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The Joys Of Home

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a wen orucrea nome is a parauise on :arth. No other earthly pleasure is qual to the calta contoptment imd ra ional joy feit at the family firo-side. Fhe excicniiuit of even suceossfnl busi:iess is nttciidud vrith vexation ; tbe enoyments of travel are sssociated with fatigue and danger ; the pursuit of fame a distracting, and the pleasures of knowlsdge are oombined witb bitter ness. But the happiness of the fire-aide is unalloy .ni. Ño vexations disturb it ; it never satiates or disgusta tbe miod ; it is pure, salm, unmixed delight. What a charming pioture is prosuuted lo the admiring e;e of tbe virtuouB and pbilanthropic, the lover of the beautiful md good I Tbere is the busband and father in tbe prime of life, unbending his mind from the toil and pursuit of business, reading Home favorite volume to the wife of bis bosom, or playing with tbe delighted prattler on his knee. While the mother with a oountenanoe radiant vrith smiles, plies the needie for the accommodation and wants of ber household, as she listens, and perhape rocks the oradle witb her busy foot, or softly administers agentle word of rebuke when tbe liltle ones become too noiey. From suob pleasure there need be no esemption. Wi'.h the possession of picty and reasoD, of gentleness and mutual luve. the happiness of a true home may be possessed by every family. Mutual love will liad to mutual forbearance ; gentle kindness of mannef will make toil itself deüghtiul; reason will fortify tbe mind against Ibe oatural illsof life; wbile piety will orowo the whole wilh a hallowing iufluenoe which notbing oan disturb. The asperities of mind perplexed with daily toil will be smoothed away; tbe trifiiog vezatioDB to whioh all our lives are subjected will pass unnoticed, and be soon forgotten ; oíd age, astead of bcing a burdun, will be a delight, and sickness, though it may oaat a ebadow over the heart and hearthstone, will only pronipt to oÉoes of love, and develop renewed souroes of tondcrnees and affection. A unique recommendation given by a clergyman for a friend who desired a aituatioD ie as folio ws : "He ie perfectly human, nnd has mado somo of the ablest mistaken that ever were made, showing in their happening and their oorrecting, a hopeful, oousoious, and growing manhood." A Catbolio gentleman, who was on the point of beiog marr cd, obtained from his confessor bis oertifioaio of confesson. Having read it, he observed that the priest had omitted the usual penance. "Did you not teil me," said the ooufesBor, "tbat you were goiug to be married ?" A foreign gentleman declares that he oan teil whenever he orosses the border of MassachuBetts, because all tbe women begin to hayo "viewe."


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Michigan Argus