The Public Schools
The wluter term of the Publio Schools wlll close ou Frlday, the24th hikt. On Thursday, the 23d, thre wlll be public examlnatlou of the severa! classes In the High School and tho A división of the Gramniar School. Patrons and othera intcrested In the schooi ara conllally invlted to attend as nmuy of these exerclscs as pogglble. Examluatlons In the Xligh School, are as follosvs : At 9 a. m. Virgll, Begluuers In Lutin, IIlstory, Qeometry, Arithmetic, Germán, and Freuch. At 9:45 a. m.- Anabasls.Hlütory, Geomctry, Algobra, Germán, and Freuch. At 10:45 a. m.- Ca;sar, tiental Phllosophy, Algebra, French, Drawiug and Writlug. Al 11:30 A. m.- Ulcero, Aleutal rhilosopüy, Geomctry, aud Natural Ulstory. At 2 p. m. - Greek, Eugllsh Ununinar, Algebra, Astruuomy, aud Natural l'hilosoAt 3 r. m.- Book-Keeping, Illstory, Eugllsh Literaturc, Algebra, aud Natural PhUosopliv. Examinations la the Orammnr School will occar as follows : At 9 a. M.- Algebra ; at 10:45 A. m.- Arithmetlc. At S p. m.- Granimar at 3 P. M., Science oí Goverumeat. Tiie animal ezhibltion of the Junior Class Will be glvcu Friday eveuing, the 24th. In order to realize a fuud to ald lu the parchase of a piano for the High School, au admission of 10 cents wlll be asked of pupila aud 25 cents of all others. Doors open at 6:30 r. u. ; exercises to cominence at 7:30. No Sprlug Vacatiou. The next terra wlll begiu Monday, the 27th lust.
Old News
Michigan Argus