Runaways--serious Results
Al Mr. Daxikl Lyok, of Solo, was drlviigdown Detroit Street, on Monday after'.■)n lint, baring In tbc wagon witb hlm kb íister-Iu-law, a Miss Rückuam, his ivrstt bccame frlghtcncd, got the upper l.i::J, anti Qoing down the hill to tbc m;roait track, tbc pole dropped, te the wagon over and the occupants :. Miss Uuckman being stuuncd and Mud, but uot seriously liurt. As a train o'ars stood across the track the frightenfJ liorscs, clear of the wagon, turued to wleftauj dashed in upou the hacks and saibuses raiting at tbeir usual staud for 'Je mail train going east. Mr. Baxter, ■ïiding at tbc heads of his team, was liroirn down, lt is saiil by the ruuaway kïrsesof Mr. Lyon, and was ruu over by !! own horses and hack and by onc of the her backs. No limbs or bones were Wen, but bc was terrlbly bruised, and lt ufeared intemally injured so as to raakc iiidesth ccrtaln. He is, bowevcr, doing ell to-day, Thursday, and his recovery Is ked ior. In the general fright and wimble of the hack teams, one of Air, lUBtt'g bad a leg broken and had to be WWjodo oí the Lnonard House omnibus i'fses also had a leg broken and was kill'Und tbe omnibus considerably smashed Onc or two othcr horses were slightly 'ïjorcd, aud severa! backs damagcd, lamps, R doors, &c, Ijeing broken. Fortuuatc'foopasseüscrs were in the hacks at the Uw. The bill amending the city charter, to 'iich we rcferred in our last Issue, passert ■ House on the lOth inst., with two ! uoeaUmcntB recominended by the ' koniucorporations, which wereconcurr taby theöcnate on the llth. As the M ordcred to take immedlate effect it ill bccome a law as soon as sigued by the ernor. One of the amendments made 'T the House was in phraseology only ; other was important, and consisted in jJWttog in line 5, sectlon 7, title 2, of the ït4 bill, after the word "pleasure," the rt: "Protided, That no person holding office of alderraan shall be appointed to 'office of street commissioner." 8o far "'Swd, but lf the merabers of future street ralttees continue to excrclse the proper "e of street commissioners and work on , esltwt8theinselv-es, certifylng to thelr , u mli9) another amendment will be JWmethlng llke thii, "And, protided WOier, Tha.t no aWerman shall be allo wed ih '"''' for wor'c perBónally done upon ke streets." Alderrac shóuld be the legis, .fóróur city nottheexecutive offleers "'ïUborers. Tlie clöser this distinc1011 's clrawn the be'tter U-grslatloh "s'hall we ' At the sanie time we shall hóp'e to JH4 of two street coinmissionere, beLrtê that óiie will be both better and ""PenatVetoán three. 'In wliat we have said on thls subject 'We-desigöcd no reflection upon any „i "ffian ór aldcrinen acting ae street commioikts or slrect commïu'ceïh'en. Wc vesaidit in tlie interest of our city, w"'h llc8,'ll'"-ccUy In aseparatïon óf ááUes, WtlatiUnüt and nQ'óáed men In eitlitr Zn t UWt8cekthe PosUiori óf alderSoia ëCt laborcrs berth for a yeár. '■ Orstclttss laborers would make mlglity poor aldermen, wlille some of the best of alilcrmcu cau't "caru their salt" ou the streeta, and ought not bc temptcd to mate up long accounts for days of work nbïniually douc wlth hoo and shovel, plow aml scrapcr, but rcally for a few scattcred liuiirs ia Buperlutcnding. This itt'.l be the result sooneror later iftlie sytUm of the latl tuo or three y tart is ptrpetuaied, "Wliich-is wliy I ïvmark, Ari't n-y lniiKUngc i pluin, Thut for s ays that aro iluik And fur tncks that are vain Tle Btret-workiiiji aldenu;tu u poculinr, Which thu same I fun freo to uuintuiu,"
Old News
Michigan Argus