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Local And Other Brevities

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_ÜOft- tlic Btrectfljjort_local brevitics. jjlowed out- Februury. lllquiet - on the lluron. Soroethlngnew- Spring. Colning- St. Patrick's day. „Sonmling lts own trunipet- March. To decease to day - the XLI. Congress. a whisky drinkers spiritual modi -; get your Letter-IIeads at the Anous _Sot much like a líon- the incoming _ xhe work on Hill's Opera House is '__j„ balice of the scason- ycsterday s ,Aprilihowers." __ jfot jet organized - a salt manufac1 wring corapany. '_Struck Salt aud after Peter- the artejo wcll borers. -Miss Sarah Klllgorc, one of the two laf lw stufients, has beeu elected Tice Prtíldent of the Jeffersonian Society. _ An eschaqge has these deüuitious : jKslittiaii miscry- seven studies and one Freshman bllss- seven girls aud one ,:iJy. _The Chronicle gives Goldwin Smith a jie üdc notlte. A seneational but braiuIsi lecturer would have commandcil a tolomii. -TheSeuate Comrnittee on incorporatas lias reported l'avorably on a bilí to mud the charter of this city. Woarenot ptA as to its provisions. -E. W. Mokcan wishes to asccrtaln the isidence of the wklow and heirs of Chas. l Puce, who went from this couuty to Cilibima in 1851, thence to Oregou, vvhere heAWAln June last. -Tt&Utronide congratúlales the lïopubJfcsnstaaisc botli of their nominees for Iiegeiif are alumni. As oue of thera Is only i "áespised medie," the Chronicle, judging bj Ui pst, should moderate lts congratulitlons. - Senator Ramsey having charged our CaiiDi.KR with lmitatlng "the roar of tho jioidlaa üou," it is well for both Ramsey ud Chixdleii that there is no such lion it Washington to "go lor thein ;" the one 'm so roaring and the other for "tellin' on it," -At Hangsterfer's Hall, uext Friday nnlng, March lOth, the R. ö B. Club are i1vrtised for a Masquerade Ball. Gooil. onler and a good time is promised to those fellghtiug in this species of amusement. OxUmes in:iy be obtained at the hall. iree tird. -Uellgious services continue to be held IntieM. E. Church, cvery arternoon and iteainf, while theOongregational, Presby" ítrían aud Baptist societics have united li lie daily service, holding meetings in Mr respective Churches alternately. lore thau usual interest is being maniistd. We are daily inquired of a3 to the Hjiccts of the new railroad, and can ouly uy that we are uot In the secrets of the Bord of Directora - that is if thcy have tny secrets. We miderstand, hovvever, tbit negollations are iu progress at Toledo, pon whlch the futuro of our project somewint dependa. We shall tul vise our read rs wheucver we net iateUlgeoca worth ■ttlg public. Meantlme, cnefgy aud Uberality, with iiarmonious action,- such other towns In the State have shown untola favorable circamsUcnees - are uecessaitosuccess. We dou't thlnk tho spirit, is rijht yet. The trial of Jaco Scuadeiu.e, on in Information churging him wlth assault ith lutent to kill, was concluded in the Circuit Court on Tuesd&y, and resulted in 'verdict of assault and battery. This is fecase, our readers win rccollect, of au f'ay witb one O'NeiU, in a butcher sliop HDextr, gome montlis ago. No other triminal case lias been tried. The caso of JoassoN ig yet to be disposod of. -Several cases on tlie civil calendar hn been trled.


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