The New Hampshire Election!
Concord, N. H., March 14. The eleotioa returns show largo Democ ratio gains. The elotion of Westen, Demoorat, for Governor ie possiblo if not probable. Dell, Demoorat, is elected to Congrens ia the Second Distriot. Portsmoutii, N. H., March 14. Tho Republicana givo up the contest for Qóvernor and the Demócrata are jubilant, The Republicana havo carricd the oounty officers here. Tho voto for Seuator is close, but probably Marcy, Democrat, is eloctod. The vote in this city for Oovernor is : Pike, 1,344 ; Weston, 914 ; scattering, 6 ; a Republ'ican loes sinoc last year of 417. Concord, March 15, 1 a. m. Eeturns frorn 172 towns foot up : - Pike, 28 241; Weston, 28,130; Cooper, 253 ; scaltering, 132 - a liopubücan net loss of 2,476. Weston is probably t'lectcd by over 1,000 plurality. Tho Demócrata are jubilan t and are parading the stroet in front of the Stato Housu. The tiepublioans havo elected Senators in the Second, Third, Fifth, Seventh and Niuth Dist r iets. The Demo crats have probably curried tho other soven districta. Of the Gounoillor districts tho Third and Fourth are liepublican and the other tinco Democratie. Tho House will probably havo a Republican majority of about twenty. The eleotion of three Democratie Congressmen is conceded - Ilibbard, of Lonoonia, in tho First; Bell, of Muu chtjster, in tho Second, and Parker, of Claremont, in the Third District. New York, March 15. The World has sonie speeial returns from New Ilanipsh'.re, and surus up the result in tbat State, yesterday, os follows : The Demócrata have elocted the Oovernor and Railroad Cominissioner, two cortaiDly, and probably threo Congressmen, and a mojority in tho State Senato. The llouso of Representativos is in doubt. Concord, N. H , Miirch 15. The eloction returns this moruing como io slowly and do not materially ohange the estimates alreaoy given. Weston will probably have about 300 to 500 majority. Tho Third Congreesioual Distriot is in some doubt, the vote being close, and lbo returns not all in, but Parker, DetDOcrat, is probably elected. Tho Demócrata aro preparing for a general jubilee to-night, and a delegat ion has visitcd Manchester and invited W oston and Bell to be present, who havo accepted. Many prominont party mon from abroad will be present. Tuk wailing which comea up through the columns of ncarly all tbe liopublican journals of the land - with hero and thcre an unimportant excaption - is terrific, and only equaled by the boo-hooings of a sooro or moro of npauked childrcn; whüo it rncaus ás little und will as soon be over. These journala don'tmean any more by their denunci aliona of executivo dictation than did tho late tíonator Hayden, of Van Buren ounty, who, in 1859, voted for Gov. Bingiiam for U. S. Senator, with tho prayer upou bis lips, "May God forgive rae for that vote." He afterwards as sured Mr. Bingiiam that "hedidn't mean anything, for he knew that God wouldu't forgive him." So with those Radical jourualists. What little they do mean will give woy before tho nod of tho cxecutive and a promise of patronage, coupled with a threat of a similar fate to that of Sumner's. Grant smoking and distributing his favors b a power Sum.ner patronagelcss will soon sink out of sight, and be known no more as a leader. And so the wailings will soon cease.
Old News
Michigan Argus