]LGGS, EGGS, EGGS ! Frora choicn Selocte...
]LGGS, EGGS, EGGS ! Frora choicn Selocted and IM'-'OUTKD FOWI.S 12 Vnrietlet Hot exoelled by auy for pnrity nut excellence. Seud fur Circular. O. F. LOCKI1EAD CO., I312w4 Flint, Mlch. AGRICULTURA!. WAREHOUSE OPENED MAKCH $th Iv.-iHt Sido of Kiver, MANCHESTER, - - MICH FARMERS ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITKD TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE MERITS.QÜALXIY AND PRICK8 OF MY SKLECTIONS OF IMI'LE MENTá AND FARM1NU TOOLS. 1313tl B. It. PORTER, Estáte of Thomas Kano. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oouuty of Wtubtenaw, na. At a session of the Trobatc Court for the County of Wnxhlcnnw, holden at Die Probate OfHcc, in the City of Arm Arbor, on W'eduesduy, the Ut'teenth day of March, in the jwr one thouaiuid eight hnndred and aeventy-one. Preseut Hirntn J. Dcakcs, Judgo of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Kune, deOn réading and flling the itition, duly veriflui, of Stisau Kane, prayinff thnt somo euitablc peraon, muy be appointed odmiuistrator (ie bonii non of the cntatc of unid deotaed. ïheroupon it is ordered, that Monday, tho tenth duy of April, noxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be luwfarlf for the hearing of Mld psütíon, and that the huir at lnw of said decoastti, and all other persona iuteroetcd in said eetate, arc requireo to appear at a session of uaid Court, then to bo hol.l. n at ■he Protiate Ottiee, in tho City of Ann Ailur, and show cause il' any therv be, why the praycr of tho pctiüoner ahould not ba (rrrnited: And it b further ordered, that Baid petitioncr ffive notice to tho K'raona interesjted in aiil cstilte, of the jendency of sjuil p;tition, and the marina tlu'renf, !■ i-.'.uning u copy of this order to bo ubliahed in the Michigan -lrus. a news]aiHr, printitl m.l . -ivnLitim; in aalfl Connty, three succensive weeks i. vj.m, lo s..i.! d..y gf o. (A truc emvy.) ttlUAM J. BEAKEB, ji;% Jutlge ut 1 rolKitè. Mortgago Salo. DEFATTLT haring been muelo in the comlition of a öotaJn morteageexeoatedby EUnryMonenkanip, I [om, W:i-h1en:iw ( oimty, and State Of MiclUgan, to Orrin A. V.'uit, of Sharon, County and State Lfbneald, os the I7th aay of Ootober, a. d. isög, and recorded the 22d day of Ootober, A. 1. 1866, at 1 Ó'cldttk i'. Ki in liln r 35 of mortgaeres, on page 4S9, whlóh said mortgage wan doly aULnted by Orrin A. WajttbJbMpli l'iay, uf' Nortltlleld, County'of WaahiiKiw umi Stato oí Michigan, on the Ki-cond day of Üarih, A. I). 1H70, mul reeorded uu tho 18th day of May, 1870, at lü o'clock a. U„ ia Ubtt 2 of A9.ignment6 13, and that there ia ahtimed i ba lue at tho date netafef. the raio of üve bandrod and orty-tw. iiuU;u. unl twcnl y-lliiLOfonts, also mi A1■uruoy's foc of fort y dollars, should uny proccedincs te lad to foiufloo the nuih1, and do suit or proceediugs it, luw Of in equity having been had to recover tho debt aecured by said mortgngtf. or any part thareof ; Notice uhereby Priven, thatby virtuo of tho power í lab in iald mongage oontamed, l hall sell at pubio auution, to the hifjhest lidd:r, on tho tvntli day of oaxt. al - odook In Uta aftanioon of that day, at he front door of the Court Hoiiac, in the City of Ann Artmr, in tho County of Washtennw and State of Michigan, (tbat beillg the place of holding the Circuit 2ourt for aiiid County of 'U'ashtcnaw), the following ItíbcrilMMi landfl : commenoing flftoea clmins and seveny-two links ca3t of tho center post of BOOtfcm ninctn, of Frcedom, township three south of range four eaet, heneo south thirteen degreeu oast forty-one chaina and hirty linkn, thenco to the southeoüt corner of said acción niuutceii lit'to n tfhaua nnd scvcnty-two linkn, bflDM nortli forty ohalnfl and furty links to the eawt lOaxtaz post, tlicnoo twenty-fonr chiiin and ninety-two buks west to the placo of bejrimiinjj, containing cighty ocrus uf land, more or leas; also Jhe west half of the ottttrweet quarter of the snuthwest quarter of section uumbur oeventeen, townhipthrwfoiuhof range nuinber four eiwt, coutuiuiug twenty aerea of land inurc or lesa. Jlarchmh, 1871. JOSEPH PRAY, Aasigncc of said Mortgagc. John N Gütt, Atlorney rat Assignee. 1313 Mortgage Sale. DEFATLT having beon mado in the oondition of a oortain mortao executed by Miohael lïurke of Ann Arbor, County of Woshtenuw, and Btute of Michiifivn, on the tseventh day of August, A. D. 1867, to Josoph. I. lïddwin, of tlio aalDfl place, andrecordcd tho 13th day of August, A. I. 18C7, at Ü o'clock a. m. of öiüd aay, in libor No. 36 of niortgages, on page 642, and luwipnd by eaid Josepli D. Baldvrin to Laura Willard, of the City of Ann Arbor, on the 17th day f Autfust, A. 1). 1467, and reoordcd in liber BTo 2 of iLsaigiirnoutá of inurtyages, on pic number 49, on the ftth day of December, A. D. 186Ö, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said dny, on whieli rnortgaffe and boud accompaiiyinp: tlio wime, there is clainied to bo duo at the dato of this noticc, the aum of ouü huudred and eÏKüty-four dollars and forty-two cente, alöo a rejisonable Solicitor's or an Attorney'a fee, Bhould uuy pnxseedings be taken to forui'loHO thjs mortgase, and no slt ot prooeedïnga. at law or in eqnity haring beon instituted to recover the dubt or any part thereof ; Noticois hureby given, that by virtueof tho power of salo in said mortKK contnined, I hall geil at public auetion, to the hihest bidder, ou the lOth day of June uoxt, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of tho Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, that being tho place of holding the Circuit Cuurt for said County of Woshtenaw, all thoso oartein tracto or pircóla of land known and deseribocl oa iullows, to-wit : Lota No. four and flve in block number three, according to the plat reeorded in Uber N' . 55 of deeds, of said J. U. BaldwinV Eaatern Addiiion to the City of Anu Arbor, in the Connty of "Washtenaw find Stato of Michigan. Dutod.March lith, 1871. L4.UEA JP1LLARD, ABbignee uf suid Mortfagc. John N. Gott, Attorney for Assignce of sidd Slortgage 1313 Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIjT having leen mado in the condition of a oertain mortesgOi cxecutotl by WQUam Mollenkamp and Mnry Mullenkump, his wlftk uf Froedom, Washtenuw Cuunty, and Stutc of Michigan, on tho 17th day of October, A. U. 1H6, to Orrin A. Wait, of bharon, Cuunty and State aforesuid, and recorded in tlio llcgistur's Oínoe of the County of "Washtonaw, on tho na day of ( Mober, A. D. 18GÜ, at 1Í o'clock i m. of Baid day, in liber 37 of nïortffftges, pago 177, which suid morteoga WU duly aaaWBfld by said Orrin A. Wait tii Ju.s4.'ph l'ray, uf the township of Xortlifieltl County of Waahtenaw aforesaid, on the aocond day of March, A. 1). 1870, and recorded in the Uegister'tt OUiuu uf eaid county, on the 18th day of Mav, A. D. 1870, at 10 u'clock a. m, of waid day, in liber 2 of assign1 1 1 ■ ■ : i '. uf n !■ : m -a;j - - , on page 5'2'S ; that there is clainied to bc duo upon &aid mortgage and nute ut this dute, tho suui of tive hundred and forty-two dollars and twanty-thxoa Danta, Uso forty dollars aa an Attorney's feo sliuuld any prooyedings be taken to i'oreclose tlie same, and no proceeding in law or in etiuity ha ving beon had to miover the debtor any part thereof; Notioa is hcreby givcn, that by virtue of tho power of isale Antained in uid mortuge, I shall sell at public auetion, to the highest bidder, on the lOth day of Juno next, at 2 o'clock f. m. of said day, at the Court Houtje, iu the City of Ann Arbor, in suid County (that belag the placo for hulding the Circuit Court for said County of Waülitcnuw), all the following described tanda : communciug at the aouth quarter post of sectiou ninetoeu of r'reedom, township throe Kuth of range four t:;ustf and running thence nortli une doeree west forty chains aud forty links alung the quarter line j(to tlio eentci' post of said sectionT tlience north eighty-ninc dagieea aaat tiftcen chuius aud üvnt y-two links along the east and west quarter Huu, thence south thirteeu danaea east furty-une chaina and thirty links, thenco BOQth uighty-nino degrrccis west tweuty-four cliaius aml ninut-two links aloug the south line uf suid Hccttun iiiiu 'ii-t ti to the plata; uf begiuniug; al.-u the etist half of the southwest quarter of the BOUthwent q.Qarter of section number ücentecn, tuwn threo south of range four eoat. March 15th, 1S1. JOSKPH PRAY, Aatiignee of taid Mortgage. Joiin N. Gott, Attumey rur Assifnec. 1313 Estáte of Henry Compton. OTATE OF MICÏHOAN, County of Washtenaw, 88: IO At ii aeaalon of the Probate Court for the Conuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate oflice in the city of Aan Arbor, on Mouday, the thirteenth dny of Miirch, iu the year uuo thuutiund eight Inmdred and eeventy-one. ï'reseut, Ilirain J. Henkes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of llenry Coiuptoii, deCMaeda l'armonlo Davis, Aduiiuistvator of said estáte, comes into Court and reprcbents that he is iiow prepared to reuiJcr bis üual account as bucIi AdininLatñtor. ThereupouitlsOrdcrcd, that Monday, the tont day of April nest, at ton o'clock iu th forenoou, beassitfiu'd for examinínp nnd all o win men accouul. nnd tlint the heirsat law oí said de ceasediandallothttriteravnaintereatedtn said catate are required to appcar at u aessiun o f said Court, tbe to be holden at the PrubatuOnlcc.in the City of An Arbor iusaidCouuty. aiul show cause i f any there b why tbe said HccomitHhould not bciillowud : And it furthcr ordert-d, tnnt aold AdmtulatratorcirenoUo to tho petaona latercated In .-ud estáte, of the pen dency of said acconut, aud the baartas thereof, b causfn a copy of thie order ti be publishedin th Michigan AnjuSyíX newapapvr priuted audcirnilutin in said County t tbrce succcifiive wecke previous t saM dny of üearins (Atrnecopy.) 1I1RAM J. BEAKES, 1313td .Indue of Probate. Ëstate of James Richard. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Washtenaw, s. At a sessiun of tlie l'rubate Court for the Couuty u Waahtonaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the Cii uf Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the ninth day uf Mare: in the yuar uuo thouband uiylit huudred and aevent; oue. Present lliram J. Uuakes Judtj uf Probate. In tho matter of thu estáte oí' James Kichard deceased. On reiwling and illiug the petition, duly verifled, o Markant liirhinU, pruyiuj; that a certain instru ment now ou file in this court, puriortin to be tl Laat will and testament of said deceatsod may be admi Uil to probate and that admiuisfration uf -laid esta may bu granled lo Tobías Holmes, or sume other sui able jtcition. Tlicreupon it is ordered that Monday, the tenl day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, 1 nssincd for tho hearinp of baid petition, and that tl Ie fateefl] deviaaea and hanra ut law of saiddeceawod, am all othur pOTBOna inWiv-sted in said estaU;, are roquín to appaar ut a w&irion uf said court, then to be huldoi at tho Probate Om'ne, in the City of Ann Arbor, ai show oanaa. if any there bc, why the prayer of tl petitioner should uot be frauted : And it is lurtht ordi'rod, tliat aoid iHjtiiioner jfive nutieo to the pe Bona Intoroatod iu s;iil estáte, of the pendeucy o said petition, and tho hearing thoreof, by oamdng eopy of tliïs urder to bc publislitxl in the Miehigi Argui anewapaipor printoo and circuluting in ea County, throe succeetiive weeka previous to said day heannif[A truc copy.) 1IIBAM J. BKAKKS, 1313 Judguof jt'robatoKstate of Elijh Cooper. STATE OF M K ' 1 L 1 ( i AX, County of Washtenaw, bs At a wssion of the Probate Cuurt for the Couni of Washtenaw, holden at the Irubate Oflioe, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Tucsday, the fourttjcnth day o Muren, iu the year oue thousund eight huudred an suvunty-ono. Present llimni J. Beakes, Judge uf Probate. In tho matter of the Estatö of Elijah Coope deouased. On reading and filin Uic petition, duly verified, o Erwiu D. Cooper, pmying that he or some other suita ble poi-son, may be appointed Adnüniatrator of Üi artate of baid deconsod. Thereupon it is ordered, That Monday, the tent d;iy ot' April next at ten o'elutik in tho forenoon bo assiffnotl for the hearing of Baid petition, an that the hüiiii at law of said deceased, and all othe persons interested in wtid estáte, aro roquired to appci at a soasion of eaid Couii;, thon to be holden, at th Probato Otüce, in theéCity of Aun Arbor, and show oauao, if any there be, why che prayer of the petitione uhould not ov gtantad : And it is further ordered, tha tiaid petitioner cive notico to the persons intorested i said state, uf the pandenoy of stiid petttkm, mid tli hftayfpg théroof, by oauring a txpy uf tbiti ordor to bo published in the Michigan Argui. a nowsHiper printed and ciivulaiinu' in said cimnty, tlireo successive weeka previouh to iau day uf hearing. (A true copy.) HlRAM J. BEAKES, 1313 Judgo of Probato. Comunseioners Notice. STATE OF J&ICB1QAÈ. County of Washtenaw, ss The uudersigneil, havn(j been appoiiitêd by th Court for said eunty, Commissionera to receive, examine aud adjustill duims and demands u allperuons against the cötMe af Dianthu Jones, lat of said County, deceaaed, hereby giro nutieo that six montha fi-om date are allowed, by order of Raid Probate Court, for creditora to preaent their claims against tho estáte of said deceased, and that they wül meet at the oflice of tho Couuty Clerk, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Raid county, on Saturday, tha third day of Jone, aml Mimday, the fourth day of September, next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to n 1 1 ivt , (.-x-imin;, and adjut eaid claims. Dated. Maroh lth, A. 1). 1871. Commifsioners' Notice. STATE OF MK'llli.AX.Cimmy of WashteiiHW.M. Tlie undandgnod, haviag baai ppototed by tho Probate Court tot ii(l touuiy, i.'ummis;iiuner3 tü n■ ir, examino and adjiut all claims and demande of all perfcnn.s agaüwt tho Batata OÍ Qeorga S. Frecr, lt of biiid cimiiiy, deoaued, heraby givc notioe tbataii oontha trom ilute an allowed, by order of said Troha te Court for meditan ii present their olaimg againct the ■tata of -.ii'1 .li-.ivisc.l, nul tlint llicy willuicet at tho .itii. .t tiijin ThatchOTi in tho villaje of C'heLsca, iu said Conntyi 'H Samrday. tlu; tliiril day of June, and. Vedoeadsy, the dxth day of September ncxt,attn o'clock a. m., of eaob of aaiil dnjrs, to rcecive, extumiuc, and adiutft Raid tlainis. Datëa, MoiohSth, 1871. 1313w4 D ASPBERHY PLANTS. 1 will euunly nursous wislilng the fullowiui; culIvated eons oiRASriiBRTÍLANTS. Uoollttle 1-M per 100. ividsouVThornlcss, 3 00 " 100. Mammoath Clubtcr, S.oX)1 " 100Aikirctu 6. .MlI.Ly, Aun Arbor. Abu Arliur, MurcliStli,!ST:. 1312-W4 GANANCIAL. NEW 7-30 GOLD LOAN ! OP THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Secured hy Firbt Hfwtwwn on Railroad and Laad ürunt. SAFE, PKOFITABLE. PERMANENT. Wc offer for sale at par and accrned interest the rirst Mortgage Land Grant Gold Bonds of the ïortheru Pacific Railroad Company . They are iree rom United Staten Taz, and are issued of the following denominations ■ Coupon. $100, $500. and $1000 i Registered, $100, f600, 1.000, 5,000 and 10,000. With the eame ontlrc confidcncc wirh which wc comcndcd Government bouds to Capitalista añil Acoplo, wc now, aftcr the fullest investfgation, recomnend these Northern Paciflc Railroad bond to our friends and the genera] public. Gold 1 'vty inent-- Ilotli principal and interest ftre payablc in American gold eoiu, at the oiSco of Jay Cookc & Co., New York City - the principal at ,he end of 30 years, and the interest (at the rato of scvon and throe-tcntuslper cent. per aiinum) halfjearly, lirst oí Januaiy and .July. 3?erf eot Safety.- The bnuds wc are now 11ug, are secured by a first and only mortgage on all the property aud rights of the Northerv Pacific Rallroad Compauy, wMch will tnibracc on the complo.ion of the work : 1. Over Two Thousand Miles of Road, with roling stock, buildings, and allothorequipments. 2. Over Twenty-two Thousand Acres of Land to evcry milc of finished road. This land, agriciiltiïral, tiraberctï and mineral, nmounting in all to more tban Fifty Million crea, consista of altérnate sectluns, reaching twenty to forty miles on oach sido of th Crack, and extending in a broad fertile belt from Wisconsin through the richest portions of Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Waehiug ton, to Puget Sound. Whilc tho Govornment doos not diroctly gnarantee the bonds of the Road, itthtm amply provides for their full aud prompt paynient by an unreaervcd grautof luud, tho most valuable ever conlerrod upon a great natioual lmprovmcnt, The Mortage.- The Trustees ander the Mortgago, aro Mexsrs. Jay Cookeof Philadelphia. and J. Edgur Thomson, President of the Pcnnsylvania Central Railroad Compauy. They will directly ind permanentlT represen' the intereste of the First Mortgagc bond holdcrs, andaré required to sce that the procceds of tand tales are used in purchasing and canceüing the boivU of the Company if thcy can be bought beforc maturity at not more than ten per cent. premium ; otherwise the trustees are to inveet the proceeda of land sales In United States Bonds or Real Estáte Mortgagos fot tho further security of Northern Paciflc bendholders. Also ihat they have at all times in thcir contri, a security, at least 600 acres of average land lo every Í1.C00 of oututano'ing first mortgago boude, bcsides the railroad itf-elf and and all its cquipmenU and franchises. Profitableneee.- Of course uothting can bo safcr than the bonds of the United States, but as the Qovcrnment is no longcra borrowcr, and as the Nation's present work is not that of preserving its existence, but that of iEVKLoriMu a continent, wo ro miud those who desire to increase their income au obtaln a more permanent investment, while still hav ing a perfectly rcliable security, that : United States 5-VO's at tbeir average premium yield the present pnrehnser lees than r ! per cent. gold interest. Should they bc redeemcd in five years, anc specie paymeuts beresumed, they would realiy jay only 4?8' per cent., or if in three ycars, only 3)i per cent., as tho present premium would mcanwhile be sunk. Northern Pacific 7-30's selling at par in cnrrency yield the investor 7 3-10 per cent. gold interest tibso iutcly for thirty years, free frwn Unittd State tax tl.lOOcurrcncy invested now in United States 6-'-0's will yicld per yoar in gold, say $G2.U0. 1,100 currency luvested uow in Northcin Pacific 7-3(''8 wil! yield per jear in gold, $60.30. Hereis a differenccin annual income of nearly one-ihird, besides adifferenoc of 7 to 10 per cent. in principal, wheii both classes of bonds are redeemcd. The Road. Now Building.- Work was bcguu in July last on the castern port ion of the line, and thu money provlded, by the sale to stockholdere of somc six millions ot the Coinpany's bonds, to bnild and equip the road from Lake Superforacross Minnceota to tho Red River of the North- 233 miles. The grading on this división is uow well advanced, tho iron Is belng rapidly lald : sevcral thousand men are at work on the line, and about the first of August next, this important sectiou of the road will bo in full operutiou. In the meantinic orders have been sent to the l'acific coast for the comrocnccment o the work ou the western end in early Spring, am thereafter the work will be pushed, both eastward and w ontward, with aB much speed as uiay becon sislent with eolidity and a wise ecouomy. Reoeivnble for Lande -These bonds wil bc at all tiincs recilvable, at 1 10, in payment for the Company's lands, at their lowcst cash price. lioiulH ICxchangeable - The registered bouds can be exchauged at miy time for coupons, the coupons for regUtcred, &ud both these can be ex chauged for olhtrs, payable, principal and intereet at any of fue principal linancial centers of Europe in the coiu of the various Europcan countries. How to Get Thera,- Your nearest Bank or Uanker will supply these bonds in any desirot amount, and of any nccdcddcuoiniuatiou. l'erson wishing io excuange stocks or othcr bonds for thee can do so with auy of our ageuts, who will allow the highest curreut price for all markctable securi tles. Those living in localitics remote from banks ma seud moncy, or other bonds, directly to us by ex press, and we will send back Northern Pacific bond at our OW9 risk, and without cost to the invustor Kor furthor information, pamphlets, maps. etc. cill on or addrMfl the nndersigned, or auy of th Banka or Bauker employed tocll Ui. loan. FOR SALE HY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, THE SAV1NGS BANK, MILLEK& WEBSTER, BAKKERS, Ann Arbor. Mich. And Bankers generally throuhout the State. 1304 Estáte of Albert SteveDS. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WnMeniiw. At u session of the Probate Court for theCount of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, inth City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tho fourtl da; of March, iu the one Ihousaud cigh hundred and seveuty-oue. Presen t,Hiiam J. lïoakes, Judgeof Probate. . In the matter of the estáte of .Albert Stevens deceaeed. O.n rcading and filing the petltion dulyverifiedo Hcnry Kralick, Admiuistrator, praying that h may be liceused to sell oertiün real eotate whereo said deceascd died eeizcd. Thereupon it is ordored, that Monday, the sov nteenth day of April uext, at ten o'clock in th foreuoon, be assigncd for the hearing of ealc petition, and that the heirsatlaw of said dect-asefl1 aud all other persons interested in said estáte are required to appear at a session ofsaidCour then to be holden at the Probate Oflice. in thecity o Aun Arbor, and show cause, ifany there bc,wh; the prayer of the petitlouer should not be granted Anditisfurtherordcred that saidpetitiouergiveno tice totheperMousiiitercstedinsaidcstateoi the pen dency of said petition, aud the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thle Order to bepublished Inthe MicMgaArgutB uewspaperprinted andcirculatin in said cotinty, (rat successive weeks previous to gaidday ol hearing. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1313 Jndcrof Probate. Mortgnge Sale, DEFATITjT having been made in the eondition of a certuiii amtgagtti executwl by Jounna O'Hara, o; tho City of Anu Arbor, County of "Wushtonaw, to Andrew' J. Shively, of the ('ity ot "New York, on the ninetn-nth d:ty ot' February, A. D. ltHÏO, and recorded on the same day, in liber 35 of mortages, on page 216 at Í r. m. of saui day, on whieh mortpago and boac aecompiinyinff tho rune, there is ckiiwcd to be due a' the date o'f tliis notiee, the sum of threo hundred ant six dollars aud twontv-five centn, also an Attorney's fee of thirty dollars .should any proceedingsbo taken to foreclose the same, and uo proceetlinss inlaw orequit having been had t recover the debt or any part thereof ; Notiee is hereby given, that. by virtne of tho power of sale in said mortgage contnined, I fehall sell ut public auction, to tho highedt bidder, on Haturday, the tentil day of J une next, ut 2 o'clock in the af ternoon of s;iid day, at the Conrt Houbo, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said i'ounty, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County of tVushtenaw, aU tho&o eertiún pieocs or pareéis of land sitúate in the township of Ann Arbor, County of W'oshtenaw aforesaiii, known, bounded and descritas! na follow, to-wit : being all that part of the west half of the northeast quarter of section nuntber uine (9) cast of the road Crossing the northwest corner thereof; alo all that part of the east h.ii l of the southwest quarter of said seotion lyintf cast of said rond not hen'tot'ore deeded to Daniel (Vitara ; all in township number two south of ianiio mimlK'r .six (ti) cast. Maich 15th, 1871. ANDUEW J. SHIVELY, Mortgagcc. Joun N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1313 VyHAT 18 ÍTT THEAIMECTAR. Justcall at the CITY AKCADE, pot a packago. nd have a cup of lea madr Rtcb BI the Emperor of 'hhia sipa in hiapala.ee, Cuetomcrs say it can't bo eat for flavor and richnesH. Only $1.20 pefpound. CLARK & CROrSKY. GotoR.W.ELLlS & CO'b for choico Wino3 and Liqunre for Medical Purposos . 187L Spring Again! 1871. NOTICE! A New Stock DRY GOODS Just bought for cash at very low pricos during the extreme d uil n e ss in New York City. New Spring Prints. Bleached Cottons. Brown Sheetings. Linen DamasksELEGANT MARSEÍLLES, QUILTS AND COÜNTERPANES, TOWELINö, CRASII, and all kinds of Ilousckcepera Gooda at greatly reduood priees. AT C. H. MILLEN'S. 13l0w4 Estato of Jnseph Croman. S TATEOF MICHIGAN, Count of Washtenaw.se. At a seasion of the Probate Court for theCount) of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor on Saturday, the eleventh dny of , "Man-h, in the year uue thousand eight hundred andseventy-oue. Preaeiit.Hirara J. BeakeB..Tudge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Joeeph Croniar; decena ed. Ou readingandfiliugthe petition, dulyverifled.of Catharino C. Croman, prayíug that Charles Almandiiiiïor, or fiome other suitable pers on, muy be tppointud Adminjetrator de bonis wm of the t:Müto of said deceaeed. Therenpon it is ordered, that Monday, the tenth day of April iiext, at ten o'clock in theforenoon, belaeeigned for the hearing of said petition , and that the heirs at law of id deceaed, and all other versons interested in saidestate, are required to appear at a sesaion of aaid Conrt, tliru to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City oí Ann Arbor, and ehow cause if any therebe, why the prayer of the petitioner ehould not bc granted : Audlt isfurther ordcred, that said petitioner givc notice to the persons intcreated in aaid eatate,ofthe pendeucy of said petition, and the hoarine thereof, by catieing a copy ofthis order to bepublished in the Michigan Argus%& newepapcr, printed and circnlatlng in said Couuty, three successire weeks previoua to naidday of hearing. (Atruecopy.j UIKAM J. IÏKAKES, m 1313 Jndc of Probate. CommiHBtuners1 Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Washtenaw, se O The uudereigned , haring been appointed by the Probate Conrt for aaid Couuly, Ci-mmissioncrs to receive, examino and adjqst all claims and demands f all persons against the estato ot Jedediah Winsw, late of said County deceased, faereby gire notice that yix months f rom dato are allo wed, by order of -aul Protmte Court, for creditnrs to present thuir cfaims aainst the estáte of said deceased, and that hey ill meet at the late reaidence of eaid dcceatdt n Lima, ín said County, on Saturday the thlrd dny f June, and Wodneeday, the sixth day of Septeno er next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of eaiddays, to roceive, examine, and adjust eald claims Dated, Miuch 6th, 18ïl. 1313w4" CHARLES WHITAKER, ) rnmni4HtiinIl(ir. JOSÏÏPH CTLY, comruiasiouers. JM"OÏICE! " Notióc ia hcruby (íívimi Out iiftr tliis date I shall poy no bilis of m,y wifc 8 or any otbi-r portiou's contráctil, uuletts Raid bilis Vítítü made oh ,i ritt en orders sigiitid hy mysei. TOL BUCKINOHAM. Apn Arbor, Feb. 8th, 1871. 1808 w6 1 Finest Assortment of Toilet j Goods in thé City, by A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. II 1.1. ION litar Tostimony to thr Wonderful Curativo Eflect af IMl. 1VALKE1CS CALIFORNIA J.WAI.KKR Proprlelor. K H. ):ül)n.iil.t ti Co., Draggiill "1 Gen. t. an Fraocisoo, CaL, oJ -J od 34 Cmiacrc Si, .!'■ Vlneear Bitters aro not 5 Tile Fnncy Drlak. Minie of Poor Ituni, Whiskey, Proof Splrli 11 mi Refuse I.iíiuorn doctored, splced and sweetened to picase the taste, callcd "Tonics ApptUit.s" " Kestorcrs," &c, that lead the tlppler oa to runkenness nnd rula, but are n true Medicine, mtto irom thc Native Roots and Herbs of California, ín Irmn nll Alrohnllc Slimnlants. They re tb GREAT III. 001) PURIFIEIl nnd A LIFS GIVING PR1NCIPLE, a perfect Itcnovstor ai Invigorator of the System, carrying off all polsonott matter and restoring thc blood to a hcalthy condllloa. No person can take these Bitters according to dlrections and remain long unwell, providcd their boni are not destroyed by mineral polsou or other mtiM. and the vital organs wastcci bcyoud thc polnt of repair. Thcy aro a Gentle Purunil vc ns well ■' Tonic, posscsslng also, thc peculiar mcrlt of tctluf as a powcrfttl agent In rellcrlng Congestión or influt mation of the Liver, and all tho Viscera; Organt. FOR. FF.MAI.E COMPL.AINTS, whetber In yonngor old, marricd or single, at the dawn of mmanhood or at the turn of Ufe, these Tonlc Bitten bitt no equal. ''4 For Inflammatory and Chronlc Khfomtlsm and Gont, Dyspepsla or IniUeoMlo, BIH0U8, Remlttent and Intermlttent Fererb Disoascs of the Blood, LI ver, Ki.lncj-, '' Bladder, these Bitters hare been most succtisM Sucli Discascs are causcd by Vltiated BUot, which Is gcnerally produced by dcrangement of tbs Digestivo Orarans. . ' DYSPEFSIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Het nchc, Tain la thc Shoulders, CoughB, Tightness of tbft Chest, Dlzzincss, Sour Kructatior.s of the Stomsct. Bad taste in thc Moutli, Bilious Attacks, Palpitstloa of thc Ilcart, Inflamniation of tbo Lungs, Pain In tM regions of thc Kldncys, and ft hundred othcr ptlsfel symptoms, are thc offsprlngs of Dyspepsla. Thcy invigorate thc Stomach and stlmulate Uil Krpid llvcr snd bon-els, which rendcr them of unciualli effleacy ia clcanslng thc blood of all lmpnrltlei, ud impartliiK new Ufo and vigor to thc hole system. FOR SKI DISEASES, Ernptions, Telter, Balt r.hcum, Blotches Spots, Pimples, Postules, Boils, Cu buncles, Blng-Worms, Scald-Hcad, Eore Eycs, Eiitlpclas, Itcb, Scurfs, Biscolorations oí tho Skin, BniDOfi and Discascs of thc Skin, of whatcver name or satorc. are literally dog up and carried out of the system la thort time by the nse of these Bitters. One bottls I Huch caeea will convincc thc most iucrcdulous of tbelr curative effect. Cleansc the Vitlated Blood wlienever vou flnd 1U linparities bnrstlnK throi:h llic ekln in rimplen.Eraftions or 6ores, cleansc lt win n you nnd lt obstroctèd andslnggish lnthevelns: clranscit when itlsfout,od vuur feetings will it'll you win n. Keep the blood para und the heulta of tbo syetcm wil! foilow. PIN, TAPE, nnd othcr WORMS, Inrking 10 1 system of bo many thousaiuls. are effectually destro cd and removed. Kor full directions, reafl carefol'f the circular nround each hottlc. printed in foor 1B goages- Engllsh, Germán, Frenen and Spanten. J. ■WALKER., Proprletor. K. H. McDONALD CO.,, Drnrglsts and Oen. Agcnts, San Francisco, Cal., aal 82 and 34 Commeree Btreet, New Tork. , rWSOLD BT AIX DRCGGISTS AND DEA1Í1 ■niSSOLUTIOÑi Thc ftrm J Rogors & TreaJu-ell heretoforc cxWW 6 thi.s day i1lMwrtfMl by mutual ronsent. All tiook xunt muflt bc settleï mi by not1 nr rush, without uilay. They will bc found in' the h:inds of M. Bogw, at tlie old applo packinpr houw of D. Henning, 00 "" troit strtt't, opposiUi Bucho.' lïlock. Ann Arbor, March lst, 1871. M. Rogcrs will continue the ABriciiHiirol Tool Bunneus, at the abovo riumed place, where farmer wil linda full stock" of FanninO all is. K'-P'. raaioo VloWt, Tbiwhing Macbines, Jaeksoe WagcM, 7";lirbankV BofÚfiS, nl Mareh lst, 1SJ1. pBOPLfl BHUÖ SlKiíJÍ! R, W, ELLIS& eö. Aisrisr a. 3 3' J I
Old News
Michigan Argus