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A Magnificent Description

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We lsy leaniog over the bows, now lookiug up at the mist blown in never ending volumed sheets, now at tbe sail swelling in the wind beforo whioh it fled, and again down at the water through which our boat was ploughing its evanesoent furrow. We oould see very little. Portions of the shore would now and then appear dim, like refloction from a tarnished mirror, and then fade back into the depthe of cloudy dissolu tion. Btill it was growing lighter, and the man who wns ou the outlook became less anxious in bis forward gaze, and les frequent in his calla te the helmsman I was lyiüg half over the gun-wale, looking into the straoge colored water, blue dimmed with undissolved white, when a cry from Charles made me start and look up. It wan indeed a God-like vis ion. The mist yet rolled thick bclow, but away up, far away and far up, yet as if closo at hand, the clouds were broken into a rnighty window, through which lookcd in upon us a huge mountain peak swathed in snow. One great level band of darker cloud oroísed its bresst, above which rese the peak, triumphant in oalmness, and stood unuterably solemn and grand, in clouds as white as its own whiteness. It had been the. re all the time. I sank on my knees in boat and gazed up. With a sudden sweep the tlouds ourtained the rnighty window, and the Jungfraa withdrewiuto its Holy of Holies. I am painfully oonscious of the belplessnesa of my epeecb. The visión vanishes from the vrords as it vaoisbed from the bewildered eyes. But from the mind it glorified it has nevcr vanis: ed. I have been more ever since that sight. To have beheld a truth is an apotbeosis. What the truth was I could not teil ; but I had seen something whiob raised me above my former self and made me long to rise higher yet. It awoKe worship, and a belief of the incomprehensible divine ; but admitted of being analyzed no inore tban, in that transient visión, my intellect oould - ere dawning it vanisheii - analyzeit into the deserts of rook, the gulfs of green ioe and flowiog water, the savage solitudes of show, the mysterieus miles of draperied mist, that went to make up tbe vison, eaoh and all essential tbereto.-Frow ' Wüfrid Cumbermd4,n ly Gforge MaeDonald, in Seribner'i Monthly for March.


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Michigan Argus