiTe wwks previons to snirl day of heaitog. (A true copy.) HIIïAM J. HKA KFS, 1308 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Algers - Minors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahfemaw, ss O At ;i sOHrtion of the Prn));itc í'ourt for the Count íf Wnsbtenair, holden at the Probato Oítico, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Monday. the sixth day of Fel ruary, in the year one thonsand eiglit hundred an s inty-one. Prctent, H í rain J. Ueakpf, Judtje of Probate. tn (he matter of the Estaitoof BylvesterM. Algc and EnOfl H. Aljrer. minors. On n.-adinc and fílinír the petition, duly verifled, o CiDcrstia M;n}i, GrnazdiaiL praying thnf she may br Uoeneed to sell certain real cubito belonging to sai minore. Thereupon it is orticrwl, that Monday, the nix day of March next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon be assifíTied for tlie hearizw of said petition, and tha tlf ni-xt of kin of said minors, and all other person inteteetod in said catate, ara rwjuired to appeaz al somtoil of BaJjd Coort) then to be holden, at tbe Proba' Office, in tbe City of Afin Arbor, and show cause, any thvro be, why the prïiyer of the petitioner shoul not bti riinted : And it is furthor ordorcl, that sa petitioner gire oottee feo the next of kin of said minors and all otber peraonf interestod in aaid estáte, of th pendency of said petition, and the hearing fchereof, b oaoaiag a oopy oztfaiB order to hc publishcd in th Michigan Arfas, a newspopei ]iinttkl and circulatin n Beid Ounty, three suceessive weeks previous to sak day of hearing. ; A tmecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1308 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Wiiliom Wardle. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw, ss At a session of the Probate Conrt for the Count of W'iishtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the third day of February, in the year one thousnnd eight hundred ant seventy-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the caUte of William Wardle deeoased. Ilirara P. Thompson, Executor of the laat wfllani testament of iaid deceael, oomes Into Court nnd rep reaentw that he is now prepared to render his tinal account as sut'h BxeóntOT. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tlu; sixt' day of March next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be assiifned for exaniiniiif? and allowing such nccount, nc that tholegatoes, devisees, and heirs at law of said de ccjiscd, and all othcr persons interested in said eetate are required to appear at a seswion of said Court-, thei to be holden, at the Probate Office, ia the City of Ann Arbar, in eai2 County, and show cause, if any there do, why the said account should not be allowtxl : Ant it is lvirther ordered, that naid Executor prive notice to the persons interested in wiid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thwtiof, by cuusing u copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Ar gut, s newspaper printed and circulatinfr in &aid Coun ty, three successive weeks porevious to snïd dny of hear ing. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1308 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Benjamin Cole. QTATE OF MICII IG AN , Countj o f Washtenaw, s j Ata session of the Probate Court for the Connt] of WasIituxiAw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the ninth day of February, in the year one tkousimd eight hundred and ecventy-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jnd$ïe of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Benjamin Cole, deceased. Heury P. Hammond, Adminístrator of said estáte, omes into Conrt and representa that he is now repared to render his ftnal account as snch Adminetrator. Thereupon it ís Ordered, that Monday, the eixth day of March nXt at ten o'clock in the orenoon beasaigoed fór examiniiif; and allowing uch acconnt, aufl that the heirs at law of said deeased, and all other personsiutereyteri in said estáte, are required to appear at a session ofsnid Conrt, then o be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor in saidConnt.y-.aud show canse if any there be, why tbe eaid acconnt should not be allowed : Aud i t is urther ordercd, that said Atlminiatrator give notice 0 the persons intürested in said estáte, oí the pen ency of said account, and the heariug thereof, by anjung ii copy of this order tobe published fn the tichigan Argusifi newapaper printed andcirculating neaidConnty, three sneceasive weeks previous to al'lday of hearing. fA tmecopy.) II1RAM 3. BEAKES, M98td Judse of Probate. Estáte of Charles Moore. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw,ss Ö At a session of the Probate Court for the Connty f Wuhtenaw, holden at the Probate office, in the Mtyof Anu .Arbor, on Wudnesday, the flrst dar of Tebruary, in the year one thousaud eight hundred nd seventy-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the esUtc of Charles Moore, Sulfiva'n M. Cutchcon and Kobert Vï. HemphiU, Administriitore of eald estáte, come into Conrt nud epreecut that they are now prepared to render he.r fiual account as ettch Ad mi nistra tors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mooday. the ixth day oí March next, at ten u'clock n the forenoon, be assigned for examining and llowluii such acconnt, and that the neirs at aw of eaid deccased, and all other persons intersted in eaid estáte are required to appear at a esslon of said Conrt then to be holden at the 'róbate Ofilco, in the City o! Ann Arbor, in said Jouuty, and show cause, if any there be, why the aid account should notbcïftllowcd: Aud it is furber ordercd, that said Adminietrator give notice to be persons interested in snid estnte, of the peuencyofsaid acconnt, and the hearing thereof, by ansfnga copy of thte order tobe published in the Michigan Argus, a newBpaper printed and circu atine in said County, three succossive weeks )revkas to said day of hearing, f A truecopy.l HIRAM J. BEAKES, 130Std Judce of Probate. Estáte of Jacob Maebrle. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ,es VJ At session of the Probate Court for the Countj f Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the ity of Anu Arbor, on Saturday, the fourth day of cbrnary, iu the year one thoiisaud eitfht hundred nd scventy one. Present. Uir&ia J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. Iu tho matter of the estáte of Jacob Maehrle, eceasêd. . . , On reading and flllng the petition, duly venfled of ohn Maehrle, praying that Jacob Baner, or somc ther ttultableneraun.'may Ie aupoiutcd Aministraor with the will annexcd of aicl deceaed Therenpon it is ordered, that Monday, the eixth ay of March next, at tenoVlockin the forenoon e assigned for the hearing of eaid petition, and hat the legatees. devisees and heirs ut law of aid deceased, aud all other persons iuterested ín nMestflte, are required to appear at a seeslon of aid Court, then to be holden, at the Probate Offlco, n the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if uuy ïcrcbe, why the prayer of the petitioner should 01 be grantedt And it ie further ordored, that id tctitioucrgivo nottoe to the persous interested in aidesUte, oí the pendency of said petition and ie hearinK thereof, by causing a copy of this order obepnblishudin the Michigan Argu&s a newspaper rinted and circnlating in enid Connty, threesuccessve weeks previous to eaid day of hcarïug. (A tmecopy.) HIKAM J. BEAKES, 1303 Jndfie of Probate. ÖTICB ! Noiice in hereby given that fter this dfttc I shiül pay o bilis of my wifc'8 or any other p? rson's contRitin( ulota sjiid büls wore made on trritton ordcra sisned by myöolf. WM. BUCKINOHAM. Ann Arlior, Fcb. 8th, 1871. 1308w6 Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods ín the City, by B.31l.rilií&e(?Siriiggi?fíf. Estáte of George S. Freer. STATE 0F MICHIGAN, County of ■Wm.ntena At a sesgion of the Probate Court for the 0 " of ■WHshténnw, holüen at the Probata ( )tüCe n SS2 of Ann Arbor, im Thursday, the rwenty-sxih m l' January, in the year tmo thousand eight hnndnli seventy-one. TO1 d Prcannt Hir;:m J. BeaxíH, J mitre of Probate Tn the matter of the estáte of Geonre S Fra i On reudiug OM fllinjt thc petition, duly verit Jonaa Freer, prayin? tfiat he uní Jumes C jw [oinc írfli.-r natable person, may bo nppointai ruw?iOt trntór of tho catato of said deceased. ""mm Thorcupon it is orderorl, that Batniday the t ftl. day of Febrawy next, at tan o'clock m the f i xiii. be assfgned for tho In-uring of mid petition. ! bat tho baba at law of said deceased. and allooi!: eroons intorerted in mid iMtnte, are requirod u" efir fft a session of a.iúl Court, then ti be holdm he Probate Office, id the City „f Ann Arbor, and 2üí aose, if any Bien bc, why the prayer ir the uetiu ulimild not be gnntod : AJid it ís further ordcrwi n said petitioner give ttotfr-o te' the rtfrw mu-rmiií. aid átate, c.f the pendeney of saul petition andíT. icni mK tficreof, by eausing a copy of Mus order tok! ■iililiKlied in tbeJIickipcm Argüí, a newspaper mfoS iml rtrculatiiiK h Mid I oanty, three ettceenm T,íí ireviouiitOKiiddrjy of fccurióir. wt (A trne eopy.) HIBAM J. BEAKK8 W Judge 6f Prob. Egtate of Lycfia ti. JoA'eí. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cóunty of Wnshten At a sesaion of the Probate Court írir th'é r of Washtenaw, holden at tbe Próbute Office in theríl of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-neventh d2 January, in the yeRr me thouaand eight tráirr?L2 scventy-onc. Proent, Hfram J. Beakes, Judge of Proi,.,t, In th matter of tho extate of l.vdin L Jonái L ccased. """ James A. Wliipple, Excoutor of the will uJ testament of said deceaed, comes into Court and w rcaonts that lie is now prepared to render hia ftnilí cntint ís Huch Kxocutor. - w Thereupun it is ordered, that Monday, the tvenhseventh day of February next, at ten o'clock hut foronoon, Ik ussigned for exainining and aHovino 2; account, and that the legateee, deriaccs and jSnvS luw (if múd [liM'iised, :m( ull othef peraonB intfcN.j in Wiid estáte, are requiri-d to alinear at a HetaiooS Baid Court, then to be holden at'tlu Probate mLI ity of Ann Arbor, in said County, and2 cause, if any there be, why the said account KhouliW be allowed : And it i furtiu-r orderod, tliat id txitm tnr gire noticc to the persons interested in said Li of the pendeucy of said account and the hearimrtWl of, by causing a copy of thia order to be pobShed tbs Michigan Argtu, a nevBpaper iníntod and amw latina in stiid County, three aucecsaivo weeks nrcrSl to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIHAM .1. BEAKE8 1307 Judge of ProUu. Estáte ot Mary Jane Rayai( CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtena - O At a session of the Probate Court for the Coottr of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office ntb City of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the twentylfami day of January, in the yetir one tbonsand eight W dred and wventy-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakex, Jndfre of Probate. In the matter of the cstiite of Mary Jane K&tviM On reading and fllinp tho petition, duly verifled rf John T. Iiaywalt, prayinp that he or some other nL able purran muy k appointod administrator of a! efitate of said deceased. Thercupon it is ordcred, that Monday, the reT Beventh day of Febronry next, at ten o'clock fa tkl forenoon, be amned for the hearing of aid petitkT and that the heirs at law of said deceased, andiiUolL er personB interested in said estáte, are required to u. pear at a session of said Court, then to be holden. the Probate OrHee, in thc City of Ann Arbor ï show cause, if any there be, why thepraverof th. petitioner should not lie trranted : And it'is forW ordercd, that said petitioner Rive notiec to the - Interested in said estáte, of the pendency of iwid . tion, and the hearing thereof, by causing mSZi th order to be pubh'shcxl in tVie Mirhiga Araía i newspnper printeü and circtilating in said Connh three sueeesaive weeks previous to waid dny uf huarin' (A true eopy.) HIRAM J. BEAíS 1 "'"' Judge of ProUtt Kftutc of Jedfdiah Winslow. QTATF, OF MICniOAN', County of Washteiuw . C? At a session of tb(.' ( .'orirt for the Countr o( Washtenaw, holden at the l'robate Office, in the titi of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirticth day of JM. ary, in the jrear oxie thousand cight hundred and kt enty-one. maant, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Jededinh WimW ( n reading and flling the jiütition, duly verifed o( Emmn Jane Winslow, pra-ing that Jom-ph CnJy some othor suitable persou, m:iy be appointéd irántrutor of the estáte of said deceased. 1 l.treuponit is ordered, That Monday, thetventrsevcnth day of Febniary next, at ten o'clock in 'U forenoon, bc ussigned for the hearing of said petitiw, and that the heirs ut law of said deceased, and all oU er Interested in iid estato, are required to upear at a seseion of said Court, then to be holden, ia tbe Trobate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and ■how name, if any there be, why the prayer of tbe petitioner should not be granted : And it a fmtto ordered, that siiid petitioner give notice to the Mmm interested in said estafe, of tbfr Jteodency of gaMMtl tion, and the hearing tbcreof, by causing a copy of tfoi order to líe publiwhed in the Mirlo'iin Avhis, a nempaper printed and circulating in said County, thnt succcssive weeks previoua to said dav of hearing IA trne copy.) HIKAli J. BEAKES, 13" Judge of Protat. Estáte of Richard Murray. OTATEOP MICHIGAJ!, Connty of Waehtentw, VJ At a sessloD of the Probate Cinsrt for the Cooitj of Vnhi4-naw, holden al the Probate Office, hiflM City of Anu Ar-.'Or, on Tnesday, the thirtj-arMdlj of January, in thc year oue thötuand eight hrjsdmf and seveutyone Present. Hiram 3. Beakc, Jndse of Prohite. In the matter of the Estáte Richard Murraj, itccased. On redinr and flling the petition, dnly Thomas Murrny, prayiñí that a ra-rtaiu iseirmn! now on file in this Coart. parpurtins o be thelM will and testament of paid deceaswl mtty be atmft led to probate, and that hc and Thomas Clark nu] be appohited Bxecuton therti-f. Thereupon it is jröered, thnt Men Jy, the twntyeevunth day of I'ebmary next, at ten o'clotk in the forenoon be assigned for the hearing of Mid petition, and thnt the lepatece, devisees, id heiw at layr of said rteccased, and all oiher persons intereeted in euid etote, are reqairei to appcar at. a session of sak! Coort, then tobt holden, at the l'robat Office, in the City of Ann ir. lxr. and ehow cause, if nny ihere be. why the pnjn of the petitioner hould not bc gianted: And tl il turther onlered, that said petitioner givenottcetotlK persous imerestcd in .-id catate, of the pendencjof said petitiou, and the hearing thereof, by csmii)t copy of this order to be pnblished in the Mvbifn Argut, a ncwHpaper printed and circnlating in tni Connty, three successive weeks pruvioos to siid dt; of heann-;. f A trne copy.J HIKAM J. BEAKKS, 13ÜT Judce of Probste. Estáte of Elizabeth Mareh. OTATE OF MICIIIGAN, Connty of Washten-,. 5 At a session of the Probate Court for the Conntj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftlcc, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twectyipiitk day of January, in the yeai one thousan'd 'eigbt hundred and Bevcnty-one, Present, Hiram J. Beakcg, Snágtol Probate. In thc matter of the LUte of ElixabctL Jljnk minor. On rcadingand fiirns the petition, dnly verifled.of Scinca Ua-Vy. Guardian, praying that he mj lc ïcensed to 6ell certain real estáte belooging to minor. Therenpon It is ordered that Monday. the twentf icventh day of Febrnary next, at ten o'clock in th örenoon,bc assigned for the hearing of said peti' ion, and that the uext of kin of said minor, and all other persons interested in nnid estile are required to appcar at a session of said Conti hen to be holden at the Probate Office, in the Citj ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, If any there be.wbttlu irnyer of thc petitioner should uot be gniDted:ind it isfiirther ordertd, that said petitionei gfct notice to the uexl of kin f said minor, anitt) othcr persons interested in said estáte, oí th wndency ofsaid pcti1ion,and the hearing thert'of,bj iiusinu'acopy of this order to be publishcd in tbe ttckioan Argus, a newspaper printed and circiilatinK n said County, three successive weeks previous to aiddayofhoiiriuK. HIKAM -i.BEAKSS, Atruecopy. Jadi:eof Probate. lSOTtd Estáte of Albert Stevens. OTATE OF MIcniGAN . County of WaBhtentw. O At a Beseion of tbe l'robate Conrt for the Conti; f Waghtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tb Jity of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the tweutietïi fl of January, in the year one thonsand eighlboIred and seventyonc. Preeent, Hiram J. Beakes . Judge ol Probate. In tbe matter of the estáte of Albert Sickck eceased On rending and flling the petition, duly vcriiwf. 'I rlarla Stevens, praying that Henry Fmlick or bcbh thersnïtable person may bu appolnted adminismor of the estáte of said deceased. Therenpon it is ordercd, that Monday, the twccl!' eventh day of Februarv next, at ten o'clock in tl1 orenoon, be astigned for the hearing of said pefr ion, and that the heirs at law of aaid deccaifl!. nd all other persons IntereaUd in said cstnte, arerr uired to appear at a session of said Conrt', tlu-nto olden, at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann A'or, and show cause, if auv there bc, whï the prajer he petitioner honld not bc Kranted : And it i f'her ordered, that said petitioncr give noticc tott persons interested in said estáte, of the pendenij'ald petition, and the hearing thereof, by cannoi' opy of tbis ortier to be publfched in the UktiK Irgu;, anewapaper, prluted and circnlating in"11 ïonnty, three succeaaivc weeke previous to saio W (Atncópy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1307 Jadge of Probtt Estáte of Norman Mnreh. OTATEOF MICHIGAN , Connty of Waehten" O Atasensionof the Probate Court for theContiJ f VVaehtenaw, holden at thc Probate Office, m' ity f Ann Arbor, on Satnrday, the fonrtee' ay of Jannary, in the year one thoueand etl inndred and seventy-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakes .Judge o f Probítf . ( In the mattor of the Sstate ofKoimau V""' ' ' i L I i i' On readingand flling the petition, dnly vcrljj recman P. Galpin, AdmlBistrat.r. praying that may belcensedto sell certain real eïtate wheo aid deceased died eeijsed. rtiLt tTh.n'upon itisOrdered, that Monday, thf t'r eventh day of February next, at ten o'clock In orenoon, beassigned for the henri ii L-iif said petiii" ndthat thc beirs at law of snid deceased, na.s her persous iuterested in said estáte, are rcQiir" .appeu at a sessiou ofsaid Court then ti'" olden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann ArW'J id show canse, if any there be, why ihprayei : ■ Aa itisfart'" rded.thnt said petítioaer pive ttoflee to the perw' teraatedis aald eaUte. of the pendency of aw PJj , tion, and the thereof, by eanateg a copr hls Order to be pnblished in the Mirkiga ''-'i. cwspaper printed and circnlating in said t"'. bursuccessive weeks previous to said day oí ni fetruecopy., VL& OommÍ6irBerá' Notice. ■ TATE OF MICHIGAN, Crtnnty of WnsMcno,"J Tlu; nndentgntd, baTtog boen apnnt-xl 17. róbate Court for said Cmnty, Conunwiooar J eeive, examinr and mljust. aU eUtas fr nhWW SidCoi.ivtv,,lc.xM-.i, licivby yir,. notice that tte Conrt, tor nsditon to prent thrii d5 „■ .-st ata of aid decowed, md OMt Ofa ■ ■" "T g 0Bn of Z. P. Kiiiir, in $t eity ..t Arm Ar hoj. ad ( Snnty, on RatatSay, Üie trmt.vnth V ' g clockA. M., afeaob aald duys, ti reu-m-, nnul id adiusl sjiid claim. . ,-rwf ,,;;,!l.[.VM„ar; lOtll.A.IJ.lSTl. f K. s. SMITH, ' mil Jf!V WIIÍJAM D. HABBEHA,


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Michigan Argus