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New Yoek, Fob. S8,18T1. Gold has reachcd the levcl of 111 at which it clos9á to-day, having drooped and varicd for threc or four daj-8 to get off %c. Tbc moncy market whicli tiad tightened up to 5 per cent. on Munduy ie the presence of a considerable number of etock Srokers was sorry this murning at 4 and 6, and cloaed wlth rcadyjloans at 4 per cout. Ooverninent securitios had stendily streDgthcned tilt thls mornlng when tfcey tlculintd a liltlo lut eoonralliixl and closcil without change. Tbc stock market 1 Tery actlire but clouud at a eliLht declino in priecs. Expresa añares have experirnced a favorable change and the O. 8. and Adams advanced ycj terilay to 54 nnd 70 reapcctively ! to-day selling down from 63 to 40 i, and "Ví to T0;i. American sccarltlos in London are firmur with a Uttlo better ratee. RreadstuíTe are flrmer and qnotcd Bd. higber. California vrheat lis. lid. Corn 85s. Od per qr. Flour hcre bas had a decline and rally tlll]to-day, when the market is quict at an advanco on ncw supeiflne Westcru of 20@30c. White Western, extra, #1 'Jö.-.iT 75, lnetuad of $Ti7 49 at last writing. market closed heavy and ellghtly iu favor of the buyer. Wheat is dull and de clining slightly from yesterdaya prices, though hlgher than a week ago : new spring is beid at $1 66 against Jl 60L@i] 63 then ; red and amber, Western, $1 C0@$l C2. Mixed Weetern corn is held at84ö;Só, n dc-clluiug of 11ÍC. Oats dccllning and hold at CO@C5- this is, however, lc. botter than last week. Dresaed Hogs are dull and heavy at J9 perlOOlbs. Butler steady at 10o;2óc. for Western, and 8O@42 for N. Y. State. The dry goods men who wcre over-saugiïine of an advanco in thcir branch uf tradc will be dieappolnted to hoar tbat a heavy run bas set e'ng the idlc machlnery of New England, and that the proipect is cood for a full eupply of manufactures. Printing cloths, which were the üret to feel tbc effect have declincd nearly G,' et. Dhtroit, Marchl. A week of comparativo Inactivity exccpt in the Krocery and drug trade, baa to be set down, and by tbe tlul est of the month jast past - Hut little produce has como to market, and thcre eeems an evident depirc or design of dealers aud others to Wftlt a week or two for the opening of navlgatlon. eince it is now so palpably ncar. nnless winter Rhould agatn assert his sway ; there ia indeed ittlc activity apparent auywherc. í'lour and wheat have been and stiJl are quito diiU. City niillers have received somo orders from Kcw EngJand citiee for email lots of cholee branda, but tiie deniand here is for lower grades and only lightatthat. Buyers and sellers have, however, come into a little nearcr communication with each other nd sell more closely ech other'fl views. The highest price for flour has beeu $7, and thïa Ur the best only. Medium white has soïcï for SO 2-V6 50 ; quotations reraain nominal and nnchanged. Wheat has experíenced nu ad. vancu till yesterday when it eoldata decline of lc. though, with the ad va nee of the Jatter part of the week, leavinc a margin of l@3c, and in some cases a little more, over last week. Corn is firm at Cl@G2, an ad va nee of le. Oats ftlftLi with no chango quotable. Butler a lítelo lower - 2-lc. l'-ugs decüced to 19@21. Potatoee OCc. Apples declined 25c per bbl.,sollirg from 3 ;- to $4. Poultry unchauged except turkeys declined ác. and now command töc. Cbtckens lil@14c, Drlcd applcs advanced c. Cat tle market duil and drovers losiug. Uogs ilull at a few cents abovc $3.


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