The San Domingo Commission
Kio8T0X, Jamaica, maren 11.- me United States steamers Tennesaee aud Nantucket with San Domingo Comoiissiooera srrived hero to-day by way of Port au l'rinee. All are well on board both Bteamcrs. The Teuuceeeo will sail in four days for New York by way of Key West. The performance of the Tennessoe have delighted everybody. - The fcars of her condition are iiot eharei by thoso on board, and her officers regard her aa one of the utrongest ■hips of tbo navy. Each cuuiiuisaiouer is preparing the droft of bis report, and as yet the separate drafis have not been compared. TJpon most points of the resolution of Ooiigrees the reports of the conimissioners will show a condition of affaire faTorable to auuexation. Before tho oommission left Hayti Luperoo, who ia odo of Cabral's generale, made a hostile demonstration. President Buez accompanied the oommissioners: on the Tennessee to Azua, wbere be was to take personal command of tho forces operatiog in tha' quartcr against Cabral. Cabral sent meesengera to the oommissioners wbile they were in Hayti, but did not visit them oor has he been een by any attached to the oominiasisn. The last mails from the United States miesod tho commission. Letters for the expedition should be forwarded immediately to Key West, in time to meet the Tennesseo on her arrival. New Yobk, March 12.- Special dispatches from Kingston, Jamaica, etato that the San Domingo Commissioners were badly received at Hayti, where Gen. Cabral informed thom that he had had uo batlle with Baoz. Kinobton, Jamaica, March 14- A grand ball was given on board tüe Tenoessee last night, wbich was attendcd by the nobilities of the island. The commiEsioners to-day are visiting" the eonntry at he invitation of the authorities, and tho correspondents are tusticating in every direction.
Old News
Michigan Argus