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pOÜR POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE AGE! DR. KËXLOGG'S ROOT BITTERS! o LIVER INVIGORATOR, INDIAN HEMEDÏ. FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS! o o Worth, Merit, and ReliabUily conceded by all to be honorably won and l'olly Re warde il by Dtf. Kellogg's four Merittfrious Coni - pounds. ROOT BITTEBS. Absolute froedom from phypiclal diseaéè i a bleseing deslred by all, bnt onjoyod only by the few. Indigestión, Laseitade, Geacral Debiflty, N dactilar Weakneflfi, and lack of Nervous Energy, are commou ailments ; yet they are the forerunners of mure sorious compïuinte: Dyspepsia, with all itn 'horrors1 is only chronic indfceHtion, and many a poor consumptlye mortal, totteriug upon the verge of phyaical diasolution, viridly remembersthe geuoral debïlity and nervous proatratlon which heralded the uttack of tho invidioua euemy of life. The advice dictated by common sonee " ia not to let theee minor complaintB lurk ín the eyatem uunoticed and uuhecdcdfM yet many pergons who fee] fatiucd after yoif moderato exorcifle, whoao blood ld Bluggish in circulation, digestión morbid, appotitc irregular, complexion palUd, nerves weak and uustruug, muscular fibers loose and flabby, and whose system ie In condition of general flobüity, with overy avenue upen to the eucroaihment and fioaeegfton of conflrmed aud destructivc diseaseto letlesoty around " living ekelotons," apparently regardlceè of the bleseings of health, and unmiiulful of these nataral warnings of the approach of complctu physical prostration. Thatt " üiaease comes when leaet oxpected' is a commou but vcry ab&urd saying. ïor theso commou complaiuts are the skirmisbera which commence the atttick aud horald the approach of the eiK'iiiy ; mul it ís the wisdom of common acuue, to guard againet their attacks, and if they Uave pussession, to drive thehi from the tyeteni. The natnrally feeble frarao may bo strenjthenod, ana tho who have beau uartially broken down by Indigestión, Disslpation, wervous Debillty, discaac, or unusuai hardshtp, may be recrulted.and restoicd t heaith and happinesa, by this dellcioua Botanic:il Tonic, pcriect and wholcsomo appetixer, gouial aíd to digestión and gentle nervous atimuEint,- Dr. Kellóge s Cclebratcd Root Bitters. They will improve the appetitc, materially aid digestión perfoct the condition of the blood, give tone to the nervoue systcm, arrest the proeree of dieeasc, fetrenghen the emaclated, aidand confirm thoroatoration of the fceblc convaloacent, aud protect the pyetcra against nijilnrial diseaae. They are a bieding to those who íind themoelves wöak, lauguid, and lacklng onergy, as the warm daya of spring ajproach . Tliey are a ticas ure to women who auffer from nervous debillty, loss of vital flttftuÉfth. and Dhvsicul wcaknese. 'f heso ' ' Bitter ," are not a Tilo mixture of ■retchedwhiskcy.Jliind aloes, but a genuino Botinlcal componnd, pure, plcasast, and ngreeable, uid warrantcd to bo equal to their recömmenda,íohb. LIVER INVIGORATOR And Bloo'l Pnrlflcr, ís a ccmponnd prepared to sleansethe syetem oflmptiritiea and cnreconfirraed disorders arising from a dUeaeed stnto of the Livcr. 1 'Thore is somethiug the matter wltu my Líver," is iuo observatlon of at least thrce out of every five persons, when questioned In regard to tbelr health, and it la a well-kuown trulít, that dlscase of the Liver Ís tho most coinmon ailmcnt the physiclan has to contond with although he i gcueíally callcd upon to meet it in the form of Fovors, Agüe, Nervous Prostration, ond other acute maladies of which disorder of tho Livcr is the produdng cause. Impure Blnod, Slck and Bllious Iloadache, Costivenese Nervous Woakness, Loss of Energy, Emaciation, Piüns in tho Side and Shouldera, Weakness and Trembling after exerclsc, Melnncholy, Urowslness.and Chronic lïiliousness, areeomoof the mtDor symptoms of Biliary Deraugrinent and Disease. TUc final reeult, if these Bymptonts arodisreriuded are different kindeof Fever, Kbenmntisins. Diarrhea, Oener:il Proatration of ÑervouB System, onding in Ja:indicc or Contjumptitin. The Liver is the most acusitive orgnn ia the human structure, except thoLmifíS, and 80 long as dccompositiou of vegetiiblu matter continúes malaria arisca, aud the present habita of lito are ludulged, so long Llver Complalnt will becommon. As there is no prospect of these couditious being obviatoíl, henee the neecssity of employmg agenta to counteract thcir iefluence. Iu tielectiug and proporüoning thu ingredlents of Dr. líillogg's Llver íuvigorator, special atteution h&fi been liad to compound a preventivo and cure forBilious Disorders of every type. TLo most potent agences known to Botaulcal research, have been incorporated into thid truly popular specifle for Llver Cumplalnts and Diseases of theBlood. lts olTect upon tho human System is in perfect accord ancu with thu luws of health, aud the sdeuce ol physiCKl structure, being Alttrative, Uiurotic and Touic. By its Altcratlvc nnd Dltiretlc power. Il carrlcs the impuiitiea oí tho systein oíT tUrougb nature's courscB.andatthc samp timo bylu ïonlc vlrtue it eiiinulatcs digestiou and givcg tone tu the norvous powers, Family Cathartio Pilis. The objcctïon that these Hile wcre not Sugar Coated has beeu obvia tud by the proprietors ana in that respect thcy are now equal to auy in use. - Their wurth as u safe and relíublc ('athartlc has never been questioned. For Chroulc Constipation thcy are a certaln remedy. By thcir actious they cleausc the system of vitiated secretions. They Btimulate thc Livcr to aciivity, give tone to the stomach, and ytrenyth to the nérvea. XheruidnothIng Ín thelr composttlon huí what ís purely vogetablo. Uicy aru ruild, gentío, and entírely cffectual. Instcad o? irrittttlug thcy restore. Thcy are a certuin rmeüy for Conetipation, IÍUonmatism, Chroníc Indigestión, Ötubborn Disease of the Livcr, BUloüoneíB, ViTolent Impuritlofi of the Blood, and all Disorders whero n i U orough laxatlve U required. INDIAN REMEDT. A mudicíuc ailvertiscil to ctirc nll, s grnerally held iu diroimte, yet it is jjosaiblo o conipound a renv Oy ihiit ínay be bcnefícial in íi arlety of cofnpliiints. Dr. Kellogg'e ludían Rviw-tty Ís nn existuig ijioof of thití possibiliiy, inii6mucü ae lt can be umployod iu a varioty of compliiíuts, md in cacb produce a liappy 'J'he Remtdy ie admfttcd by thu iiiiiny wlio OSTO used it, and who cuBlder it indispcububK', to be the most perfect Kemedy lor Couiíüa,Colds, Croup, tind all I'icafies of thc Throftt and Luiigü, that has jet been ofl'ered to the public, wbilc for Wouiids, Sores, Bnrns Scalds, nmí cveiy variety of Esternal Inflammatlon it i known to be an absolute and infüllible curo. la fact it - inipoissiUe to enutnerate fiiul speiify all the coinplaints anddisordera for ft-hich tbis "Kemcdy11 is au antidote. Suftice to Bay ttjat wherever there ís iufuimmation internal or extérnala on cithor man or heast. that it in a Bpeedy, perfect, and rellable 'iire. We warrant that Éne use of oue bottle byMi)fam ily wlll etablish it us oue of the neceetities of liousehold ccouoray. AU tUo abovo medicines aro preparad at Í)R. KELLOGG'S MEDICAL WORKS ANN ARBOB, MICH., And aro Sold 'by Druggisís and ííealers Everywhere. Iosm3 DELIABLE INSURANCE, AT TUE OLD AGÊNCY ÖB1 C. H. MILLEN, Who hns fornearly twenty yeare, and who'still epresems the Home, of !N"ew 5rTork, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. NE A RL Y FIVB MILLIONS. GtotonM, pew fort, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, Nearly 82.500,000Thte Company particípate in iU Pollcies wïth the nsnred City Pire ïn& Co., Hartford, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS,' ALL LOSSES FAIRLY ADJÜSTED and PROMPTLY PAID. C. H. MILLEN Agent. 1200m3 T UMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, Hm a larpo and well utockcd Lntnber Yard on iefferson Sttcft, in the üontli part of ('itv, mul will keep coDstiintly on hnud in oxceüCBt variuty of LUMBER,SH!NGLES,LATH&C wliich wlïIbosóM aslownacan be affurdtd in tbls niurkot. Qualtty and prlces sucli tlj:it ' NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KR A PK. Ann Arbor, Jannary'2Oth,lS71. ._ itóO YYHAT IS IT f THÈANËGTAR. Jnstoitl ut CITY ARCADE, get apacka;,;c and have a cup of Tea made e ich mi the BmperorO China eli iu hl6palicü, CnstoiDorSBftJFtt oaa'tb hoatfor ilavor and riehucs.'. ünly HM per puuud CLARK & CKOl'SKY. ! Finest Assortraen l of Toilet Gooös in the City, by A COMPLETÉ STOCK fcdr W AND S1AS01BU GÖODS NOW BEING HECEIVED BY FINLEY & LEWIS. WÈ ÁSK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BTJYERS . TO OUR LARGE STOCK Oí1 Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND EXPRÈSSLY FOR OUB TRADB. pOR CASH yOLCAN DCt Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SüTKERLAND & CO. AnnA'lor,J;'.LHiary,1870 r-1252 nSïS Wcwnii " ACUCRATELV AND ' CAREFULLY PHEPABED BT iï. W. BLL1B é ÜO., DRUQQ182B.


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