The New Hampshire Victory
Getting oews on Wed: esday nioming of tho unexpootcd, unprccodcntcd, and swocpiug victory achieved by the Domocraoy of New HampUiire on Tucsday. we forthwith ordorod a pook of oom and a tub of fresh water for our long silent and forgotteu bird', nnd put him ia training. As a result Lo presenta a gay appeurauco in another column, and sendsfortb choerful nptes. In answer to the olt repeated questioa, what does all thia mean ? we reply tbat tbe people are coming to tbeir eenses, that the negro is no longer the issue, and tbat ccrtain doom awaiis the corrupt rulers at Washington. Thia to our Democratie hienda and oo-laborerp. To our Eepublicau frienda we quote their trested organ, the New Harnpshire StaUtman, It atributes the dcfeat of the Republicana " to the removal of Sumner, the San Domingo soborne, land grants, failure of Congrega to restore our commerco.and forcing upon the purty unpopular nom'nees by packed caucuses." Or, if tbis is uot aitisfuctory, the New York Tribune : " New Hampshire has not becoma Domocratio. This vote tueans mainly, if not wholly, Republican apatliy, born of over-couüJenco and tho continuous triumph of over g'tsteen yeara, and Republioan disiiffec tion, engeodered by local quarrela, li quor, and tho unwiae and uutimely Sumner trouble." Assign your own reimons, gentloTien, but hurry us up u few more viotoriea of the same eort. - It is wc don't kuow how many years sinco the Democrnoy of Now Iiauipshire had a Governor, a mrniber of Congress, a mnjority of tho Councillors, or either branch of the Legisla ture. Now thry havo the Goveruor, three membtra cf Congrcfs - all ui them, and a majority of the Oounclilon, and the Scnate. Thut ilioy didn't make still more gins was for tho want of somethinj to ga:n. A virygood day's work. - We earncbtly hope that the Domocracy of the ultra stripe, who ciin't stand up atraighi without leuning ovor baokwarda, will nüt take tbis as a declara tion in favor of socession, nnd proceed to resolve, in Indiana, Oüi, Kontueky, or a Congrossional eaucus, in favor of turning tho Migmsoippi up stream, or, what is equally fooüsh, ugainst the emancipation proclamaiion, tho XIII., XIV., and XV. nmendments, and othcr aooomplishcd fncts, only to put a club ia tbe bands of tho lladioals with which they may beat our brains out at tho very next cleotion. Let the parly everywhere accept somo things as done, and uot to be undoue, and rare only for thu future. On this point, we cominend to our readers an articlet in au another column, " NVho shall Mako the Issues," cop'md fiom the Fret Pret of ycsterday. 8omner's hoad is ofl'. Grant dotnanded it in a oharger, - liko Herod's wife tbat of John, - and the Republican caucusregisterod the edict, by a voto of 26 to 21. In the Sunate, onFriday, when tho uction of the cauens cama up for eoufirmation, tbere was a field fight, and any amount of ground and lofty tumbling. A inotion to adjourn until Monday was defeated by a tío vote - 28 to J28 ; a loog and acrimonious and personal debate ensued- tbo Dcmocrattc Senators keeping q u iet ; a motion to postpono until Saturday was lost by 16 yeas, 32 nays ; and the caucus list of commit tees was ratified, yeas, 33 ; nays, 9, - . 11 Democrats ; absent and not voting, 23. ïlïe altentee list includes the names of Buoh gallant nndtcourageous Republicana as Ckagi.v, Sciiükz, Trumbüll and Wilson, friends of Sumner all, and who protested long and loud agaiust thedegradation of that gentleman, at exeoutivo dictation, and tben dared not open their mouthtand tay no when tbe roll was called. King caucus might tolérate rain and eupty declamation, but to voto against bis decrees was not to be thought of. Brave Senators 1 Utkcr Senators protested but voted that the foul deed be done. O ur pen refuses to write their Dames. - We neglectcd to eay that it is not Sdmner's claeaic, curly, physical head that rolla in the dust at Grant's feet, only hie "Foreign Relation's" head ; that t, that he in no longer chairman of tbe Senate oommittee on Foreign liekttions, Cameron, of Pennsylvania having ucoeoded to the positioo held by Su.vnf.r for teu years. - It was San Domingo "what did it1' - that, and nothiug more, i-xecpt that he, Sumnkb, don't smoke with Grant or teil fmü stories with tbe Seoretary of State. Well, it is a Eepublican muddie, and we oaa. stand it if that party can. - We notioe that Miohigan's new Senator, Ferry, waa "n at tho death," aod voted with ring master Ciiandlku for beheadiug tbxv beietofore potent RiTMFTf
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