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New Black Alpacas- At 50 cunta, equal to those sold at 75 cents. " 62i ' SVA " " 75 " " " " " " $1.CO. Alao the genuino Americ;m Black Siik, warranted in every resiieut, C. H. MILLEN. tiSr Don't tliink because snulfs and utrong or poi6onouj tiulutions will not cure Cattarrh, tliat you cannolbccurcd. ïhc propiietor of Ur. Sage's Catanh Eemedy ollera $500 rewaril for a case of CatarrL which be cannot cure. It costs but lifty cents for a puckago wliicli prepares onc full pint. Sold by druggiats, or Sjnd sixty cente to Dr. lt. V. Tiercé, 33 Séneca streel, Buffalo, Nr. Y.,. and get t tlnough the mail. A ptimplilct free, The íienuiuo has Br. Fiorce'ij private U. B. Government Stamp on cach package. ' I am now opening a few NKW SPRIN'O COODS, among which are some pretly NEW PltlííTS- Cheap, 8e, 10c, 12ác. C. H. MILLEN. The Esglish Admiralty roquircs thtit cvery eeaalan, on duty, in the liritish Navy, off tho coast of I Wrica, sball tukc regulurly every moruing, dosea of Bitter Quinine; and wliüe on boat duty ulong the sreeks und rivera of tnat continent, at the rate of eigLt frain doses daily. Wo learn that Messrs. Stearns, ] Farr & Co., who are mukiny tlie Sweet Uuiniue, are ibout pliwing before the Jiritish authorities proposals to furnish tlie lutvy wtth thoir valuable improvcmenti to re-plaec tho other. f old by Kborbaeh & Co. The attenüon of our cuatomers is invitcil to onr new stock of Suft Finish lïleached Cottons, ShcetiuKs, Shirtinge, PUlow Caac Cottons, Table Lineu, in'ull the i standard makes, at liOW 1'IUCES. C. U. MILLEN. To IVcbraska, California, Kansas, and the B. & M. K. R. Liind.i. The storting points of this Kouto are at Chicago awl Peoría. The central polut is JiUKLINaTüN, ou tho iiisABAfffl. It traverses Iilinoiö and the whole breadth of Southern Iowa. Near the Missouri its trtink forks into three branche, for it has threc western termini. Ita northetn terminus is Conncll Bluffs, where, crossing to Omaha, it coimccts wiLh tho Union Pacific for all places on the intra-continenlal and Paeifle slopen. Ovcr-land travel aud trafile choose this nliable route more and more. Itfl next terminus is Lincoln, the Capital of Nebraska, fifty flve miles west of the Missouri at PlatUmouth. This is the only direct avenuo to the South Platte country, wucro the ealcs of railroad land last senson, rose to half a million. lts tljird terminus e at Hamburg, and Nebraska City. Al Harohurg, It makes close connections, twiceaiay, for St. .Tosejüi, Lcavenwoith, Kausas City, and the whole Southwest.. In journcyiug then, from the East to Kansas, ii Burlington, you unjoy advantages you can secure ou nö other line. You both pass over a road sec ónd to no otlicr in speed , safoly, or any Pullman lux ury of modern travel i and while on your way, uurvi'y tho garden of Illinois and Mi souri, as well as 4OU.0OU acres ot prairie in Sonthweüteru Iowa, now In market ut low priOM and long credit. Keep it then before people wcmvanl bound, "to takc tho Burlington Itoute." 1810W Sccond Haud and Xew Organs AndMelodeonaforsalo very cheap at Prof. Mille' musicrooia, Ko. IS Main Street. (Over Uull&Kobinson's.) 127(itf ALVIN WILSEY. -.'. . Uouuty to 8o!diert Thoecwhoculiutedin 1861 ou the first CMllofPresdent Liucotu, and who wore honorably discharged boforetho exuiration of tho torra of thulr enlistmeni, rfro entUTed to $100 enea, as bounty. Andtoldieraeolistiug undcr act of July 4th, 1804 aretobeaüoWid'th'e unpaid instalmonts of bouuty fthay wero discharged by expiration of service TheaUove classe3 eliould makt appllcatton to the underiLui:cl. Marchíh,18T0, l-20ïti .1OI1N N. ÜOTT, Bouuly ui;ii Claim A;jeLt.


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Michigan Argus