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General Intelligence: Burying Alive

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In Frunce, there lins been tnuch discussion roceriily in" relniion to premature inlermentf:. Le Guen). nuthor of a work on the subjpct, hnn petitioned the Kinr and Chnmbers fur Ihe ndoplion of mfspurei to prevent the occurrence of this horrible cilamity. Amonp the cases emimerated is that of n yonn? fo.r.ale, ñ one of the provincial tiwns, who had twic n hpr life lien in a trnnce, from whirh f ml roenveíd. She died, n t tlwn nnpenred. 'or three physiciniip, who were caüed in to pxnmine f he hodyofthe youiifj1 womnn. declared thai she was positiveiy dead. Consid erinjr however, wlial liad previonsly occurred. he auUiorities of the place pcrmiltrd the body o be kopt above pround for onp week. miles!deenmoopition shonld in the menn time tnke )lnce. The week passed without onv sytnjv- oms of decomposiiioi), nnd three d-iya mrre vore allowed; but then the inhumation vas eremptorilv ordered. The body wa. ín the enffin, the Ld of which was abotit to be nniled dnn, when onotlier yoimp feniale, who had )een a school rompanion of the supponed decensed, knelt down to kiss her for the la.t ime. Aa slie remained in this position fir nearly five minutes, her friends became nlurni ed lest her grief and agitaiiun Bhmild become oo jrreat, and were abnut to tear her frotn he body, wben s-lie worned them ofTvviih her and exciaimino:, at the unme time, "Ele n'est pas morte." In kissing the lips of the Fiippoaed corp?ehts (erna e had fhncted that the body breathnd, ond breatJiing in hr turn into lier ntoiilh she 'onvinced hereelf that her mngination had not deceivpd her. In ten minutes i; was evdent to all present, hy the application of the glans over the niouth, that the brth hnd ïot departid entirely fron the body, which was t hen removed from the coffin and placd n a warm bed. I an h.uir, bv the use f restorntivPö, ilie poor gpir!, who was before on he point of being consigned to an untimcly otub wasahle to speak. Her statement was i iinrrowing1 one. She said the hnd all n]on? )een quite conscioiis of whnt was passinp Hound her, but incnpable of uiakm; the least sipu to ehow that she was not dead. She had even heard the belle telling for lier furie - ral. She recovcred entirely and lived severa! yeors. What onn be ohrewdcr or pit hier than Snm Slick't description of a good wife? "She had'nt no (ar for music, Sam, but she hod n capital tye for drt, and for poor folks 'hal' oiuch bt'ttor. No one never peen ne rnuch dirt in :ny liouse a6 a fly coiild'nt brueh "ff witli hit) wtngs. Boston %n ma y bonst f their spinetH, ard their gtars; nnd thHr eyetalian ntrs, and their 'éeirt for music-h}t ;ive me the ga), I ay thnt has an tye for ftïrt, for she's ihe gal for uiy money.Amüsrmrnt Ljdiks --Laight Wearing the Breechfs. - Two Jadié?, oii6 younjbcauiiful nnd unm-irricd. íhe oiher a somewliat older, fíinfried lady, were, on Mondny arrejted nnd oonveyod to one of the station !iousp8, New York, where ihoy were lockp.d np till moriiinr, b foufid pfttmfraaáing the -treeis dresseil n male n'lire. The reporter in not icing the cosn, poj-6: "T1p yonnjf íady, who beíoiígs to one of the first families in íhr city. wnc jealons of lirr lover, nnd detcrtíiined to wnfch his move nipni8. and bpi)T sume vhát learfnl ol" gomi' imo t lie fild nlone. stie reqirnsted hpr oidor fripiid 'onccorapany her, to vchicli sIip aesnt i-d Tlny weie díüCbnréd in the moniin; upon promismg never to 'weor the breeches7 aairí." Pandies. - There ar some fools in the woild who. nfter lonL incubation. will hutcti out fmm tlie bed ofpride n brood of fuz zy ideii, and then go st rnti in nlon; !he paili of pomposiiy, with all the importmce of I vpeckled hen with a bluck chicken. 1 Idjvp nn antipathy to 8uch pe.-ple. Tliey oro merr walking sticks Tor fem-ile fluts- -orniifnPiited witlj brass heod--, did I soy? No. Tlipir caput8 are only hnlf ripe rnuskmplons wh the -Ttiuls nll holíow incide, contaiiiing thn seedp of foolishness swimming aboiu in a vast qitantity of sap. Tinkftred tip wi:h broadcloth, finger rinpp. .afety chaina, eoft solder, vanity hlïd iitip dpnce; they are no mo-e hnion :han a )!ate! teaspoon ís soüd silver. I dpiest a dunciy ti a cat dors a wet floor.- Dow, Jr. A yard of plain conrse cotton is deern pd amniinply cheap at dxppnce. Happy wereour immedinte nnrpsirs to purchnpe it ai live times the snm. - Whut shJI ve sny :hei of n yord of newspaprr nt twopence, tilletl with the imprps[.n of tens of ihousands i letterp, each irrdivrJualfy pot in is proper plnce, and cinvpyinp knowledge wide ns thp farth and freub as f lie in rniiL breeze? The wit of Solunion and the wealth of Croesup. in their generatii n, could not have procured for ttiem, good reader, what a conple of pennies buye for youl "Take íhe Liberty Partt: Thcy etotidby the Constírulion in rrs wholr míttkr and spirit, and arefar lroal and kjüitaelle rrform oavx." - Cassius M. Clay.Taking Ihe Crnsus.- Marshal- How many mnle persons are there in m family? Old Lady-Do you mean children and Marshnl- Certainly. Old Lndy - Oh then there ain't none, cause my children is aligáis, 'cept John, and he nin't my child, d'yc connt John? Marshal- Who e John? OM Lady- Oh In! don't you know John? Why, he's lived with me these ten yeara.- He's onr hired man. Marshal- Wel), that's one male. How mauy fomales are there in the family? Old Lirfy- Fomales? Let me n?e: There nin't nonp but Biddv, the hired gul. Marshal - I nnderetood you to say that your children werp all crtrls. Old Lndy- Li! yee. Wall, dy'e count thpm? Marshal - Certainly I do: I connt all who make iheir home in yonr fhmily - old and yonnjr - men. wompn and chüdren. Old Lndy- Sake? nüve! Then you wan 10 toke down the old eentlcmnn, I spose, dnn't you? Marphnl - What old gentleman? Old Lndr - My old man, to be eure. Marshal - To be snre I do. I thouglit you enid "John.1"' was the only male n the fnmlly, Oll Lndy - So I did; btit I didnt spr-sp "mulos' mcnnt dnrrppit old men, like my hiifibnnd. Poor dear! He's boen all but finad uith palsy these six years next hopintr. Mar.shnl- Now for the femnles. Old Lndy- Wel!, there's Biridy, nnd Pmitence, andGrnce, and Jemima ; that's all- fciirot 'em. Marshal - But you hav'nt included your►cir. O!d - Gracions! Dy'e put down thf old woman ton? 'Peers to me the Siaie'd mighty cunou8 thisyear. - Jilb. CU. Goingit Sfrong.' - The following standing tonst wns drunk, "with all the honor," at a Fourth of July celebration in Richmond, Louisiana: - The American Eagle. - May itá wings extënd over Texas, Californio, Oregon and Canada, and sliield the united family from the wintry blast of oppression. We are surpriaed that these modest southerners, did not ndd "Patagunia, and all intermedíate regions!" Why nol "extend the area of freedom" a liltle farter? These "lovers of liberty" should not be cramped for a slave markct! - Alb. Eve. Jour. The Whitney Expcdition. - A gentleman of this cily travelling with Mr. Whitney's expedilion under date of July 14th, writes as foliows: "We are now ninety miles west of Prairie Du Chten, and from the Mississippi river. You will receive this by the hands of Mr. , of Canandagiia, one of out party who returns on account of illness. I have but a moment to say to you that we are progressing slowly, and are all in good health and fine spirits. We shall be 30 or 40 days more in crossing to the Missouri river. We have travelled only 10, 13 and 17 miles a day, since we left the Mississippi, on account of the heat, the thermometer standing at 98 degrees in the shnde. In crossing the strcam we sometimes had to unlond the wagoi two or three times a day and lift it ove by hand. Some of us have enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in wet, from standing in the mud and water waist deep to lif out the wagon. This, however, we regard as only one of the vari eties of ou prairie life." - Roch. Dcm. Ex-Governor Davis of Worcester, hos beei appointod by the governor andcouncil a counsel in defnd'nr the contitutiounlity o ihe MiiYsnclmspt:s lirense law, whicli is to b tned bofore ihe United Sintes Supremo Cmrt, at Washington, next winter. - Sprtng field Rtpub.The Great War Snip Ohio. - Wenre lmp pv to lay before osir readers th Iatesl news from the fiflory and delence of Boston liarbor. Ye-terday alc lay fnr feveral imirs prNcefullv hended Ë. N. E. Dunng the aftornoon, kIip Vfftiftri aronnd snvenil rtoiqts of the coropa nii pui out to ea to the distance of severa íiiUioms ot'her cabïe, tu tleentirc satisfaction uf tier con. monding ofhVers, and to the trifling expense of nbout #1000 to the pcople oi tius republic. - Chr at. Citizen. Smithrrn Hospitality.- The editor of the f t.ivói litit ÍMnss ) CJnzplte Fays thnt he rereived a letier reofnily, postmirkod Atltens, Alnbnmn, an nrticle onl fnitn tliat wlierein he liad seên fit 'o inake gome slrictnms on the '"Pectilinr fiiSJituiion." Tht writer of the etter saye: "I wih I had ymi ïero. and I would give you tliirty lnshes be ore broHkfapt, tho iisnrtl compliment I give he refractory slaves I own." Sa'lors til JVrw Zcnlnnd.-Farty üq'inr sli.iis fin va been opnnvd in onfiown n New Ze.tland. to snpply Bri'.ish Sailors uiih spiritdus liquors; and thoy are con-tan'ly to be een rolling nbont on the bcach, a by-word nia proverb mnnf Iti6 heathen. Somotnni' Jigo one of the siilurs indd!ed in intuxicalion (o suchan oxtent as to brinjr himelf to thf Rntes of deoth. He was ttend-iMn hts dying fioius by n converted JVew Zealnnder, who uiiB with him at his bed 6íde.- L ent. G. C. Gremway. Rtnunctiy Slaves.- ÏJ'y a íaw pnp(í at the ast sess:on of the Legislature of Missouri, il is provideJ, that any pfrson, who wilr tnke tip n -urmwoy slaVe out of the State, shnll rfr-ire n rewardof one liondred dolhirs, if the sl.ive it over tí years of age, if under, fifty dol lor. VVhat shall be the proof that he ia the property of nolher man?Femóle Xam Putch. - As a party of young gentlemen and Indios were amusing themselve wiih n rural wnlk on tho 4th of July last. one ol the number, Miss Mofïatt. at Vuriin, approoched the bank oiFalI creck, ot a point nenr ihe dam, ibout n mile up the stieam, to ohiain q view over the precipicc. Seizing liold of a bush fnr support, fascinaled by ihe benuty of the cene, she incnu'.iously leanód töo ftir wbjeh the bush giving way. she was precipliaied over ihe brink, a perpendicular fall of cigthy (wo fect. One w'oUld supposc that instant extinctinn of life muat be tlie neceesary conaequence ofsucb ;i desceut; but fortunntely she was received in water threeand a h.-ilf fect deep, from w uch she scrambled upon dry land considerably frighlcneil, nutno: icrionsly injured, noteven having lost her presence of niind, for supposingafter striki'ng water, that 6he might be carried down by the fo-ce oT ihe ctlrrent, shc drawn off a glove to enible herself 10 seize bold of nny thing that shtmight be able to reach, to arrest her progresa. - W.i:a Chroniclt. Supreme Cirurl. - The Judges of this couri were in session at Utica 17 days up jo the 25th of July, when they adjourned. During this time ' 120 out of ihe 534 cases on the calendar were ' disposed of. Nr. 80 was the highesl reached ' in ihe regular order of the calendar, but nbou' i 40 cases were submiiicd on writíeti argumente. I Upwards of 400 caues remnined on the It-r. ;md lus;iiets of the eame clnss accumulating. ( Corp'.rstown Frctman's Jouranl. A roceni wriierina Kcmucky pjper took - C M. (Tlay lo task, for dnring tn hold an o ' pimon adverse to the Snpreme Court on the ' subject f lavery; lemindinir hún thal the ablett ond wisest.etaie.nifii had approached th;s "delicate quostinn" wilh timmidity. "Well, to lell the t.ruth," repMes Mr. C, "that is the very reason why we have approuclied it; - we enter upon the constitutional qnestio of s'uvory. b cause it is fnll of hofry error and .anctified fraud. We titer thesanctuary of Ainerican Lih'etty, sword in hand, delermined lo expel if posBiule, the wemers of thebloodstnined Prmiup, %vho Imve prosMuited 'vb holy places to the Biistaining and perpetualing (f flavery among1 men.'? The followinff iines very pimply illnstrale the rnannr in whicli individuáis froquently hecome involved in difficultips wtiich thcy niiht micably adjust by a liltle cooi refleclioin: GOING TO LAW. An upper and a lower Mili, Feil out about their w-iter; To war they went - thal is, to law- Resolved to give no qunrter. A lawyer was by each eng nged, And holly they contended; When fees grew elnck,the war they waged "íthey judged were better ended. The heavy costs remaining siill, Were seitied without bothpr- One lawyer took the upper Mili, The lower Mili the oiher.Bible Argument. - A letter in the N. Y. Tribune, from a siavehulder in Georgia, con'ains tbis pnscogr: ♦ThpGreeks and Romans hnd the power o lif'e and déath over their slnves when f ui er treated or ordered them tobeobedient to the masters. The sexual nterconive I ncknnw pde is degrading. but noihing mire than A brahfnn committod with Hngor. nnd is safety valve lo the virtue of our white fernale who are fsr superior in virtue to your Norih prn females.1' The Florida flap ho.s on the centre of a "range stripe, a white scroll, with the mott "fat us alone. ' "Let us alonrí' A prelty motto for a gfan of Ishmnplies, the enemies of their countr nnd their race! Oh, certainlv, sister Florida! you must u allmved to rob, outrage, and murder the "nip ners'' to your henrt's content, without roo lestHtion; nnd yon have on nndnbipd rijfh' t sinlc your red hot BRANDING IRONS int U.eflosh of NORTHRRV FREBMKN wh helieveinthp Deciaration of Arnericac ind lendence! - Herkmer Fremian. Inhuman Assuult.-A. younjr woman nnmec Anmnda McKrene, wna arrested yesterda npon a chnrge of throwincf viiriol upon the ler-on of Isnac Anpel, wherby his clo:hes wore m'jch burnpd. Arnnndn was hld lo bni) in thesnm of L100. and Isaac committed ii; 'li'fnnlt of hail in the itime snm, to appear and tei-tify. Thia tóórre was ndopted bwausp there 'ví a dippn-ition tn makü up the mptter by marririLe.- Y. Y. JYews. Manor Trovbles in JVt-w York. - These yet confiiine in some conntipg, with incrensed nlarm. In Delnwnre countv, on !he7th inst. Undt:r SherirTSTKELR wasmurtnllv wonnded. as t-upposed, by 100 India ns who hnd a'sembled to prevent the sale of distramed property. Floscghiir in ilie Roy al .Yavy. - Tn thp year 134S ihpro were2.160 corponl pimisl:nipnts inflictpd n ifü Royiil Navy. Tlietotnl ntimber ot Inshes whs 63.63S. The highest number inflicted at one tirne wn? GO, und llie loA'est 3. In the previoua yearasmitny n 100 loshes tvëre inflicied at one time by serienceofa court martial. Ji R!ch PVci.-The town of Nw Bedord. M iss ) C'.nMtinj asspssed property to the turn. unt of # 12.000,000, white it hns n popiilntjonof but 12,000, thoa mnking 01,000 fr pve;y man, wornnn nnd chiM in fhe place! What placo on the globe can beat that? The nrw rpfjnlalions for rebuilding Q,nebec profiibit the ut=e of wood in any par; of the exterior of a building under a heavy penalty. The tvives and female friends óf the Members of Georgian Lodge, No. 3, of Odd Fellows, at Thomasion, Me. wore alely invited to wilnpss the mposing ccremnny of Instn'ling its oflicers. They were hïghiy pleased with the performance. Tiiis, says fhe Galeien Rtrlc, "is ha first instance, where ladies have been admitted, but we see no impropriety in t." Neither do we.A correspondent of the Boston Jillas gives tho follo-ving deecription of a fahionabl soire at the Sault St. Marie. "Last eve, tht-re was a party hete, to which wp were very kmdly invited. The Miree was helg at n good sized hewn log house, 6iluated on the principal slreet in the village. - Such a tnoiley gronp, I do not believe wat ever before een. Títere were Frencb, Canuoks, Yankees snd Haif-breeds. Dnncinjr wns thechief amusement, ond all participaied. l had for my via a vis a beontiful Chippewa girl, who was the partner of a disting-uished eentleman Trom New Hampshire. Tliere were ten cotiple on the floor at rne time. numbpring among thpm the ton of Boston and Npw York, of the Sault and the far ofFChippewa country. The Chippewa girls are elegant doncers - they are quick at lenrning the roost intricate fiurfp, and lor grace and beauty they mny clmllenge the politent circles. The pariy broke up in gnod sensun - ol] werp in fine spirits, and perfecily delighied with the evening'B cntertiinnient. When these brighNeyed Chippevva girls have another party 1 hope I may be here poing wilh sume of my friend6 to enjoy . This is truiy the böiiiidary line beiween snvage and civüjzed life - here may be found the most degraded of both rsces, iiswcll as the most noble and gnerous hearted - here the extremes meet - you can see the ste:imbnat and bark ennoe side bv side, the one all power, the other se beautiful and gracefnl as a pwan. The air hore is aKvays cold, much coldt;r than atoih er places in the pa me lat itudc - butthere ïsno place in tlie world more iienlthy, and it wijl ii doubtedly become, ere Ion?, with Mwckiuiw, a futnoii8 resort for the afflicted. The twilight here, at ifm seosnn, lingers until eleven o'clock in the eveninjj, and conitnfnces guin at one in the morning - so we have but wo hours of flaihnoss out of the twenty-lbur - and here is the place to see ihe Aurora Borealis in all its glory." Millerism. - A respectable man, from the north pnrt of Maine, says ihat in the town in which he lives, 400 persons professed to have been converted in the Miller excitement which swept over the place lihe the resistless tornado, not one of whom now appears to give evidence I of sincere piety. Some have become immornl, and others scofTers at all forms of religión. - Chr. Reflector. A mngnificent service of píate s lo be presented toC. P. Van Ness, late Collector of New York, by the nfficers of the Deparlmen'. It consipis of a large palver, a coflTee urn, toa kettle and lamp. a pair of pitchers, tea pot, sugar bowl, cream and slop bowls and sngnr tunjn, the whüle coating one thousand dollars.


Signal of Liberty
Old News