êsr n' " VHuú Cantases. fl,, Demócrata of the aevcral Wards of thls cltj re u,atJ 1 mact in 'aucusca, SATlRHAY fcVKKlNO.MAHCII IStb, .„clock, t the füllowing plicce, to olect delégate 'M Coautj CoDvenllon to bc hJ on the SUt. ". wfl- At Jobn N. Gotl1 Office. i ' tbo Leouard UouBe. . .4 Court House. . ii ' Firemcu'a Hall. h " Lodhldï'ü Bakery. lih ! " McDonald'! Ororcry. ' c „i, „id ith Warcis arcontltled each to two 4lcSl Hm othcr Wardutó throe aach. ' B.B. POND, Ch'u. City Comnilttee. ,iiiArl)or,Marchl6th,16Tl. Kortbflcld Democratie fauciu. - wil be a Democratie Caucai beid at Iba lch fiotcl un Saturday, March ISth, 1SH t ' f, m. to elect 4 delcgates ï the Couuty ïeotlon, whlchle to be held at Ann Arbor, on ' -llt oet ., and to traneact euch othcr business as aJJ be dcomed oxpodient. iaucuw'll'o be held at the same placo, on tárlWAT, March 3Uth, at 1 o'clock p. .' to nom„cjudidatcsfor Townshlp office, nv order of the Committce, M. UKAliY. XortbacM. Man-h ll)th. 1ST1. NEW ADVEKTISEHESTS. jgLocklicuJ & Co., Hint. tftfteagii Sule- John X. iiott, Attorncy. imcultunü Warlwuao - 15. IL Tortor. ortgaSf Sule- John N. Qott, Attorncy. rsli urrivol of üoods at Maynanls. Julm H, tiott, Atturauy. jitati-of Albcrt Stevens. ■i ♦' Dlijali Cooper. (i " James KiuhfLrds. % m Henry Comprou. .. Jcweph Croinun. ■ " Geurgc S. Frocr. .. Jededüih Wiimluw. 41 Díuntlm June. .( " Thomitó Kone. Mortsne Sale- Jolm N. Gott, Attorncy. p,, ffallitr's Vimyar Bittorg.
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