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u$mrs$ ffhfrtttg. WM. M. SINCLAÏrT" COMMISSION MEROHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOUR, BOOM 10. 13 LaSALI.E STREKT, CHICAGO. " I270yl irlACK & SCHMÏD, ntiLERS In Dry Good, Qroceries, Croekcry. fc M Soth Mmin Street. " MORRIS HALE, M. D. " ItSfDÏNCK ind Ofllc No t8, corner WHHam and fiompBon lreet Recular office honra. 1 to 3 p H Ad vico and Preacrlptlons from 6 to 7 P, M . eiehdajt frec grafie to the poor. 12G4 r. w. ellis&co., nSUUOISTS anddcalerin Paints, Olie, etc No.! jojlUMin Street, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, 1TT0RSKT nd Counsellor at Law, Real Bátate and tannine Agent. Conveyancing and Collectlon of Claim promptly attenced to on liberal terina. OfrtD Donuely'e Block, up stairs, Hurou Street, nu Arbor Mich. " W. H. JACKSON, DEXTIST, nccwwor to C.B. Porter. OfHce, come. sin od Uuron Streeta, over the torc of R. VSi'ii i Co , Ann Arbor, Mich. Annstbetlceadmin EiWtdif required. W. P. BRËAKEY, M. D. pflTSICIAN AND SURGKON. Offlce t resldence, Mroer of Huron and DIvUion 8treets, firet door Siíiof Presbyterian Church , Ann Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, iS.iLSR IN II ATS and Capa. Fnrs, StrawGoods Dsnt' Kuruishlng Gooda, &c No. 7 South Main Street, Anu Arbor. "SUTHERLAND & WHEDON, UFB tod Pire Insurance Agenta and dealers in Re&l Srtite. Office on niiron Street " JOHN KECK & CO., SALSKS in Fnrnitnrc of all klnde, No.52Sonth Xiiq Street, and 4 Weit Liberty, Street, Ann irtwr. LEWIS C. RISDON, tilLEK In Hardware. Stoy, House Fumlshing Goodi, Tin Ware , Ac, No. 31 South Min Street. BACH & ABEL, DÜ'URS in Dry Goode, Grocerics, &c., &c. No. ï SoiAUaiu Street, Ann Arbor. "SLASON SON, RDCïBSi Provihion and CommtRsion MerchAntA jad iiwrfr:n Water Lime, Land Piaster, aud llaeurPvif.So. H Ëast Uaron Street. S. SONDHEIxM, rHOtBSALE and rctail dealer in Ready Made ClothÍB,Cli)th8, Caseimcres, Veatings, and Genta FnrDitbújOood'. No. 9 South Main Street. WM. WAGNER, tULZR !n Rrady Made Clothing, Clotht, Caesltrasud WsiiDíí, IlatK Caps. Trunks, Carpet Bui,c..l S"utli Main Street. "GILMORE & FISKE, BOÖSSELLHRS and Stationen, Medical, Law and College Text Books. School and Miecullaneou Boots. No. 3 Nortb Mnlu Streel, Ofe-ory Block, los Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, ÍUIKR9 In Boott , Shoe, Gaiters, Slippen Ac., S. : Sint Huron Street. PKOP. DKLOULME frsu tho Universlty ol Prance, glven private and tofQUKtalwuoniïIn the Freuch Language and Lite mire, d the Latin tongue, and also in vocal and utnneQt&l mtuic. Fivc yearV experiencc in teach úfttisc and other branches of a liberal education. ifa!l conree of the above etudies giveii lo auy f.iiui hut be formed. ias Arbor, 27th Deo-, 1370. 13O2tf Q800KE E Y , SLiSSWARE & GB OCERIES. J. & DONNELLY lMn totea large stock of Crockery.Ulaasware iUiWara,CUtlery , Groeeriea, c, ftc. ,all to b ■ildttusQiually low prieta Vo.lSEntUurcnStre-t .Ann Arbor. Htf J.P.OONNELLT. ÖHN G. QALL, DZALEB IN" FBESH AND SALT MEATS, I.AUI), AI'S AíiK.S, Etc., Ordemolicitedandpromptly.flllcd with the best wti n the market. SI Kast Washington treet. ln Arbor, Sept. lth, 18U9. 1236tf Manatacturer of Carriages. Buggies, Wagons, ÜD 8LBIOHS of every atyle, made of the beat riil,indwarran,t!d. Repairingdonepiomptly Pticea ceitsrliinlile. Detroit Street, near R. R. 5W,Ann Arbor, Mich. lïTOyl Jacob1Taller7 22 HURON STREET, f BAST OF COOK'S HOTEL.) UDIES' FINE GOLD WATCHES, OOLD AND SILVER American and Swiss Watches, OOLD AND BILVER CHAINS, liWELRY, CLOCKS, &c. n. GOLD PENS, JjiPorfected Laani & Morrln' SPECTAOLK8. Wr8podnè. Ac 12m 0 U.B. POKTER, DElíTTIS'í1. 11(1 ú the SATÏHÖB BANK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. Opérations on the Natural Teeth g PEarORMED WITH CARE. w"8r7RpASSBD PACÍLIT1EB AND EXPERIENCE WHlfi ARTÍFIC1AL fËÊTÖ, jj, TO G[VE EACH INDIVIDUAL, "'ƒ le prtiptr Miu, thaptjolor, Jirmnen and M ml erpTtfion. 1S44 LIVB EESE FEATHÈRS "'ntljon hand and for sale by RACE & ABEL OotoK.W.ELLIS&CO'BÍ fw choice Wines and Liquorf Wr Medical Purposes.


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Michigan Argus