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ÍnTscnEKCK atvisf.s roxsr.vrnrs t TO GO TO FLOMDA IN WIXTER. ITavixo for the last thlrty-flvo reara derotod my wholo time íiiul a t Unción to tho Ktndy orlun distáis and coneumptlon, I (bel tuat I understand fujly the course onghtto be pursued to restore a tolerably bad case of dlseaacd luitKs to Iwuliliy loundncaa. Thc flrut and moii important stop Ís, for the patiënt to nvold takingcoM; and the host of ftll placea on this continent for Ihis pnrjiose. In winter, U Florida, well duwn In the State, whcro the tumperaturols recular, and not auhjectto stich vnriatlons as in moro nortliern latitudes, i'alntka Is a point I Cfin roeommend. A jroud hotel In kept there by FtU-rmrm. Iiiit winter I Mfcw nveral perrons thcro whoue lunas had been badly dtseased, Wit who, under the healJnff liül uence of thc cllmnLü and my iiiudicincü, wero gettiiig well. One himdrrd miles farthor down tlic rivorls a Boint ivhich I wcmUl prcfi-r to l'alntkfi, a the ti'injH'vature is Inore even aml tlit air dry and bnclnff. M II mi vil Ie and EnterpriiO are located tnere. I tliould yivc ft tlociildl firefercnCQ to Mcllonvllle: It 1 two mile f rom river or Mie, iuul it Boenu ahnost Impowitile Uy tiike cold thorv. Thc tabica in florida niixht do betti-r, and pitticnts contplaln at times ; tmt tttat ïê a goöd llgn, a It ludicatt-s m return of appctlti : and, v luii tltis Is the case, thfy aciierally lucreaM in flosb. aml ttun tl ie lunc mut Dew. JackBonvillo, Hlbonua, Green Covo, atW manyothor pi. ices in variou parts of Kiorlda can bü eaft-ly recoBi' ffiondcd tcconsumptlvcaln Ínter. 5Iy rCMona (brtayInK go are, tliati'atk'nt.t uw. itsaliaMe to tukc culd tht-ru tlian vlicre thero is a len even tempexïrture : and it s not nfcessary tu say, tiiat, whcre a coiiöinnptivc person fxpostrs liiinsclf to fioijiunt cokls, lic is certain to dio fthortly: therffore mv advicc i, k well down int tho Ftato, out of tiiu ruran of prevtillüg ct winda and ftigs. Jacküonville, or aluiustsriv other ofttn1 locftlitlea l itaVo nninvd,wlUbt:]i-OLthuih(iarctrtiiiti]rd whh a torpld livtT, u dlsofdoféd itotDACb, dertngod bowels. Boro tlii"at, or cniih'h; hut, forthoM whe luna art1 discascd, uinvrb ■outhern point Is earm'ntly recommendcd. For flfteen jt-nra prior t- l86, I vu proftsBlonally in KowYork, lïoxton, llaltlmoro, mid l'hiliutvlpliia every ft'cck, whero 1 saw aiul txmiiicd on nn aturare flvo rmndrod patienta aircok. A practico o extensiva, cmliracliiv cvt'rv poalble ('liase v( Iuük discaae, lt:i enabled me to undiTatand tho fully ; anJ heneo my cautlon tu renard to takinn cold. A person m;iy takovast fjuantiUeaof "Sehcnck'a Pálmenlo yrnp, Beawecd Tonlc.and Wandrake rilU," and yet die Ir bc doca nut avoid lakiug (íold. ín Florida, neftrly cveryboOy Ís riblna fíehonck's Mnnflrake lMMs; (br üic climato ia mjre llkvly to prtKluco billous liat)its than moro nmrttiern latitud:. It is a wvllcf.taMishcd fact, thatnativf uf Florida rarely dle ofeon■umption, eapecially tliosc of thesouthern part. On tho otluT hand, in Kow KnInnd, onr-third at Leaat of tbc population die of thia terrible dUeasi.. In tliu lliddlo State, it docs not prevnil so larsi-ly ; still tlicro ftre many thousamU of casL-a Vhat a TR.-t pcrccutAKC of ufe wuuld be eaved Ifconsumptlveswcreas eaiilyalarmcd In regard totakiinf fi'csh eolds u.4 thry are abmttM ;itlet Pavor, wuall-pox, Ac 1 but tlu-vaii.' nut: Iht'y tako vhfit tlioy term a llttlo cold, wlñcli tluy aro cn-duious enoujrh to bellevc will wearotf Ín a tow da va. Thpy pay noattentlon toit; and heneo It laya the rminrlatlnn ftir anotlier nnd another till, untll tlic lungs are dlaeased hoyuii'l all hope of CUTO. -■■ fy advtCQ to persons whnso lunpe flro níTcctcd. evon 1 iKbtiv, ia to lay i n astoek of tsclit'mk'B i'iilmcniv Brrnu. Sctienck'BSvawecdTinñc.and Benenck'a Manárakc IMlfo, and go to Florldnw I rccomincnd tóese particular medidnos, becauae X ain thorouijlily iunualnu-d iviih thiir actiun. I know, tliat, where tliey are used Ín Btrlct accordance wlth my flireetlona, they wllldo tho work that Is reo u i red. Tilia accoinplisht'd, nature will lo the rist. Thc physlcla who prescriljts for cold, coQgh, ornlght íwcatsand then adrlset tlie patiënt to walk or rlde íut ívery day, wlU bc surc to havo u corpso on hls hands before Long. M v plan la, to glve my Ihroc medicines Ín acconlanco witlï tlie print ed diroctiona, except in soine cases where a f roer uso of theJUandrake PUlBla aeoeataxy. My object Is, to ti ve tone to tho stomach, - toct up a eood nijjjctltc. It la always a good algnwht-n a patiënt befflna to rrow hungry : I have hopea ofBiK-li. With a relisli for food, and the gralidcation of that relisli, comes goo I blood, and witli ltmore ílesh, whicli is closflyfoHowed Ity a heallngof the lana,- then tho oonsli looaens and abates, the creoping chili and clammy night Bweots no longer prostrateand annoy, and tho patiënt getsweii, provided ho avolds takíng cold. Kow, there are many constimpüves who hare not too meana to go to Florida. The questlon may be aaked, la thcrcnohoveforsiK'h? Certafiily there is. JVly ailvico tobuch ii, and OYernaa been, to atayin a warni roOV durins the winter, wíth atemperaturo of about aevenly díiíreea. whleh tlioiild be keiitretíiilarly at tliütijnim tiy means of a thermometer. Let sueh a patina cafcfl hfè excrclsc within the limit of the room by walking uu and down as nwch ha his stn-ugUi wil! nermit. In order t keep np alioalthy circulftUon of the blood. 1 havoenred thousanda by tliis mmii, and can do so again. ('onsumption isas easlly otrod ns nny otber tunease, If it is takiniii timo, andino proper kitiifof treatnu-nt is piirucd. 'iho fact Btanils undisimted on record, that Sehenck's l'ulmonie Syrup, .Mandrakc l'Ills, and Seweed Tonlc havo cureu vrry inuny of what scomcd to Iir boiiclcss caaefl of conaumptinn. Go Whero you wlll, vota wili be almoftt ocrtaln toflnd nomo pobr coasomptl'a who has been rescued frum the very Jaw oí death by thcir usc, So far ns tlic Mamirakc Pilis aro concernod, overj'bocïy ihoulii kfop ii pupplv ofüiom on hand. 'i'lioy acton iho ivcr botter than calomcl, and leavc none of it liurtftil ïffects bühiml. J 11 foet, tlicy nre excellent in all cases (vlicro a jnuatlvt! niidlcino In riiuirtd. lf you liavo pariakcn too frcely of fiult,nml diarrluca onsurs, adoBO jf tho Slamlrakcs wülcure ymi. Ifyou aro subject to êick headache, tako a doa of tho llandrakos, and thoy Tv-IU rollCTOyoO in fcwo liours. Ifyou wouUl obviatotho rffoctofa cbnngc of water, er thu too freö incliilgenct in ïuit, tako ono of the ftlandrokes every night, and you may thon drink -water, and eat water mclona, pcar, ap[)lf8, plums, peachen, orcorn, without the riak ofbcinft made aick by tliein. 'i liuy wiil pvotectthose wliolive in flamp situations aalnst chilla ftnd fevt-r. Try tin-m. They are pt-rfeetly hannlcss. They can do you (rood unly. 1 have abanduiicil my profttttoöo] %s!isto Boston and tïow York, but continuo to seo patienta atmy oftlce, Xo. 15 Xortü Blzth StrccC, l'hlhuk-Iphia, everv Saturday, froni 9, A.M.,to3, r.M. Those whu wish a thorough eximlmation with the Kespiroinetcr WÜI bc charnt-d fivo loUan. 'l'he líespiroracter declares the exact conditton of tho lungs; and patients can readlly learn wheUitr ;hey are curable ornot. Hut I dcairc it distinctly unlerstood, that tho valuc of my medicines depend entire]y upon thcir bcing taken strictly accordiny tu directiyns. In conclusión, f will &yt that when perwns take my medicines, nnd thcir RyaU-ms are broufíht hilo a healthy cuadition thereby, they aro not so Hablo to take cold; yet jw ono rith oiseased lunes can bear a udden chango oi.'Um1M)IiTe without the liability of greateror lessirritation of the bronchial tubos. Full directiuna in all languagesaccompany my medicines, so explicit and elcar that any onc can use them wltliDiit cgitóultiiig nict nud can be bought ÍVuiu aay Cruytist J. II. ScnENCK, M.D., No. 15 Kortli Sixth Sirc-ct, 1' lüladclptüa. JOHN F. HENRY, S COLLEGE PLACE.HEW YORE, Wholosalo Agent. jV ersus Bitter, yf FoAhe fullowing REASONS Sm-rfQuiniiw Btttcr (uininc. I Sw;Atulilln Is WAURANTF.D foVlirinallj i '■ .Vvii in effect witb UUtcr (iiuc. vct Buiniiie has noni: of tho fnf ■■■■ and jmistent blttcrncst oí COminou Qi uino. Sn-tetf (tuluine Is made flrom I' rnviun lïnJk ollly, Iho 8OUTC0 Of Bittor Ci iüillü. In Sw-t Qit'.'.iliie tlii bltterneaa is :i-fcctly olnoealed, hut inay bu iiinUiiitv lo velosril il' tUirod. I " Sweot luintiie will not slckcn, aa very tttttw itnhtanofl ofton 1Oi SwcciíIm"-í ís rrndily lakon, aifd wltlioul thu leuat besito) Ion, hy old uiuVj'Oung. Swe;ilul!ilnc entlrely obviates tlit unconVuernlilo ilisliku wMoh cliUilromlmve to BVtor (uiulne. 1 ISwei-t (Hilnhic requiros no olnhoratfi preparitJon to take, i reaily for inxtaiy. use. Sweet filtiïnr, 'n ils nrornbilit' and pioYipt enu-Ht-y, lUsAbusefl the 'pulilic mi M of mut'h pTOjQdlCe ifiainsl (liinino, ainl aids tho oitorts of the iiiteliiieiit PlrLiician in its ad:nini3tralion. gmrt Wiiinine costs no more tliuil tho Üittm Quiiiine. Swi'tt V'-ilnlne can bo liad al tlio nig Slorls in two forniH, viz: jiuid, fonconveu.-pnco of familias mul iïm mni'nuliniiff llcjwmd uflnler, for usu (Vriiysiaia StvSkps, Farr &w., yT MAWjf ACTURING CHEMIST X For Sale by Ebovbach 4 Co., druggista. 12641 YU HAT IS IT ? THEA NECTAR. Jnet cali at the CITY ARCADE, get a packags. and have a cup of Tra made fciich as tnc Emperor of Cliiuaelusiu hlsnalacc, Cuntomci-8 ay It enn't bo beat for aavoruuu rlchucis. Only tl.'-io perpouud. CIHHK 4 CKOPSBY. PUYSIEIAIVS' PRESCRIPTIOM"! ACCÜRATELY AND ' CAREPULLY FREPAEED BT I R. W.SLL1B & U0.,l)RUaGIS18. lENUY T. HELMUOLDS C0MP0ÜN9 FLUID EXTRACT CATA W BA GRAPË PILLS. Component Parts - Fluid Extract Rh libar b and I' luid .Extract Cátawba Grape Juic. POR I.IVER COMPLAÏB rs JAülít)ÍGK, BIU0U8 AFPB'TIONS 8I0KORNERVOÜS IIEA.DACI1B, COSTIVBNESS. tttc. PURBLY VUcm'ABLK. ( oMAINIM; NO MBKCÜHY.MINKltALS OR DiíLETEUlOUS DRUOS. H Thoíc Pitia iro th ran?t doHghtfirtly picnsant piírative, ewpeiwding castor oil, nlta, miiKiicpIft, etc. híTc ti mithing moro acccptable to the stomacïi. 'in-v í-ivc tone, and cause neíther nnrtfti'.n nor npDg painB. Thcj are composed f the ftneflt iriroíont. Aflora few dnj's ;ise of thom. auch an Ín ioration of the entire aystem t!kt placo na to apcfr mlntcolonn to thc weak ftiid eiiervated, wliethur xfciDg from impradence or diseaae. U. T. HelmjolclM Comptuiiid Fluid Extract Catawba tirapo filis are not snzar-coatod, frora the fnct that augur COated MU do not disBolvc, bnt pass throngh tho atomach vlthotit dissolvlntr, do not produce tli lesired offect THE CATAW&A GRAPK PIIX8, h in" piensa ut iu tante and odor, do necesHitatc hlr" brint; ainjar-coated. PIUCJJ FÏFTY CENTS PKR B02. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGIII.T CONCENTOATEI) COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARltLA Will radlrally exterminóte from the syatem Scrofula Syphills, PoTer Sores, Ulcera. 8ore Eyes, Sore Leg, Mo:ith,Sore Hcad, Bronchitis, Skin Disenso, Snit Bh.-iim. Oankem, llunnings from the Eftr, WhltH Swellings, Tumor. Cancerun Affoctions, 1odS. Rlcketts, GlnndulnrSwellii{8, Nlght Sweats, tasb. Tutter, Hatnors of all Elude, tbranlo Rheun.itism, IKípepíin, and ftll dlnoaeei that have been Ul)lshed iu the systeni for yenr. L BKINn PUEPARED EXPRESSLY FOU THK MuiVIO COMFLAINTB, ITS BI.OOI'-PURIFYINC 'ROPERTIK.S AülvUUHATURTHAN ANY0TI1KU 'KKPAHA'I'IOJÍ OF SARSUPARILLA. IT OIVES TUK COMPLEXION A.Ct.KAR AND HEALTHY ÍOLOR AND RBST0RB8 THK PATIËNT TO A SlATE OF HEALTH AND PUKITY. FOK PUIIIrrrsG thí blooh, kemoving ai.l chromc JONSTITÜ I lONAl DTSEASKS AKI-IXU FROM N IM I'KKSiATEOFTHK ItLOOD. ANDTMB )M,Y R8IIABLE AND EFFEDTUAL KNOWN ÍKMK lY KOK THK CtTRR OP PA1NS AND SV1'I,I,IN1 OP TUE BONUS, t'I.OKKATIONá F THE THROAT AND LBGS, HLOTCHES. PI.Mif?j)ON THK PACE, ERYSIPELA-, ANO AI.L -, -! Y ERCPTIOSSOFTIIBSKIN. AND BFAUI V Y IV THE CO JII'Li:XIO.. PUICE , $1 .50 PER BOTTLB. M IIEXUY T. HELMBOLD'S CONC1.NTRATED FLUID' EXTRACT BUOHU THE GREAT DIl'RETIC, hn? enred every case or DIABETES n which it has eenidven. Irrltatlon of tha neck oí the Bladder íidiiiilammationor the Kidnc9 and Bladder, Reeution of Urine. Diseases of thc Proítrate Gland, tone lo tho Bladder, Cukuln, Gmvel, ürick Dust lenorit andMncnousorMHky Wícharcc. nii for Ecíeublwl and Delicate Oonatnntlona of botli Sexos, Itundedwlih the IbUowlng íymptom: I.oss of lemory, Difllculiy of Breutnlnz, IndUporttlon t fxi'rtio"n, Losf of Power, wu::k Nerree, frembllng, lorror of Diease, Wakcfulness, Diinucnsof Vision, 'ain i;i thn Hack. Hot llanda. Flushing oTtlie Body. Dryncss of the skin Ernptlon of the Pace, Palliil Jdünteuniicc. Universal Lassilude of tho MU9.ular iratem, Etc. ' 'l!cd bv pertóns from the a;e!i of eurlitecn to wuuty-five, and from thirty flve to llfty-flve orlo he decline orchtmye of ufe ; after couünemcut or abor paius; bcd-wcttlng iu chiidren. TIELMBOI.D'S EXTRACT BUOHIT is Diuretic and Blood-Po'lfylng, and cures all Diseasu ariain' from flabit. of DUlpalnD,and Excusses aud Imprndencus in Life, Impuriliee of thc Blood, Etc., Hnper■odtng Oopabla In ffs:tlous for which It i used, and Syphilitic Affections- in these dlMMOl U8d in conuucliou with llclmbold'a Rose Wash. LADIES. Ín many Affections peculiar to Ladies, the Extract MucIhi is uneqnaled DJ any othei Uemedy- as in ulilorofis or Ketention, Irreijulariiy, Palnfnlncsí or SnppreíBlon of Cu tomary Evacuations. Uceratcd Dr -chirrus tate of the Uterus. Lcncorrhtoa or White, Stcrility, and for all Complninl incident to the haolbi of Diseipaiion. It 1 prcfcilbed extensively by the mopt eminent Pliysidaiis and Mid wivo fur enleeblod and delicata Con-titntion. of bothSexes and all Ages (attendsd lih any of the above dieeases or O H. T. IIELMBOLD'S IXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASE3 ARISINO FROM IMPRUDENCES, HAISITá OF DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their stasee, nt little expense, Jlttle or no change in dlet, no inconveulence, and no expnaure. It causes a frequent desire, aud gives strength to Urinate, thereby remoTlna ObítractloM, Prevcntins Strictures of the Uretha, Allaying Pain and Inflammation. so frequent Ín this class of dlaeases, and expelling all Poionou matter. Thoueands who have boeu the victima of incompetent persons, aud who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, havo found they have been deceived, and that the "Poisou" has, by the use or 'powerful atrinííents,"been dried np in the pystim Lo break out in a more aruvnted form, and perh.njis after Marriafcea Use Hclmbold's Extract Buchu for all Affections and Disease of the Urinary Organs, whether exlstng iu Maie or Female, from whatever cause oriírinathiK, and no matter of how lons; .landing. Trice, One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Bottle. L HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSB WASH ftnnot bepurpaeeed ne a Face Waeh,and wlll bc ound the only spcoific remedy in evcry specite of Culaneoufl AtTectfon H ppeedlly eradicatcs Ptmp1, Spots, icorbutic Bryness, Iiulumtlnna of the Cuancona Mcinbrane, etc, dipcls Rednoss and Incipent Inflammation, Ilives, lin-li, Mutli PatchCR, Drynoí8 of Scalp or Skin, Frost IliteH, nml all purpose br which Salves or Ointracnts ure used ; restores to üe Skin a state of Parlty and SoftneM, and usures ontisnu'd hcalihy act ion t thc tlfwaes ofitsvesels, on which .h peildfl thö fty:rceable clcarness and -iviuity of complexion eo much soogfatand admircd. ï ii t however va!unbloaareniedy Tor exlstlng doectsof the Skin. XI. T. Ilelmbold'B Rose Wiich has ong sustaiued its pr!ncHlü chiim to unboundcd ji.-itoua'e, by pofue.shic qualitics which rv;nder it a XILBT APPENDAfiK (,f the 6At Sitperlatfrc and Congenial Charactcr, combininy in an elegant formula thowe prominent rii[!itr-it;.s, PAFBTï and BFÏT(jACY- the invariable accompanimenis of its tiBe- as n Prcservative and He fresher of tho Complexión. t is an excellent Lotion for discasesuf ft Syplillitlc Nature, and as an injection for diacasrs of th: l'rinary Organs. aiininefnm httbitn of disipn'ion, tMéd n connectión wUfi the KXTIÍACTS BCCUl', SAKAPAKILLA, tnd CATAW1ÏA OlïAl'E PDXS, in such diseascH as recommt'nded, cannot be surpassed. Trice, Oue Dollar l'er iíottle; D Fiill aud ezpliclt diroctimii accompany the medicines. Evidencc of themost rcsponsible androllablc char acter furnihed on atplication, with hundredsof thousandsof livinnwltncMCfi, and upward of 30,000 unsolicitcd certiücates and recommeudatory letters many of which are irom the hlffbest fiourct's, includiuï; eminent Physician, Clercymentatesmen. itc. Tho proprietor has never reorted lo their publication iu the newspapers ; he does uot do i li i -■ Irom tbo fact that his articlcH rank a Standard rrcparatlons, aud do uot ueed to be proppod np by certifícales. Henry T. Helmbold's (enii# ine PreparatlonSj Doliverfid to nny addrrtw. Secure from observntfon ESTABLIfHED Ul'WARD OF TWENTY Yi: HS. Sold by DrugcisU everywhere. Addre8 letters for nformatioa, in confidence to I1EMRY T. IIELMBOLD, Drups-Ut and Ohemist. Only Depots: H.T. Helmbold'n Drug and Chem leal WarehwiBo, No. 694 Broadwav, New York, oí to H. T. Helmbolü1 Medical Depot,'l04 South Tcnth Street, l'hiladelphia, I'a. BHWAREOFCOlNTEliFEITa, Ak for Hcury T. Hclmbold's 1 Take uo other. W10 QOOD NEWS1 Al AÏÏBOR WILD WiTil BIITBMÍ1 HIGH PEICES EXTEKMIHATED! S. SONDHEIM ItAS JUST RETURNM) FBOM THE E-A.S T, VVITÜ TlIE LARQEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ET'S RKYISKIXC COOD8, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCIIELS, &C, &C, &O., TUAT IIAS EVER BEEN BROUQTIT TO TUIS CITY, WIIICII HG WILL SELL Cheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE AS3ORTMENT OF CASSIMEIiES, C0AT1N0S, and VLSTING8, WIIICH HE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER ÍN THE BEST STYLE, ASD WARRANTED A FIT OEO SALE. t f H . , cc o i j S 3 fl H l 8 . 8 i gil gh J Jai 2 „f W 3 1 II gs i Ow II 3 g _ ui : n o x 2 s m 8 . S ï Í H8g n cc o B (85 P ia ! M O u Hl c3 n q 9 S ■ 3T " 1 m ' 8 i Í1 fff -K V á ■ p-i s O P lyroNiíir can xot bu y it. THE DTAMOND GLAB3LB,Mnnfacture! by J. E. Sp9DÓr H CO. , N . Y . , 1 hicli :: l ■■ f , t h f cel by UI tbo cclebrftted Opticísnsof tlie Wcrrld to be the Mosi Perfect, Natural, Artificial lul tu the human ƒ e evn fcnown. Ti: y are groánd unaer thelruwnsapervlri n, f rum minuteCryrtal Pebbles, mcll r, snd derl theli unie," DlimondV'oD accooni o f lhii hardv . Che Beienttflo Principie on wliMíii thov fi IbringHthfl cure or centre of 'hf lena dl reet y In froot of the eye, inií aricar and disttnet vlstot!, as in the natural, liealthj aight and - lunpleaunt sena tiitiiK, :icti h tflini . rinií nf sight, ili.iiu s, &., [u-ctiürvr to all ■■tlie:a u-i. Thcy tremoonUd ín the F I NEST MANNKR, tb timmet of the best qua Mi y , of alt mnte ríala osedfbf Thair ttniih and dnrablilly cMinot h$ urpassed. CAlJI'ION'. - None genbtne anlefii bparing tlieir trads mark Atan peri on ctctv fram J.C. W,n..V HRO.. .!ewr]er8AndOptIoíaD8,ate oleüífcntn lor ASv AiïPOR, M1JIÏ., from -horu tbey can only bo ottnineu. These goodn are not aui)plicd to Pedlers atan prirr. lÜfiTyl Wftrner'i Pll Reincdy haa never falled (no even In one chpc) t euro the verv wornt CUM o Illind ItchlDg or Bleedlng PIlcp. Thoeo who ar afllictf dihoulcl lmmedlately cnll on thoi r drugjrïi and pet lt, ior H wïll. with'tho appllcatlon, in 8iHiiily afford complete relief, nni a few folio win Rpplicatloni ari only reqnlrad to effect a permanen vvilhuut any tnmblc or hiconvcnicnctj in lt ate WAVfuaPn.i BarnT Is rxprcelj for the Pile and it is hot recommended to cure any othrr diseae lt hriR cnred many caeee of over thlrty yoara stftni Ing. Prica One Dollar. Poisaleby dragglata evo WEAK ]STERV"E8 Warner'i Dyqtepala Tonle ie prepsred ei prcssly for Drspeptlca na A thom ufferfng froin wtk uervcs with hnbitunl (.onstipation. There nr . w who h&ve not employed])liysiciruw for yi-ar to remedywhat thta preparation will do in a fa weeks, by strongthentngtue nervee, enrlcbiBg tl circnhitiun . restorlDft digeation, giving strengi mciiiiiiiy and pbfsicaily. enabllng tbose who ma nave been confined foj yeare to (huir rooms ru Inva ils to agaln roiunu' tlicir occnpatlom inid uil the cli tleeofllfo. One trial Is all we aak u eirabletb romed; to reoomraend Uaelf to the most skeptica U Isaallgbtly sümutatlog tonlc nnd nopU-u ilid apn et reugthene ibe stoinach and restores tl generativo organe umi digestión to a normal Iicalth stnjc. Wi'nk. nerv umi dytpeptlc jktb'us shou ugo lfn'i DraPsFBu roxio. Por Bale bydrugeist l'riiv One Dollar. COUG1I NO MOIUif VVoniir' Congfa Baltam Urbealtng, Ingandcxpenl rating. Tlie power ■ ?, Immedlately relierlng, aud cventnullv en i i lt t lic niiist obstinate casca of bon '.iis. t)lc!.,Sor Tnroat, Bronchitis, li Dnensaj Catarrh, Hoai Asthmannd ouMimpiion, Is almost Incredible. S prompt U the rollef and certalo lts effects in all tl ahovc cases, or any affection of the tliroui and Inng thal tbonands of physlclana ari' prescrlblGg it, ac onc and U s'iy tbat ft is tbe most healing and expe torating medicine known. Onc tl 'se always aflri relief, and in mest cases Mie bottle effects a c:ire Sold by iill drogglaM in largo butilo. Price Onè Dollar. Mlsyourown faalt Ifyon stili cough anc siiiTer. The Balsam will cure,. The sreat Blood Pnrlflcr and Delicióos Drinl Wiirncr's Vliti:m Vïlei. (r Wlli at lAfr isfree from any polsonoot dinpe orlmpnritla beini prepared f i tlioae who requlre a stimulant. It ia splendtd appetiserand tonic, and flaost tliiii" i the world for purlfylntr the blo). It ie the mos plcnsant ivY doltcions artlde ever oftered t tl publil . i'itr vupexj r i" brandy tvbjskey. v.'-m-. Bitter .r Tv oiher articlé II it more healthy andcheape Both malo ano female, yonng or oíd, can i Win e of Ufo. It is. In fact, a Ufe preservar, Th' s vbo'wltíh fco enjoy good healtb and afrêeflowi lively spirits. 411 do well to tako the Wlne of I.if [t In dinerent fr m onythinff ever before in u?e. ] ' by alldrnggiets. I'rict' Onc Dollar, in quar bottles, EMMENAGOGÜE.' ■ 'm ii BpBiMunwiwi Vi -.:■ 's ■n-m,11,-„;,f.„sj„(. a tne O),. known to cure i v ] cure In ev ïry cjipc la :!■■ ramily I whlch Ibis Important medlrli lnotwantedf Mother, thl Is the greatest bles log ■ vor offercd yoi ld yoo ahiuM Immediatelypn curell It ts also a sure cure tor Pemale Irregular ties, and may he dep tndfid upon in every cn-c whei the monthly llow has been obstructed throogh col or distase. S ld by drugglsta. X'iiccOue Dollar. Tho oiïginatorof thiswondcilul medicine, claim to have discovered and combiiud in harmony inore o of iVoii Uprqpertia than wa ever beforc comblned in one in dlcme. ïhe videnc or tala fset is ïouud n the reut variety of most obMiuaiu dlnease whicb it has boen fonua to cunquer In the eire of BronckiUt,Semre Covghs, and the enrl etages of Ummmplion, h has astonisued the medica facnlly, and hundreda of the best phjsicians pro nounce it the grta ' ditcocery nf th age. Whilü tl cures tho scverest ConghB 1 treuLtbcn tlio system and pnrifles the bleofl. B :iiui thorongh blo. c, pn'rifylng propertles, i curesall iluinors l'rom the .worgt ëcrofala to a cora mou Blotch, Pimple or Eraptlon. Mercurial Diie Mineral Poliona Syphllitlc and Venerinl Dlneoera and the Ir effecls ure eradlcxtod and vlgorona healtl and a fonad contkutioii e?tabllhed. Erysipela? Salt Ulu-nm. Scald Bead, Pena Sores, 8clyo Roiii;h Skin, in sliurt. ui] the numeroas diseaee caosed by ld blood, are oonqnered by tliïs powerfti pmiflnsand Invigorating medfclne For LSve Compliint," Bilious Disorders nnd Habitúa] Consti basproduecd hnndieda "f perfect and per manent cures uin-ro other medicines lmd faUed. The proprtetor nfferá il 000 n wan! fot a medicin tlmt will eqiial It in tho euro of all the disoases fo whfchltls rocoinnu-nded. Beware ofconuterfeit juul wofthleaa [mltfttlana. See that my private Gov ernment ftamp, vhich la tLpostlivtguarant e of fienn InoDGft.ifl Dpon theoaiside vrpper. rhtsmedtdn is sold i'v Drnfffflsta Ht ii.OOper bottlu. P#epare by B. V. PIEROK, M. I)., Sol Proprietort at h! Chemical I.nboratory, 188 Séneca utreet, BoSalo N. Y. A UOUST 10th7l870. NEW WHEAT FLOUR superior qaaltly, at the ANN ARBOE CITY MILLS. Very nli'o bolted Cotn Heat. eotirse Meal, Orahnm Plonr- good secood quallty Flonr at lcw ]rice,- Crüokcd Whent, and all kinds of Peed, at towest prlccs.and delivcred Inany pnrt ofthcclty. Tennp Cash. VIT Orden lelt in my Order Box at thePost Office promntlyattcndcd to. 1383 J.T.91VATIIE1 AJOTICE! N"otioe i bereby trivm tbi ftftoz thia dato T shal] pay DoÜUsof my wxfesoran] other pereon's comtracting, unleea oaid bilis wci-e made on wriften orclero sincd by VM. BUCKIXGHAM. Ann Arbor, Feh. ftth, 1871. 1308 wfi POR SALE! !! A VALUABLB FRUIT FARM, 1 ■ ! Fruil ']■'■■■- - pleasantly situ ited, in a fiowcitAúna villaje in the western pari oi the siu',-, and pn tho Lmeof tbe W.C. R. R. M'iH 1-o exchongci] f or proTrtj' i'i Ann Arbor. Aitiilv to tíUTHEKLAND Wil i ISOfiwfi vet Köwa Office. IOR SALE. A. Hoiise and Lot On East ride State Stn et, in tho City of Ann Aibor, iliinl house south of Waahibngi a. 'I i.i1 Lol h 4x8 rods, md th houso i of 1 riek, one and a i alf stories. Wül bc Bold ii ■:!-■ hi'Hïivc of Jódge Bet&fift, of Bdward Uvan'. Northfleld, or addreaa the uiuk-rHigried it HigWand, OakltmdCo., I Arm irbor, Jnn. 20, 1871. 1307 tf Chancery 8ale. IV SpTTEfitTANCE and by virhio'of a dberce of the Circuj ■ the Conotr of WaeülJtenaw, in honcor', made on the Üfth öayof May. A. D, 1870, n Ëhecai ■ pehw in Bboni ■■■.!. lnniman ís ComploinHil.t mul init-iin luiot ::tnl Cordiiliit Uoot are defend- given, tnat I BhaD ael] at pub■ii, to tho htehefri bidder, on Saturday, the IrM flny of April iwxti ai fil Vön oclock a. m, of Bttïd liky, at the fkonl orsouth door of tbfi CÖnrt Hoiuo, In he ( il y ui' Au:) A riior, in the ('mmtv of "a..)iteiiiiw, ii the otate t' Michigan, tli followmg dea ribed reaJ istate, to-wi1 : in the townsliipof .iU:in, VVashtnaw 'iim.iy, Statejof Mii !.i..iT, !■ th'6 nortn half of the ia4 half of the aorth i inxber wctfty-ninc, 21 . iel the ea1 balfol the northwest luaxtet of aection tipenty-eight, eKOoptiap the üd o the above descríbed Lnnoua t' the hcira at law of Lmanda Hinington, who wu the danghtor af Addey ïoot. Irttcd, Ann Aror, Fel'. lCth, 1871. K.BEAHAN, I 1). C. Hni.BKooK, WashtenaTV Coanty, Uioh Bolicitor 6w omplainant. 1809 DE0PLEv8 DRUG STOKifil R. W.ELÜS& CO, A.3ST3ST jA-HBOS. Estáte pf Öottjiet Ucckerlo. LTAÍRÓK MICniGA"N,CutmtjofWahtcnaw,H cela bereby glven thatbr pn ontorufthe i Courtforute Conntjol wafeMnaw, nunlc OU i itr ,-irv. A. 1) "71 ■■'. ■ iTioiiiiis iru i date were atloweil fi credltooto tfeeïr claim b agpiont thee&tutü f ftuttli h tmd Ihat 11 r;rdliore of said iteceatel are req.utnid to rhefr clafme to satd Probate Courl al theProbWtc Offl e. in the City of Ann Arhor. fnr exiiniimuíon anti u'ikivi.utrjui or beforctho sftventeeDth dft} of Au : Huil Hiioli claims wlllbo heanlböfore safd ProbateOoort, onSatnrday, tho tbirteentn day and on Thuredav, th day of at ten o'clockintheorenoon o ►J .Dated.Aun Arbor. Febrti&ry I7th A n. 1S71. HIÚAM J. BEAKEfl, I3iow4 Jndgeof Pn Roal Estotofor Salo. CJTATE OP MXCHIG tN.Oonntyol Waahtoaaw, w 0 J ti the matter of the Kstate of John . ; i ;m ordei granted totl d, Adminutri ■ ■. . on tlic ninth day axy, A. JX 1871. there wil! be told al public trighesJ bidder, at thedweUburh the premiaes hi loribBd, in the Couuty of : . , the oleventh day Of Abtil, A. i, 1871. al ten o'cIock in the forco m "f that day [subject toali taoninbniiieesbymoTt■ thi time "t sale, and ateo unject to the riffht of dowcr of hn widow therefn] tl:" leiluM mi' deacribed real estáte, t o-vit : northeavtqnai a I mthweet quarter, the northwest qpartor of tho southeasi qaarter, tbc north hall' ot' 1 ha oortl aal qnarter of tl i $u, contai&ing out hundrtd aon n more or les, nnd il) uil that pari of the Bouthen ri quoxtei of the sonfliw. i u:ii-!n of sniii wMifitm t'U'veu, lyiuk' north i t the Kttobigan Central Railroad, and eoantiiuuag seren avrea more or tena, all iu townahip two aouth of range three eost, in eaiá State. Dated, FebrnarySSd, A. D. I8T1. MAIIY E. DEPKW, 1310 Ailniinistratrix. Real Estnto for Sale. QTATB OF MICHIGAN", Ctranty of Wajhtenaw, ps 0 In the matter o? tho ostatcof John Qeorge Volz, ;. Kotlce la bereby knon. that in purraanoe 01 ni oi o the nndenrigned, AdTnhttstrator of the estáte of saiddeceaaedj by th Hon. Judgeof Probate for tho CoTintj i : r, A. I). 170, wfU ! public trendne. to the úiat hesl bidder, at the &onth door nf the Court f I'iu -.;■'. m the Citj n'. Ann Axbor. in the Couuty of raay. thv of April, A. I). 1871, al ten o'dofck intheforerioon of that oay , nibjeol to aU encnntbranoB )y mortgage i r otherwise exiating at the time of the dcatÜ of üaid de ot t the riffht f dower of the foUowing deecrtbi reoleetate, : A parool óf land deacnDed as commei .i poinj in the cent r f tin; l.Tivr White rond on tlie west line of ■.■■ tthirty, n thetown bipoi Ann Arbor, and thfarteen ohofna north from the went corner of :'il Bection, running thence south two and ■■■ to th soul h ■■ ner of said aection thirty, thenoa north eighty-eeven nul i (juarter degi'ees eaat twenfcy-1 wo oliaina añd eleven links, thenoe north two Jini a hall ti chniiiu and aixty-three links tothecei said EbeT White road, Úu nee sonth eerei a half d ■ ■ ad road t the place of beginning, thirty-four and 96-100 acres. Aïao al the nortbwest corner of ■ thirty-ono, i:i the townof Ann Arbor, running thi nee easi alongthesectidn line forty-4bnr caalns and jorty-tliiee linl i . thenoo Bouth aeren chaicB and thirty-onc links, thence w M forty-fi forty-thrfte Itoks, thence aortíiaevenchAinsandfortyfive links to the place of bezinning, oontaining thirtytwoand T8-100 acres. Alsotfae eam halfol thoeasl half of the south woat qoaxter of neetion ten, ín township three aonth ol . Also iv.i:nty aeres of Land lying north of way, and off of toe ïAt eidcol of the soutneasi qti "ion twenty-flre, tn tovnah i of ranee ftveeast; and alsofifteen aeree of land Lyinfl soutG of the hiffhway, and off mat half of the southeaat qnarter of said tty-flve; all of eaid l&nda boing in Baid Btateoi Mkhi Dated, February L4th, 1871. ! ' I J011XA. VOLZ, Adminiatrator. Mxrtgage 8al, i EFAULT haring been made In the condJJi 1.9 o rtain indenture of n ted by Jacob llsbory, i'1: "Dfitonil i mber, A. U. 1865, and recordcd in I ; rnnty of Waahtenaw, i ■ Michigan, in Uber 3-1 of 1 iil day of 1 N A. i1. I atilt the pover of -■ tuined in lai ■ suit or procoediinr at hw or In óhanoery havii institutf 'l lo : and there bein i ho in'!-1 ■■! i ompanying : bj dredand sèventy-is dollars and sixty-one o furthei iumkof foa - - "- : iie CorecloBure oxpressly agreed to hO paid in and by s;:iii mi ftet i ■ uing ia , .l.hir ut law or in ohant Notke lia thexefore ' '. thol said rnortpage will bc foreclosed on Tueed&y, tho eighteenth day of April next, fit ton oüock ín the fbrehoon of i atthesoutn dtxir of the Courl House, intbe ityof Á nu Ai bor. ï? i nnid ( 'ouni the plai óf washteoa actíon, to tli'1 in h iid n-ovtr so nnu-h tlioi-eoí' sis shall the amount duo on said i asonoble . ad the nit : . with on Attorney's Fee of f oirty dollars pro- iu snid raortngc, whicL are !■ ■ ' : AU those ■ tinl y of W] ite of Michigan, known i lows, i iz : The i ■ n haij of thi ai h r of section Beventocn, towu four Bouth, rn ASbo an acre oí kind on i h road, off ïoin the northeant oornor of the wotri haU of tho hoi.; ' ■ r of said n n. in a three corner lot on bouse formerly stood. i' the eouth ■ nor of theweitt haM of thje wesi half of the north weet ■ on tlfteen, ín soid town four, and runchains, in . t bence ensl Bto ohnins, thence south tvr mty cliains to the place of beginning, contri roe Of land. Dated, Saline, January Lflth, 1871. bESTÉR &ÏLSB1 KV, Múrtffngee. r. M. Eatoh, Atty. for Mortgagee. 1806 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baving been In the condii.tongnf n certa In Indentnre of mortgnpe, exeented by Aupnptufl Bond and Hattie hl. Bond, 1 ï - wifo, to í ? ■ i i ■ i Brown, be&rliug date the of ' 'etober, A. 1). 1804 . and recordad ín the office of the Register ofDeeda for the County of Washtenai and State of Michigan, in Iibcr3iïof mortpaeR, on page (W, on the twenty thlrd tlay of November, A. 1). 'i-ú, vhlcb siiii oiprtgaga was aaslgnod by aaU David Brown to James T. Morton, ty written aaslgn ment, hoaring date Febraary ött, 1SO5, aud recorded U) Hb r B8 of mortgrtjïes, in pftL6 %99 u said Rogister'a office, on the fourtcenth day of Ft-bmary, A. D. 1 Si'5 , by whidi delhnlt the powor of sale contained in Biñd m'rtgní:e lias liocomo operativo, and no finit or ptoceeoïng ft law or in cnancery havhig !eon Ineütated to recover the ainonntdtte on aald mortgage, and thcre being now chunit'd duo on said moirUfftge and ooteaocompanylng the same, tin; eum ofsevcn hundred and twenty twodollan and twonty-six cents, as wfll is tb furthcr snm of llftfon hnndjed lll)irs wlth intcrest froni October lot li , 1870, ecciiredundto bocome aald mortgaj,' and b)bo the hirtoer sudi of Öftyd Attornev fee on thia forecloaore, cxpresslv agreed be puin In and by said raortgase as ofte ii a any proceedln'g Is taken to foreoloee thi mortgage, elther at law orlu Chancery ; Noticothereforo, la b'areby glven, thal satd mortgage will be foreclosed on Honday, the twonty-sev enth diiy of Waren nest, ut ten oclocb Lu the in of snifl day, nt the south door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in pald Oonnty, fsald Confi Honae belngt the place of holdlLg the Circuit Conrt for ine County of Waahtenaw), by a Bale at public nution. to the highest bidder, of the premUes described Ineatd )o mach thcreof as shall benecessary lO 8HÍ1M 1 IK' HnïOUIll IIUU 1)11 MUU III Oí 1 ilU - Sllíl rcíwmable costa aml expenses. And the Interest mi s:i;! mortgogc, together with an Attorney fei' o lullnrs imivldul for in Batd mortgage', and ?nb. ject to payment of tbe forthei som of fifteen hnr.dred dollars with the interest tbere n (rom o :tober 19th, 17", yet to become dne thorron, whiefa init-_':i-c(! premtses aro descrlbed in Bald m sfollows: Allthose certaln pitees or parcelé ol land sltnated In the townsbip of Saline, in the Conntv of WaeMenaw and State of Michigan, ueM follown, vl s thi nnarterofscc" (ion twntv-om: in township fonr soutb and range ■ !. ín the stutr of Michigan, ezceptlng t-n acres off from tho cnn slde thereof; al twentj ncres off from the uortb oud ol' the i :-i half of the northwcstnuarter of scctlon twenty-elsht, and ten icrei off from 1 1 1 - north end "f the went half of tbe west half of the northeatt qaartet of aectlon twenelght : all i township fonrïour wuih and raojte Sve eaft, and coutalolng In all ine hundrod w.d eighty i huid more or li-ss ; whlch two jast desertbed pareéis have been i:c!i;a-ir'd from sald mortgage, and will not bc sold by virtuc thercol' uutler this notice. Dated, necembcrSSth, HTO. JAMES T MOTiTON, Assljince of Mortgage. Colman, Root & KrxNX, Atforneje forAselgneo. 1302 Mortgage Sale. TEFAUI.T havlng been made In th ndltlon of a 1 ' certafn mortage ezecuted bj EEdward ltyau, of Northtltïld, Coimt.v of Washhtenaw and State ol fichliian, toWillÉunS. Barry, of the same i!:ií-'-. :n thi llrst Si A. O. 1868, and r n theofflce oi 'in1 Register of Deods for said Oonnt; f w : s 1 1 r nnw, on fonrtli d:iy (tf Deceuber A. i. i GO at üvo o'cïook P. M. of i !iber37 of inort:';il"S, on puge 328, wiiirh sjud mortgAge IsnedUTsaid Wllllam 8. Barry to Lu her James, o? the City of Ann Arbor. Coonty and irth day of December, A ). 18O, and recorded in the offlee of the ■ I )cctls for sald CoontT of Washtenaw, on the foorth iiynf December, A. 1). [8S6,at s o'clock P.M. of aid day, in llber 88 of mortgages, on pie 234, and nat there U cliinicd to bc dne at tho d;if' hereof, lic sum of onethousand imd elghty uinedolKrs and w(iit ■ o ac attornoy fee of thiitydolars shonld anr proceedlngs be bad to florecióse the ame, and fnrthor Instatiinents. to become dtioon ail mortgace, and no snit or proceedlngs ü ia r v h-ivhr 1" rn had to recovor the debt 6enrerlby aao.órany partthereof: Notlce is hereby given . thal by vlrtnc oí the power fraleiuwuil mortgaae oontalned, I hall sellat nbllcnnction, to the bjgbest bidder, on theeleventh y of March A. D. 1871, "t two o'clock in tin' afteroon ofthat day, at the front door oftheConrt :ouse, in tho city ut Ann Arbor, in tho Cojmty of rashtenaw and State of Mlchlcan, ihc premlseaderlbed i" faid mortgage, as all those certaln . parcolfi of land desenbed n follows to wit : The li of the Dorthwost qnarter f hpciIoii twen■-clht, juni f'. ui' acres of tbc oast half ctf tho northuarter of sald sectl'D, heietfure 1 ■ 1' 1 by ild party of the flrst part t" said party ofthe'socid parU all bwloff io towDshlp "nc snth of range x cast, In Bald township "f Northfleld, in the Conn r Wasotooaw, State of Michigan. Dated. Dec., 18T0. LUTHER JAMBS, Aeelgnee of ild Mortgage. JOHV N. OoTT, áttor 'neo ison T IVE (1EESE FEATHJiRS FIBSTQtTALITY, Oonstantlyonhand and forsslcby B ACH r ABEL Goto R.W.ELLIS & CO's forstrietly Pare Drugs and Medicines JPaints ,Oils, &c. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE i ::-iitcnuw,ss. i ín i: ■ that in pun ■ ■i. liy I : i Mili ■■■ BOltl H.( pul ,, Salem. üj ,,,i Statc.on . i 1871, ut ten o'i lock in bung ;it tho timé of the death oi it : L'hei uurty-six, in bwnship onc o ín said U;ii' I, 1 1 bruai . I !i, .'. . , ÜIJAM OEER, " miniatrator. Ken] Estáte for Snle. OTATE 0FMICH1 l' 1" '■■ m order of Pro■ day oí January, A. D. 1871, there wül be lie vendue, tu i on the p ntyof ■ : v of Mareh, A. D. 187] nt that day (subject to al) i-n imtn"uxe by ■■ :::l lll.tii.i. of th oí said docensed, and ni IrL-i wiilow then in) ?'.. i "■i! : The we i h ilf of ih ■ northeast quarU'toi seotion thhty-tw Ecepting about Bye hitos i.if from the aouth ena ox lerly conveyed by llett to James w. Hill: ai of the northweat qnarter of m „ beIng in townshii ,.,.;,, n .....i State, ana oanuiniag one hundnd and mi r-flve aerea more oí I)utcd, I'cbruiir5' 2d, A. T). 1871. JOHN scriF.NK, ' " Alministr;itor !■ Estáte of Eher M. Munroe. GTATI OF M10HIOAH, Coantyol u. At a Besston f the Probate Conrt for the Countv of Wuhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tluCityofAnn Arbor, on Toeeda;, the twenty oi-hili day of FY'brnnrj, in the yoar cine tboniand elsbt hundred and reven ty uut. Present Blram .;. Beako, Jndge of Probntc. In tho matter of the estáte of EberM Manrco eïeceaaed. in reaSing and fllln)rthepet!tlon,dnly vorifledof Konroe, praylna that a cerlalu Isatrument ti.iw on nic In tbla Conrt, pnrportlng to bi the l.-t will anil teatament of said decenteos may !■ adtnitted to Probate, and that abe may be appolnted Exeentrix thoreot. . Thereupon it i onlered, tbat Mondny. the twentyaaj ofMarch ntxt, at teno'clock in the forenooii beafslgned forthe bearlogofsald petltlon.and tbat the leiüitees. deviíeoü and hcirs at liw of Mld deceaeed, and all other persons Intereíted ií Baideetate, ure reqalred t appMr atatemlon of said Conrt, then to be holden, al the Probate Otllce iyf Ann Arbor, nd show cause, f any therebe, why the prayer of the petilioner shonld nol begrantcd: And it la farther ordcred tl a said r glvo notlce to the persona IntereMed In said estáte, of the pendency uf suid petitlon and tho hearing tbereof, by cansing a copy of thls order to be pnbllühed in the Viel . a nevspaper urlnted and drcnlatlng in said County.three - Ive weeks provtona to sfiiil da; of hearing CA trnecupy.g HI11AJ1 .1. BEAKE8, ISll Judi.' ol Pn Estáte of EiiDice Baldvin OTATE OF MICmOAN. Counl . - ■ donof the ProWe Conrt :■ cf washtenaw, hol. in jj,e (ï'y of Ann Arbor, .on Friday, the twenty-fourth daj of Febraary , in the onethon ■ Qty-one. Present, Hümm J. ! In the matter of the -,ia: ISaldwin, OnteadingandfQingthe petition, duly vsrifled, of ■vi n. pravin noy on Ble in thia Cwat, purporUsg lo bethe -y be admil á to , und that 1 : i.'k,,,;i i:XC(-utor iponil is onlcrnl, tlint Mondny, thatwentr-aoranthdayof Marchnlock in the forenoon rnedforthohei petition, and that tbe I liivi of said allothei toappearat si atthel'robate Offirn, in l'.r Citj of Aon Vi i Bhonld not begranted: And it ia further I, that said petitioner give notke to thei the adam ■ thereof, byi order tobepuWished in th aewa. rinted and eirculaöng in eksprevioiu tosaid day of beai (Atmeoopy.) HIHAM J. BI AKFS, 1311 Estáte of Lydia Rosier. CJTATEOPMICm LtyofWashtoi i ' At ;i session of the Probate 'mat tot ■ of Ana ArboT, on. Honday, the , February, in boosand eight hundred and seventy-one. t, Hixam J. Beakos, Jndgo of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Lydia Boeier, deOu reading and flling the petition, dnly verifled, ol Gtwge Huloi, praving that somi ui may Dinted administratoi of the estáte of said deTherennonitiaordered, That Monil;iy, thetwtmtyBeventh day of v.::í next, al ■■n o'cloek I ■ d, iiiul alloth:. Buid estáte, I to appear at eeesion of said Conrt, then to beholdcn al the Probate Office, in the city of Ann AiiBhowcaoae, u any tbere be, why the prayei of the üd not be grantod : And it fnrther . thal -:ii.l pi ÜMi.l.i l interested in Baid estáte, of the pendency of ,iï petition, and tbc h; ■ f, by oausing a oopy oftliis in the Vicia] , newsirinfed and circulating in snia Connty, three bui c revioue to suid day of heori [Atruocopy.] iLl];. ;: J. i;i 1 1311 Judgeof l'i lístate of Joños W, Gleason. QTATEUF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw. O Atasesslonof theProbate Cowl for theCotmtj of Waahtenawi holden al the Probate Office, In the CltyofAnn Arbor, on Thnreday, the nhith day of Febrnary, Ín rlio year one tu drer] and seventy-one. PreseaUHiramJ.BealceetJndgeofProbate. In the matter of the Estáte of Joña W. Uleaeoi, deccascd. On readluga&d illing tbepetition, rltil y veri fie d.of Challes KiüL'sloy and George H Palmer, Actminietratan prayingtbat they may be l'censed to eelj ccrtain realostato whereof saiaeceasod dled iclsed. Thertiapos itieOrdored, that Moa da j , the iwi uiyscviniih d;y of March next, at ten o'clock In ttM foreuoon,bè aaelgned forthi hearing of Baidpetltion and that the helra at law of sald deceased, and all other persone intcrested in said estáte, are reqolred to ftupeaT at a sesslon ofi - ilion to be hohft'iiat the Probate Ofürc, in tlicC'ïty ofAnn Arbor aud show canee, Ifany tbere be, whytneprayer ofthe petiiioncrshould ooi be gran tea: Anditisfurtherorerded,that aald petltloner glve ootlce to the tntereeted in said es tato, of t lie pendeney of said pc t:tïon,and the hearing thereof, by canelngacopy cl tbls Order to be pnbllshed in the Michigan Argñt, f Döwspaper prlntedand clrcolatlng la sMid ('ounty, foiirj 11 lïcesaive weeks previous to Baiddftj ofheaiinpr. fA truecopy.) HIIÏAM J.BKAKKS, I3iotd # Jndgeof Probate. Estáte of Jotra P. BreilonweBdbar, QTATEOF MICHIGAN, County ofWaahtenaw, sa. o At a BOAaion ofthe Probate Conrtfor the Conntj of ÏVaehlonHw, holden at the Probate Office. In the City of An n Arbor, on Prtday, the eeren teen th dat ofPebroary, In theyear une thousand eighthumlrcd and sevcnty one. Present, ut ram 3. Bpakop, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Sstate Jlm F. Breitenwcscher, deceaeed. On readfng and Aling the petlUon, dnly veriflcd, ol HenryJ. Davidter praylng that acertaJu 1d struinen t dow on file In thls Conrt,pnrporting to be the last wili :iiui testament oí' eaíd deceasod muy be admlt ted to probate, and that he may be appoiuted Kxeentor Oiorc'f. Tlicreupon it is ordered, that tfonday, tbe ïwt'iitioth (i.-iv of Maroh nexti at ten o'clock in the forenoon be asslgned for the hearing "f sald petltlon, and thut thtí legatees, devlseee, and hfiire at ïaw of eaid docoascd, and nll other pers DB Interasted In sald etato. are reqolred to rtj)pcnr nt ft session of sald Court, tben tobi bolden, at tbe Probate Offloe, l the Olty of Ann Ar bortand show oanBe , If any there bo. w)iy the pr&yei of Ihepetltlonerflhouid nol be fianted: And it is lurtber ordcred, that, sa:tl petitïont'i oivenottceto th4 persons Inlerested in aid estáte, of the i endency ol .-liii petitton, and thu hoarlng thcreof, bv canstng a copy of this order tobe pablished in the U b newvpaper prlnted and clrcniatlng h. said Countv. three sacoesalve weoka ald day of hearing. tA 1 rut; copy.} HIBAW J. BKAKES, 1310 Judge of Probate. Estáte ot Catbarine Kcenan. STATE OF M [( ECCfl N'. Connt; of Washténaar, ss, Atasessionof theFrobate Court for the Coonty of Waahtenaw, holden nt. the Probate Office, in the riiy of Ann Arbor, on Xhursday, the twoty-third February ln ilu' year one tiiousand eignthundred and seven ' . Ililll'll -1. I In the matter of the estáte -t Catharine Eeenan, . ■ g the petition, duly vei ■ Mnrtha'T. ojb o(in, profin thiïl aheoreomeoter euit appomtod AdminiBtratrbc ot' tJie inpon it. is ordered, that Mondayt th i . of -T;:r. h next, ai U n o'clock in 1 1 tTKffij be B8a%ned foje the hearbag ofsaid p-tition, ind that tiae heixa nt Uv of said d ceaaed, and all t'lerperwin in' ' estáte, (re reqnired to apear at i session o Jden, at ihe Trobato OffiEe, In the City ol Anu kibor, una use. if any fchete be, why the prayer of the )etition r should not be ranted: And it ja furthcz mJered, that said pentioncr Riye noace to me persons ■ i in said estáte, al tbs pendenoj "i' raad peüi.,11, and the hearing thereof, I . niynf :,r to be pahuahed in ü ' i;r, n lewapaper printed and cuxulating in said County, hreo sur,-, üsive weeks iu-e kras towiid il.-iy of '. (Ateuooopy.) il 1 KAM .1. I 1310 Judgo of Probate. Estáte of Georgo W. Lumbnrd. 2TATE OFM [CHIQ Uï, County of Wtahtaaaw, u. Át ñ sesöion of tiho Probate Court for Üio if Wa&htenaw, holden ( th Piolaata Offloe, intbe itv of Ann Arbor, on Tuesilay, th. soventli ■■( -iiruavy. in Uifi yeiiv onc QioBMind elght hvsuk .il)1 y-o[H'. ■ i. Hirom -1. I eof Probate. in attoi af the eetato of ueoxge W, Lombard, John C. WinaaSi Ailmini'.r:.1ov dt hmnl lun of Baid -i mt:., ri.nii a intu Court uinl representa that be is dow .n p ui d to ronder hi Hnul iieoount as ach AdminUTherenpon t l orti redi ll:ii Ifonday, the twentietb lnvof Mureh next, Kt ten o'olook in forenoon, ned for ' xaminingand allowing uob account, I tin' heirs at law of s:iii deoeased, ;:id nll ither persona interested in aald ertate, are reguired t' tmoar :it :i Resftion of .lid Court, tben tt be bold D, ai I,.. p,.,; i'llo'. m i-ity of A nu Arbor, in tald 'oiinty, mil Aov cause, it any thors why tl ■ -lioulil nnt lw allowed: Anó H ftirtber said Admiiustzatoz io the ted in said sstate, "1 üie pendencyof d account, and fhe hewing thewef, by oaosing a ony of this oxdei to lo publuhed in tbc .Vtr-ft, newpaper prfated and ctrcularing in aid !ounty, three ■ rsela pnviaaa to.-.iM iay '(i'Sfepy.) H11Í.VMJ.I1KAKKS, 1310 ' - "f Probate. I Estntc oí james R. Bush ■ tlfóiwtud ,;";,, ?;'rf ff aovonty" nl "adíej; re üf Pwl Uminirtraforof , [ !- thai M " í v ' tieth day of ICarch next, ut ten ,■ V í1 ít ío.en.Km ),.. Miat t,c h.JH-"'': ■ ' ther unonTfa , ' ■ holden nt thu.ProUtSS? of Aun Arbor, ín said („„♦ , ,unt and&?fflï ■'""-: r, tbr SuivrwXd tateof Jídward Bareess ÍJ Ai :i e I mrt f,'r „""".ll , holden M the ProbVteOffltífC Monday, the t-.„, ;:,'," t: i y, ia the year one thoasand ciitlit ü! (i l ""narcdiy un J. Beakes, Judffc of Prol,.., he matter oí theeetate oTEdward mag md fllin-r the petition, dulv ,Wio I Aun Burgen, prayin thot s),,.,, , 6Hf íoibiblo peraon, may be appointed ndminSí141"' tnteoi said dweased. '""tm enpon ,i U olr8iwed, Monday, thc. ttetb Ottjr nt llaioh ni.:.(, nt ten o'clu'k 'i r1 noon, lx; wsiinicd for the hcaiini; ot -iil ., r '"" thnt the beirs at law of u',l dcisl SS n1 persons interestedin sairt ct.-itc, aro rwm JL, ""W deaseion of aaid Coort, then to tf ,!? 'P-' ■■"■AnnArCaÍ!" il any there be, why the I'raj-erolthf'S,''" nol be graoted And it fa further onlS?'?' wud iw.tidoner rfve notirc to tho penona inSaC hi rinr thereof, by caaaiog a popy „f tliis „li"; he Michigan Argüí? ncw,-" í0 and circulntmp ín said Gonnty, three suéaSii previoua 'o saiI day of IlCilrilV Ve( Atgeoopy.) HIJtAM J. BEAKEs UW Jsc of Vni Estáte of Adam Mntz. CJT n: OF MICHIGAN, Countv of Washt O At a Bcseion of tho I'robate Coñrt for th.' í ' Waht v.-.r.v. holden at the Probate Office faSlW of Apui Arl or, on Fridoy, tbe third dar '.,f p.iü Ín tho year one thousand eight hundred and ÜÏÏ1' ono. wïïttj. Present Ilirnm J. HcikeR, Judge of PioWc In the mutu-r of the estáte of Adam M,,i, , Onreactog and ffling fta petitíon, dolyTBrf J John Oootz, Administrator, muyins th.'t V W",tl I UceuMd to eell oertain real ïstate ienwü7 I ad. tor thn of distriwü: I !'"■ ,1" 5 SilI' """iB thc pemiB intaÏÏJ i" tin ■ i deceaaed. "" ■-. Thorenpon it la ordered, Tliat tfonday, the twmtv ;::ni,n,!,,,tt..n o'dock n OÍ..?orS?S : for the hearing of said petiHon, and 1 th.C I teieated in said estáte, are requiied to auin-ir 'it tten to be holden, StttepÜÜ: LycTOf the pi-litionerTií not be : And ïi is further ordond tLi a " ' ■ '' " nono to tik' persons intirpstJ i "f . of the pendency of said i-t.tiö" Uhe ? jnii thereof, by canaing a copy .,t thb ader t„ i: cireulatintj in said ( onnty, four suceeive ïïf ■■' ut hearing ' (Aty!';'"Il1' niHAMJ. nEAKES ''"" Judge of Profcit Estáte of Henry Canfieíí CTATFOFMICIIIOAN.CountTofWasht. O At a senten of the Probate Conrt for tl n11 Utenaw, holden at the Probate Offir0""' City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesdïv ,ï '' h" da, ot Pebmarr, in the year one ythÓ5san??? hondred m il seveiity-oiie. "'ousand ttgt Present, HlramJ.Beake,jBdge of Proito „ncmatu-, of the estáte oí Henr?, OnreadlnrindflllBethe petition dnlvTeri(i. ■ Charle H. Kempf, AÍiüntotrator, prij ÍHÍ fí' may be MccniCd to sell eertaln real esta 7. Lk H eald decenw ,1 died e'.ied tc vhtlt" Therenpoii it is ordcred.that Wednesday the t. tj-seeonádayot Match Dext, at teno'elicï 3ïÜ forenoöS, be assiRned for the heaflw Jf Í petitton, and that the heirs at l„w o 8„(f„ and all other persons Interwted in 9„ d eS are n.quircd to áppcar at n session of air r '1' then tobe holden atthe Probate Office iiirhecW Ann Arbor, and show canse, 1 any ther be theprayerof the petitioner should not be ítkm. And i t is furtherordercd that taldpetfUon.rJL tice tor hi'i):rmflntercstlingaidcstateol the ixl dency ofsaul petition, and the hearinp thereoíb opy of this Order to l)B pnhlished In'tï, ,a newepaperprinted andcirculatij In said coiiniy. four sneecssive weekf previoni la gald day of hearing. ■ (Atrneeopy ) niRAM .T. BEAKES 13Ja JudeeofProb'iili. EUate of Rhoda Booth. CTATFOP MICHIGAN, CountyofWaihtenair, k At a session of the Probate Court forthri (■I Washtenanr. holden ai ihe Probate Oflirr in tb City f Ann Arbor. on Wednesday, the nfieenthdii rnary. in the year onethoiísand eight huciitd and seveoty one. Present iliram J. Heake?,'ndge of Prohate In the matter of the estáte of Rhoda Bood decea ed Philijt lïtirh, Exi'CTitor of the lust will snel toniaaed, come into Court and hét Benta that he i. now prrparcd tunndcr his aoal c. connt as sueh Ezecntor. Thercnpon it is Ordered. that Monday, the tbirteenth day of Marfth next at ten ofcl ckintheforcDOpn, be assigned for ezunining and alloiB stich aceonnt, anti that the leñatees, devisew md helra st law of said deeeased, aml all other perrons interested in said -?tnte, re requind loappcar ata session of said (,'nnrt, tbtnto be holden at the Probate Offlce, In the City ot iun . tn satd Coimty . and show canse, if any tbera be.why the said account shonld not beallowed: And it ie further ordered that Raid Execnun (rive notlceto the persons kfterested in aid estáte, nendency of saiii arcount, and the heann(5 tbertiof. by cansfnira copy of this order to be pnblishedinthe Michigan Anjus, a newspaper priítrd aud clrculating in said County, three succeuiie wookpprevione to aid dnv of bearing. (A trnecopy.) 'IIIKAM J. BEAKF.S, 1309 Judfe of Probate. Estáte of James O'Brien. S TATEOF MICHIGAN. Countj of Washteraw.n At asesfiiun of the Probate Court for the Coubij of W'ashtenaw., holden at the Probate Office, io ihs City of Ann Arbor, on Thuredny, the jiistta di; of Pebraary, In the year one thousatid cigbibnidred and seventy-one. Preseut. Hiram J. Beakes. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of James O'Brien, dccea8ed. Ou readingand ülingthc petition, dnlj-veriicd.ol MaryKeal, prayiog that 'f homas O'Brien, ortoma other suitable penoiit may bcappointed Adminiatistor of thc e-tate of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the thifteenth day of March next. at ten o'clock intheforeDoon be aesigncd for the hearing of eaid petl Uon, aud thai the heirs at law of said deceased. and all other persons interested insaidestate, are requimi to appcar at a session of snid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, inthe City ot Ann Arbor, and show caojBe if any therebe, wliy the prftyer of the petitioner sbonld not be Branted: Andlt sfurther ordered, that said tioncr j?ive uoticc to tne pereops interesten in wia estáte, of the pendency of said petition, aud the hearing tbereofi bycau&Ipga copy oftlile order to bepablished in tbe Micktgan Argut+% uewspsper, prljated and eire ata il dr n enid County, three stifc ccasivc weeke previuus to yjiitldav of hearlnif. (Atrueco]y.) III RAM J. BBAKES, 3Sfl9 _ Jmigc of Probate Estáte of TIn raas Aloxfindvr. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashtenaV, . O At i sesión of tho Probate 'cürt tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probato Office, in the Citj (rf Aun Albor, on Saturday, the ck-venth day ál bYirn ii y. in the yeaj one tkousund, cikt hundred and BI vctil J Present Jliram J. BcnkrsJudpc of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Thomas Alexanilcr, L-iv;wl. n readins and filing the petitioDt duly verilied, oí ! H. Alexonder, prayingthai a certain üacromeut now tn íilo in tiaa Court, pur] wrünjr tobe the last WÜj and t-tamont ot s;iil deOOCMOu niay tje lulmitted to probate, aikd tbal li nrj' 1). Beiuictt wi)' beapI Bzecutor thereof. Thereujpon it i onietéo ihat Monday, the tliirtntii day of M.nrli iirxt, :ii t-n o'clock in ihc forenoon, be ! for the henrinpr of said petition, and tlmt the -. devisen and tn tra at tew of eaid deoeaved ao" uil othor persons intereeted in said estáte, are required to appefti a Manon erf wrid ( 'osrt, lian to be holtlen, attne Probate OJüc, in the City of Ann Arbor, aod BhofW eanfle. if any theiv be, why tlie prayer of the petittoner anoatd not be grantod: And it is furtbcr i n, Ir ]i.]. thai Baid petitioncr gire notice to the ]erson9 ínterested ínterested in siil estáte, of tho pendeucy oí Bftid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causinfr oopy of thifl order to be published in the Michigan Arffu,a newspaper printed and tireulaün in mu . three BuceeauTe weelca previous to snid day oí (A tnie copy.) UI11AM J. BEAKES, 1300 Judgc of Trobate. Estáte of C'atharíne Berdan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnshtcnaw, bate Court for the County ■ i iahtenaW, holden at the Probato Office, in the ■ ( ity of Ann ArUr, OU Tuesduy, tlie fourteenth day oí i , in the year ono tbousand eight hundred anu I ono. Ptesení Hir;:m -T. IVak's. Jndro of Probato. En {he matter oí' tho Estáte of Cathárine Benlrtiii j 'n rcading and iïlinx' the pet ilion, duly venned, oí Daniel Kierstead, praying iliat heon sonto othersttttablf ']n-ion, may W appointed Administra tor of te of Buid di a .. . . ThereupOB it íh orderod, That Momlay, theuur- M.urh next, at tfin)"d(M-k in theforfai d tT iln1 hearing of said pctition, ana thíii the hiii at líiw of sjiid deoeaaed, and ftU othft pi rsona interested in said estáte, im: j-equired to appcAr ton of said Coort, tlion tob holden, at the Probato Office, in thojCity of Ann Arbor, and sho i any there be, why the prayerof the petitishould not be granted : And it i fnrthei ontered, tluw itioner give notíoe to the persona interested in ö, of tho pendenax of said petition, no tne hearing than of, by cauüng a eopy of Una order to t I in the IffcAtgnn ÁTgui, i nms i..ï 1 iind (iilutiníí 11 saM (omity, thrce succusuvo weet previous t Baid dav ut bearlBg (A trae oopy.) ' VIltAM .1. PEAKES, 1309 Judgc of rrotau OonimisMODers' Noties. STAT!'. QF ÍHCIIIOAN, County of ■VahtoTi"', m. rbe undersigned, hanng been appolnted by tne (om-t for Silid C'üuntv, rominissiomra to r5oeive, examine and aújust all claims anddemaoaf J ona against the eatate of Kdwin J. liliss, 1M I i oiinty. decefisod, hereby give notioo "'" monthsfxom dato are allowed,iy order ol Baiarrflirt, for crédito to present thoir olmms xt;mv uadtbattheï wil""1'?' of .. 1'. Kiiur, in tte dty of Ann Ailxir, in raid County, on Saturday, the thirUena dyol May.and Tucsday, the flfteenth day of A'ijiist next, at l Q'dockA. ïf., oieach Baid Juys, to rwxivo, examine, ( OnOBí-cb8th!A.D.1871. lrf


Old News
Michigan Argus