Public Men As Editors
Ooi. J W. Forney eays iu bis "Anécdotas of Public Moa" for the Washiugtou Sunday Chrvnieh : "Many of our publio men nre oapital amatour editora. Thomas II. Bentou was a valuable and vigoroua onntributor to the Globe iu the warupon the TJoited States Bank. His stylo was trenohant and elevated, and his faots generalij imprognble Jamos Buohmau wns á frequeut writer in my o!d paper, the Lanóaater, Inielligeneer and Journal, and in 'lhe Pmntyttaniaü. His diotion was oold and unsympathotio, but oxaot, olear, aud ooude: a,:d. His preoiso and elegaut ohirography was the deliyht of the oomponitors. Judgo Douglas wrote little but -uggested muoh. ilismind toemed whh 'pointe.' I nevor spont an hour witli liun which did aot furnish mo with new iduus. lo grasped and undorstood moït qiiestious thoroughJy. Whon he road wus a'.ways a mystery. Sooial toa degree, dining out alnaost daily whon enteriitining his friends at his own hospitable home, viailing strangers at thoir hotels, ieuding iu debate, or coüuselling in oommitteo, kio was raroly at fault ior a date or a faot. He waB a troaaure to an editor because he possessed the raro facu!ty of throwing new light upftn cvory subjoot in the shortest possible time. Ex-Attorooy Gon. J. S. Blaok would have made a superb jauraalist, and was a loaciy and useful coatributor. Kisstyle is terse and fresh, aud soholarly. Wbat a pity to soe suoh gifts wastel in a etrifa ovur the giave ot a iormor assooiate aud fi iead ! Caleb (Jushing is another statesman who onoo delighted in editorial writing, and still oocasionaüy varies his heavy professional toil by the sanie agrecablu ruluzalion, I h.ive known him tosland up to hia tall desk and dash off ooluinu af ter column on foreign and domestio politics, on art, on finanoe, with astonisliinof rapidity and ease, Unl'.ke bis ngressive suoecssar, Gen, Cushing, he is anxious to end lm long and evouiful career at peaca with all the world. It is snid that hu is now reoeiving moro money for local services than any mau in his pruteHsion. 01 conrse dis labors are heavy, but he lightens them by his oalm and cheerful philosopiiy, bis culüvatod literary tastes, and liis hve of th fiocioty of the tolerant and refinel. Writing of Thomas II. Bonton recalU an incident that happeued during the Presideney of Juntes K. Polk, wlien Ir. BucIiuubd was Seoretury of Sta'.e. Col. Beuton waa a eharp thorn in the eideof the Administration on the Oregon queslion. R.s critieism was mcrciless, aud stang tho lVesidcnt and his to tho quiok. Aooordingly the Pennsylvanian was oalled upon to review hin positiong, whiob was dono in throe artiolos that boro, he thought, distinot official eur ïuarks. Indigiiant at ray tomaritj', he nddreascl mo u ourt notu, dcmanding the namo of tho ituthor of the articlos and thrcalen ing a SeDatorial invcstigation. I rospondod by assuming the wholo rcsponsibility, and took the train for Wa-hiiigtou to anticípate nnd watoh eventa. I quaitered, as usual, witb Mr. IJuchauan, and tbore waited for the summous. None oftme, howover. Just beforc returning Jo my post in Philadelphia I waw iovitod to a reception at the British Miiii8tor's, and in one of the ournmtsof lbo throng was carried into tho oorner wliere they were serving out tlia sedustive compound known Komnn punch. I had lisrdly got a gtast i it in my band wuen Ifouad uijíolí io the preseuce of Col. Bentoa, Ho groeted ino kindly, and as we onjoyed our punch he quietly rotnnrked, 'I got your letter, but I did not proeeed beoause I know you assuraod the responsibility tbat bolouged to unother.' It is ueedlass to add tbat the S'jcretary of State was as much relieved as I wuR by tho deoUion of tbe majostio! Missouri Senator."
Old News
Michigan Argus