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Sunday Sports At Samana

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Tho great diversion in San Domingo appears to be cock-fighting, aud Sundny Is tlie day when t is most pursuod. The followiog vivid desoriptiou is by the oor respondent of the Boston l)aily Adver titer : The firtt cock fight which occurret the öunclny after tbe Commisaiuu land od at öamana staggered their fuith i the desirabiüty ol adopting this peopl more than any little thing that Da happencd. It bcgan at ninc in th umi uiïi;:, and lusted till dark. ïlio salient fact, however, was tha one of tho chief managers iu the rib throughout was ooo of thu three Cabine Ministers who, with President Baez, md formally received the (Jomminsioo t the palaoe only the second day bofore. This was tho Minister of Financc and ooretnry of the Interior. It muy bc afely s'iid that in the rolo of cockghting, inolading weigher fmú spurïarpener, m (id not remind tho Gom missioners of anything tlicy rccollocted f either Gov. Boutwell or Seoretry Cox. This Cabitiet officcr wrs ably ssisled in the weighing and y the Governor of tho provinoe aud ïilitary commandant of itg foroe. The crowd was dense, and in ts elling of bete cnpied, bnt exoeeded, tlte wildest stock exchango. The fighting was brutal, the erowd inflietiug tbftt ïctorious eliickcns should be llowed to ick the eyes out of the opponenis they iad knocked over. And tha high offieer "iiicil with the rest in demandinif tlii. Cvery Suuday wiinossefl suoh a soene, nd secures' tbe same official eounteance.


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