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The Xlii. Congress

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Tne XIíII. Congre's commoaced its TBt BCttion ut noon on Saturday last. n the Sonato the new Senators wcre worn in ly Vioo Prosidjnt Colfax, exopt üolütiiwaitk, of Alabuma ; Olayok, f Arkaoat; Vano, cf North Jaroüna ; and Bi.odoett, MÏ Mississippi, vlio claims a soat as mccessor to Aljoun, resigned. ïlio oredentiala of Goi.dthwaitk were luid oa tlio talile, vith a memorial denjing tliat lie was egaüy cleoed - some of tho nU:nberf ■oting for liirn being brandod as ineligi)le. A long wavs back to travel. Vanck has not had Lis disabilitit renoved. Clayton is quarrulliog with lis Iiadical brcthren at Littlu Ituck, and Jlodoktt is ngaiust sotne kind of a Buiig - which ought to keep him out indelinitely, but probably won't, being a Etadical. Two "loil" claimauts, Hamilton and Gen. Hkynolbs, claim the Texas seat, and both wcre tabled. And thon .he öenate ndjourned until Tuesdayi rest being needcd aftor tho exh:usting all-DÏght labors cloeiDg tbe preceding Congress. If Coogreaa would do its work when it should, a fortnight's woik need not be done - aod poorly done - in lic last day of a session. Tho IIouso wascalled to ordor by the Clerk of the last Congres., Mr. McPiikrson, who prooeeded to cali the roll. The Clerk oniitted the namo ol Mr. Koushs, of the Fourth North Carolina district, by bis own request ; and reected Mr. Euvvard?, of the Third Arkansns district, holding hia certificate insufficient and suspicious. Proceeding to the election of a Speaker, 219 voto.3 were polled, aa follows : For James G. BlAIKB, Rep., - - - 12( " Geo. "V. Moroan, Dem., - - - 93 Mr. Blaine wasdeclared elected, an( the oath of office was admiuiatered to liim by Beprescntatire Dawes, the senior member in eervioe. The meinbers were then svvorn in, pending which, Mr Waddkll, of North Carolina, was ob jected to and not sworo. The members from Tennessee and Mississippi were ob jected to, sworn in, and thtir credentials referred. The House then adjournec until Tuesday. In both the Senateand House the officersofthe last Congresa were re elected. - California, Conneoticut, New Hnmp shiro and Texas have net yet elcctec their meinbers. Tiib New York Evming Post ntimates that the resigDation of the iiepublican members of the Indiana Legisla ture was not siroply to prevent the passogo of an unconatitutional apportiouuient bill, - whioh a Bcpublicaa Supremo Court oould have decided unconstitutional, - but was to compel aa adjoururaent and prevent the Demócrata eleoting a United Statea Senator in case of Senator Morton's reported resignation at an early day, or to prevent an adjourument to a day certaln with a viow of promptly filliug a vacaney made by such a resignation in recess. Now, the Legislature having adjourned sine die, Seuator Morton can resign and Gov. Baker appoint bis successor. "ïhis is strategy, my boy." - The Post is not so clear that the new apportionment bill could have been passed, or that il would have been unconstitutionalif passed, That it would have been constitucional and the Senatorship go oearer to the root of tbe matter, in its opinión; and it has probably diagnosed correctly. Thb IIouso resolution abolishing tb duty on coal failed in the Senate - fo want of time the report says ; for wan of inclination would be noarer the truth Tbe monopolista have possession of tha body, eoul, body, and breeches, and th people need expect no legislatlon i their interest unti! a ienovation ha takeD place. The poor may both starv and freeze for auything Congress cares that is if "old subsidy" or "king protec tion" has a griet at the capítol mil When the electora of tiie country ceas to be govorued by the dead issues of th past, or to bo scared by the ghost of negro inlo voting the Radical ticke Congress may havo less reconstructioo on band and more time to give to tb vital iüterest8 of tho country. In the XLII. Congress, now in ses Rion, there are five colored members o; the House : one from Alabama, on frotn Florida, and tbree from Sout Carolina. It is safe to aesert that thes five negro members have no color o qualification for the dutios devolvit) upon thera save that of color. It is th penalty they pay for being black and th tools of deruagogues, for it certainl must ba a eevere pennlty to take tbem so out of thoir Bi'htro. - We don't know but we ought to take the last remark back in view of the large number of onqualifiod white Radicáis who aspire, in these folter days, to scats in Congress. ii - ii 1 The official ratification of the treaty of peaoe was exchanged on the 2d., anc on the 3d aDd 4th the Germán array o] occupation evacuated Paris. The Emperor William I., and Bisjiakck have relurned to Uerlin. Napolbon haa beon releaaed and haa rotired to lus chutean io Swilzerland. The Germán arruies will evaouate the departments ás fast as lic treaty oonditious aro complied with, and France lcft to herself will striko out on her future. What it will be ? what ïer govcrnment ? and who the rulor? are queetions we can not answer. It is atent, however, that domestie peaoe is not certain. It is again rumored that the ultra aiministration wing of the Sennte - comoaed of Senators who have axes to griud t the Executive dopartmonta - propose o dcposo Senator Hu.mnee f rom the hairuuinsliip of the committee on i'oreign Relations Híb opposition to ihe ncqu6Ítion of San JJomiugu is not to o forgivcu.


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