The Michigan Argus
,i;..i,fil i-vrrr Frlday mornlne, l" thethlrd story fV.hAckblook,co and Horon Street; . ,'ko MUI! on Hnron Strec' {tethePostOll "' Hl; b. Pí! Editor and Publishcr. y, $2.OO a leur in Advance. RATES OF ADVEHTISINQ : [12 Unes or lesconlderd w JÜ. 1 w. iw. w. ::m. Om. ly. - ,„.,r,-s I ■'■ I ;'-IMI I T.C -Lco!illñn"l 2.501 8.WIS.00Ï WOJ !l4_M,0C -jcolnran ï S.ÖO I 4Í0 I 6.0o"_10.ÖO IS.00 V,ról""". 1.00 T.00 9.00 tJibTnm ' -■„]tm,, - ■ 13.001 i. " ""' '"■"" "oAliPS IN DIBBCTORV, not to cxccorironrlinen M ,:„ yoar. " ,', ,rHerto tVoi-Ttciitof fiqunrtcrrnliimiionll i riiit-i'" wlll he entltled to have theircards JTnirtCtory wltbont extra ohnrpe. .1 Motlce ten cent per line for the drítlnserSiï'botn" notlcelössrt.e.1 fr l.-s thn 1. to cid -i'i-i-f once nrd-o-half l!ic rntce of ordln♦.,rlTlvcrtiierphnvethe ff chanelng EïiJertldenx-ntn three times. Addltional i Sïfflll h'1 1 for ïinr.rrompfinipcl hy writtrn or Lk 1 ilrectlonn wlll be publlehed three monthi 'l„„ct accordlnprly. Tll.jvBrtlscments. Brst norllon 70 centaper , siVi-nt!" per folio rorcackiulweijnentlnjertlon. lL.DOtnoncmonl Is aadfd to an advertiiraent J"hl,. wlll be ctaarg e as for flrsl tniftrlio. JOB PRINTING. D.-ot.lct8. Póstera Ilunt] Bill. Clronl, Card, ÏJSiTctii Lnliel. Blnnks nill Hend. and other rLilMof Plain :uiit Panoy.Ioh Priininc cxrcutcil Sprónptnem: and In the beul poWle rtei
Old News
Michigan Argus