Success In Farming
I liave li i'iy visiti'd a neighbor whose fnrra contains only tiventy-c'ght acres. He has owned it aod managud t for tnany yeara ííia stock this year consisted ofsevcral liorses and oxen and tnenty-eight eows, in addition to a considerablo nurabar of fówls. He grows no f'atioy stouk of a: elïd íiiilk, oream, rools, poulLry and ey;g.J. He buys somo fjniiu for hispoültry and 80in3 moal h lie has a good field of corn eve'ry yeár. All of ■ture réquired fnr lii.s largé stock, und all thü hay and óther long íodder eonsmnod on the place, togelher with a góod supply of apples, are the product of his tweuty-eight Hores of laiid. The reat seoret of his ïiiccesa h to be s-iught in pleisty of mftDurè and thorougb work, mauaged of cjurso, u t'ie most skil'.ful manner. Ilis t": for ]70 will fall hut littlo, if any, short of $1,000. I have another beighbqr who begun wjth a fi oí farm of over ne hundred acres, and capital ohoúgh to hnve made a first rate farmer of au eiiergetic mao. Ha has probably r.evnr sold enongh fiom his place tp pay lúa ycarly billa, and hia land has run down to low water mark. These two müii, living in the siK2 townliip, and with equal fnciüties, Ilústrate perfeetly the truth I have endoavored. to set forth above. The' ono wont to work in an over-oautious, wie w.y, scrimping here Bud scnmpiug thore, trying to oheat nature out of her Uigtdues; and he has oorae to grief. The other wout into furming as a busiuess that was wortby of his best efforts, and whenever he saw an opportunity to invest a dollar in his fj'rm to good advautage, he made the inve?.ment as aoon as he could get the do'lur. He aeted on the belief tb"át no bank in the world vvill piy sueh good interest as well-farrned laud ; aud, so far as the plain and simple farming he has followed afforded him the opportunity, he has omitted nothinx - nothing tbat could add to his facilitio. The result ia that ho i more thau forehanded, and that, if he had his lito to live over again, he would turn his attention t5 farraing aa tho best openinj; itself to a joang man of' 'onergy an'3 abilffy - Oyden Farm Papvrs in the American Agriculturid.
Old News
Michigan Argus