Peculiar People
-Tbe extravagant man hired a oab to look out lor an omnibus. The rana cf jnllnntry escortotl hU Scotch ruother-in-liiw underueath ihfl miítletoe, altbough he knew beforehand tbat she had been taking snuff. Tbe sanguine man expected to find a policeman whon ho wantod one. Tho crednlous man belicved tho aseuranos of a cb-drivor tht a long circuit was ncedlul, becaiise tbo MreeU) wero bcing pavcd. The lnzy man alloweil liis fire to go out lathor than ring tho be!l to lid somebody to poke it. Tho eheerfal man esjoyed thfl bour tbat he speut iu waiti-ig for liis dciitist. Tbc punctual man ■! out tbf i soup for Lis eleven expected guests, when. ouly tbren of thom had aotually artived at the appointcd hour for cating it. The hasty man Bat down to road "Paradise Lost," and afierwards was hcard to boast that ho had got through t at a singlo eitting. The hopeful man twioo gave a oab driver a sovercign for o shilling, and twice cherishod Ihe deluiion that it would be roturned to hira. ïho man of forti tude waa brave onough to open bis front door himaelf when l.o saw tha tax gathorer, tho gas man, nnd the rato collector knook at it. Tho oautious man nevcr went a uiile away froni homo without taking his unibrellawith him, and putting a corksorevv, p'jn and ink, and a bilí stamp ia his pocket. -
Old News
Michigan Argus