Local And Other Brevities
![Local And Other Brevities image](/sites/default/files/michigan_argus/michigan_argus_18710317-p03-03.jpg)
_Arrved - the Kau Lilbrary. _ Half gone - March and Leut. _ Gonc East - P. H. Abel : ader calicó. _ Marcb 29th - Medical aud Law Coraptncenienti. .. Discovered - a " sugar snow " last JloDday inornlng. - Oomatose - the Toledo, Aun Arbor jaJN'ortheru Railroad. „Reported a borc - Anna Dickinsos's lectnre ou " Joan of Are." _Torn away - the rear of Cook's Hotel : the front is soon to follow. _lVashtennw holds her own in populatioo- the fourth in the Statu, the sanie ad -Mlohigan rauks as the twelfth State In populstion. In 1800 shc ranked the (itttnth. -Jon H. Maïmabd haau't been to California, but he has to New York, as hls K d. testifles. -Prof. Kent Is to deliver the closlng Icclare In the Law courae, whlch wlll be pobllshed by the class. - Judge Withey, of Graud Ka puls, is tó deliver the address at the animal Law Commencement ou the 29th lnst. - Cold and damp- that thundcr shower iTucsilay last; and the same was contin], ouly a littlc more so, daring WcUucsfej. -The Louisvllle Journal wants CoLSusam B. Antiiosy to give " her pernnil rtcollectlous of a huudred years ago." Impcrtiucncc. -The lecturc o( Iïev. Wm. Mori.ey Piijsuos, Wednesday evcning, subject "TteHugeoota," is prououuccd oue of the best ol tiic course. - The reiurn discussion of the Wtbster Society, ui the Law dcpartincnt, and the Adiilphi, of Detroit, Is set down for Saturij eveoing of next week, March 25tli. - We notlce sigus of building ou the turnt district, north sido of the square, M are uot adriscd as to how mauy or tut the style of buildings to bc put up.
Old News
Michigan Argus