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San Domingo "gone Up."

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Washington Special tu the N. Y. Tribune. It is now agreod, on all hands, that thore íb no longor iny hope f'or tho suooegs of tbe Santo Domingo annexation project. lts frionds abandoned, gome time siuce, tho idea of bringing ancexatioD aboutby tbe passage of a joint resolution, fol'owing the precedent made in the case of the admission of Tesas. Tbev f..urul that tbo Democrats would vote in a body ágainst the propoaition ia nny shapo, r.nd that so great a number of Republicaog would take tbe game course, inchiding several of tho oldest and most prominent niembers, that it was liopeless to expect to get a majority vote. ïho only other oourse remaining is to acoompüsh tho anncxation by tho ratlfication of a treaty by the Senate, whioh requires a twothirda vota of that body. The Senate ie composed of 74 mombors, so that it will take 50 votes to constitute two-thirds. The Kepublioan s'.rength ia 57, and the Domooratic ia 17. All tho Democratie Senators, exoept Mr, Blair, are opposod to auoexaUon It will, therofore, only be necessary thnt nine Republicana shall vote wiih the 16 Democrat?, to defeat the confirmation of the Annoxation Treaty, and more than that number declare in positivo tonus t'iat thoy are oppo3ed to annoxation in my farm, and that thoy 'Will voto against it f'rnm ii -sfc to last, their opposition boin iutensiQfid by recent actioa rolatire to Mr. Nam:icr. Tt is not csrtain Unit all of the 21 Senators who i-pposed tho removal of Mr Sumner from his'ohftifrnanship will oppose mtiexation, but all hut five or eix tDiikono secret cf thoir opposition. The plan of the annexifionistfl lia-i heretofore boon to bring the treaty boforo the Sonate, eonvened in Spöüial oxecitive Pession, af'.er tho adjourument. of Congrega, whoo no !'l verse influncu oould ba bróught to bear from the fl iuno, iv.ui when ita oonörmatioh, they thought, cnild bo insurel. Then, that annexation mi2;ht be considered Lo bc fully accompiishèd in the long interim befdro the De.eembor session, troops werc to b: ssnt to occupy the Island. It w;ís tli'is irtendtíd to carry the matter so far thst it would be impossibb to rúenle, una the Hoqso would be forced to vo'e tho apjiropriation. To-day there uro few pe'ip'.o 80 singuine as to think there is now any possibility of success in the üret stop of thia plan.


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