Strong Objections
![Strong Objections image](/sites/default/files/michigan_argus/michigan_argus_18710317-p01-12.jpg)
The Nationil maüawd presents tbo threo following reftsons against the San Dominico annexation : 1. Why sopk an autpost whioh in cago of war is only weakoera ? Honor and interest would concéntrate all our navy there to proteot our flag against foreign attaok, and it wtmld be the tira, pomt attacked. Tliia expende and danger alono outweiglis all the fancied advautdge of Samana Bay to us in pcoe. 'Z. The Hhrewdeft men in Washington are puzzled now to know how to reaoh the difficulües in tho Gulf 8tBti,- the r.ibel elemc'it whioh niakes a tooi of the faucied conflict of racet. If we caunot govern this belt of our own continent, why doublé our troublos by annexing more of the snme aogry olements, with a sea between us and thom to add to tbe difficu'.ty ? 3. Wben we annex the eastern half of San Domingo we annet a wr with Hayti. There is harclly a shadow of pOBsibilitj that thia can bo avoided. V'li:it war with Haytien swords and climate means, the First Napoleon can tril cb. He sent thero bis brother-in-law with 60.000 men, flower of bis viotorious army. Only 7,000 ever saw Franco again. The samo líate and the same August nwaits ne. If "Indiau Kings" have creatcd and prolonged Indian wars with heartless grepd tor gold, whore would llnytiun w;ira be ever _allowed to end, affording is thoy would such matehle?s opportuuities to drill ofücers atfd emioh oontraotors ? Why, we could bny two Cuba, witli the oost ot ono year of suoh warfare.
Old News
Michigan Argus