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D ASPBERRY PLANTS. I wlll supuly persons wishlng the fullowioc cultivated eoits ofRASPUERY PLANTS. Doollttle Í1.00 per 100. Davidson'sThorniees, 3 00 100. Mainmouth Clustor, 3.00 " 100Addrets 8. MILLS, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, March 9th,lSn. 1312-w4 Estáte of Albert Stevens. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. N "tice ia hereby civen, that by an order uf the Probate Court for the ('onnty of Wushtcnnw, mude on the seoond duy of March, A. I). 187 1, &ix munt hs from that (late wcre allowed for ereditoni to present their claims against the estáte of Albert Stevens, late of suid county, deceased, and that all i-ruditors of suid deeeased are roquired to present their claims to said Probate Oourt, at the Probate Office, in tlie City of Ann Arlor, for cxamination anU, allowanee, on or before the second day of September noxt, and that such claims will be heard before said Prubato Court, on Laturday, the ñfteenth day of April, and on Katurday tho second day of September, next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of t hose days. IMted, Aun Arbor, Alareh, 2, A. I). 1871. llillAM J. BEAKE8, 1312w4 Judge of Probate. ÜoairnifcflioDerd1 Notïce. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, as. The undersigned, haring been appointed by tho Probate Court for uaid County, ('ominibsiouers to receive, exumine and adjust all claim-s and demanda of all persons ngninst the estáte of JUiuhard Murray, late of wiid (County, deceaseil, hereby rive nutice that six mouths from date are allowed, by order of auid Probate Court, for cix'ditors lo present their claims against the estáte of said deeea-sed, and that thcy will meet at the late residenee of said deeeased, Ín the towusliip of Dexter, in said County, on Snturdny, the third day of June, and Saturday, the second day of September next, at 10 o'clock A. M., of each iid days, to reouive, examine, and adjust said claims. Xteted, Miwcli Sd, A. IJ. 1871. 1312w4 Estáte of Jacob Sherman. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntyof Washtenawtss IO At a eession of the Probate Court for the Couutj of Washtcuaw, holdeu at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thureday, the second day ofMarch, in the year ouo thousaud eiht hundred mul eeventy one. Present, Samuel Iligby, Judtfeof the Circuit Court for the CoHiity of Washtenawacting as Judgo oí Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Suermau, deccased On readlnand fllinthe petition,duly verlflcd, oí Embree liuliard, prayíny for au order requirinj the Admiciötrator ( domi non to pay to him Lae Hinouut of h!s claim against said eátatu with loj;al interest, as a prttferred claim. Thereupon It ís ordered, that Saturdny, the iiret day of April next, at five oclock In the afternooiit bc aasignedfor the hearing of said petition, and thai the heirs at law of said deceafed, and all other persons intrrested in said catate, are required to appear at a seseion of said Court, thento be boldeu, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and showcnuse. il nny therebe, why the prajerof the pt'titluuLT shoukl not he firanted : And it i further ortlered, that sttid petitioner iivc QOtico to tiie persons interested in eaid tstate, of the pendency oí Mait! ]) tition,and tbc heariug thcreof, by caueinga copy of thi ort'er to be published In the Michiyan Argus, a newspaper, nrlutcd and clrculatinj; in eaid County, three sucecssive weeks previoue to said daj of heariui;. (A truecopy.) SAMUEL 11IOBY. Judge of Iho Circuit Conrt of Washtenaw Couiity and in this matter actluy; as Judge of Probate. 1312 td Cbaocery Sale. IN PURStJANrE and by vlrtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, in Chanceiy, made on ihc twcnty-flrst day of December, A. D., lSTOiinlhe case whureiu Hannah Slatturd is Cuoipiaiuant, and William herwood and Laura Sherwood aro Defóndauts: is heroby givcn that I shall iell at public auction, to tho highêst bidder, on tho -"21 dar of April at ten o'clock, m. of Baúl day, at the front or south door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Couuty of Waehttiiia.w, in the State of Michigan, the rollowing real estáte, to wit : The undivided oneualfof all that cortalu pieca or parcol of land descrlbed as follows, namely : Situatod on ection number ono in tuwjish![ number four gout hof range number three east, iu the State o f Michigan, and commencing at the center ol the race bauk directly west oí tht; iiorthwutt corner of the muin pari of Fountaln'd Premium Mills fcncallcd), runniug weut across tho mee of said niitl, thence soiilh ftloug the -weet bank of said race two rods to the uorth line of tho Saline rond, iheiice westcrly aloug tUe north Une of nnl.l rond ten aud one-half rods to the corner of the Hibbardroad; thence northerly aiong the e;st line of f-aid Hibbard road, twenty rodfl to tho souta-west coruer of tholand nowowued or occupiud by Gilbert Alen ; tliunce (:aterly, along the south lire of eaid Alluu'sland.twenty rocía, lo uu; wc'Bi DaiiK 01 me tail rncc from aid Premium Milla ; thence south along the west bank of said tail race sixtcen roda; thence west four roda to the east bank of the saw ruitl mee ; theucc south uine rodsaloui,' the bauk uf .'lid u;iw mili race to the place of beinuinf;, comprtaing the saw mlll, brick dwelling house, mili yarda, and water power for aid raill, togethtr witli tl] the privilege nd reaervatfana made and menJoncd m the deed of eaid premises, fiom G. W. [loyaud wife tosaid Shsnrood, induJiug one-haif of the planin? raaehiue, aad all of the said Sherwood's interest in the machiucry and apparatus lu aud abotit said milis. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 9th, A. D. 18T1. R. BKAHAN, Circuit Court Commisuioner for Wushteuaw Couuty, Mich, TnAot W. Root SoKdtor for Complainnnt. l:;i -ui Chaneery Sle. IN PURSUANCK and by vlrttie of a decroe of the lircuit Court for the do'inty of Wafhtenaw, in hancerv, made on the twenty llrstday of December, i. D. 1STO, in the cano whereíu Iletsey Junes is omplal'ian'i aud Thomas Carroll, Mary OTarrel, Chas. II . Hooper and Joeph U. Baldwin are defeuants; Notlce in hcrebT K'veu, that I fhall Bell at mblicanctiou. to theblgneat biddur.on the2ïd day f April next i'l ten o'wlock A. M. of said day, at the 'rout or sonth door of the Court House, In the City f Ann Arbor, in tha Connjy ofWashtenaw, iu the itale ofMidiizan. the followiug dewrlbed real esate to-wit ; City lots numbered ftvo and i". the ■est part of one, two, three and fonr, in block num. cr six in J. D. Baldwln's caatern addition to the :ity of Ann Arbor. the parta thereof lyinx west of a ne drawn from the east angle in the west line of aM lot numlier one, toa point in the souih line of lid lot nuniber four, foor rodn west of ïhc soutbtet corner of nid block, being part of the land .nveyi-d by d Haldwin to said Carroll, on th& urteeilthdayof Ausust, A. D. 1S67. Uutod. Aun Albor, March 9th, A. D. 18.1. circuit Comt CommUsloner tot Wasliteuaw Couuty, Mich. XKifiT W. Root öollcitor for Cumjilalnaut. lïlStu CTATEMENT OP THE WASHTENAW MUTUAL FI RE INSURANCE COMPAM To the ITon. Oliver L. Spaulding, Sccrttary oStaU. Froni Jan. let, 1STO, to Dec. Slet, 18T0. No. of membars bcloneing to aaid Co. ie 1,94S No. new membera is.. 177 No.of policicB canceled is... 70 Increasc .. ioj The wholc amonnt of property at risk by sald Co. is flve millions odo lumdred and flfty.Sve tbotisand four hundred and sizty-sevcn dollars. $5,165,487 Tbe increase dnrine the year Ib three hundred and flfty thomand and twenty-sevcn dollars. $350 027 The amonnt of a ssettsments levied daring the year is seven thousnnd eix buudred and sizteen dollars and seveuty-two cents. $7.616 7'i The amonnt of assessmenta collected darint' the jear is seven thousand flve bnndrcd and flfty dollars and thlrty-two cents $7,550 32 Theamount of asaesRinents ontstanding and not yet cauceled by the Board is two hundred and eiglity tbree dollars and scvcnty-nice cents. $'233 79 ine amount collecten nj said Company. prior to the post yar, is 14 46 110 milis on the dollar. The amon nt of premiums and assessmentfi received ditring the ycar is nine thoupand and thirty-eix dollars nd twenty ulne cents. $9,036 29 The amonnt oflon paid by ald Company during the past year is the sum ofnine thousnnd four hundred and twenty lii dollars and thirty-six cents. $!,4ï0 30 The amount of losses snstained by the Company dnring the past year is eight thousand and ionrteen dollars and twelve cents. $3,014 12 The amotint of cash premiums tnd atísopsments now on hand is two thousand tnree hundred and twenty-two dollars aud twenty eightcenta. $2,322 2S The amonnt of salary and fees paid to each omcer of the company duriug the year ie as lollows I O. Leiand, President $ 103 39 Bobert McColl, Director 83 2s .1. D, Williams, Auditor, 8 00 Township Committee 287 60 Warren Hainilton, Secratary, 1,000 OU Total tl,48T 30 Ihe items and amoant of all other expenses paid by the Company during tha year is as fuliows . Exclse or locóme tax $ 2T 83 Special licenso 10 00 Attorncy's fees, 65 co Expense in lnvesticating flrea 116 25 Revenue stamps : 40 2T rrintiDK bilis, ti 6Í Oflice rent 156 00 Incidentals, m 66 Total, $548 "1 Amotint of claims for losjes aud other debts exist" ing agaiuet said Company is, $1,700 00 Also the claim of Andreir MllUrnot yet adjatted. All of which is respectfully sabraitted. J. G. LELAND. President, WAKKEN HAMILTON.Secretary. bwuru belore me tlils üth dv of March, 1ST1. P. H, ABEL, Notary Public for Washtenaw County. LJANGSTEKFER'S HALL. FIBSX GKAND ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL the B. S. B. Club, of the City of Ann Arbor, Friday Evening, March lOthAD.MISSIOX - - - O.VE DOLLAH. Tickets for reserved seats can be had of Gilmore & FUke. 1 ickets for the Ball of J. 0. Watts & Bro., Gregory House, Leonard ilouse. and by members o the Club. All kinds of Masques and t'osttimcs fnni Isbed by Mrs. J. B. Smith, of Buffalo, N. Y., and wil bc on exhibltion In the Hall, Thursday and Friday, March 9th and li.-Ui, 1SÏ1 , and durine the evvning o the Ball. s. riet order wilt 1 enforced1810W3 BY ORDEK OF COMMITTKK. ■QISSOLUTION. The firm of Eogers & TTcodwell heretoforc existing, is this duy diseiolred by mutual consent. AH book accounU must be scttled up by note or cash, without deluy. Thty will be found in the hands of M. Rugers, at the old apple piicking house of D. Henning, on Detroit dtreet, opposite liuchoz' Kloek. Ana Arbor, Murcii lst, 1Ö71. M. Rogers will continue the Agricultural Tool Business, at the above named place, where farmers will flnd a full stock of Farming,' Tools - all sizes. Kalamazuo riows, Thresbing Machines, Jacksou "Wugora, Fairbank's Scales, all sizes. March lst, 1871. 1211w4 M. ROGERS. JÜST RECLïtVED WM. WACIMER'S, A Largo and Choice Stock oí FALL AND WINTER O-OODS, 1NCLUDING ÜLOTH8, OA8SIMERE8, VESTING8, &C. LATE8T STYLKS AND B8ST QÜAL1TIE8 WHICB HE WIJ.I. MANUFACTURE on terms to tuit, and in the int of READY-MADE CLOTHING AMD Gents' FUKNISHIKG Goods. BEST STYXiIEJ. AlioLADlEVa.dGENTg MOROCCO SATCHELS No.31 South Ml Stret-L.lld. OALL AND 8EE THEM. WILL1AMWAGMÏK Ann Arbor , Pept. 1870. Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by 187L Spring Again! 1871 NOTICEI A New Stock DRY GOODS Just bought for cash at very low prices during the ex. treme dullnessin New York City. New Spring Prints. JBleached Cottons. Brown Sheetings. Linen Damasb ELEGANT MAKSEILLES, QÜILTS AND COÜNTERPANES, TO WELING, CBA8H, and all kinds of Housckeepers Gocy at grently reduced prieel. mow4 AT C. H. MILLEft L EW 7-30 GOLD LOAïT SAFE! PEOFITABLEl PEEMANEBT: JJSJY COOKE & 00. Offer tor Sale at l'ar aud Accrued Iutoreil, ihi FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD B01 OK THE Northern Pacifle Eailroad Co. These bonds are ftecured, Jirit, by a First Mortro ou thi! Iinilroud itself, its rolling. stock, and Bil n! mente ; comi, by a First Mortgage on Ut nttn Land O runt, being more than Twenty-Two Tto and Acres of Land to each mile of road. The Donds are ireo frum United Statea T üi Principal aud interest are payable In gold- tha Pi cijal at the end of Thirty year, and tht Inumi semi-Aunnaliy, at the rate of Scvon iBd Tb! Tentbi Per Cent. per aiinum. Tlicy are iesued in dcuorninatlon of $100, WC $1,000, S6.000 aud 10 .(O. The Trusteen under the Morterage are Mewn Ji) Cooke, of Philnrtclphia, aDd 'j. Edgar Thomw, Pre-ident of th.e Pennsylrania Central Railroal Company. Thoae Northern Pacifle 7-3n Bonds will at nll thn before maturity, be receivable t Tiir Pib CntJV Mii:si.(or l,10j ,in exchungo for the Coinpmj li3 at their lowest cash price. In addition to tneir absolute Kalety, the Bidi yield anincoxne larger, we bejievc, tnan bt otln flrtt-clase9c-,irity. ds holding United SUW & -208 ca, by coavt Dios them into Northern Pm lca,increape thej vearly in'-ome ont-third, and t& have a perfectl leliableinvcetment. HOW ÏO OiT TIIEM.- Your ueatMt &ll Bankur 111 sni ply theee Boods in anjr dW annjunt, and t uy neededdenomination. ftnou wlshing to exchaugo stocks cur other bonds lor tbm can do so with any f or AgeuM, who will lk thehli;hctcarrcat pilce for all marketablc ttiirltll'9. Those ltrhig in Incations remóte frem Bankt, oi.' ond money, or other bonds, directly to nu bjn prcBs, and we wlll eend hack N' rthern Pacific Boi at our owu risk, and without c st to theinviil'r. Kor further inforinatlim, pamphlete. maps.etc.. oS on or rödffiM ihe uudurtigned, or auy of theBwk1 or Bankers employed to Bell thls Loan FOB SXLK liY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. THE SA VINOS BANK. MILLKR & WEBSTER, BANKERS. And Bankors geuerally throughout the Stste. 131U 3tcm. What Johnson has lio has a Urge stock of HATS & CAPS' For the Fall and Winter trade- the beitin to"i lie basa ful Mine of LADIES' AND GENTS' TTJBS New Sty les and best quallty MANUFACTÜBED TO ORDERHe has a full stock Of Gents' Furnishing Good OloTCfi.IIoMfrv, Cullar.s, Tien, Crarati 4 He has everything in his lino And he tcont be andersM. That's What JOHNSON Ha 7 South Main St., Ann Abbob . __ _■ . 8 ■■ . . """■"""í DEOPLE'S DRUG STOjíe' R. W. ELLIS & CO,


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Michigan Argus